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Revoke Unknown Apple Business Manager Application Licenses from MDM
Hi, I am trying to delete a VPP application from our MDM solution, but it is failing with the error: The app failed to delete. Enure that the app is not associated with any VPP license in Apple Business Manager and try again. I have revoked ALL the app licenses from our MDM and it shows License not found, when checking. However in ABM it still shows a small number 'in use'. Is there a easy\clever way I can delete the 'in use' licenses from ABM or somehow send a revoke command via API to revoke those licenses in ABM? Thanks for looking
Feb ’24
WatchOS MDM Enrollment
We have a few development servers that implement MDM and I am trying to incorporate WatchOS Enrollment. I am having trouble connecting to our enrollment URL that is defined in the watch enrollment payload. The error I get indicates that the server certificate is invalid. I can see this error if I attempt to pair to an iPhone that has the WatchOS enrollment declaration on it and I also see if I send an iMessage with our server url and attempt to open the url using the messages app on the watch itself. The certificate is valid, but the SAN does not define my particular domain but rather it uses a wildcard (i.e. DNS Name: *.domain.com and DNS name: domain.com). The url opens fine on any other Apple device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc) as well as windows. My question is, is there some problem with using an SSL server certificate that has a wildcard in place of a specific domain when attempting to connect using WatchOS?
Feb ’24
DDM, AppManaged and app upgrade
Hello, I could not find information in the doc (which is still beta, I understand) : how are app upgrade handled by DDM AppManaged ? With MDM, sending InstalledApplication command will upgrade the app to the most suitable recent version ; HasUpdateAvailable flag tells MDM server (more or less accurately) if there is an update and then Organizations can keep apps up to date as quickly as possible if needed. But with DDM, we just have a declaration where we tell the device to install a given app, and that's it. Is there any detail about how the device upgrades apps, and how frequently ? Thanks.
Feb ’24
Apple Business Manager - Secure Communication between Reseller and Organisation
I would like to know how secure the communication between the reseller and organisation. Because we are providing organisation id and getting the reseller id information. Post providing organisation id, did reseller able to see any information about the organisation or not? If reseller able to see the information then need to know what are all the information they able to see it. Thanks.
Mar ’24
Update for an **individual** apple Developer account to an **Organization** developer account taking almost a month.. WHY?
Please Apple... its almost a month now, and I (we) haven't heard back from you. since we have been sending mails.. Consigning our Upgrade to an Organization. I (we) provided all the necessary, Information needed to update our individual apple Developer account to an Organization developer account . and I (we) haven't heard back from you. the error we are getting on our account We’re processing your membership migration from an individual to an organization. Please note that your membership benefits are temporarily disabled during this time. Also... With this delay from getting response from you, we hope our expires for the apple Developer payment would be shifted , as we haven't been able to access our account for almost a month ? Below are the case numbers, generated by apple hopefully fall are correct { 102228853402 } { 102243840694 } { 102245033626 } { 102241341764 } { 102236317557 } { 102229955599 }
Mar ’24
I would like to know the behavior when the value of "Safari Password Autofill Domains" is deleted and saved.
Please tell me two things about "Safari Password Autofill Domains" in my domain settings. Incident The behavior of the following items in the Domains setting differs between "no setting" and "edit and delete setting values". Subject: Safari Password Autofill Domains Steps to Reproduce(Delete the setting value) enter any value in "Safari Password Autofill Domains" in the domain settings and save it. Delete the value entered in step 1. Distribute to the terminal. Result If no settings: A pop-up window will appear asking if the password is to be saved in all domains. The key "SafariPasswordAutoFillDomains" is not present in the configuration profile. Edited to remove the value: The "Save Password AutoFillDomains" popup does not appear for all domains. The key "SafariPasswordAutoFillDomains" exists in the configuration profile and an empty array remains. Question 1. Is it expected that the behavior is different when "Safari Password Autofill Domains" is not configured and when the configuration value is edited and removed? Question 2 Is it expected that "" remains in the configuration profile when the setting value is edited and deleted?
Mar ’24
Transfer Account Holder role- Individual
Query: My ex colleague opened a individual apple developer account and we mutually published app there, but later on, he get separated, and move to an other town. I keep on using same account but he stopped. I don't have his contact detail as he have changed is contact and all details. Now I want to transfer account holder role to my name, where as apple says one can only do it in below scenario. ""Account Holder transfers for individual members are granted when a minor reaches the age of majority and can receive the Account Holder role from their guardian, or when the Account Holder is deceased. Assistance is required from Apple Developer Support."" Any Solution to my Problem?
