App Store Receipts

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Validate app and in-app purchase receipts with the App Store using App Store Receipts.

Posts under App Store Receipts tag

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Why Non-Consumable product has originalTransactionId?
I try to call Get Transaction Info from App Store Server API, and the transactionId is for a Non-consumable type product, but it is odd that there are so many different transactionId and they have a same originalTransactionId { "bundleId": "${bundleId}", "environment": "Production", "inAppOwnershipType": "PURCHASED", "originalPurchaseDate": 1691220528000, "originalTransactionId": "${originalTransactionId}", "productId": "${productId}", "purchaseDate": 1691220528000, "quantity": 1, "signedDate": 1692590989925, "storefront": "USA", "storefrontId": "143441", "transactionId": "${originalTransactionId}", "transactionReason": "PURCHASE", "type": "Non-Consumable" } the defination of Non-Consumable is can only purchase once for same apple account. But why there would have originalTransactionId?
Aug ’23
How to guarantee that user won't be able to makeup transaction_id to call new api
If my user purchase and get transaction_id: 2000000395609292, and then another user just makeup a same transaction_id to call the App Store Server API If in the old way, the receipt seems impossiable to makeup, how about now? Is that equally safe as before? Or is there any way to protect transaction_id. I am not that good at security, so please forgive me about missing any point. o(╥﹏╥)o Looking forward to your response, sincerely!! :)
Aug ’23
[URGENT] StoreKit 2 error. Issue with in-app purchase and subscription.
Hi all, We're facing an issue with our app's subscription and in-app purchases: We are using StoreKit 2 Up until 6 hours ago, everything was fine. Now, users are telling us they can't access what they've paid for. We could reproduce the error on iOS 16.6, not on iOS 17 developer beta Buying or restore purchases are timing out. Everything works fine in Sandbox and TestFlight. We are getting these two errors with production builds: Error enumerating unfinished transactions Error enumerating all current transactions both with the following timeout message: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "Zeitüberschreitung bei der Anforderung." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask, NSUnderlyingError=0x2837a4f00 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102 Is anyone else seeing this? Any fixes? Thanks for any help or advice. Best, Juno
Aug ’23
I did not receive a response or approval for my Apple Developer account
As of September 6, 2023, I have registered and paid the Apple Developer participation fee to be able to publish the application on the App Store. However, up to now, it has been 5 days since registering and I have not received any notification or response about my account status, even though Apple informed me in the message that I need to wait 2 days for processing. . I'm really frustrated, is there anyone else like me with this situation? If you have any way to solve the above problem, please help me. Thank you very much!
Sep ’23
"Purchase of this item is currently not unavailable. Item is being modified" error when downloading a free app still in pre-order
The error message "Purchase of this item is not currently available. The item is being modified." keeps appearing for journalists in different countries trying to get early copies of the latest build of my app using promo codes. This error has only started appearing when redeeming promo codes recently. Just days ago, users had no problem redeeming codes for the same build. No changes have been made to the app since then. The app is also free globally with an in-app-purchase option to remove ads. The promo codes to remove ads have been working fine with no error messages, but redeeming the latest build displayed the error message though it has worked days before. Generating new promo codes for the same build did not work either. This is the message that I got from a reviewer from one journalist: "I've sent the code over to one of our reviewers, and he says that when he tried to redeem the code to download your app, an error message popped up saying "purchase not currently available, item is being modified". He's still getting the same error message even after restarting his iPhone. He even tried a different device and checked for updates on both devices to no avail. Can you help?" It's an urgent matter not only because the press can't review the game, but also I worry it would affect the launch of the app in a few days. What if this error means users can't download the app on launch?
Dec ’23
How to decode signedTransactionInfo after GET request?
