missing package product

42,973 results found






How to programmatically use SFTP in a SwiftUI macOS app?
Is there an easy way to programmatically use SFTP in my SwiftUI macOS app? In my macOS app I need to do things like: upload local files to a remote server create a directory on a remote server download files from a remote server delete files on a remote server I have been researching this subject for awhile and people are recommending things like SwiftNIO and libssh. But those seem pretty low level and kind of a headache to use. Another option is to use the sftp CLI command via the foundation Process object. I like this option and am considering experimenting with this, but it seems like a hack. Will this work on all macOS computers? Is there an easy way to import and use a C/C++ SFTP library in my SwiftUI macOS app? At this point in my research of this subject I feel like I have to go deep down some rabbit hole in order to pull of some SFTP functionality. But I'm wondering, is there some easy way to do this that I'm missing?
Jun ’24
Reply to Registering login item with new SMAppService API
I have the same trouble. Sometimes I get SMAppServiceStatusNotFound status. I noticed that my macOS app is not in the System Preferences/Login Items/Allow Background apps list. So I did run a terminal command sudo sfltool resetbtm I rebooted, and my app was in that list. I had to turn back off all the apps in the Allow Background list, which turned on since the Terminal command. You would agree with me, this is not the way to distribute the app to the customers. I can't ask my customers to run the Terminal command, reboot then turn off all the unwanted apps from the Allow Background list. I guess I miss something. Any idea? How to get my app in that list just after I copied the app within the /Applications folder?
Jun ’24
Reply to iOS18 beta2: NavigationStack, Views Being Popped Automatically
Thank you for your response. I tried the suggested solution, and although it resolved the issue of the view being popped automatically, a different problem has now arisen. (The new issue: Tapping Back from a lower-level View returns to the Root View / No transition animation ) However, while this fix may work for the simplest code, I think it cannot be applied to our production code for the following three reasons: This fix requires placing navigationDestination directly under NavigationStack. In our production code, we have multiple levels such as two, three, or more, each handling different data models within a large navigation view. It's not practical to describe all levels of navigationDestination directly under NavigationStack. This fix introduces another problem, making it unsuitable for inclusion in our production code at this time. I am unsure whether this behavior is due to a specification change in iOS 18 or a bug in the iOS 18 beta, and whether this solution is just a tem
Jun ’24
Reply to How to link multiple text views to a single text storage in TextKit 2
Thanks. The part I was missing is the one the documentation for NSTextContentManager doesn't mention, which is that it is an abstract class whose (apparently) only concrete subclass is NSTextContentStorage, which has a textStorage property. guard let textStorage: NSTextStorage = (textLayoutManager?.textContentManager as? NSTextContentStorage)?.textStorage else { return } The sample code also changes the textStorage inside the block passed to textContentManager.performEditingTransaction(_:), which the documentation doesn't seem to explain why it's necessary.
Jun ’24
Reply to iOS 17 - default notification tone
This change is terrible and, as messages show, discriminatory. My hearing is starting to go, which I didn't expect in my 40s, and I work in healthcare and am on call overnights often. I keep missing texts since there's no way to make the phone extra loud and some of my go-to ringtones that were at least a bit longer seem to be gone. Please consider an option to make it louder- even if it's under accessibility.
Jun ’24
Virtual serial ports
Hello, I want to add virtual serial ports to a macOS VM (host = Sonoma, guest = Sonoma). Here is what I tried so far: option 1 I create a VZVirtioConsoleDeviceConfiguration and I add a port to it, with a VZFileHandleSerialPortAttachment connected to two pipes: let consoleDeviceConfiguration = VZVirtioConsoleDeviceConfiguration() let guestPort = VZVirtioConsolePortConfiguration() guestPort.isConsole = false guestPort.name = myserialport let guestToHostPipe = Pipe() let hostToGuestPipe = Pipe() guestPort.attachment = VZFileHandleSerialPortAttachment( fileHandleForReading: hostToGuestPipe.fileHandleForReading, fileHandleForWriting: guestToHostPipe.fileHandleForWriting ) consoleDeviceConfiguration.ports[0] = guestPort // config is my VZVirtualMachineConfiguration config.consoleDevices = [consoleDeviceConfiguration] Then after the VZVirtualMachine is instantiated, I get the runtime VZVirtioConsoleDevice for my device and I set my service as its delegate. In the guest system, the device is created with the expected
Jun ’24
Location Purpose String Not Updating
Hello - I am trying to add a more descriptive Location Purpose String for submitting my app to the store. I previously had a placeholder, generic string for testing. I have updated my info.plist file, but the old string is still appearing. I have 1) deleted the app from simulator device and rebuilt 2) tried pushing the version to TestFlight 3) Deleted and replaced the values in the info.plist, none of which have resolved this issue. What am I missing here?
