App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






Guideline 4.7 vs 3.2.2(i)
Apple is presently rejecting an update of our social media app that includes HTML5 games among several other features (video feed, video creation, club/forum participation and creation, chat, personal profiles, creation/collecting/trading of virtual items). The rejection title references guideline 4.7 which Apple changed in Jan 2024 to allow apps to offer HTML5 apps/games provided they comply with the rules of that guideline. However the body of the rejection does not reference any of the 4.7 rules but rather 3.2.2(i) and claims that "offering HTML5 games appears to be the primary purpose of your app". Just for context - the app opens up onto a video feed akin to TikTok or reels. HTML5 games are in a a tab that doesn't even appear on the tab-bar. You need to actively click through links to get to it. It is a similar degree of prominence to the new HTML5 games in YouTube. Perhaps less (at least for me, YouTube games appear on the main feed). Unless this is an unusual mistake, this unfortunately gives the impression that Apple's big 'pro-developer' announcement of this guideline change in January, in the context of a US antitrust suit where mini-apps are a key theme, no less, was a bit of a 'con'. An entirely separate guideline which they continue to (mis)use to block whatever app with HTML5 features they want to. Developers - anyone else facing this issue? Apple - willing to prove me wrong and fix mistakes in good faith?
App Rejected: Appeal to Board of Review Time Frame and Update Methods
Hello All! Our app was rejected by the reviewer for reasons related to guideline 2.1 (summary: the reviewer thought it belonged in the Apple Business Library or as an unlisted app). We believe they misunderstood the nature of our business model and appealed the decision to Apple's App Review Board. This was over a month ago and there has been no response. I've tried asking for status updates in the app's rejection itself (you can still reply to the rejection), but I just get the exact same canned response each time: ... the App Review Board will contact you directly once they've completed their investigation. Thank you for your patience while they investigate your appeal. Is anyone aware of any other way to reach Apple Review for an update beyond that?
Anfrage zur Häufigkeit und Programmierbarkeit von In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage zu den Richtlinien für In-App-Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen. Nachdem ich die Richtlinien gründlich durchgelesen habe, ist mir klar, dass zu häufige Pop-Ups und Push-Benachrichtigungen vermieden werden sollten. Ich arbeite für die Hochbahn AG und bin für die hvv switch App zuständig. Unser Ziel ist es, mehr Kundenbewertungen zu erhalten, um unsere App kundenorientierter weiterzuentwickeln. Derzeit verwenden wir ein In-App-Pop-Up, das nach dem zehnten Öffnen der App erscheint, um eine Bewertung abzufragen. Um unsere App kontinuierlich zu verbessern, möchten wir das Pop-up gezielt nach bestimmten App-Ereignissen ausspielen, wie z. B. nach einem "Ticketkauf", einem "Abonnement des Deutschlandtickets" oder nach dem "zehnmaligen Nutzen der Auskunft". Um die Häufigkeit der Pop-Ups zu reduzieren, möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, zu programmieren, dass ein Kunde nicht mehrere Pop-Ups hintereinander erhält. Ein Anwendungsfall wäre: Ein Kunde kauft ein Deutschlandticket und nutzt danach dreimal die Auskunft, was dazu führen würde, dass er zwei Bewertungs-Pop-Ups erhält (im schlechtesten Fall kurz hintereinander). Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass wenn ein Kunde ein Deutschlandticket kauft und ein Pop-Up erhält, er beim anschließenden dreimaligen Nutzen der Auskunft kein weiteres Pop-Up erhält, es sei denn, die Ereignisse liegen mehrere Monate auseinander. Ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen und auch über eine Empfehlung, wie oft man nach einer Bewertung über In-App-Pop-Ups fragen sollte. Außerdem möchte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, in einer Push-Benachrichtigung einen Link zum App-Store zu integrieren, wenn wir beispielsweise ein neues Feature einführen und am Ende der Nachricht fragen, wie das Feature dem Kunden gefällt, und dann per Link in den App Store leiten. Ich freue mich auf eine Rückmeldung. Bei Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Viele Grüße, Morris
Waiting for review status takes an extremely long time
We put our app up for review 2 months ago, but since then, not once has it changed status from Waiting for Review to anything else. We tried once to cancel and resubmit, several times we wrote to support, but they just send a standard message and do not solve the problem at all. Maybe someone has faced similar problems and there are ways to solve it? Really need advice and help!
