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Best way to handle sales tax with purchases
**Sales Tax ** I would love to understand this and find a process I can follow to be successful. I'm pretty new to sales tax world. Has there been a successful process that anybody else follows and can share? To calculate sales tax and do this on a yearly basis? If you're collecting any sales tax through your app with Apple or stripe etc. For not only the US, but if your product is also in different countries. Again I don't really know this sales tax stuff and I'm trying to learn it as I go.
Jun ’24
CNContact instantMessage field duplicates after serializaiton/deserialization
Hello folks, I stumbled upon a weird CNContact serialization problem. I use the Contacts framework to update the AIM field, which is one of the instantMessageAddresses within a single Contact. Here is the simplified code I used: func updateAIMFieldOn(contact: CNContact, aimValue: String) { do { guard let mutableContact = contact.mutableCopy() as? CNMutableContact else { logger.error("[CM] Couldn't update contact with aim \(aimValue)") return } var updatedAddresses = mutableContact.instantMessageAddresses updatedAddresses.append(CNLabeledValue(label: "", value: CNInstantMessageAddress(username: aimValue, service: CNInstantMessageServiceAIM))) mutableContact.instantMessageAddresses = updatedAddresses let saveRequest = CNSaveRequest() saveRequest.update(mutableContact) try CNContactStore().execute(saveRequest) logger.verbose("Contact's AIM updated successfully!") } catch { logger.error("Couldn't update contact") } } And after serializing the contact to data, and then deserializing, the contact got two AIM fields with the same value: X-AIM;type=pref:some:part:of_my_aim_value IMPP;X-SERVICE-TYPE=AIM;type=pref:some:part:of_my_aim_value Why does it work in this manner? Is it possible that ":" char causes that? Format of my aim username is {some:part:of_my_aim_value}. I didn't find any information in the docs. Thanks!
Bit quiet here?
I know Apple Engineers are busy and it’s just been WWDC, but things seem very quiet here. There have been 17 posts in the past 10 days and only 6 of them have any replies. It’s great that non-Apple Engineers offer advice and assistance, but I kind of thought there’d be at least a reply from an Apple Engineer to each post?
WPA2-Enterprise Wi-Fi on Login Page
We need to do some operations in a login screen, but when the user uses a WPA2-Enterprise network, the authentication to this network is only possible after the login process has already been completed. Is there a way to change the network on login screen or a way to authenticate on the WPA2-Enterprise network before a completed login? STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1 - Use a WPA2-Enterprise 2 - Set WPA2-Enterprise as Auto-Join/Principal 3 - Reboot the Machine 4 - On the logon screen it's impossible to authenticate on the enterprise network even then type the username and password.
Please MR cook , Save the Apple Vision PRO
Dear Mr. Cook, I am writing to you today to urge you to take action to save the Apple Vision PRO and turn it into a revolutionary flight simulator. I believe that the Vision PRO has the potential to completely transform the world of flight simulation, but it needs your support to reach its full potential. Unleashing the Vision PRO's Potential: A Game-Changer in Flight Simulation The Vision PRO is a unique and powerful device that holds immense promise for delivering an unparalleled level of immersion and realism in flight simulation. However, current sales figures indicate that it is not yet reaching its full potential. I believe this can be attributed to several factors, including: Limited Marketing and Promotion: The Vision PRO has not been effectively marketed to its target audience, comprising pilots, flight schools, aviation enthusiasts, and gamers. Lack of Dedicated Flight Simulation Software: Currently, there is a scarcity of high-quality flight simulation software specifically designed for the Vision PRO. Absence of Strategic Partnerships: Apple has not formed partnerships with major aviation or flight simulation companies to promote and develop the Vision PRO. Transforming the Vision PRO into a Flight Simulation Powerhouse I am confident that by addressing these issues, Apple can transform the Vision PRO into a resounding success. Here are some specific recommendations: Invest in a Comprehensive Marketing Campaign: Apple should target its marketing efforts towards pilots, flight schools, aviation enthusiasts, highlighting the Vision PRO's unique capabilities. Partner with Leading Flight Simulation Software Developers: Apple should collaborate with developers to create top-notch flight simulation software tailored specifically for the Vision PRO, maximizing its potential. Forge Strategic Partnerships with Industry Leaders: Apple should partner with major aviation and flight simulation companies to promote and develop the Vision PRO, leveraging their expertise and reach. A Call to Action: Unleashing the Vision PRO's Revolutionary Potential I am convinced that by implementing these steps, the Vision PRO can become the premier flight simulator on the market, revolutionizing the way people train to become pilots, hone their skills, and simply enjoy the thrill of flight. I urge you to give this matter your serious consideration. The Vision PRO is a truly exceptional product that has the potential to make a real difference in the world. With your support, it can reach its full potential and become a groundbreaking product. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Pascal