missing package product

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Reply to MKMapview overlay renderding performance issue on iOS16
Could you post a link to a small, buildable test project with the code you shared above? There seems to be other parts missing, like the original code that adds and removes overlays, and the implementation here of reRenderAllGeometries, so I'm not sure I have the complete picture yet. A buildable project would let me run and also profile this to understand it better. If you're not familiar with preparing a test project, take a look at Creating a test project. — Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer
Reply to xcodebuild -exportLocalizations does not respect build scheme or configuration
Hello and welcome to Apple Developer Forums, I will comment on a few things here. Preview-only strings should no longer be extracted as of Xcode 16, regardless of the RELEASE/DEBUG configuration. Regarding this: Our real app’s Xcode project cannot export strings from within the Xcode IDE at all, as Xcode always attempts to build our iOS project using the macOS SDK, which obviously fails. So we must use the command line export. Assuming this is in the context of Swift Packages, this issue should be fixed in Xcode 16 Beta 4. If you are still experiencing issues with Xcode exporting for an unexpected platform, please file a Feedback report with a sample project. A localization export (whether in the IDE or on the command line) is expected to cover an entire project or workspace and is not scheme-based. Thus, Xcode does not support exporting within the context of a specific scheme. Export does not support the -configuration option on the command line today, but please file a Feedback report for us to add
Reply to Content filter providers seem to block all requests during startup on iOS 16 or 17
Is this the expected behavior? Yes and, in fact, I believe the iOS 15 behavior was in fact a bug. In security terms, iOS 15 is failing open, which means it's possible to bypass your content filter by indirectly disturbing it's startup process (for example, but blocking or stalling specific requests). Is this documented? No. The current behavior is how this kind of API is expected to behave and the iOS 15 behavior was a bug. We offer a content filter app that might be stopped during the device sleeps. When a non-our-app’s push notification is received, the device wakes up, and the content filter starts up. Then the push notification seems to be lost. It is observed on iOS 16 and 17, not on iOS 15. If you want to reimplement the iOS 15 behavior, then you can modify your start logic to finish as quickly as possible and then simply allow all flows until you've finished your own initialization and can start blocking again. __ Kevin Elliott DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware
Airdrop Photos Lose Quality
Hi, I’m a photographer and recently after I upgrade to ios 18 beta, noticed that when I airdrop my photos (which I took with medium format cameras with extremely high quality) from my macbook pro to my iphone, they lose quality alot!! The sharpness is completely gone, and details are very less. Does anyone know how to solve this?!
Reply to Making shader graph same as wwdc24
Hello @Gamno, while I do not have access to the exact project shown in that video, I can attempt to walk you through the steps of building a similar material in Shader Graph. If you haven’t already, check out Build Materials in Shader Graph for more info on creating materials using Shader Graph. A couple notes about what you see in the video: The nodes with yellow trim are composed from multiple base nodes and collapsed for brevity. Two types of nodes were created this way: an incidence node that outputs the dot product (float) of the view direction and surface normal, and an undulate node that outputs a vector3f that is used for the Model Position Offset input on a GeometryModifier node. You can create your own custom nodes by selecting a group of nodes and clicking Compose Node Graph in the context menu. To build the incidence node, combine the outputs of a ViewDirection node with a Normal node into a DotProduct node. This value will be used to calculate the Color and Opacity inputs in an UnlitSurf
Reply to SwiftUI TextEdit iPad external keyboard "Return" key
this always dismisses the keyboard. It looks like the TextField loses focus. Since you mentioned external Bluetooth keyboard, I am wondering what you meant about the keyboard being dismissed... Did you mean that when you use the system-provided virtual keyboard and hit the Return key, the virtual keyboard is dismissed? If that is the case, is switching to TextEditor an option for you? I think that may be the easiest option to implement multiple line text input on iOS / iPadOS. Best, —— Ziqiao Chen  Worldwide Developer Relations.
Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
[quote='797102022, DTS Engineer, /thread/760029?answerId=797102022#797102022'] If you only want to look at the app, rather than run it, you can ignoer the whole thing: [/quote] So I ran lldb ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2024-07-12/MyApp macOS 12.07.2024, 20.43.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app To translate the addresses from the crash report to lldb, it wasn't sufficient to subtract the binary image base address, but I found some help at Symbolicating with LLDB. By running lldb image list which outputs [ 0] 2521131E-2080-387D-B96E-8DB6AA18E011 0x0000000100000000 ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2024-07-12/MyApp macOS 12.07.2024, 20.43.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp /System/Volumes/Data/~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2024-07-12/MyApp macOS 12.07.2024, 20.43.xcarchive/dSYMs/MyApp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/MyApp [ 1] 37BBC384-0755-31C7-A808-0ED49E44DD8E 0x00000001800b8000 /usr/lib/dyld ... I found out that there is another base address
Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
Well, blat! Xcode seems to be doing the wrong thing here. In my defence, I’ve done this many times for iOS and Xcode does do the right thing for iOS apps )-: Pasted in below is a detailed explanation of the issue, taken from the bug I just filed about this (r. 132479265). There are two ways around it: If you only want to look at the app, rather than run it, you can ignoer the whole thing: % lldb Test760029.app … (lldb) disas -n '$s10Test76002914ViewControllerC11viewDidLoadyyFTo' Test760029`@objc ViewController.viewDidLoad(): Test760029[0x100002814] <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 Test760029[0x100002818] <+4>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x10] Test760029[0x10000281c] <+8>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] Test760029[0x100002820] <+12>: add x29, sp, #0x20 Test760029[0x100002824] <+16>: mov x19, x0 Test760029[0x100002828] <+20>: bl 0x100002c04 ; type metadata accessor for Test760029.ViewController at … LLDB’s static inspection doesn’t care about the get-task-allow limitation. If want to run the app
SF Symbols 6 app does not export 'Can Rotate' property of a layer
The SF Symbols app 6.0 (99) does not export the ‘Can Rotate’ property of layers when exporting a symbol via File > Export Symbol. Without this, all the new fantastic edit functions in the app related to rotating in SF Symbols is completely useless. This issue with the SF Symbols 6 app can be reproduced by exporting a rotatable symbol like fan.desk, and then by importing the result as custom symbol. When inspecting ‘Group 1’ of the imported symbol, it is no longer marked as rotatable. SF Symbols app 6.0 is still in beta, but hasn't been updated since 10 June. Hopefully this bug will be solved in the release version, or earlier. Does anyone know how to manually add the missing rotation info to the exported SVG file? In case an Apple engineer reads this: FB13916635
Content filter providers seem to block all requests during startup on iOS 16 or 17
Hi, Consider a content filter app that allows most requests. While running, it handles requests and determine what to do. It does not affect any request while it is not running. However, during startup, it seems to block all requests, on iOS 16 or 17. On iOS 15, the behavior is bit different. Show the picture below: Questions Is this the expected behavior? Is this documented? Steps to reproduce Create content filter app with filter data provider with lengthy startup, something like the following: import NetworkExtension class FilterDataProvider: NEFilterDataProvider { override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping ((any Error)?) -> Void) { Task { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 10 * 1_000_000_000) completionHandler(nil) } } override func stopFilter(with reason: NEProviderStopReason) async {} override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict { guard let url: String = flow.url?.absoluteString else { return .allow() } if url.contains(example.net/) { return .drop() } if u
Problem integrating In-app Purchase using revenue cat
After setting up the code and panel as per the documentation of app store connect and revenue cat, when I try to fetch the product from my app, it shows following error: PlatformException(2, There was a problem with the App Store., {readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred, code: 2, message: There was a problem with the App Store., readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM}, null)