Yes! I see my Apple Distribution Certificate Expires: Friday, October 3, 2025 [quote='828882022, DTS Engineer, /thread/776197?answerId=828882022#828882022'] If you launch Keychain Access and search for Apple Distribution, do you see anything? [/quote]
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In some places of our app we make use of NSAccessibilityElement subclasses to vend some extra items to accessibility clients. We need to know which item has the VoiceOver focus so we can keep track of it. setAccessibilityFocused: does not get called when accessibility clients focus NSAccessibilityElements. This method is only called when accessibility clients focus view-based accessibility elements (i.e. when a NSView subclass gets focused). At the same time we need to programmatically move VoiceOver focus to those items when something happens. Those accessibility elements inherit from NSObject so we can't make them first responder. Is this the expected behavior? What are our options in terms of reacting to VoiceOver cursor moving around? What are our options in terms of programmatically moving the VoiceOver cursor to a different element? Here's a sample project that demonstrates the first part of the issue:
For your question, please contact the Apple Developer Program Support Team. If that request is with a team other than the Apple Developer Program Support Team, please get in touch with them through Please make sure to mention that you were referred to them by DTS. We hope this information is helpful to you. Albert Pascual
Worldwide Developer Relations.
Hi everyone, We've been struggling for weeks to update our app in the App Store, but we keep receiving the same rejection. Here's the exact response from Apple: The app provides loan services but the domains listed on the app's Product Pages are still not clearly under your control or ownership. Since users may use these domains to contact you to request support, the domains used on the Product Page for loan apps must be under your control or ownership. Update the Product Page metadata in App Store Connect to only include domains that are associated with Apple Accounts registered to your developer account. The issue is that we've always listed the same domain that we used when registering our Apple Developer account. If you visit our website, the company name and address are clearly displayed in the footer. We’ve tried asking for clarification, but we keep receiving the same generic response without any specific details. This is blocking a critical update that fixes technical issues
We successfully passed the review one day ago. The most effective approach in this situation is to reach out to Apple directly using this link: In my experience, they're likely the only ones who can resolve issues like this. Before contacting them, ensure the following: Your official company website is accurately listed in the app metadata (Privacy Policy, Marketing URL, Contact Information). Double-check the app description separately; there might be a different domain listed. Verify your website clearly displays your company's name. Confirm that the email associated with your Apple Developer account matches your website’s domain. Lastly, I'd like to thank Apple. Although it wasn't easy, in the end we successfully managed to update our app.
Hi, We have an entitlement for HCE in the European Economic Area (EEA) and registered some AID's to use for the application selection (ISO-7816). We have an app in development that can emulate a pass. We use an Elatec (Apple compliant) card reader that sends this AID to select the proper application in the phone in HCE, but we cannot select our app to be the (default) application for our AID. We end up having the user to open the app first and either: on app startup have 15 secs of presentmentIntent to present the phone to the reader. And, if not on time, subsequently having to wait for 15 secs cool-down period. Or press a button to start the intent. And if it somehow fails (or timeout) wait 15 secs again for the cool-down. How can i give the user give a proper experience? I must be misunderstanding something. What are the AIDs used for in iOS, if not to select the proper application to use? We could of course allow the user to set our app as the default contactless app, but this would be undesirable
I am developing a time control app, that allows the employees of a company to register their work hours (entry, exit and interval times). After careful studies on wich distribution method to choose, we decided that an Unlisted App would be the best approach. We thought of distributing the app via Ad Hoc, but the security clearences needed to run it conlficts with some laws of my country, and any sort of MDM is out of the question, since the app is intended to be run o both users private or company owned devices alike. This way, having it on the App Store as unlisted would solve both theese problems, since it would facilitate distribution to the users, and still have some sort of privacy. Problem is, when I sent my app for revision, i received the following message: We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is int