Hello! Please let me know after I make a request for purchase information GET I receive encrypted information in this format { "signedTransactionInfo":"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***5UmhIRkQvM21lb3locG12T3dnUFVuUFdUeG5TNGF0K3FJeFVDTUcxbWloREsxQ" } Please tell me how I can decode the information signedTransactionInfo ? and what is needed for this? (I'm trying to decode on Node.js)
Feb ’24
jwt decode Signature verification failed
Receipt verification on my app's server suddenly started giving an error, and all billing-related processes became errors. The error that is occurring is Signature verification failed is.(FireBaseJWT throw Exception) The code is below, but it was working fine until 3 days ago. JWT::decode($lastTransaction['signedTransactionInfo'], $appleCertificate, ['ES256']); The certificate used here was created by the server developer, so I don't know how to create it. Could you please help me which certificate should I use? I tried using the ApplePKI certificate, but the same error occurred. 私のアプリのサーバでのレシート検証が突然エラーを吐くようになり、課金関連の処理が全てエラーになってしまいました。 発生しているエラーはSignature verification failedです。(FireBaseJWTのException) コードは以下になっていますが、3日前までは正常に動作していたコードです。 JWT::decode($lastTransaction['signedTransactionInfo'], $appleCertificate, ['ES256']); ここで利用している証明書はサーバ開発者に作成して貰っていたので作成方法が分かりません。 どの証明書を使えば良いか助けて貰えないでしょうか。 ApplePKIの証明書は粗方試してみましたが同様のエラーになっています。
Sep ’23
Expired intermediate certificates in StoreKit 2 JWS
We send StoreKit 2 signed transactions to our server for validation and processing. As part of this process, as recommended by Apple, we validate the certificate chain against the "Apple Root CA - G3 Root" certificate found here: As of 24th September we started noticing this validation erroring because of expired certificates in the JWT. On further investigation we see the first cert in the chain, with the common name "Prod ECC Mac App Store and iTunes Store Receipt Signing", appears to have expired at "Sep 24 02:50:33 2023 GMT" I checked and calling the App Store API at "inApps/v1/subscriptions/" with the same transaction id also returns the subscription with the same expired certificate in the chain so I am confident that this is a genuine transaction issued by Apple. For now we have been forced to disable validating the expiry date of intermediate certificates to work around this. I'm however really surprised I haven't found anyone else discussing this or any documentation around how to handle this situation. Is it expected that the App Store JWS would contain an expired certificate and what is the guidance on how to proceed in this situation?
Sep ’23
How to tell if the receipt was created in sandbox or production with validating receipts on the device?
I'm currently working on in-app-purchase. I want to post receipt to my backend server and verify on server(not post to apple server) like this page. But take a look at Receipt Fields, there's no way to know the environment this receipt generated in. Is there any way to determine the environment the receipt generated in?
Oct ’23
Free Trial details not showing up on In-app subscription purchase
I have recently set up subscription flow on app. I have configure the subscription with Pricing and an introductory offer of free trial. Submitted the version of app and got it approved. Now I'm trying to release the next phase with loaded features... But this time when I try to test the same via testflight, the free trial introductory offer(which is still active) isn't showing up against the subscription plan. Same happens in Sandbox environment as well. Need some help to get that free trial option to show up on the subscription pop-up screen. TIA
Oct ’23
IAP webhook sending invalid receipts
We have noticed lately that a bunch of our receipts coming in from the Apple IAP webhook appear to be the older style receipts pre ios 7 that has the in_app array empty and doesn't provide a latest_receipt_info. Our app only supports iOS 15+ so not sure how these receipts are coming in. I noticed a couple receipts that didn't have the latest_receipt_info initially when coming in, ended up getting a latest_receipt_info a few days later. We are trying to figure out what is causing this as it is messing up our IAP processing system. The receipts look like this. { "receipt": { "receipt_type": "Production", "adam_id": <app_id>, "app_item_id": <app_id>, "bundle_id": "<bundle_id>", "application_version": "308", "download_id": <download_id>, "version_external_identifier": 859744352, "receipt_creation_date": "2023-09-12 23:58:47 Etc/GMT", "receipt_creation_date_ms": "1694563127000", "receipt_creation_date_pst": "2023-09-12 16:58:47 America/Los_Angeles", "request_date": "2023-10-06 14:54:57 Etc/GMT", "request_date_ms": "1696604097794", "request_date_pst": "2023-10-06 07:54:57 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2022-10-05 13:05:53 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1664975153000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2022-10-05 06:05:53 America/Los_Angeles", "original_application_version": "98", "in_app": [] }, "environment": "Production", "status": 0 } We are trying to figure out what is causing this and if it is an issue on our side or Apple's.
