Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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Universal links on redirection
I know that universal links were not working on redirection prior to some of the recent ios 11 version. I mean the following use case:1) having app that handles domain: "" universally.2) user clicks email tracking link (i.e. "") -> safari is opened.3) tracking page is the auto-redirected into universally supported link: "".But it seems like with one of the latest iOS update, universal links are now working on redirect.I could not find any official docs around universal links on redirect, so is it how universal links behave? If so, since what version is that enabled? Thank you,Alexey
Aug ’23
PDFKit memory issue
I have a loop that iterates all pages in a PDF and saves parts of its content into core data. Problem seems to be that each PDFPage takes up around 30mb+ of memory. This memory is not retuned when the loop moves to ther next page. with large enough PDF in can cause out of memory crash.At first I thought it was something in the loop holidng a reference. However when I dont run the loop, or attempt to save any of the PDFPage contents and simply swipe through the PDFPages of the PDF, the memory still goes up 30mb + per page. So my question is how to clear the previous page from memory when no longer the page in view?I would add code but seems you cant pste into here so jist know its basic PDFKit code to load a pdf url
Nov ’23
No crypto user for encrypted APFS volume!
After an update to High Sierra, I'm trying to unlock my volume (disk1s1) but cannot anymore. This is the info from terminal:APFS Container (1 found) | +-- Container disk1 C8022E32-744D-414E-9246-29ADDB0357F3 ==================================================== APFS Container Reference: disk1 Size (Capacity Ceiling): 500068036608 B (500.1 GB) Minimum Size: 500068036608 B (500.1 GB) Capacity In Use By Volumes: 485282820096 B (485.3 GB) (97.0% used) Capacity Not Allocated: 14785216512 B (14.8 GB) (3.0% free) | +-< Physical Store disk0s2 438AD64B-835E-418D-B0DF-32A3A0B7500A | ----------------------------------------------------------- | APFS Physical Store Disk: disk0s2 | Size: 500068036608 B (500.1 GB) | +-> Volume disk1s1 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F6 | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s1 (No specific role) | Name: Macintosh HD (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: Not Mounted | Capacity Consumed: 382597644288 B (382.6 GB) | FileVault: Yes (Locked) | +-> Volume disk1s2 B7508926-2601-4C8D-9707-5F53EA943031 | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s2 (Preboot) | Name: Preboot (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: Not Mounted | Capacity Consumed: 39792640 B (39.8 MB) | FileVault: No | +-> Volume disk1s3 51B76A93-806E-474D-9BBA-F1E752C3032B | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s3 (Recovery) | Name: Recovery (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: Not Mounted | Capacity Consumed: 1038880768 B (1.0 GB) | FileVault: No | +-> Volume disk1s4 A680E59F-DF9D-4354-BE1E-6A8AA71390A5 | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s4 (VM) | Name: VM (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: /private/var/vm | Capacity Consumed: 4295213056 B (4.3 GB) | FileVault: No | +-> Volume disk1s5 7683ED91-DACF-4213-8C73-F2C24518A4B2 --------------------------------------------------- APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s5 (No specific role) Name: Macintosh HD2 (Case-insensitive) Mount Point: / Capacity Consumed: 97149804544 B (97.1 GB) FileVault: Yes (Unlocked)Notice after a failed upgrade, I had to partition the drive to install a fresh OS (Macintosh HD2) to move on with my life, in hopes one day I can access my original volume. Now I'm trying to unlock the original Macintosh HD / disk1s1, but its crypto users disappeared (they were there before)!diskutil apfs listUsers disk1s1 No cryptographic users for disk1s1I tried entering a blank password but not luck:diskutil apfs unlockVolume disk1s1 -nomount Passphrase: Passphrase entry error: no passphrase specifiedEntering my old password or a space as the password gives this:diskutil apfs unlockVolume disk1s1 -nomount Passphrase: Unlocking any cryptographic user on APFS Volume disk1s1 Unlocked but did not mount APFS VolumeBut it really doesn't unlock it:diskutil apfs list +-< Physical Store disk0s2 438AD64B-835E-418D-B0DF-32A3A0B7500A | ----------------------------------------------------------- | APFS Physical Store Disk: disk0s2 | Size: 500068036608 B (500.1 GB) | +-> Volume disk1s1 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F6 | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s1 (No specific role) | Name: Macintosh HD (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: Not Mounted | Capacity Consumed: 382597644288 B (382.6 GB) | FileVault: Yes (Locked)I tried decrypting it as well, but no luck (entered my password used before the update, also tried space as password):diskutil apfs decryptVolume disk1s1 Passphrase for existing "Disk" user 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F: Starting background decryption of disk1s1 using the "Disk" crypto user as authorization Error starting background decryption of APFS Volume: One or more of the given or implied APFS Volumes are locked (-69582)Which is strange it's asking for a users passphrase when it told me there were no users; even stranger that this user's ID is the same as the volume disk ID. So I tried reseting the passphrase for this user:diskutil apfs changePassphrase disk1s1 -user 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F6 Old passphrase for user 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F6: New passphrase: Repeat new passphrase: Changing passphrase for cryptographic user 6C587DE6-9C8D-3792-9144-34FBE59AE9F6 on APFS Volume disk1s1 Error changing passphrase for cryptographic user on APFS Volume: The crypto user was not found on the APFS Volume (-69594)Any help on how to recover from this dreadful state, such as adding crypto users back? Thanks for any help!
