Hi, I'm leveraging ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider to authenticate users to an internal service using security keys or passkeys. I'm not using Sign in with Apple - registration is done in another internal service. We're using associated domains. This is on MacOS only.
I'm wondering whether I can programatically determine whether the user has a passkey enrolled with our super-secret-internal-service.com domain already?
The reason I'm asking is simply better UX - if the user doesn't have a passkey enrolled, I'd like to avoid offering them an option to use a platform authenticator and only offer them to tap their security key. We can assume that all users already have their security keys enrolled already.
So something like the following:
let securityKeyProvider = ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider(relyingPartyIdentifier: options.rpId)
let securityKeyRequest = securityKeyProvider.createCredentialAssertionRequest(challenge: options.challenge.data(using: .utf8) ?? Data())
let platformProvider = ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider(relyingPartyIdentifier: options.rpId)
let platformKeyRequest = platformProvider.createCredentialAssertionRequest(challenge: options.challenge.data(using: .utf8) ?? Data())
var authRequests: [ASAuthorizationRequest] = [securityKeyRequest]
if (userHasPasskeyForDomain("super-secret-internal-service.com")) { // TODO how do I check this??
let authController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [platformKeyRequest, securityKeyRequest])
Many thanks!
RSS for tagPrioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.
I have code where we're evaluating SSL certificates in sec_protocol_options_set_verify_block. We have the following code:
let secTrust = sec_trust_copy_ref(trust).takeRetainedValue()
isValidCertificate = SecTrustEvaluateWithError(secTrust, &error)
I'm getting the error that the maximum temporal validity period has been exceeded:
Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67901 "“server.com” certificate is not standards compliant" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=“server.com” certificate is not standards compliant, NSUnderlyingError=0x300ddd350 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67901 "Certificate 0 “server.com” has errors: Certificate exceeds maximum temporal validity period;" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Certificate 0 “server.com” has errors: Certificate exceeds maximum temporal validity period;}}}
When I inspect the certificate, it's valid for 394 days (4/16/2024 through 5/15/2025) and other than being a wildcard certificate, should be fully trusted. I can't find any information about this specific error. Is Apple requiring SSL certs to be less than 398 days now?
Which brings me to the second part - we're OK using this to workaround it
var trustFailureExceptions: CFData? = SecTrustCopyExceptions(secTrust)
SecTrustSetExceptions(secTrust, trustFailureExceptions)
But I haven't found anyway to be able to inspect trustFailureExceptions to ensure it only is this specific error. I'm concerned that otherwise this is going to open up validity exceptions for any certificate problem, which is definitely not what I want to do.
I'm working on replacing an AppKit-based Mac app with one built on Catalyst, and the Catalyst app doesn't seem to be able to read the keychain item that was saved by the old app.
Both apps are using the same bundle ID. The old app uses the old SecKeychain APIs - SecKeychainFindGenericPassword and friends - and the Catalyst app uses the newer SecItemCopyMatching and such. When I try using the new API in the old app to search for the entry, it works, but the exact same code in Catalyst fails.
Here's how I save an item in the old app:
NSString *strItemId = @"my_item_id;
NSString *username = @"user";
const char *userPointer = [username UTF8String];
NSString *password = @"password";
const char *pwPointer = [password UTF8String];
SecKeychainItemRef ref = NULL;
OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(0, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ref);
if (status == errSecSuccess && ref != NULL)
//update existing item
SecKeychainAttribute attr;
attr.length = (UInt32)strlen(userPointer);
attr.data = (void *)userPointer;
attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
SecKeychainAttributeList list;
list.count = 1;
list.attr = &attr;
OSStatus writeStatus = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(ref, &list, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer);
status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword(NULL, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, (UInt32)strlen(userPointer), userPointer, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer, NULL);
And here's the query code that works in the old app but returns errSecItemNotFound in Catalyst:
NSMutableDictionary *queryDict = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]autorelease];
[queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass];
[queryDict setObject:(@"my_item_id") forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrService];
[queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne forKey:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit];
[queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnAttributes];
CFMutableDictionaryRef outDictionary = nil;
OSStatus err = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)queryDict, (CFTypeRef *)&outDictionary);
I tried creating a new blank AppKit-based Mac app project in Xcode and gave it the old Mac app's bundle ID, and the SecItemCopyMatching query code above works there. Then I created a new iOS target with Catalyst enabled, also with the same bundle ID, and the query code running there under Catalyst returned errSecItemNotFound. So maybe the issue is something specific to Catalyst?
Is there something I need to do with the Catalyst app to give it access to the old app's keychain entry, besides setting its bundle ID to match the old app?