Are you expecting your app to be launched automatically when near a reader? Then your app will need to become the default payment app. There is no API to set the default payment app. This can only done by the user through the Settings app. Once you have successfully built and installed your app, properly configured with the necessary entitlements, the users should be seeing the option to make that app the default app in Settings->General->Contactless & NFC For this setting option to show up (or for any any of the EEA based features to work) Your app must be correctly configured and built with the correct entitlements and the necessary APIs Your testing device must physically be located in the EEA and is a supported type (iPhone only). The signed-in Apple ID on the device must be registered in an EEA country or region. You will need to contact the entitlements team and ask for the HCE Default App entitlement. Keep in mind that this functionality can only be tested within the EEA. As for the
I'm unable to fix syntax errors when using folders such as “greg’s folder error 86:87: syntax error: Expected “” but found unknown token. (-2741) number 1 i’ve created an apple script to run python tool to extract “.rpa” files. the script works well except to selecting games that are in a folder with “‘. any ideas to properly to this? thank you. -- Function to escape special characters in POSIX paths for safe shell execution on escapePOSIXPath(originalPath) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ' set pathParts to text items of originalPath set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ''' set escapedPath to pathParts as text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to -- Reset delimiters -- Wrap in single quotes return ' & escapedPath & ' end escapePOSIXPath -- Get the current app's POSIX path set currentAppPath to POSIX path of (path to me) -- Construct the expected path for set scriptPath to currentAppPath & Contents/Resources/Scripts/ -- Check if exists s
Summary: At WWDC24, a new transition was introduced by the Apple Design team (.contentTransition(.symbolEffect(.replace))) I was writing a post about it on my LinkedIn (, and out of curiosity I tried multiple symbols with slashes. Many of them were not well center aligned during a new symbol effect. Some of the examples are: speaker.fill : speaker.slash.fill”, eye.fill : eye.slash.fill”. Please check the attached Swift file for more details and full SwiftUI View with issues. Steps to Reproduce: Create a new IOS App project in XCode. Create a new SwiftUI File. Initiate state variable: @State private var isSpeakerOn = true. Create a new image with transition: Image(systemName: isSpeakerOn ? speaker.fill : speaker.slash.fill) .contentTransition(.symbolEffect(.replace)). 5. Create a switcher or set a timer with a constant variable to toggle isSpeakerOn value (see attachment file). 6. Toggle isSpeakerOn value. 7. Observe the issue (2 symbols are not well center align
I have not found a way to get this to work at all. I think its pretty clear at this point this is a bug and this whole local network permission speedbump didn't account for all cases where it would be required I have a ticket open with Apple in Feedback assistant. Hopefully i get more info from them because its gone cold here.
Hello, I have come across what I believe to be a bug in iOS 14 regarding UIActivityViewController.excludedActivityTypes. Adding an array of UIActivity.ActivityType objects to this property worked correctly under iOS 13, but now fails under iOS 14. I am testing this in both Xcode 11.4 compiling under the iOS 13 SDK (where it works) and on Xcode 12.1 compiling under the iOS 14 SDK (where it fails). The UIActivity.ActivityType(s) that I add to the array are correctly removed from the share sheet when it is presented under iOS 13, but they show up when the share sheet is presented under iOS 14. This is causing us problems, because some share extensions are simply not compatible with the data that our app exposes and we wish to exclude them but because of this bug, we are unable to. Can anyone shed some light on whether they are seeing this issue as well under iOS 14? And if you are not, would you mind sharing your code that sets the exception? An example of ours is below: let activityVC = UIActivityViewController
I've been running into the exact same issue myself. It seems that simply referencing the constant NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture—even if it’s protected by an if #available check—causes a crash on devices running any iOS version below 18. Essentially, there's just no safe way to use that constant on iOS 18 and still maintain backward compatibility. This is definitely one of those cases where an Apple engineer needs to step in and provide a fix or an official workaround.
Hi, I’m trying to perform UWB ranging between an iPhone and a Qorvo DWM3001CDK accessory using Apple NI’s NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration class. I’ve followed the steps described in the official Apple documentation (, specifically for enabling background mode using the init(accessoryData:bluetoothPeerIdentifier:) initializer. The configuration is successfully created, and background mode is enabled. However, when the iPhone starts the session, I doesn’t receive any ranging data from the DWM3001CDK, and the session ends with a timeout. Interestingly, if I use the init(data:) initializer, I can successfully receive ranging data, but this only works in foreground mode, which doesn’t meet my requirements. Steps I’ve followed: Used Core Bluetooth to discover and pair the accessory. Retrieved the configuration data from the accessory according to the third-party UWB device specifications. Initialized the conf