Apple Developer Program

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Create and deliver software for users around the world on Apple platforms using the the tools, resources, and support included with Apple Developer Program membership.

Apple Developer Program Documentation






Renew account Developer error
Hello everyone! I have a problem as follows, need everyone to help me On 06/20/2024, I renewed my devloper account and I received a confirmation receipt and the money in the account was deducted. However, on 07/13/2024, I received an email with the subject: Action needed: Renew your Apple Developer Program membership. I logged into the app developer and saw that the time to renew the account was on 07/18/2024. So how can I contact Apple to verify this problem? Anyone who has encountered this case, please help me. Thank you.
Cannot confirm my trader info - apps removed soon in the EU?
Hello, I submitted my trader information in March 2024 for the Digital Services Act. Last Friday I got App Store Connect email saying that my info couldn't be verified and that I need to resubmit otherwise my apps won't be available in the EU in 14 days. This is quite scary, I don't want to have my apps removed but I cannot resubmit either. In ASC Business section I see "In Review" as the status for my Digital Services Act compliance so it seems there is nothing I can do. Contacted developer support on Monday but haven't heard back. Anyone with the similar situation who can offer any advice?
cannot transfer account holder
不能转让帐户持有人。 第一次操作转让帐户给到wangcc是可以的,此时wangcc那边还没接收转让,这是突然发现下图里可以添加帐户持有人,然后我就把作为管理员的wangcc给删除了,准备通过添加帐户持有人的方式,将wangcc添加为帐户持有人,但是后来发现添加的只是管理员,然后我就又回到转让帐户持有人的地方,准备重新转让帐户持有人,这时发现没法转让帐户持有人了。
Regarding existing iOS Distribution Certificate after organization rename of Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Hi all, regarding requesting an organization name change for enrollment of enterprise developer subscription, I would like to understand more regarding the arrangement of iOS distribution certificate under the account (for internal deployment) but there is not much we can find in the official documentation and from the existing post. Existing Distribution Certificate under the old name (e.g ABC Corp) are now used and app signed by it were deployed to thousands of internal users via internal website, after organization renaming, it is understood that the common name distribution certificate would not be renamed automatically and we will have to generate and pack the app with a new distribution certificate afterwards in order to update the name shown on users device. I would like to confirm if the existing distribution certificate (i.e. created under the legacy name ABC Corp) would be still kept valid until its expiry date (or until we manually revoke it) and not affected by the renaming of the developer account. (i.e. two valid distribution certificate, one with the legacy name and another one with new name can be kept valid after the name change). Does anyone have experience with this after organization rename? Thanks.
Unable to enroll into Apple Developer program
Hello everyone, I’ve attempted to purchase the Apple Developer program twice, but both times I’ve only received an “Order Acknowledgement” response. The first attempt was on July 11, and the second was yesterday. I also reached out to support but haven’t received any response. My support ticket IDs are 102346336918 and 102348319360, and my enrollment ID is B7Y56CLGA3. My app has a looming deadline, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Developer Device Takeover
Legit Developers, I am in need of your help! my devices and various apple id's and devices including 2 iPhones, 3 MACS, and 1 iPad have been taken over by a rogue developer, all devices have a developer certificate along with various certs that apple support have confirmed are not part of the standard apple system root certificate store, several certs are persistent including CFnetwork and Network configuration. iPhones all have the option for developer beta iOS 17 and 18 under my Apple ID in which I never authorized or enrolled in. additionally iPhone also has CFnetwork and network cfg certs and private framework bundles which are unauthorized and configuring DNS and IP addresses that are not carrier defaults for AT&T and Verizon. Apple has been no help at all and am entering pre- litigation for breaching my right to privacy, civil rights, human rights, data security rights etc.... 3rd party forensics and apple have confirmed KEXT configs, MDM, APNS, Appkit, SOUS update Daemon, mobile assetts V2,Mobile Core Services bundles in private FW's, and several bluetooth and USB configs that I can't specifically recall along with other activities typically only afforded to developers in a closed and controlled test environment it sucks that a few creeper developers are using developer tech to commit crimes, stalk, harass etc any help would be amazing
What is the timezone in Sales Report?
Hey, I'm using the reporter in order to get Sales and Trends report. I don't understand what is the date timezone in the report, in the documentation it says that it is depands on the Territory. Which Territory? The purchase territory? And if it is the purchase territory, does it means that each recoors is in different timezone? Or is it the application territory? Thank you for the answer, Ido
Apple not processing payment for enrollment fee
We are trying to enroll a company for Apple Developer Program. The enrollment is already approved. But we have issue trying to pay the enrollment fee. We have made several attempt in the past 30 days. Apple Developer is not verifying the payment even when the card owner phone number is provided with the card information and on the Apple ID payment details. What should we do. Apple Developer do not reply to emails on the "contact us". We called Apple support but they said they can not help with Apple Developer payment. Can anyone provide a phone number to reach Apple Developer support? Thanks.
Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 for Certificate Assistant
Product Name : Apple Developer Support Support Category : Development and Technical Support Topic : Certificates, Identifiers, and Provisioning Profiles Hello there, we are facing an issue in generating Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority with error code Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 This has blocked us in generating production build. Please provide assistance.
No eligible profiles found for matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier
I can't find the required app identifier for the distributed app with the Bundle ID 'recoverlution-production' on my account on the page I am getting 'No profiles for recoverlution-production found.' when validating the app on Xcode after the build. Additionally, I am getting 'No eligible profiles found for recoverlution-ios-app matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier recoverlution-production.' when selecting the provisioning profile from Xcode. video of the error Can a profile be deleted if it is currently in use on App Store Connect?