Aug ’23
Safari favicons don't support updating
I use the Gmail 'unread count' favicon labs option, which updates the favicon to reflect the unread message count in my inbox. It's an essential part of my browsing experience / daily workflow. The icon is correct when the tab is first loaded, but it never updates after that. Chrome and Firefox both implement this feature.
Oct ’23
iMessage has merged 2 conversations of 2 different contacts
Hi all,I've 2 separate conversations with 2 different contacts (not the same phone number, nothing in commun).On my MacBook (High Sierra) everything works fine.But on my iPhone X running iOS 12 beta 3 (since beta 2 I've this bug), these 2 conversations are merged.When I write to one or another of these 2 contacts, it displays the 2 conversations in one screen. It merges them.When I try to create a new message, when I enter one of the 2 contacts, I don't know who receive the message, it's not always the same one that receive the message.That's really annoying.Does anyone have this issue too?I filled a bug reporter for that.Regards,Alexandre
Oct ’23
Major Screen Time Bug
As a parent I was so excited to hear about Screen Time, so much so that I upgraded my sons phone to iOS Beta 2 when it came out.As a parent I setup his access on my phone for his phone and set it so that he could not longer browse the web, watch YouTube etc after 10 PM at night. As before I would go in his room at night and he would be watching videos at 1 am.... (grr)Anyways Screen Time was a blessing until the other night when I heard him up at 1 am and went into his room and there he was watching videos on his phone. For some reason Screen Time wasn't shutting of his app access at 10 PM like it was supposed to.I asked my son how he was able to get around screentime and he told me... (and I consider this a big bug!)When Screen Time kicks in and shuts his apps off, he goes into Settings > General > Date & Time and then turns off "Set Automatically" and then changes the time to a time which he is not restricted by Screen Time, which then unlocks all the apps again.I thought that was smart of him to figure that out and I have not found a way to restrict him from changing his date and time settings.Last night, again he was on his phone after bed time... and I caught him. He said he found an easier way to defeat Screen Time, and he did that by setting the Time to 24 Hour Time, for some reason Screen Time does not understand 24 hour time.I hope this can be fixed by Apple, as if it can't it negates the entire reason for parents to have Screen Time.Thanks,Scott
Oct ’23
Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's.
My Parent app IS signed correctly. I have verified in every screen. Has anyone seen this?Thanks!XCode 10.0 beta 6---------------error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's. Embedded Binary Signing Certificate: Software Signing Parent App Signing Certificate: - (Ad Hoc Code Signed)
Oct ’23
Critical software update required, but an error was encountered... Stuck
Installed Mojave, and worked fine at first. Did a restart and now I can't get past the following message.It boots,. WiFi setting screen appears, then when I try proceed it says:A critical software update is required for your Mac, but an error was encountered while installing this update.Your Mac can't be used until this update is installed[Shut down] [try again]But it never passes that point.Any thoughts?I can't reinstall high Sierra either.
