I just updated my device to iOS 18.3 and despite it connecting to my computer, it doesn't appear in Xcode. Some quick troubleshooting led me to the theory that I need to download the matching simulator runtime for it to appear. But I have searched far and wide and the latest sim runtime is ios 18.2 Am I missing something here?
RSS for tagDive into the vast array of tools and services available to developers.
I am using Swift Testing for TDD my project. I have a struct that contains an array of 65536 UInt8's along with other properties. I am testing methods that modify the properties of the struct including the contents of the array.
In just one of my test files, any test fails (there are several in the file), the entire contents of the struct, including the array, are printed to the console. In another test file they are not. I'm don't think there are any differences to the test setup in the two files. Any idea what's going on?
I'm able get the program to skip the dump to the console by copying the properties I want to test to local let constants and testing those.
I have one iOS device running iOS 16.7.10. When I run xcrun devicectl list devices I can't see that device at all. Is that know limitation (devicectl only work in iOS 17 and above) or is something wrong with my setup.
Also is there some documention about devicectl. I can't seem to find anything about in the offical apple sites.
I work at a well-established university with a business journal that is over 25 years old. We have been waiting now for almost four months to have our Apple News account reviewed. In what world is this OK? No ability to communicate with anyone or have any updates except to log in once a month to see the 'under review' message still there. Seriously?
I'm calling this command to export archive:
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath .build/XYZ.xcarchive -exportPath .build/XYZ.ipa -exportOptionsPlist Authenticator/ExportOptions.plist -quiet -allowProvisioningUpdates
Here is my exportOptions file content
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Most of the time this command fail with this error:
error: exportArchive No Accounts
error: exportArchive No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found
What we found is that our Apple ID just disappear from Xcode and we need to add it again manually.
So there are two questions here:
Why Apple ID account dissapears and how I can fix this?
Is there an option to not use Apple ID account in Xcode and for example to use -authenticationKeyID flags of xcodebuild?
Just to mention this happens only on our CI machine and not locally.
There seems to be a regression with macOS SDK 15 and dynamically loading libraries if Address Sanitizer is turned on. Seems to only affect Debug builds, and .frameworks. I've also reported this via the Feedback Assistant: FB16513866
Here's a minimal repro, if anyone is interested: https://gist.github.com/peter-esik/6b00432e411be85333e14ae7d953966e
I thought I'd post this here, as according to my web searches, this isn't a very well-known bug at this point.
Crash dump:
`Crashed Thread: 0 tid_103 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x000000016d3bfea0
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x000000016d3bfea0
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 4 Illegal instruction: 4
Terminating Process: Unity [7873]
VM Region Info: 0x16d3bfea0 is in 0x169bbc000-0x16d3c0000; bytes after start: 58736288 bytes before end: 351
mapped file 169b00000-169ba8000 [ 672K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV Object_id=4d22156e
GAP OF 0x14000 BYTES
---> STACK GUARD 169bbc000-16d3c0000 [ 56.0M] ---/rwx SM=NUL stack guard for thread 0
Stack 16d3c0000-16dbbc000 [ 8176K] rw-/rwx SM=SHM thread 0
Thread 0 Crashed:: tid_103 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x1932ee7ac _platform_memset + 108
1 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abdc GC_clear_stack_inner + 60
2 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
3 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
4 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
5 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
6 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
7 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
8 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
9 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
10 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
11 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33977abf8 GC_clear_stack_inner + 88
12 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33976b518 GC_clear_stack + 76
13 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x33973c074 mono_gc_alloc_obj + 112
14 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x3396e0db4 mono_object_new_specific_checked + 72
15 libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib 0x3396e116c ves_icall_object_new_specific + 28`
I have created a workspace containing a SwiftUI app and two frameworks:
B Framework: Handles UI components
C Framework: Handles service classes
I added a Podfile to manage dependencies. My Podfile is structured as follows:
workspace 'ABC.xcworkspace'
def shared_pods
# Shared pods here
pod 'Alamofire'
target 'A' do
project 'A/A.xcodeproj'
target 'B' do
project 'B/B.xcodeproj'
target 'C' do
project 'C/C.xcodeproj'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0'
After installing pods and building the project, everything works fine except for Xcode’s SwiftUI Preview, which crashes with the following error:
xcpreviewagent crashed because Alamofire.framework is missing
How can I resolve this issue and make SwiftUI Previews work without Xcode crashing?
My load average on a largely idle system is around 22, going up to 70 or so periodically; SSMenuAgent seems to be consuming lots of CPU (and, looking at spindump, it certainly seems busy), but... it's not happening on any other system whose screens I am observing. (Er, I know about load average limitations, the process is also consuming 70-98% CPU according to both top and Activity Monitor.)
Since this machine (although idle) has our network extension, I'm trying to figure out if this is due to that, or of this is generally expected. Anyone?
What happen when a deprecated method is used in project submitted to Apple Store Connect ?
Generally the Apple documentation give the alternative like "Use ***: instead" but sometime the documentation do not suggest anything.