Jun ’24
Xcode 15: Multiple Commands Produce Duplicate Info.plist Error
I am encountering a persistent issue in Xcode 15 where multiple commands produce a duplicate Info.plist error. The specific error message is: M u ltiple commands produce '/Users/josephnicholas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Restaurant_Build-bapndkzqxdjxxbacjwattbpeqof/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Restaurant Build.app/Info.plist': Target 'Restaurant Build' (project 'Restaurant Build') has copy command from '/Users/josephnicholas/Desktop/backups/Restaurant Build/Supporting Files/Info.plist' to '/Users/josephnicholas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Restaurant_Build-bapndkzqxdjxxbacjwattbpeqof/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Restaurant Build.app/Info.plist' Target 'Restaurant Build' (project 'Restaurant Build') has process command with output '/Users/josephnicholas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Restaurant_Build-bapndkzqxdjxxbacjwattbpeqof/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Restaurant Build.app/Info.plist' Despite following numerous troubleshooting steps, including deleting the
Jun ’24
iMac stuck on checking null
On any update, regardless if it’s Mojave or high sierra or catalina many Apple iMac owners were having issues with this- “iMac is stuck on Checking null, it won’t go any further. How do I fix this?”. I spoke to 4 representatives and no Apple representative could help with my issue. So here is a 100% solution. back up your iMac if you don’t want to lose anything. hold the power button until your iMac turns off ouch the power button and let go immediately and push and hold “COMMAND” and “R” until your utilities pop up. Erase and reinstall a new versio of your current macOS update. Let this finish and DO NOT sign into your Apple ID now. Accept the terms and cond and follow all the steps. Once you are in the computer you can sign in. now you may update your iMac to whichever update.
Jun ’24
Apple store connect requests sandbox entitlement for the PCI DriverKit System Extension
Hi, I have a PCI DriverKit System Extension project that our team has tested, and the entitlements are not a problem. Once we decided to place the project to the Apple Store the review team requested to add App Sandbox entitlement to the project. Then I added the entitlement manually to the .entitlements file ( I couldn't do that using the Xcode add entitlement section because since it is a driverkit project, the App sandbox is not visible in the entitlements page ) and re-packaged the project for distribution. Later on, I saw that the entitlement was removed during the packaging process. I also tried to add that using the build settings page in Xcode (the signing section ), but I had no luck. I feel like I'm being misled by the review team. Do you know if the App sandbox entitlement is applicable to a DriverKit project ?
Jun ’24
Swift Package with Demo project with Xcode 16
My current workflow to have a Swift Package with a Demo is like this: PackageFolder > DemoFolder I have a package, with a Demo folder inside. I can open the Demo project and Drag&Drop the local PackageFolder to override the remote dependency with the local one. This allows to edit the package while inside the demo project. With Xcode 16 this does no longer work because Xcode does not allow to drop an ancestor of the file path where the project is located. Xcode does not tell this while you drop, it just does not allow it. But it tells you thats the reason, when you try to add the local package as a dependency to the project: The selected package cannot be a direct ancestor of the project.. (Dropping other local packages still works, see: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756824) What is the expected way to handle a package with a demo project with Xcode 16?
Jun ’24
Auto-renewing Subscription Updates not Arriving
This is a copy of a reply to this post. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/722222?page=1 I'm posting as new in the hope someone might have more up-to-date information, as I'm pulling out what little hair I have left. I'm using Storekit 2, testing in Xcode with a local Storekit config file. I have created a very minimal system to investigate this issue. I have a SwiftUI-based window using SubscriptionStoreView, and my app set up with the usual listener. I have four types of auto renewing subscription, configured in the local Storekit config file. With my app running, I subscribe to the lowest-level subscription I offer, via the SubscriptionStoreView. Notification of the inital purchase arrives, but subsequent auto-renewals do not trigger any action in my listener for Transaction.updates. They arrive as expected in the Transaction Manager. Radio silence in my listener. If I upgrade one subscription (via my SubscriptionStoreView) I see this reflected in the UI immediately, and also in the Transaction Mana
Jun ’24