I am currently running the beta version of macOS Sequoia on my MacBook Pro. Are there any approved or recommended antivirus softwares I can install on this MacBook? I would greatly appreciate if anyone could point me towards some resources for this.
Is anybody knows how to get it working?
I can use the Apple Watch instead of TouchID to confirm passwords, unlock the mac, but I cannot get it working with sudo in Terminal.
Although I can use the Magic Keyboard's TouchID with sudo.
I am using OMZSH though.
Hello, We are currently using App tracking transparency in the app. Is this specification of Apple? While showing ATT permission dialog, the app cannot be a background?
Is it possible to close the dialog without selecting Allow or Deny?
Hello, We are currently using App tracking transparency in the app.
Is this specification of Apple what is while showing ATT permission dialog, the app cannot be a background?
Is it possible to close the dialog without selecting Allow or Deny?
Starting with macOS Sequoia Beta, a new "Local Network Privacy” feature was introduced, which had previously been present in iOS. Unfortunately, there is little information about this topic on the Apple developer website, especially for the macOS platform. I conducted some experiments to understand the new feature, but was confused by the results. Firstly, I noticed that the type of application accessing the local network in macOS matters - bundled or command-line (CLI) applications. The TCC subsystem does not restrict access to the local network for CLI applications at all, regardless of how they are launched - as a launchd daemon with root privileges, or through a terminal with standard user privileges. At the same time, access to the local network for bundled applications is controlled by the TCC subsystem at most cases. Upon the first request, the system will display an alert to the user explaining the purpose of using the local network. Then, communication with local network devices will be allowed or restricted based on whether consent has been granted or revoked. Secondly, it's worth noting that if the bundled application supports CLI mode (launched through the terminal without a GUI), it will be able to access the local network in that mode regardless of the “Local Network Access” consent state if it has been granted at least once. However, if the same application is in GUI mode, its access to the local network will be limited by the current consent. Is this behaviour correct and likely to remain the same in future releases of macOS Sequoia? Or is there something described here that is incorrect and will be fixed in the upcoming betas?
Also, I have posted FB14581221 on this topic with the results of my experiments.
I am trying to set up a KeyChain password using the security in my macOS terminal, and it happens that the special characters are encoded and not set to the keychain as it is rather encoded..
When I run this
security add-generic-password -a comp -s example -w 'ã!¼àÁu' -T ""
There will be no error but when the password is called back it is encoded with the something like below
Does anybody know how i can achieve using this kind of characters without security encoding it as it currently does?
I have a macOS app in production, supporting all macOS versions since 10.15 (Catalina) thru Sequoia. One aspect of the app's functionality is to screen capture the entire screen, including all windows.
Starting with Sequoia, my users are receiving a scary system alert saying:
"SomeApp" is requesting to bypass the system private window picker and directly access your screen and audio. This will allow SomeApp to record your screen and system audio, including personal or sensitive information that may be visible or audible.
I have several questions and concerns about this alert. First of all, as a developer, this is frustrating, as I am using documented, long-standing system APIs, and made no change to my code to cause this warning. Second, nothing in my app records audio in any fashion, and yet the user is made to think I am trying to furtively bypass security controls to record audio, which is absolutely false. The alert seems to be due to the screen capture feature, which is one of the main features of the app, which the user explicitly requests and grants permission for.
But to get to the point of the question: is there any definitive documentation anywhere describing exactly which API's trigger this alert? I can't find first-party information from Apple, so I'm kind of guessing in the dark.
Searching the internet for all the info I can find (mostly from blog posts of developers and beta-testers), it seemed like the culprit in my code was probably a call to CGWindowListCreateImage, so I spent some time forking the code paths in my app (since I still support back to 10.15) to use the more modern ScreenCaptureKit APIs on systems that support it. But the alert is still appearing, despite not calling into that API at all.
Is there a way of calling the modern ScreenCaptureKit APIs that also triggers this alert? As an example, I'm using a snippet like this to get the shareable displays I need
do {
try await SCShareableContent.excludingDesktopWindows(
onScreenWindowsOnly: false
return true
} catch {
return false
is it possible that this code is triggering the alert because I'm not excluding desktop windows and asking for all windows?
to sum up, I (and I'm guessing others) could really use some definitive guidelines on exactly which APIs trigger this alert, so that we can migrate and avoid them if possible. can anyone provide any guidance on this? Thanks in advance!
The peripheral is initiating a passkey entry mechanism, IOS device is getting a pop up to enter the passkey but the WatchOS device is not displaying any pop-up.
Is there anything to be enabled from the watch side?