What to do when a such Warning happen ?
Windows 10 使用 VirtualBox 创建的 Monterey 12.6.7 macOS 虚拟机不能识别到 iPhone 7 手机。
iPhone 7 已经连接到电脑主机 (win 10) 的 USB 3.0 口子,手机已经信任电脑。
在 win 10,我看到了 “此电脑\Apple iPhone”,就是说,宿主机识别到了 手机。
现在,开启macOS 虚拟机,虚拟机右下角的 usb 图标,显示并且勾选到了 "Apple Inc. iPhone [0901]",但虚拟机还是没看到手机设备,导致 Xcode 也看不到手机设备。
虚拟机运行后,插拔 iPhone 7 手机,通过
sudo log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "usbmuxd"' --info
2025-02-13 10:31:06.541201+0800 0xa3c Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) 1 duplicate report for System Policy: usbmuxd(22583) deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown
2025-02-13 10:31:07.090321+0800 0xf807 Error 0x0 140 0 sandboxd: [com.apple.sandbox.reporting:violation] System Policy: usbmuxd(22583) deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown
Violation: deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown
Process: usbmuxd [22583]
Path: /usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd
Load Address: 0x10564b000
Identifier: usbmuxd
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: x86_64 (Native)
Parent Process: sudo [22582]
Responsible: /System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal
User ID: 0
Date/Time: 2025-02-13 10:31:06.793 GMT+8
OS Version: macOS 12.6.7 (21G651)
Release Type: User
Report Version: 8
MetaData: {"vnode-type":"DIRECTORY","hardlinked":false,"pid":22583,"process":"usbmuxd","primary-filter-value":"/private/var/db/lockdown","platform-policy":true,"binary-in-trust-cache":false,"path":"/private/var/db/lockdown","primary-filter":"path","action":"deny","matched-extension":false,"process-path":"/usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd","file-flags":0,"responsible-process-path":"/System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal","flags":21,"platform-binary":false,"rdev":0,"summary":"deny(1) file-write-mode /private/var/db/lockdown","target":"/private/var/db/lockdown","mount-flags":76582912,"profile":"platform","matched-user-intent-extension":false,"apple-internal":false,"storage-class":"Lockdown","platform_binary":"no","operation":"file-write-mode","profile-flags":0,"normalized_target":["private","var","db","lockdown"],"file-mode":448,"errno":1,"build":"macOS 12.6.7 (21G651)","policy-description":"System Policy","responsible-process-signing-id":"com.apple.Terminal","hardware":"Mac","uid":0,"release-type":"User"}
Thread 0 (id: 63477):
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007ff80d8368ae __chmod + 10
1 usbmuxd 0x000000010565584e main + 3582 (main.c:816)
2 dyld 0x0000000114e3f52e start + 462
Binary Images:
0x10564b000 - 0x10565afff usbmuxd (0) <0fc9b657-d311-38b5-bf02-e294b175a615> /usr/local/sbin/usbmuxd
0x114e3a000 - 0x114ea3567 dyld (960) <2517e9fe-884a-3855-8532-92bffba3f81c> /usr/lib/dyld
0x7ff80d832000 - 0x7ff80d869fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8020.240.18.701.6) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
2025-02-13 10:35:39.751714+0800 0x27f Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) Sandbox: usbmuxd(119) allow iokit-get-properties kCDCDoNotMatchThisDevice
2025-02-13 10:35:45.025063+0800 0x27f Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (Sandbox) Sandbox: usbmuxd(119) allow iokit-get-properties kCDCDoNotMatchThisDevice
Hello, my app has a custom font for some UI elements. When building with XCODE to my local device, all works and looks great. When distributing with TestFlight, the font doesn't seem to apply!
Yes, I've included the .ttf in my Development assets, anyone else having this issue with the TestFlight Distribution of their app?
Hello everybody!
I would like some help to resolve the error "/usr/bin/openssl" x509 -noout.
I've tried different ways but it persists.
I'm using Delphi (Embarcadero) version 12, I've also tried with 11 and without success.
I use MacMini version 15.2.
What could be causing this error
Thank you in advance
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe seit einiger Zeit ein Problem, dass ich eine App 'Warenwirtschaft' aus Xcode heraus nicht mehr im Simulator oder auf meinem IPad starten kann.
Ein Compilieren und Verteilen über TestFlight funktioniert weiterhin ohne Probleme.
Leider klappt das Debugger nun nicht mehr.
Anbei die Fehlermeldung von Xcode.
