Hi all,
I'm facing the issue that cannot build app in Xcode 16
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Please help to fix the issue, there is any reference how to resolve the error.
RSS for tagBuild, test, and submit your app using Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment.
Please see detail here.
I've noticed a warning during export archive phase (xcrun xcodebuild -exportArchive) in our iOS CI/CD pipelines.
Updating the export options info plist file to use
helps, but I am not sure if we should update it or not since I cannot find any references about this change in the docs.
It'd be very helpful to get some guidelines.
Thank you
When I try to open Xcode, it tries to open the previous windows and load up the project I was last working on, but I can’t create a new project without opening Xcode, and I can’t do that; it just quits and gives me an Xcode quit unexpectedly, and it still happens when I download earlier versions of Xcode from the Apple developer website and the latest from the App Store, and I even when in Finder and tried to open my project that way, and it just does the same thing. I have tried everything, and I mean everything. I even reinstalled macOS, and it worked for a minute until it tried to open my project and then quit again and is doing the same thing.
In Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a) - and previous versions too, the download container in the Devices & Simulators functionality no longer works.
It will start downloading the container, however it will also:
show NO download progress
fail to download the whole container (the downloaded container is missing whole directories, eg. AppData/Library is missing - where my application stores the CoreData db)
show no errors
This was tested with the XCode version stated above (and previous versions) and with iPhone XR (18.1.1 - MR42CN/A) and with iPad (17.7.2 - MR7F2FD/A).
How can I debug this issue / make the Xcode download the whole container?
Running on Mac mini 15.1.1 (24B91).
I am experiencing an issue with Xcode 16.2 (15E204a) where global workspace search does not return results from .xib files.
I have a multiplatform app that I've been working on that targets iphones, ipad, and macos. I also have a widgetextension that targets all three devices. On iphones and ipads, the widgets show up in the widget gallery with no problems. But on the mac, the widget center does show my app, but its widgets are "from iPhone" meaning that if my app was not install on an iphone, they just won't show up on the mac at all.
I have not idea of what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. Do I need to create a widget extension for the mac seperately?
when opening Main.storyboard, all screens turn black, XCode freezes, and then closes. I am adding the font according to this guide. I'm trying to add Inter-VariableFont_opsz,wght.ttf of the https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Inter
I am working on an agent app.
The app has a menubarextra.
var body: some Scene {
"menubarextra", systemImage: "star")
Button("Item 1") {
Button("Item 2") {
Button("Item 3") {
I am going to write xctest to click on the icon i created and want to click on the menu next.
func testExample() throws {
// UI tests must launch the application that they test.
let app = XCUIApplication()
let menuBarsQuery = XCUIApplication().menuBars
let favouriteStatusItem = menuBarsQuery.statusItems["Favourite"]
menuBarsQuery.menuItems["Item 1"].click()
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
There is a small problem. When the app is not a agent app, the app will start with with its own menu bar. If i am currently on fullscreen, it will swap to the desktop and the menubar will be showing the app's menu bar. In this case, I can see the menubarextra. The test will pass then.
When it is in agent app, the above behaviour will not happen. Once I run the test with fullscreen mode of xcode, my screen will still stay on xcode and the statusbar will not be showing. Then the test will response
error: -[swiftuitestUITests.MenubarExtraTests testExample] : Element StatusItem, {{1080.0, 6.5}, {34.5, 24.0}}, title: 'Favourite' is not hittable
The only solution I can found at the moment is to leave fullscreen first, then run the test.
In xctest, is there any way to force the statusbar to show first?
Thank you!
All the threads only contain system calls. The crashed thread only contains a single call to my app's code which is main.swift:12.
What could cause such a crash?
Hello all!
My application written with C++/CMake and when building have some troubles with adding test environment for StoreKit every time - it need to be done manually.
Is there any way to add StoreKit environment settings with CMake and when executed command like this $ cmake -g Xcode ... StoreKit test environment were automatically added?
I have created two different apps using ADEP, and they were working on iPad with iOS 14.6 and 14.7.1. The environments are as follows:
1.Mac mini (Mac OS X 10.7.5)
Xcode 8.3.2
2.iMac (OS X El Capitan 10.11.6)
Xcode 7.3
The certificates were exported from the environment in 1 and imported into 2.
When I tried to switch from ADEP to AdHoc for app creation, I encountered an error. Specifically, the app worked fine on an iPad running iOS 12.5.7 in environment 1, but on devices with iOS 14.6, 14.7.1, and 17.7, the installation was successful, but when I tried to open the app, the following error message appeared:
“XXXXX” needs to be updated
To run this app on this version of iOS, the developer needs to update the app.
Additionally, in environment 2, I’m unable to archive the app.
Is it possible to create a working app by simply switching from ADEP to AdHoc without making any other changes to the environment?
Regarding the bundle identifiers of App that I remove from App Store Connect will they be locked forever andI can't reuse them ?
Kind Regards
My app has a debugging mode in which it invokes 'leaks' on itself. I am now seeing this message on stderr:
Target process is an ancestor and permitting live process for ancestors so not generating a corpse to save resources by default.
This sort of makes sense, but I would like a more detailed explanation. Is there some option I should be sending to 'leaks' to operate in a better mode? Should I be invoking it differently?
Xcode 16.2 suddenly injects the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key into our app's Info.plist. This results in a rejection from App Store Connect because of this key:
TMS-90109: This bundle is invalid - The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions. Refer to QA1623 for additional information: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1623/_index.html
The setting INFOPLIST_KEY_UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities is empty in our project, yet Xcode still injects:
How can we prevent that? Or is there a way to strip it out during the build process? The Info.plist seems to get generated during an invisible build step, is there a way to make this explicit?
So I started a project in Xcode but without GitHub.
Now I have prepared Xcode for GitHub and kind of made it work.
I have also made a folder where I have cloned my project from GitHub.
So is there any way to connect Xcode and the new folder. If I save my project it doesn't know about my new folder I presume:
I could continue to use GitHub via Xcode but I'm afraid I will forget about commands in Git if I only use Xcode. If I should work on another project without Git.
I'm getting hundreds of the message below in Xcode. I've narrowed it down to when I instantiate the following
Message send exceeds rate-limit threshold and will be dropped. { reporterID=231700600717315, rateLimit=32hz }
Currently I only see the right eye view when running my test app on the Vision Simulator. But to be able to evaluate if what I'm doing is actually possible on the device before buying one for developing my app I like to be able to switch between viewing the right eye and left eye in the simulator.
My payment system works correctly when my backend is in sandbox mode, but when I submit my app for review, I get the following error:
VerificationException [Error]
at SignedDataVerifier.verifyNotification (/Users/---/node_modules/@apple/app-store-server-library/dist/jws_verification.js:126:19)
at SignedDataVerifier.verifyAndDecodeNotification (/Users/---/node_modules/@apple/app-store-server-library/dist/jws_verification.js:121:14)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async file:///Users/---/src/api/routes/apple.routes.js:22:18 {
status: 2,
cause: undefined
Main Question
For Apple to approve in-app purchases, should I submit my app for review with the backend in sandbox mode or production?
Possible Causes of the Error
I would appreciate any suggestions on what might be causing this error and how to fix it.
Thanks in advance! 🚀
I'm trying to build an app for Mac from an external source and the build process fails due to the requirement of a provisioning profile. I'm new to developing in Xcode and as far as I've know rn, you need to have a developer account to create a profile. I just want to test the app locally. Not sure if a profile is required for that.