Aug ’23
iPad external keyboard spacebar not working properly
Hi,Recently I installed iPadOS public beta and bought an external third party keyboard. The spacebar of the keyboard does not work properly on some applications including the native email app. When I clicked on the spacebar, it inputs newline instead of space. Also, I noticed I can input space by clicking on shift+spacebar or alt+spacebar.I tried with another keyboard and same issues persists. Is this an issue from iPadOS public beta?Anyone experiencing the same issues?
Aug ’23
Original item can't be found in Mac OS Catalina
I installed Mac OS Catalina 10.15 beta.When I go to Finder and tap on folders in the sidebar, an alert window appears saying the folder "can't be opened because the original item can't be found".I have tried the following...- Force Quit and restart Finder.- Dragging and dropping a folder called "Data" to the desktop. It just disappears from Finder without appearing on the desktop.- Rebook Mac in recovery mode > Disk Utility > Mount Disks > First Aid > Restart. When I do this I see two disks that can be mounted.Macintosh HDMacintosh HD - DataI have tried mounting them together and separately without success.Any suggestions to fix this?
Sep ’23
syspolicyd high cpu usage
Hi all, For the last couple of betas of Catalina I've noticed that the process "syspolicyd" chews through CPU usage without ever dropping. The process seems to start up by itself and then consume a huge amount of CPU (often 98%) causing my Macbook Pro to spin up fans to try and cool it.It doesn't seem to stop by itself so I've resorted to killing the process manually but I wondered if there's a known issue or fix for this?
Sep ’23
iOS 14 Unable to Activate after restore
Last night I restored my iPhone 11 Pro Max to iOS 14 beta. After iPhone restored I am stuck at the activation screen. In setup assistant after selecting country and signing into my WiFi my iPhone tries to activate. After a few seconds I get: "Unable to Activate Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server cannot be reached. Try connecting you iPhone to a Mac or a PC with iTunes to activate, or try again in a couple of minutes. If this problem persists, contact Apple Support at" Restored on a MacBook 12" running macOS Big Sur beta 2 Shutdown iPhone on setup assistant screen and restarted. Used multiple good Wi-Fi connections. Also tried activating on Cellular. Tried removing sim card and reinserted. Tried a different sim card from the same carrier. Re-downloaded iOS 14 IPSW file. Put iPhone back into recovery mode. Opened finder selected iPhone, held down option while clicking on restore. Selected iOS 14 IPSW file. iPhone restored. Get the same activation error. Put iPhone into recovery mode. Opened finder, this time I selected restore without holding option. iPhone restored back to iOS 13. Also tried activating through finder and I get the following error: "Activation Failed The iPhone cannot be synced. Received an unexpected response from the device." Still receive "Unable to Activate". It's almost 24 hours and I am still unable to activate my phone. Anyone else having issues?
Oct ’23
UITabBarController is unsupported as viewController
Hi, I'm testing one of my app on iOS 14 with Xcode 12 beta 3 (12A8169g) and I have a problem with my storyboards. Xcode give me this error for all the storyboards that contain a split view controller: An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited. The log generated by the Xcode "Report a bug" button say: Exception name: NSInvalidArgumentException Exception reason: UITabBarController is unsupported as viewController for -[UISplitViewController setViewController:forColumn:] in Primary column It worked correctly on Xcode 12 beta 2. Has anyone encountered the same problem and found a way to fix it? Thank you
Jul ’23
iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data
Hi! I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11. I tried many things like: Reset network setting Turn off/on airplane mode Turn off/on cellular data Hard reboot Soft reboot Reset content and data Turn off/on roaming ... Same issues It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly. Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
Oct ’23
Xcode 13.0 can't pair to Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0)
On Xcode 13.0, I can no longer pair with an Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0). Until now it has always worked but since the new update to tvOS 15.0 and Xcode 13.0 I can no longer connect. I have gone through the following steps to connect: Open remote app and devices settings on Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0). Open Devices and Simulators in Xcode 13.0. Select Apple TV in the list and press "Pair". Code appears on the Apple TV and I can enter it in an Xcode window. After the code input, there is a short loading sign that a connection is being established. After a few seconds, the whole thing stops without an error message and the "Pair" button is visible again. Does anyone have the same problem? I would like to optimize my apps for tvOS 15 and test them on a physical device.
May ’24