missing package product

46,103 results found






Reply to Notarization has stopped working for .pkg files
Just to add to the post, I tried notarizing again a .pkg installer that I had already notarized successfully a few weeks ago and I got the same problem, so unless I'm missing something obvious here, there was a change in Apple's side that is now causing this problem.In the meantime, I'm going to try to notarize the app first, then package it, and then notarize the .pkg file.
Oct ’19
Reply to Framework built on Xcode9 are not working on Xcode8
It could be a bug or incompatibility, but there are some other subtle problems in your project(s) that may be affecting you.Incidentally, there is no such thing as a static framework. A framework is a dynamic library packaged as a bundle. Perhaps you mean a private framework (a framework embedded in an app bundle, so not shared between apps, which is very common), or a static library (which is a collection of object files, a library in the Unix sense, not in the Apple sense).— One possibility is that the deployment target got changed when you converted the framework project for Xcode 9. This might result in an incompatible build product.— Another possibility is that your are not producing the framework using Archive (from the Product menu), but are trying to use the build product from a Build or Run operation. The difference is that Build might not build all of the CPU architectures that a finished (Archive'd) framework needs — the variant for arm64 might actually be missing
Sep ’17
Notarizing a Flat Package containing another Flat Package?
Hello!This isn't so much a Developer issue, but developers are far more knowledgable about Notarization than anyone else, so here I am! :-)I'm creating a pkg with another (signed, notarized) pkg as its payload and a postinstall.sh to install that pkg (using /usr/sbin/installer) with particular configuration options. I can sign the resulting pkg just fine, but it has yet to pass Notarization. The original pkg installs fine with no warnings, but a pkg containing that original pkg fails Notarization with The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled errors.Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve what I'm trying to do? I'd really rather not have to re-package the original pkg's payload, likely having to edit its preinstall and postinstall scripts to add my configuration options. Is it possible that I'm just getting caught in the timeline issue with original apps and pkgs that were Notarized before Feb 1, 202
Feb ’20
Reply to Using playgrounds in local swift packages -- Bundle.module throws fatal error
This seems to work for me. I created a workspace and added a package and a playground to that workspace. I then added a resource to the package, and I was able to access that from the playground. I’ve included a lot more details below. I recommend that you retry this with a newly created workspace, package and playground, to confirm that the basics are working. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com I’m using Xcode 12.4 on macOS 11.2.3. Here’s my Package.swift: // swift-tools-version:5.3 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyLibrary, products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: MyLibrary, targets: [MyLibrary]), ], dependencies: [ // Depend
Apr ’21
*.pkg Not compatible with your MacOS
Hello,Is there any way to debug why my pkg is nt compatible with my MacOS?I was building the *.app using Qt and deploy by `macdeployqt`. After check every Frameworks and plugins paths the next step was:- `pkgbuild --component <NAME>.app --install-location /Application <APP_NAME>.pkg`and`sudo productbuild --package <APP_NAME>.pkg --content <APP_NAME>.app --sign Developer Install ID: (XXXXX) <SIGNED_APP_NAME>.pkg `I was trying to Install <SIGNED_APP_NAME>.pkg but Instaler throws me an error: This package is incompatible with your version of MacOS.I'm using MacOs 10.15. + I found also that there is no codesign folder in my bundle is that might be a reason?Maybe I missed something?
Apr ’20
Reply to Xcode 13 App + command line tool problems
So I finally settled on using a swift package to handle the command line tool project, which I added to the main app project using the package dependencies. This package executable product could be set as a dependency, and I added a run script build phase to sign the tool and embed it in the main app's Resources folder. The SPM executable product needs to be signed with --options=runtime to be embedded in a notarized macOS app. The script is pretty simple: #!/bin/bash devID=Developer ID Application: Me Myself (ASDF1234) toolPath=${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/MyTool codesign --force --options=runtime --sign ${devID} ${toolPath} cp ${toolPath} ${CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Resources
Sep ’21
productbuild: notarize .pkg with non-binary sub package
Hi, we have .pkg install package consisting of various sub packages. One of them contains presets and needs to be installed the the default preset location /Library/Audio/Presets. If this non-binary preset package is the only one in a .pkg choice notarization fails with: logFormatVersion: 1, jobId: *, status: Invalid, statusSummary: Archive contains critical validation errors, statusCode: 4000, archiveFilename: mypackage.pkg.zip, uploadDate: 2024-08-22T21:24:03.251Z, sha256: *, ticketContents: null, issues: [ { severity: error, code: null, path: mypackage.pkg.zip, message: Package mypackage.pkg.zip has no signed executables or bundles. No tickets can be generated., docUrl: null, architecture: null }, { severity: warning, code: null, path: mypackage.pkg.zip/mypackage.pkg, message: bInvalid component package: mypackage_vstpreset Distribution file's value: #com.mycompany.mypackage.vstpreset.pkgn, docUrl: null, architecture: null } ] } Not sure, but m
Aug ’24