Device Management

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Allow administrators to securely and remotely configure enrolled devices using Device Management.

Posts under Device Management tag

181 Posts
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how to develop own MDM server
We are considering developing our own MDM server for internal app distribution. Is it necessary to enroll in the Apple Enterprise Developer Program to develop MDM server? Currently, our company is only enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and Business Manager. Additionally, since we have fewer than 100 employees, it is difficult for us to join the Enterprise Program. In this case, is it not possible for us to set up an MDM server?
May ’24
Unable to Login to iCloud on iOS devices
Cx was unable to login to their cloud account when the policy was pushed on to their device. However, when no policy was pushed cx could login. The issue is with applying whitelist configuration to device with passcode turned on..while whitelisting the app some system bundle identifier is getting blocked, we tried whitelisting all system app available for ios and couldn't find a solution
May ’24
Maximum Limit of AxM 'Apps and Books' Licenses
Hi all , We are planning to manage about 1 Million+ Apple devices of inclusive of both iPhone and Mac devices under a AxM Account. However while adding VPP Licenses for an App i'm prompted with below error: " You cannot order more than 100000 copies of same the free item per week" While our goal is to manage 1 Million devices under same Location token , i have below questions in mind 1 . What is the upper limit of number of Licenses that can be added per app in a Location token? Currently it says 1 Lakh Licenses per app per week . Wanted to know if there is any limit on this count as it shouldn't surprise us in upcoming weeks. 2 . How many Locations can be created in a AxM Account? Currently we created about 15 location to see if there are any limit but so far couldn't find any limit on number of locations that can be created. This limit could help us plan our deployment in advance 3 . What is the total number of licenses a VPP Location token can hold ? As we manage 1 Million Devices for 12 Apps , 1 Million x 12= 12 Million licenses would be transacted in this location token by our MDM Solution , is this okay or will there be any limitations in this count
May ’24
Cant able to set lock screen independent of Wallpaper in Mac
In older versions of macOS, such as those predating Mac OS Sonoma, users had the ability to set the Lock Screen independently from their desktop wallpaper. However, with the introduction of Mac OS Sonoma, this feature seems to have been altered or removed altogether. Currently, there appears to be no option to set the Lock Screen image separately; instead, only changing the desktop wallpaper, changes the Lock Screen image. This change raises questions about whether it is a deliberate alteration in the setting flow or if it could potentially be a bug in the system. Users may wonder if this adjustment is intended to streamline the interface or if there are plans to reintroduce the ability to customize the Lock Screen image independently of the wallpaper in future updates.
May ’24
Clarification on the Get Server Supported Declarations endpoint
In Declarative Device Management there is the Get Server Supported Declarations endpoint that is sent via an MDM Check-In request. Is this supposed to return all of the declarations supported by the server, or only the ones that are intended for the device making the request? This seems like a bad choice of naming for that endpoint and, if my assumption is correct it should be named more along the lines of "Get Device Declarations" Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding DDM and our server should be sending all declarations we have to the device and the device controls them via activations? This seems counter to the pitch around scalability and performance improvements that DDM offers if we have to send literally everything to the device even if it's known to not be needed, and similarly if the device doesn't support it but the server does then obviously(?) the server shouldn't send it to the device.
May ’24
iOS 17.4 AppProxyProvider not starting when Apps (associated with PerAppVPN) access network resource
Hi, With iOS-17.4 update, we are seeing AppProxy VPN not getting started when Apps (associated with PerAppVPN) tried to access network resource after MDM PerAppVPN profile install/update. Looks like PerApp rules associated with applayer vpn profile are broken after profile update/install as we see internet sites working without going through VPN (appProxy network extension), this start working if we toggle WiFi and then access network resource from Apps associated with PerAppVPN. Created FB13688086 with all the details for this iOS 17.4 and AppLayerVPN, looking for and update here and any feedback/pointers will help. Thanks
May ’24
Auto-enable of Content Filter on macOS (after pushing required MDM payloads)
Hi all, I'm working on a small PoC to get Content Filtering (FilterDataProvider) working on macOS without any user interaction. So far, I've pushed two payloads to my machine using user-approved MDM enrollment: The application containing the network extension is present in /Applications. The installation of the profiles both succeed and I can see a Content Filter is created in the Network section of System Settings. Even the status says "Enabled", but the dot remains orange. Inspecing the system logs (specifically: filtering on process:neagent) shows me the following error: 1. Failed to find a extension inside of app Only when I submit an activation request using OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest, the network extension starts (without prompts, as expected) and everything works. Is this expected behaviour? Do I need to submit an activation request through code regardless of the fact that MDM pre-approved the System Extension prompts and created the Content Filter in the System Settings?
May ’24
Inquiry about the failure to decrypt the profile when registering the DEP of MacOS.