We have been using the LAContext's evaluation policy for the past couple of years without any major issues. However, since last week (September 26), we have seen a spike in error events, indicating:
Copy code
"NSDebugDescription": "Caller is not running foreground.",
"NSLocalizedDescription": "User interaction required."
We haven't made any code changes in the last couple of months. Is there any update regarding local authentication from Apple's side?
Our company was re-formed under a new name. Rather than rename the organization on the App Store, we were advised by support to create a new organization and then transfer the app to that organization, which we have done.
Our app implements Apple Authentication. We did not not migrate the users of the app (as instructed here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sign_in_with_apple/transferring_your_apps_and_users_to_another_team)
Is it possible to now migrate the users, after the app has been transferred? Our attempt to get an authorization token with scope "user.migration" results in HTTP error 400 with body: "invalid_client".
Hello there,
I have been facing an issue with apple sign in on react native app.
I have been able to get the authorization and all codes in frontend part.
The issue is on backend that is in php.
We are firstly validating our identity token phone generated, and then we are creating a client secret and then trying to fetch the user info the issue relies in the api call of getAppleUser($authorizationCode, $clientId, $clientSecret);: function below where we are recieving error like:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to com.marchup.prod.AppSSO."}
public function appleAuth($identityToken,$authorizationCode)
if (!$identityToken || !$authorizationCode) {
return $this->returnError(400,'Missing identity token or authorization code');
try {
// Validate identity token
$decodedToken = $this->validateAppleToken($identityToken);
// Generate client secret
$teamId = isset(Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['teamId'])?Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['teamId']:'';
$clientId = isset(Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['clientId'])?Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['clientId']:'';
$keyId = isset(Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['keyId'])?Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['keyId']:'';
$privateKey = isset(Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['privateKey'])?Yii::$app->params['apple-auth']['privateKey']:'';
$clientSecret = $this->generateClientSecret($teamId, $clientId, $keyId, $privateKey);
// Get user info from Apple
$appleUser = $this->getAppleUser($authorizationCode, $clientId, $clientSecret);
// Verify the authorization code is valid
if (!isset($appleUser['id_token'])) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid authorization code');
// Extract user info from the identity token
$userId = $decodedToken->sub;
$email = $decodedToken->email ?? '';
// login or signup code need to know about object definition to add login and signup logic
return $this->returnSuccess('Request successful',200,[
'userId' => $userId, 'email' => $email
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle errors
Yii::error('Error on apple login '.$e->getMessage());
return $this->returnError(500,'Server Error');
**This function is where i am creating a clientSecret as per apples guidelines:
function createClientSecret($teamId, $clientId, $keyId, $privateKey) {
// $key = file_get_contents($privateKeyPath);
$headers = [
'kid' => $keyId,
'alg' => 'ES256'
$claims = [
'iss' => $teamId,
'iat' => time(),
'exp' => time() + 86400 * 180,
'aud' => 'https://appleid.apple.com',
'sub' => $clientId
return JWT::encode($claims, $key, 'ES256', $headers['kid']);
**This is the validate Apple Token that is not giving me error:
function validateAppleToken($identityToken) {
$client = new Client();
$response = $client->get('https://appleid.apple.com/auth/keys');
$keys = json_decode($response->getBody(), true)['keys'];
$header = JWT::urlsafeB64Decode(explode('.', $identityToken)[0]);
$headerData = json_decode($header, true);
$kid = $headerData['kid'];
$publicKey = null;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if ($key['kid'] === $kid) {
$publicKey = JWK::parseKey($key);
if (!$publicKey) {
throw new \Exception('Public key not found');
try {
$decoded = JWT::decode($identityToken, $publicKey, ['RS256']);
return $decoded;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception('Token validation failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
The response i got was :
aud: "com.abc"
auth_time: 1718017883
c_hash: "HSNFJSBdut5vk84QyK0xHA"
exp: 1718104283
iat: 1718017883
iss: "https://appleid.apple.com"
nonce_supported: true
sub: "001703.2a52ec72cb874a93986522fa35742bd4.1219"
After that we are mainly getting error as
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to com.marchup.prod.AppSSO."}
in this function:
function getAppleUser($authorizationCode, $clientId, $clientSecret) {
try {
$client = new Client();
$response = $client->post('https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token', [
'form_params' => [
'client_id' => $clientId,
'client_secret' => $clientSecret,
'code' => $authorizationCode,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'
if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
throw new \Exception('Failed to get user information from Apple. Status code: ' . $response->getStatusCode());
$data = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
// Check if the response contains the expected data
if (!isset($data['access_token']) || !isset($data['id_token'])) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid response from Apple. Missing access token or ID token.');
// Return the decoded data
return $data;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Log any other unexpected errors
Yii::error('Unexpected error: ' . $e->getMessage());
// Re-throw the exception to propagate it further
throw $e;
Assumptions: bundleId = com.marchup
serviceId i created as client_id= com.marchup.prod.AppSSO
team ID= as usual
keyId= is the id i created in apple developer consonsole.