Mar ’24
Developer name
Good morning, community. I have an organization account. When creating the first application, it asked for the name of the organization again, in which I accidentally filled with the name of the application. Now, when trying to submit my app, I am told that I need to provide files showing that I'm the owner of that company, etc. But in reality, there's no company with that name, as it's only the name of the application. Is there a way to change this developer name back to my organization's name? I've seen this link, and they say there's no way to change it. What could I do in this scenario? I just enrolled; should I remove the account and enroll as an organization again? I need support, please. Thank you guys in advance.
Mar ’24
Thread 1: Breakpoint 1.1
I can't find the problem.. - The simulator is stopping after opening the app... Database`property wrapper backing initializer of ContentViewViewModel.currentUserId: 0x104c12bd0 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x50 0x104c12bd4 <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40] 0x104c12bd8 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x40 0x104c12bdc <+12>: str x8, [sp, #0x10] 0x104c12be0 <+16>: mov x8, x0 0x104c12be4 <+20>: str x8, [sp, #0x8] 0x104c12be8 <+24>: mov x0, x1 0x104c12bec <+28>: str x0, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12bf0 <+32>: stur xzr, [x29, #-0x10] 0x104c12bf4 <+36>: stur xzr, [x29, #-0x8] -> 0x104c12bf8 <+40>: stur x8, [x29, #-0x10] 0x104c12bfc <+44>: mov x1, x0 0x104c12c00 <+48>: stur x1, [x29, #-0x8] 0x104c12c04 <+52>: bl 0x1053b9a88 ; symbol stub for: swift_bridgeObjectRetain 0x104c12c08 <+56>: ldr x9, [sp, #0x8] 0x104c12c0c <+60>: ldr x8, [sp, #0x10] 0x104c12c10 <+64>: ldr x1, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12c14 <+68>: add x0, sp, #0x20 0x104c12c18 <+72>: str x9, [sp, #0x20] 0x104c12c1c <+76>: str x1, [sp, #0x28] 0x104c12c20 <+80>: adrp x1, 2556 0x104c12c24 <+84>: ldr x1, [x1, #0xa00] 0x104c12c28 <+88>: bl 0x104c12c40 ; Combine.Published.init(wrappedValue: Value) -> Combine.Published<Value> at <compiler-generated> 0x104c12c2c <+92>: ldr x0, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12c30 <+96>: bl 0x1053b91a0 ; symbol stub for: swift_bridgeObjectRelease 0x104c12c34 <+100>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40] 0x104c12c38 <+104>: add sp, sp, #0x50 0x104c12c3c <+108>: ret // // ContentViewViewModel.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import Foundation class ContentViewViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var currentUserId: String = "" private var handler: AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle? init () { self.handler = Auth.auth().addStateDidChangeListener{ [weak self] _, user in DispatchQueue.main.async { self?.currentUserId = user?.uid ?? "" } } } public var isSignedIn: Bool { return Auth.auth().currentUser != nil } } // // ContentView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = ContentViewViewModel() var body: some View { VStack { NavigationView { if viewModel.isSignedIn, !viewModel.currentUserId.isEmpty { //signed in HomeView() } else { LoginView() } } .padding() } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View { ContentView() } } // // HomeView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct HomeView: View { var body: some View { Text("Welcome to your Account!") } } #Preview { HomeView() } // // LoginViewViewModel.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import FirebaseAuth import Foundation class LoginViewViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var email = "" @Published var password = "" @Published var errorMessage = "" init() {} func login() { guard validate() else { return } //Try log in Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) } private func validate() -> Bool { errorMessage = "" guard !email.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty, !password.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty else { errorMessage = "Bitte füllen Sie alle Felder aus." return false } guard email.contains("@") && email.contains(".") else { errorMessage = "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email-Adresse ein." return false } return true } } // // LoginView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct LoginView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = LoginViewViewModel() var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { //Header HeaderView() if !viewModel.errorMessage.isEmpty{ Text(viewModel.errorMessage) .foregroundColor(Color.red) } Form{ TextField("E-Mail Adresse", text: $viewModel.email) .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) .autocapitalization(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.none/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/) SecureField("Passwort", text: $viewModel.password) .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) CreateAccountButton( title: "Anmelden", background: .blue) { viewModel.login() } } //Create ACC VStack { Text ("Neu hier?") //Show registartion NavigationLink ("Erstelle einen Account", destination: RegisterView()) } } } } } struct LoginView_Previews: PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View { LoginView() } }
Mar ’24
Declarative management AppManaged declaration with custom configuration
I am trying to find how to configure an application when using an AppManaged declaration. Using MDM, I would send the install command and include the settings in the 'Configuration' key of the command. I have checked the documentation and rewatched the 2023 WWDC video, but it is not mentioned at all. AppManagedAttributesObject has specific configuration options and doesn't appear to cater for adhoc app specific configurations. Anyone found a way to accomplish this? There are a number of apps (store and enterprise) that require this functionality in order to be configured remotely.