The MAC device is a device that has been manually added to the Apple Business Manager. DEP profiles are normally installed in both iOS and iPadOS. Profile descript error occurs only when attempting DEP of MacOS. (If you look at the picture, a decryption error occurs in the remote device registration step.) I asked Apple's customer center about this problem,  and it is said that it is caused by the lack of a key called "automatic registration on the MDM server" The key cannot be found in the Apple official document related to the profile below. Information received during DEP enroll of Macmini using Apple silicon. {    'LANGUAGE': 'en_US',    'PRODUCT': 'Macmini 9,1',    'SERIAL': 'CXXXXXXXXXXV',    'UDID': '0XXXXX27-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XZXXXXXXXXX',    'VERSION': '21C52' } Information received during DEP enroll of iPAD {    'LANGUAGE': 'en_US',    'PRODUCT': 'iPad5,4',    'SERIAL': 'DXXXXXXXXXXQ',    'UDID': '9aXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6d',    'VERSION': '19C63' } Profile to be transmitted to the device (same as MacOS, iOS, IPadOS) {    'AccessRights': 8191,    'CheckInURL': '',    'CheckOutWhenRemoved': True,    'IdentityCertificateUUID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',    'PayloadDescription': 'MDM Profile',    'PayloadDisplayName': 'MDM',    'PayloadIdentifier': 'com.xxxxx.xxxxxxx.mdm',    'PayloadOrganization': 'MDM provider',    'PayloadType': '',    'PayloadUUID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',    'PayloadVersion': 1,    'PromptUserToAllowBootstrapTokenForAuthentication': True,   'ServerCapabilities': ['',''],    'ServerURL': '',    'SignMessage': False,    'Topic': '' }  Because it uses the same profile structure, it is not understood that iOS/iPadOS operates normally and errors occur only in MacOS. If there is anything that can help me, please let me know. Thank you.
May ’24
Critical VPN Control Issue on iOS Devices: Bypassing 'Connect On Demand' Restrictions
Issue: Our app is currently experiencing an unexpected behavior related to VPN functionality on iOS devices. Despite having the "OnDemandUserOverrideDisabled" parameter set to 1 in our VPN profile, users have reported that they can create a shortcut to disable the "Connect On Demand" feature. However, upon doing so, toggling off the VPN does not re-enable the feature as anticipated. This oversight results in unfiltered browsing, potentially compromising user security and privacy. Explanation: The presence of "OnDemandUserOverrideDisabled" set to 1 in our VPN profile should theoretically prevent users from toggling the "Connect On Demand" feature via any means. However, users have found a workaround using shortcuts to bypass this safeguard. Consequently, the VPN does not automatically re-engage after being disabled, leading to unintended consequences for users. Impact: The inability to reliably control VPN settings, despite profile configurations, poses a significant risk to user data privacy and security. Unintended unfiltered browsing can expose users to malicious actors and compromise sensitive information.
May ’24
System Preferences MDM for macOS 14 WWDC2023
On WWDC 2023 Apple announced this: And as you can see and hear, they are saying: "In the past, entire System Preference panes were hidden to fulfill this requirement. With the introduction of System Settings, we were able to implement a granular management approach. Instead of hiding entire panes, the administrator can restrict modifications of a specific setting which now shows a label about its management state." But where Apple Developer documentation can I find the payload for this? The only thing I was abble to find is which is DEPRECEATED for 13.0 macOS.
May ’24
How to make keyboard extension available for a MDM device?
Our keyboard extension can be accessed independently in China region with native app like Notes or Safari, however the keyboard can only be opened in the app under same project in Taiwan region. I've checked some articles about how MDM managing extensions, also make sure our RequestOpenAccess option of keyboard extension info.plist also set to Yes. I'm not sure is there anything I missed, or I just need to inform client that they need to reach out their MDM manager and modify some restrictions? If keyboard supports mobile device management (MDM), it can work with managed apps. App extensions give third-party developers a way to provide functionality to other apps or even to key systems built into the operating systems Allow full access to custom keyboard in iOS
May ’24
profiles command
I'm working on a tool which parses the output from the command "profiles -P -o" to check that our MDM profile has been deployed correctly, as there has been issues around profiles being misconfigured. It seems that the framework which the profiles command uses is private, so I'm just wondering could there be a way to get information which is similar to the output from the profiles command without having to directly use the command?
May ’24
Intune MAM Files app exception
Hi all, I'm implementing Intune MAM to secure applications on iOS. However, I need my users to be able to save files (e.g. attachments in an email in the Outlook app) to iOS Files. To do so, I'm trying to put Files in exception of my Intune MAM policy and I need to obtain the Files "CFBundleURLSchemes" value from the info.plist file of the Files app. I'm not able to get that information. Are any of you able to get that somehow? Thanks!
May ’24
DNSProxy with configuration profile & MDM
I am trying to add DNSProxy configuration using .mobileconfig and MDM on supervised device. I have Content Filter payload in the same configuration file that works as expected, however I was unable to start my DNSProxy. My app has 3 extension targets for Filter Data/Control Providers and DNSProxy extension. Here is my DNSProxy payload: <dict> <key>AppBundleIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadDescription</key> <string>Configures DNS proxy network extension</string> <key>PayloadDisplayName</key> <string>DNS Proxy</string> <key>PayloadIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadType</key> <string></string> <key>PayloadUUID</key> <string>AEE249BB-4F44-4ED9-912B-6A70CC0E01B6</string> <key>PayloadVersion</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>ProviderBundleIdentifier</key> <string></string> </dict> Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?
Apr ’24
Apple Push Certificate Portal page not working
Hi everyone. I've been trying to set up my Macs in Intune. One of the key requirements is to create a push certificate for my environment. I can get past the upload page on the Apple Push Certificate Portal. Once I click the upload button on the web page after choosing my CSR file, I get this the page on the CSR file "The page you’re looking for can’t be found". I get the same message every time I refresh or log back into the page doing these steps. I don't know what to do. Would anyone have any advice on this? Or is this solely an Apple problem? Just if it's of any relevance, I am in Australia.
Apr ’24