Oct ’23
Free Trial details not showing up on In-app subscription purchase
I have recently set up subscription flow on app. I have configure the subscription with Pricing and an introductory offer of free trial. Submitted the version of app and got it approved. Now I'm trying to release the next phase with loaded features... But this time when I try to test the same via testflight, the free trial introductory offer(which is still active) isn't showing up against the subscription plan. Same happens in Sandbox environment as well. Need some help to get that free trial option to show up on the subscription pop-up screen.
Oct ’23
Receipt before iOS7, The Receipt can be successfully verified with an incorrect password.
There are fake receipts used by hackers, which are the receipts before iOS7.The Receipt can be successfully verified with an incorrect password.Is this a bug? --Do I need to completely drop compatibility for this? FB number is but the ticket's status is Investigation complete - Unable to diagnose with current information,but No reply message
Oct ’23
Does `AppStore.sync` send transactions to `Transactions.update`
Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand something for analytics purpose. We see a large number of transactions coming in Transaction.update that don't initiate from our app's paywalls. When using AppStore.sync, does this send any restored transactions in Transaction.update? Or does it simply update what currentEntitlements will return. In other words, when I validate a transaction coming from Transaction.update, and the reason is .purchase, is it always a new purchase, or can it be an old purchase which is replayed? If the answer to the above question is yes, how can we distinguish actual purchases from restored transactions when verifying a transaction? Thanks! Bruno
Oct ’23
Commerce refund/chargeback clarifying questions
I have some questions about your Commerce refund/chargeback area. I would really appreciate it if you could help clarify these questions. As we are a Saas game backend company helping game studios build their backend, and our system is not directly integrated with your platform transaction system, it is very difficult for us to detect any refund/chargeback and perform revocation of items/VCs accordingly. So, I’m wondering if your platform provides any kind of workaround for us to gather player refund/chargeback events? Any suggestions or guidance will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Oct ’23
Commerce refund/chargeback clarifying questions
I have some questions about your Commerce refund/chargeback area. I would really appreciate it if you could help clarify these questions. As we are a Saas game backend company helping game studios build their backend, and our system is not directly integrated with your platform transaction system, it is very difficult for us to detect any refund/chargeback and perform revocation of items/VCs accordingly. So, I’m wondering if your platform provides any kind of workaround for us to gather player refund/chargeback events? Any suggestions or guidance will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Oct ’23
ensuring user can only do one action per day across all their iOS devices
Hi, My iOS app allows a user to perform a rather expensive cloud operation (costs me 10 cents per time) and I want to ensure they can only do it once a day across all of their iOS devices. The marketing will make it clear this is how it will work so users won't be surprised. While most will only have one iPhone in practice, with my subscription pricing I'd lose money the second someone started doing it on a second device. I could solve this using Sign in with Apple to ensure there is a 1:1 correlation between Apple ID with paid subscription and a user account in my system that I could track usage against but I'd like to avoid users having to sign in at all since it would serve no purpose from a user perspective. identifierForVendor won't work since it's different across every device the same user has Is there something in StoreKit v2 receipts or transaction data that would be stable longterm and have the same result across all devices using the same Apple ID? I don't actually want any info about the user, just a stable anonymized identifier to see they are the same user on different devices. I could also go with a consumable in-app purchase but I don't think users would like this pricing model for this app. Thanks! Colin
Nov ’23