My app is aimed only at iPhone, but when I upload it to TestFlight, it tells me that it is for iPad, and I don't know how to remove it
Hello colleagues, this is the first time this has happened to me, and I don't know what to do, I have done research and I have not found a solution for this, I am compiling my application only for iPhone, and when it is up to send it for review, it tells me that it is also for iPhone/iPad, and I'm frustrated, because my application has never been uploaded for iPad. In my xcode, I put in the Target Device, iPhone only, and it uploads as if it were compatible with iPad. Did it happen to someone else?
IAP Review process
I submitted 3 Non-Consumable IAP for review and it was reviewed but failed because the build in testing at the time didn't have the items (only the one in internal testing had it). I then submitted the new game build for review and edited the Description of the IAP's as I couldn't find a way to resubmit it without making a change. But now the game has been approved and started rolling out but the IAP are still in review (so they don't show up in the game). It's been a few days so not sure what to do?
Submission Rejected - In App Purchase
HI Everyone, Can someone please help me, me and our team are trying to submit an app to apple and keep rejected because of the In app purchase issue, I don't know whats there that needs to be done but can someone please walk us through on how to do it properly? This is beyond frustrating we have tried our best to comply but just keep on coming back rejected.
5.2.1 Legal: Intellectual Property - General
Our client is no longer able to access their AppStore / Apple Developer account due to staff turn over. They have tried to create a new account but Apple will not allow them to do so using the same company name and DUNS numbers. While they are working through this with Apple they have asked that we distribute their app on their behalf. The app is a MindBody Whitelabled app and was rejected by Apple based on 5.2.1 Legal: Intellectual Property - General. Has anyone come across this before? we have released a number of app for our clients through our account (i did one yesterday) with no issue what so ever. I am seeking some assistance on how best to navigate this?
App Not Available in Your Country
I'm trying to distribute my app as unlisted through App Store Connect. However, I'm encountering a 'Cannot Sell' warning in the App Availability section. When I click on the link, it shows that the app is not available in my own country. I've already tried setting a price as suggested by other developers, but the issue persists. My app is intended to be unlisted and available in my country. How can I resolve this availability issue and ensure my app is properly distributed as an unlisted app My country is Malawi and the app is called Standard Bank AGM Voting App
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase We found in our review that your app or its metadata provides access to mechanisms other than in-app purchase for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which does not comply with the App Review Guidelines. Specifically: Your app includes an account registration feature for businesses and organizations, which is considered access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please remove features, account registration links, and any other links to your site that could indirectly provide access to external purchase mechanisms.
App name approval query
Hey everyone, I’m developing an app can’t say the name at the moment but here is a similar scenario not very good, its the best I could come up with, say its a meditation app called ‘Fl0wr’. I’ve noticed there’s an existing app named ‘Flower’ in a different category, local news. Say for my app I add the following to the name Fl0wr - mindful and meditation. ’Will adding that to the name get it approved under Apple’s naming guidelines, considering the different spelling and the specific industry focus? Do I need to remove the dash make apart of the name. Hope that example makes sense. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Spam rejection for pushing our app which is identical to our other app made by third party supplier
We have built an app for our chain of Pilates studios that was rejected (for spam) and I understand and even agree with the reason it was rejected. It is an exact copy of an existing app. We were using an all-in-one gym management platform for almost 2 years and now we are moving off it. We have built our own solution. As part of their solution, they created an app developer account on our behalf (that I do not have access to) in our name and push apps there. This is the app store link of our existing app They have agreed to take down this app when we migrate on July 23rd. The problem is that I need our app to be approved now (so that I can test it and get our product and launch ready). People only install the app when we email them a link so it's ok from a user perspective to have both live. And it's not possible to take the existing app down now as the members are using it until that date. So my question is "how best to handle this?" I think if Apple understood the context - maybe they would ask me to prove we are legit or provide some documents or otherwise validate that we are who we say we are, but would be ok with it? Is that true? Has anyone been in this situation before? Anyone got a strategy that works? Can anyone help me directly? I am in a business critical moment - and I understand Apple reviewers are making a logical decision and protecting all of us from piracy here - yet the thing we are doing is legit and I don't know how to approach this... thanks, Patrick
Serever API not reachable by Apple testers
