Maps and Location

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Build maps and location awareness capabilities into your apps.

Posts under Maps and Location tag

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CLLocationManager crashes when requestLocation is called from a widget
Hey yall--seemingly once in a blue moon whenever fetchLocation gets called in here from a widget that is requesting location, it calls on the manager's requestLocation, the widget will crash. Crash stack backtrace shows this: And this is the affected code: import Foundation import CoreLocation class WidgetLocationFetcher: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { let manager = CLLocationManager() private var handler: ((CLLocation?) -> Void)? override init() { super.init() DispatchQueue.main.async { self.manager.delegate = self self.manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { self.handler?(locations.last!) self.handler = nil } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { print(error) self.handler?(nil) self.handler = nil } func fetchLocation(handler: @escaping (CLLocation?) -> Void) { self.handler = handler self.manager.requestLocation() } } I am not too sure what could even be causing this, although I am running watchOS 10 beta 8 and iPadOS 17 beta 8 on the devices experiencing this crash. Has anyone ever solved this issue?
Aug ’23
SwiftUI Map: is it possible to add an inset to the map visible rectangle?
In UIKit, we can add an insets to a MKMapView with setVisibleMapRect to have additional space around a specified MKMapRect. It's useful for UIs like Apple Maps or FlightyApp (see first screenshot attached). This means we can have a modal sheet above the map but still can see all the content added to the map. I'm trying to do the same for a SwiftUI Map (on iOS 17) but I can't find a way to do it: see screenshot 2 below. Is it possible to obtain the same result or should I file a feedback for an improvement?
Feb ’24
iOS Geolocation updates stop after 5 hours
@Gualtier Malde, My app has not been able to send location updates in the background past 5hrs even after implementing all the changes you specified The debugger spits out nothing .... allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates must be set to TRUE distanceFilter must not be set desiredAccuracy must be kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters or better. If you’re using numeric values, it must be set to less than 1000 meters (We set it to 100m) We have been losing hundreds of enterprise clients as a result of this, is there something we can do to ensure the behaviour is similar or same to iOS <16.4?
Sep ’23
locationManager didUpdateLocations stops updating when phone is still
I built an autopilot for my boat, and took it further by writing an IOS app to control it via bluetooth with my phone. Everything was working great, until I thought I'd add the ability to navigate a route. Here's what has me stumped... I've got location manager generating updates, as long as the phone is moving (ever so slightly) in my hand. I've got the display setup to never sleep, and the phone is plugged in to power. If I put the phone down, I get a few new locations, then the location freezes. The didUpdateLocations delegate is called, but the location never changes. I've tried a number of settings but no matter what I try, none have solved the still phone issue. My current design uses self.locationManager?.requestLocation() sent on at programmable interval, so that I get updates with reasonable spacing. The updates come, but the location is identical if the phone is still (laying on the dash of the boat). If I just "wiggle" the phone a bit, locations come with a new value. If I keep "wiggling the phone, I get new locations every call to requestLocation. Seems like there is some kind of inactivity timer associated with didUpdataLocations that prevents retrieving new locations. It just re-sends the previous location. This issue has nothing to do with using requestLocation, since I had the same issue when didUpdateLocations was running on its own timing. I added the code and logic to support requestLocation in an attempt to force a new location. Has anyone experienced this or have any idea how to force a "new" location when the phone is still? I'm using Xcode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c) The phone is an iPhone 12 and the deployment target is set to 15.3 Here's how I currently configure location manager... This is one of a number of attempts, but all have the same issue. if locationManager == nil{ print("****** instantiating locationManager ******") locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationManager!.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone // locationManager!.distanceFilter = 3 locationManager!.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters locationManager!.delegate = self locationManager!.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator = true locationManager!.startUpdatingLocation() locationManager!.startUpdatingHeading() locationManager!.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true } }
Sep ’23
CLLocationManager with watchOS10 not sending anything to didUpdateLocations:
My watch app records workouts including health (with HKWorkoutSession) and location data.The watch app is on the App Store and runs without any problems since long time. I updated my own Watch Ultra to watchOS10 and my app does not properly work anymore. Everything works with the exception that the app does not receive any CLLocationManager data on the physical device. On the simulator it works perfectly. I tried several devices in the simulator and they all work. Also I de-coupled the watch from the phone, deleted the watch completely and re-installed it. My app's target is watchOS9, I tried it with watchOS10 and the problems are the same CLLocationManager has correct and valid permissions CLLocationManager is setup like this: locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationManager.delegate = self locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true locationManager.activityType = .fitness locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() CLLocationManager's delegate is listening to: func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) The CLLocationManager is starting and correctly giving feedback on 'didFailWithError' and on 'didChangeAuthorization'. Nothing that tells me that something is wrong and points to a problem. No data is sent to didUpdateLocations. The function is never ever called. Of course I'm outside with my watch and the GPS signal is strong and I wait long enough. My app is adding the recorded workout to Apple Fitness app (my app uses HKWorkoutSession) and even though my own app does not receive any CLLocationManager data, the workout that it sent to Apple Fitness includes all the CLLocationManager data. It really seems like being a problem with my app only. Does someone have an idea or knows of a same problem? Thomas
