Analytics & Reporting

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Measure your App Store performance and get unique insights with data you won’t find anywhere else using App Analytics in App Store Connect.

Posts under Analytics & Reporting tag

75 Posts
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Fetch total number of app downloads or installs counts using API.
Hello everyone, My question is how we can fetch our own apple apps download counts using API. I want to create code which will fetch total number of app downloads or installs of my app. Is there any way to to get this data using API or any other official method. Own app download counts data [since app uploaded - today's date]. Thank you.
Oct ’23
SalesReports Api request allways 'Forbidden'
Hi, I want to download the salesReports via the API, unfortunately, over:[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[reportType]=SALES&filter[vendorNumber]=<my_vendor_number> I always get: I generate the token for 15min and without any scope restriction and following the description here Can anybody spot what I'm missing or wrongly formatted the request or any idea what I could test next to get a finally a result? thanks a lot for your help.
Oct ’23
App managed by 2 organizations/ App management for different countries
Hello, I have an app which offers content and users can have access through a montly subscription în app. We plan to expand in a different Country in which we need a different Organization as owner of the app and the revenue genereted from users in the new released country should go to the new organization. If there a way to keep the same app in store but to have multiple entities to manage them for different countries??
Aug ’23
How to get accurate LTV and/or retention metrics?
Hi, I am diving in App Store Connect analytics / sales and trends and I can't find an accurate way to measure / calculate lifetime value (LTV) of users based on different cohorts? I also can't find accurate retention data as there is no data populated in the retention graph. It seems that retention is only based on users that have "opted in." This is the message I see: "Installations and Active Devices only include data from users who have agreed to share their diagnostics and usage information with app developers. In the last day, 27% of all users that installed "App Name" agreed to share their data." Am I missing something? Is there a way I can calculate / see user LTV and/or all user retention? Or is there a third party tool that can provide / calculate accurate LTV / retention?
Aug ’23
App Store - App Analytics Product Page Views
Is it possible to get app analytics data such as product page views from an Apple Api? See below image showing the data we're looking to get from an API. I've seen code like below. Is this the way to get app analytics data? The below code isn't quite complete. Is there documentation somewhere of how to get this data properly? Is this URL an internal URL that shouldn't be used? import requests import json url = "" adamId = "0000000000" # App ID measures = "installs" # or "impressionsTotalUnique" cookie_dqsid = "dqsid=ey...." # ????? payload = json.dumps({ "adamId": [adamId], "measures": [measures], "frequency": "day", "startTime": "2021-10-16T00:00:00Z", "endTime": "2021-11-14T00:00:00Z", "group": { "metric": measures, "dimension": "source", "rank": "DESCENDING", "limit": 100 } }) headers = { 'Host': '', 'X-Requested-By': '', 'Cookie': cookie_dqsid, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, allow_redirects=False) print(response.text)
Aug ’23
Download Report from Apple Store
We are using the apple developer API We are able to generate the token and we can get the data from how ever when we are trying to get data from , it is showing unauthorised access error. We have admin right for our private Key.
Aug ’23
Subscriber ID and Receipt Information matching
My company currently use receipt information to map a customer and their purchases to an internal CID. We would like to tie a subscriber id in our summary sales report to an internal CID to have full end-to-end visibility on customer state and expected payments. Is it possible to match receipt information for a customer to a subscriber id? If privacy is an issue why can't apple encrypt/obfuscate the subscriber id before reporting? Thanks for the help!
Sep ’23
Metrics for Custom product page, App Store Connect Analytics
Hi everyone, I want to now what is included in In-App Purchase metric report. And how do these stats differ if I turn on the Custom product page filter. Does this metric include subscription renewals, specifically trial-to-subscription conversion events, non-trial subscription renewals, does it exclude refunds. If the Page filter is active, whether subscription renewals are included ?
Sep ’23
Apple Music Streams Report - Report is not available yet
Hi folks, I have a batch job downloading the streams summary report by using the reporter.jar. I scheduled the batch job at 14 UTC and its requesting the data for the previous day. ex. the job starts at 14 UTC on 28th Sep and requests the report for 27th Sep. But the job is failing with the following error: Report is not available yet. Daily reports for the Americas are available by 5 am Pacific Time; Japan, Australia, and New Zealand by 5 am Japan Standard Time; and 5 am Central European Time for all other territories. Though the message says that the data for Americas are available 5 am Pacific time (12 UTC), the report is still not ready even until 14 UTC. Is there anyone has faced the same issue? I wonder if there's anything I'm missing.. Thanks.
Sep ’23
Unsubmitted App not available in Analytics
Hi, We are about to launch a new app and our marketing team was planning to create Campaign links. However the apps are not appearing under the Analytics section and thus the campaign tool is unavailable. I was wondering, are apps appearing in the Analytics section upon submission for review the 1st time, upon approval, or only once actually released to the App Store? Thanks
Oct ’23