I have a big problem approving my app. My app contacts the backend with api calls to our server; we and our customers contact the bees without any problem but when the apple test to approve it, our server does not receive any requests so it would seem that the network used by apple testers does not reach our server. The verification team replies that they cannot carry out any tests/trials and that the app must work from anywhere in the world. has this happened to anyone? Can anyone help us solve the problem or at least understand where the problem might be? Thank you
Very long review times for multiple applications
Hello, Our account is experiencing very long review times for multiple (if not all) our applications. Some takes up to two weeks to be reviewed, which affects our business a lot. We often push multiple versions a week, including bug fixes and performance improvements. When we're unable to push these new versions out, our end users are affected and may experience issues with critical functionality. Our strategy is based on the availability of fast reviews, to be able to ship updates in a timely manner, but we are greatly hindered right now. We have not experienced review times taking this long ever. We understand that we're moving towards summer and holiday season, but haven't received any information about these sort of delays. Can you give any insight to why this is taking so long, and if there's any way to handle this? Example of review times for app (1395997293) version 1.9.28 Added 1.9.28 for review on the 4th of June Waited two weeks, still not reviewed Added 1.9.28 for review again, different build, same content Added 1.9.28 for review again, different build, same content - ACCEPTED This is just one example from our account, we've seen multiple versions on multiple applications experiencing this issue. Thank you, looking forward to your reply.
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage The app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based.
Hello, My app has gotten rejected because of guideline 5.1.1. My app required an account and a subscription to be used. Can someone please let me know how they were able to get approved? Would adding Apple sign in work? Would letting the user browse the empty app work? They cant of anything without a subscription so I don’t know why this is getting declined. I’ve asked if any of them would comply but the reviewer says they won’t offer any suggestions on app design, when that wasn’t the question. I just wanted to know if anything would make the app comply before I waste my time implementing anything.
Where are we with Astrology app rejection?
Hi everyone, I have seen a few posts talking about how restrictive Apple has become regarding the publishing of astrology apps (along with related themes such as tarot, moon phases, etc.). From what I saw, most of those discussions took place 2 - 3 years ago. I haven't seen many posts recently (just a few), but heard some people talking about a similar matter those days. Looks like Apple is again becoming restrictive on astrology apps: a) because there are already too many of them b) because they can be deemed as misleading for users c) because they all look similar & don't offer enough innovation. Some even implied that >80% apps were rejected those days. Do you have any information about this or heard of similar cases? How does that rejection rate compare to other categories? More specifically, I am curious about one thing: Even when trying to create an innovative astro app, developers have to at least create a baseline of features that are extremely similar from one app to another. For instance, they need to include birth chart, horoscope, etc. (without those, the app won't have any good baseline to build up innovation on top). How can this be handled without being accused of delivering a similar app? Best regards
How to deal with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed (App Tracking Transparency framework related)
My app, which only shows ads one day after it is first launched, keeps being rejected due to Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed (App Tracking Transparency framework related). Here is the rejection message from Apple: Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 17.5.1. Next Steps Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user. If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest operating system, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented. If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information. We have provided a detailed step-by-step guide to trigger the App Tracking Transparency. We also attached videos demonstrating how to adjust the date to one day ahead in order to show the ads. Here is our reply: Dear Reviewer, *** will start displaying ads one day after the app is first launched. To see the App Tracking Transparency permission request and subsequent ads, please follow these steps: 1. Launch *** for the first time. 2. Close and completely exit the *** app. 3. Adjust the date on your device to one day ahead. 4. Re-launch ***. You will see the App Tracking Transparency permission request. For a visual guide, please refer to the attached videos: - Demonstrates when the user allows tracking. - Demonstrates when the user does not allow tracking. If you need further explanation, please contact me at +xxxx-xxxxxxx. Thank you. P.S. I frequently receive similar inquiries with each submission of my app. Could you please add a note to my app to prevent this recurring issue in future reviews? Thank you for your attention. However, Apple continues to reject our update, despite our clear instructions for showing App Tracking Transparency. Do you have any suggestions on what we can do next? Thank you.
iOS App Submission Rejected
Reason for rejection by reviewer: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) and iPhone 13 mini OS version: iOS 17.5.1 Would anyone know why this is happening?