Mar ’24
How to configurable endpoint security message deadline value by which app should respond?
As enterprise endpoint security/data loss prevention application, we need to detect data which is being transferred out of the enterprise context from their MacOS filesystem through applications like Cloud Sync or Email. Depending on the file content, type and size, we require some time for scanning the content being sent. This can range from milli seconds to few minutes for very large contents. But the Endpoint Security message has to be responded within the provided message deadline else application will be killed. This deadline is reducing with every macos release and its now only 15 seconds on macos sonoma which is blocking our use case of completing the scan before responding. We may scan it before but it imposes challenges of the data being modified before actual sent. So, we have to scan it on the fly and cant rely solely on the previous scans. Is there any way an Enterprise can customize this deadline value depending on the ES message and scanning application may be through MDM setting?
Mar ’24
How to Exempt iOS native Translate APP in Microsoft Intune Policy
I'm the IT Admin in my company. We use Microsoft Intune, which is a Mobile Device Management tool, to manage our devices and apps. I created an app protection policy, restricting the data can only be shared between the allowed apps. For example, if our user want to copy the content in Outlook for iOS to WeChat or personal memo, the action will be blocked. However, may be it's too strict, here is the scenario that we need to hadle: A user selected the content in the Outlook for iOS mail, and wanted to use the "translate" function to do translation. Before the app protection policy was deployed, he can do the translation successfully. And now, it's blocked. Therefore, we need to find a way to exempt the app "Translate" so that users can do the translation successfully. We put the value "com.apple.Translate"(this is a package ID listed in the official document of Apple) to the exemption, but it's not working. May I know what is the correct "value" for the iOS native Translate APP? I need to put this value to our app protection policy to exempt Translate app. Thank you so much.
Apr ’24
VPN configuration profile ApplicationExceptions key?
Hi! Notice for the VPN of type "Always On", this site indicates a ApplicationExceptions key. But on the configuration manual it's not found. I'm trying to indicate a couple apps that should be able to bypass the always on vpn, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? THanks appears here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/vpn/alwayson/applicationexceptionelement not here: https://developer.apple.com/business/documentation/Configuration-Profile-Reference.pdf
Apr ’24
Behavior when a non-empty response is returned for the DDM status report
I have a question. When the DDM status report is sent from a DDM device, normally an empty response is returned. However, if we return a non-empty response that includes an arbitrary string, the device sends us the declaration-items request. Is this behavior correct? device| --status reort--------&gt; |server device| &lt;------a non-empry----- |server device| --declaration-items---&gt; |server. Is this behavior correct?
Apr ’24
Apple Push Certificate Portal page not working
Hi everyone. I've been trying to set up my Macs in Intune. One of the key requirements is to create a push certificate for my environment. I can get past the upload page on the Apple Push Certificate Portal. Once I click the upload button on the web page after choosing my CSR file, I get this the page on the CSR file "The page you’re looking for can’t be found". I get the same message every time I refresh or log back into the page doing these steps. I don't know what to do. Would anyone have any advice on this? Or is this solely an Apple problem? Just if it's of any relevance, I am in Australia.
Apr ’24
Does everyone wait for weeks for their Apple Developer Support?
Hello everyone! The first time I needed Apple Support I had to wait 2 weeks. I wrote now 5 days ago to change my entity type from Individual to Company and I am afraid I am going to wait weeks or months for such a thing to happen. I wrote countless support emails asking for an update on my case number 102275785042, but I am receiving only the confirmation email that is lying that it takes 48 to respond. I have wrote my first app but I am stuck on this and everything is going to be for nothing because my client is leaving me. Taking in account that I don’t have an option to call, what can I do to get an answer from Apple? I am in Romania. If I get a phone number of a country that they really do offer support, will I be able to call, or have the issue addressed? I am getting desperate
Apr ’24
macOS 11 Issues With Automatic Assessment Configuration
Hi, We have a secure browser app using AAC for e-assessments and have observed issues when candidates use it on macs running macOS 11. If disconnected, users cannot reconnect when AAC is on and sometimes have to do a hard reboot. Others say they cannot even install the app or the app won't run. These issues seem to be only happening specifically with macOS 11, no problems observed so far with other macOS versions. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Apr ’24