And the private key is the key inside the private key file.
Can anyone please answer.
What is mismatched here
Hi @everyone, I have set up the proper app id, serviced ID along with return URL, domains and subdomains(Example domains and subdomains: asdfjkl.firebaseapp.com and return URL: https://asdfjkl.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/handler) in developer.apple.com.
And I have created the key as well and added key ID and private key, services ID in firebase apple sign in console as well. But I'm getting Error as "Invalid web redirect url".
I haven't provided the App ID, services ID, firebase project ID, Key secret here as they're confidential. Please let me know if any further details are needed.
On iOS, Sign in with Apple will provide an e-mail address if the user is logging in for the first time. On all subsequent logins, the e-mail address will be missing. However, this can be reset by removing the app from your Apple ID. If you then try to login again, the e-mail dialog will popup again, and the app will receive this e-mail.
On visionOS, however, the latter does not happen. Even if I have removed the app from my Apple ID, the e-mail dialog won't show up again. The only way to resolve this is to reset the visionOS simulator (haven't tried it on a real device).
Need help with Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles settings to allow two apps to use Sign in with Apple.
We have a web application (React, static JavaScript) that allows users to sign in with Apple, Google or Microsoft via OAuth/OIDC.
We are developing a mobile application using React Native and Expo.
Both the web application and the mobile application use the same backend (Django).
For the mobile application, we added Google and Microsoft sign in via the same web-based OAuth/OIDC flow. For Sign in with Apple, we are using the expo-apple-authentication package to get the required native sign in experience.
We have two active app identifiers:
org.terraso.terraso; web app; primary Apple ID
org.terraso.test.Terraso-LandPKS; mobile apple; Group with an existing primary App ID (selected (1), the web app)
We have one services identifier:
org.terraso.app; primary ID is web app (app identifier 1) above; URLs have been configured
We have one app group:
group.org.terraso (seems unused)
On our backend app, we have code:
and APPLE_CLIENT_ID is set to org.terraso.app (which matches the services identifier above
In my local development environment, I have tried a few different combinations of IDs attempting to get this to work using the iOS simulator:
(i) backend client id: org.terraso.app
mobile app bundle Id: org.terraso.test.Terraso-LandPKS
result: error: jwt.exceptions.InvalidAudienceError: Audience doesn't match
(ii) backend: org.terraso.app
mobile app: org.terraso.app
result: clicking "Sign In" in Apple ID dialog is a no-op (no errors from client or server)
(iii) backend: org.terraso.test.Terraso-LandPKS
mobile app: org.terraso.test.Terraso-LandPKS
result: works (but I can't use that in production, because the client ID is wrong)
How can I configure Sign in with Apple to allow both the web app, the mobile app (and possible additional mobile apps) to work with the same backend?
Do I need to us app groups? When do you use app groups vs "group with an existing primary apple id"?
The issues we previously identified still need your attention.
If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know.
Review Environment
Submission ID: 00fc9b08-3da8-4b89-8810-740174730062
Review date: April 21, 2024
Version reviewed: 1.0
Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable
Your app provides financial services but does not meet all the requirements for apps providing these services. Specifically:
The app must be published under a seller and company name that is associated with the organization or company providing the services. In this case, your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Askmefund name.
The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual.
These requirements give App Store users confidence that apps offering financial services are qualified to provide these services and will responsibly manage their data.
Please provide ownership documentation or modify the vendor seller name.
Please Help me.
We getting error in
Apple Sign In "Sign-Up not completed", Apple sign in working fine for old Apps and old Bundle ids, But it's not working in new Apps and new Bundle ids
We checked with other Apple Developer team accounts Apple Sign In is working on the same source code. But my Team account is getting an error.
We enabled signing capabilities and added Sign in with Apple and we added Provisioning profile certificate also , but I am still getting the same error.
I'm setting up 'Sign in with Apple ID,' and the signup process is running smoothly. Users are redirected to the Apple login page, where they grant permission to share their email and name, followed by a callback. However, a problem occurs with users who are already registered. Ideally, for these users, the process should simply verify their credentials without asking for additional permissions, since the app is already authorized to access their email and name. But, they are being asked again for these permissions after logging in, suggesting they are creating the account in the app again. How can I indicate in the authorization request that a user has already been authorized so that the permissions screen doesn't reappear? Other providers handle this by adding the parameter 'prompt=none' to the request.