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
Grüsse Mark
Cannot launch simulated executable: no file found at /Applications/Warenwirtschaft.app
Domain: IDEFoundationErrorDomain
Code: 1
User Info: {
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2025-02-05 10:10:06 +0000";
IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchiPhoneSimulatorLauncher;
Event Metadata: com.apple.dt.IDERunOperationWorkerFinished : {
"device_identifier" = "D572897F-2ECB-4109-9DFC-C7D0FB145C1C";
"device_model" = "iPad16,6";
"device_osBuild" = "18.2 (22C150)";
"device_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphonesimulator";
"device_thinningType" = "iPad16,6-A";
"dvt_coredevice_version" = "397.28";
"dvt_coresimulator_version" = "993.7";
"dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1759.81.1";
"launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run;
"launchSession_state" = 1;
"launchSession_targetArch" = arm64;
"operation_duration_ms" = 562;
"operation_errorCode" = 1;
"operation_errorDomain" = IDEFoundationErrorDomain;
"operation_errorWorker" = IDELaunchiPhoneSimulatorLauncher;
"operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup;
"param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0;
"param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 1;
"param_debugger_type" = 3;
"param_destination_isProxy" = 0;
"param_destination_platform" = "com.apple.platform.iphonesimulator";
"param_diag_113575882_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0;
"param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1;
"param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1;
"param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1;
"param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_guardMalloc_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0;
"param_diag_mtc_enable" = 1;
"param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1;
"param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_enable" = 0;
"param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0;
"param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0;
"param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1;
"param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1;
"param_install_style" = 2;
"param_launcher_UID" = 2;
"param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0;
"param_launcher_kind" = 0;
"param_launcher_style" = 0;
"param_launcher_substyle" = 0;
"param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0;
"param_runnable_productType" = "com.apple.product-type.application";
"param_structuredConsoleMode" = 1;
"param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0;
"param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0;
"param_testing_usingCLI" = 0;
"sdk_canonicalName" = "iphonesimulator18.2";
"sdk_osVersion" = "18.2";
"sdk_variant" = iphonesimulator;
System Information
macOS Version 15.3 (Build 24D60)
Xcode 16.2 (23507) (Build 16C5032a)
Timestamp: 2025-02-05T11:10:06+01:00
We are developing a Flutter application targeted for MacOS and Windows . We are using the FlutterMacOS and connectivity_plus packages in our app
But whenever we are releasing a version to App Store we are getting the privacy manifest file missing for above 2 packages
We tried to add xcPrivacy file inside the Runner Xcode project. But that doesn't solve the issue
Adding the relevant lines from the warning email getting from App Store below
"ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest - Your app includes “Contents/Frameworks/FlutterMacOS.framework/Versions/A/FlutterMacOS”, which includes Flutter, an SDK that was identified in the documentation as a commonly used third-party SDK. Starting February 12, 2025, if a new app includes a commonly used third-party SDK, or an app update adds a new commonly used third-party SDK, the SDK must include a privacy manifest file or you won’t be able to submit the app for review in App Store Connect. Please contact the provider of the SDK that includes this file to get an updated SDK version with a privacy manifest. For more details about this policy, including a list of SDKs that are required to include signatures and manifests, visit: https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements.
ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest - Your app includes “Contents/Frameworks/connectivity_plus.framework/Versions/A/connectivity_plus”, which includes connectivity_plus, an SDK that was identified in the documentation as a commonly used third-party SDK. Starting February 12, 2025, if a new app includes a commonly used third-party SDK, or an app update adds a new commonly used third-party SDK, the SDK must include a privacy manifest file or you won’t be able to submit the app for review in App Store Connect. Please contact the provider of the SDK that includes this file to get an updated SDK version with a privacy manifest. For more details about this policy, including a list of SDKs that are required to include signatures and manifests, visit: https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements."
Please suggest a solution to solve this issue as early as possible , because February 12th onwards we will get blocked to release new versions
How do I download the iPad Air (5th generation) 18.3 simulator? I activated my Mac and only have version 18.2 available.
I need to test the simulator that they are testing, but I can't because I don't have version 18.3 available. I only have the iPad version 18.2 available and the application works fine on that version.
I have already added logs in different parts of the application, but in the files that you shared with me no log appears. The macOS operating system is macOS Drought.
We have universal links which takes user to various journeys in the app when user clicks on the link, however it works only when app is installed. If app is not installed link takes user to the App Store and when the user installs and opens the app, the link does not launch the intended deeplink flow.
Is there any way we can pass context to app store and receive it when user opens the app?
Android provides similar functionality using install referral lib. Checking if similar is possible in iOS.
I have been trying to subscribe a few times from Japan, being a foreigner and i amunable to get validated despite my residence card. it feels a bit difficult to navigate this walkthrough.
Recently we tried to update the plist.info file in one of our apps to specify an LSMinimumSystemVersion of 16.0 but when uploading this to App Store Connect using the Transporter app we received an error that this setting cannot be any higher than 15.2. Is there any way around this? Will this be changing soon?
Hello all,
I am trying to build a Flutter app that supports a link the opens the app.
I would like the link to be sent by email, and when clicked I would like to app to open. On android all works fine, but on IOS it doesnt.
I currently have:
A link that does open the app but doesnt navigate to the correct screnn - it just shows the last screen that app was on.
I have tried following the tutorial on https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/navigation/set-up-universal-links to the letter but still doesnt work
I am using:
Flutter 3.22.3
Go Router 14.2.7
Thanks in advance