Sep ’23
App review rejection on map usage
We request for your kind support, whether it is a previous experience or even a comment will help us a lot! We received rejection for below issue from Apple : ** Guideline 4.0 - Design Your app's location feature is not integrated with the built-in mapping functionality, which limits users to a third-party maps app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to give users the option to launch the native Apple Maps app.** But, our app requires POI(point of interest) on google maps for the service, thus, utilizing apple map's data causes disruption and mismatch of POI data causes issues on business logic (If our app's function was just loading apple map with marker on it, we could solve the issue..) Has anyone faced this rejection issue? We look forward to your kind comment, we are on the verge of going under due to the continuous rejections and errors from app store connect. We are desperate and we request for your kind comments. Sincerely
Oct ’23
Location Access While Using not available in Securities for app
I have a new app that I am starting using the Map() component in iOS17. That struct, creates a class which is a CLLocationManagerDelegate, and instantiates a CLLocationManager. In the Target's Info settings, I have Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description Privacy - Location Always Usage Description Privacy - Location Usage Description all three set. I have another Map app with these set which doesn't have this problem, so I am confused about why, in Privacy & Security->Location Services, the App only shows two selections for Location Services. It shows only "Never" and "When I Share" selections with "When I Share" selected. The location manager reports error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 1.) after I get the CLAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 0) auth=CLAccuracyAuthorization(rawValue: 0) value in public func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) status change in this callback for the delegate and then call: manager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() manager.startUpdatingLocation() What am I missing here?
Oct ’23
Implementing Map Span in iOS 17
I have a map (iOS 17) that displays the three Apple maps types (standard, hybrid, and imagery). When the hybrid or imagery map is displayed for the first time it is zoomed in to the max and out-of-focus. It appears to be a problem with the span. I would like to set the span to fix this, but I'm not sure if span has a new name or is no longer used. In previous versions of iOS I had a region that defined the span and coordinate center, It appears that this has now been deprecated: let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.005, longitudeDelta: 0.005) let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: coordinate, span: span) MapView(region: region, mapType: mapType, coordinate: coordinate) Here is my actual code for display a map (iOS 17): struct DetailView: View { var item: TravelEntries // <-- coordinates arrive from CoreData Transaction @Binding var mapType: Int var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { CLLocationCoordinate2D( latitude: item.entryLat, longitude: item.entryLong) } var selectedMapStyle: MapStyle { return switch(mapType) { case 0: .standard(elevation: .realistic) case 1: .hybrid case 2: .imagery default: .standard(elevation: .realistic) } } var body: some View { VStack { Map() { Marker(item.entryCatName ?? "", coordinate: coordinate) .tint(.red) } .mapStyle(selectedMapStyle) ShowMapPicker(item: item, mapType: $mapType) ShowDetails(item: item) } } }
Oct ’23
Prompt User to Choose Location Preference Not Working
At the moment with my app Users have to go to Privacy & Security -> Locations Services -> On -> Scroll down to my app and turn on their Location Preference. I am trying to incorporate in to my app the Code below to make it unecessary to leave the app to enable the User‘s location to be displayed but it does not work. Please tell me, what am I missing here? import MapKit import SwiftUI import CoreLocation // Prompt User to choose Location Preference // class ViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate{ var locationManager: CLLocationManager? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() locationManager = CLLocationManager() locationManager?.delegate = self locationManager?.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() view.backgroundColor = .gray } } // The rest of the Code which is working okay ( Map etc.) // struct Positions: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let name: String let latitude: Double let longitude: Double var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) } } etc. etc.
Oct ’23
After granting location permissions to the Geolocation API, it will request permissions again when you refresh the page. This phenomenon is occurring on iOS.
If you refresh the page after initially granting location permissions, you will be prompted for location permissions again and will need to grant permission again. Currently this only occurs on iOS. Is there a way? I launched that web from app and the Safari settings didn't fix the issue. What should I do about this problem? The tested iOS versions are 16.2 and 17. This is the code implemented when retrieving location information. <script> var options = { timeout: 15000, enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 86400000, }; function success(pos) { var crd = pos.coords; alert('Your current position is:'); alert(`Latitude : `+crd.latitude); alert(`Longitude: `+crd.longitude); }; function error(err) { alert(`ERROR(): `+err.message); }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options); </script>
Oct ’23
After granting location permissions to the Geolocation API, it will request permissions again when you refresh the page. This phenomenon is occurring on iOS.
If you refresh the page after initially granting location permissions, you will be prompted for location permissions again and will need to grant permission again. Currently this only occurs on iOS. Is there a way? The tested iOS versions are 16.2 and 17. This is the code implemented when retrieving location information. <script> var options = { timeout: 15000, enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 86400000, }; function success(pos) { var crd = pos.coords; alert('Your current position is:'); alert(`Latitude : `+crd.latitude); alert(`Longitude: `+crd.longitude); }; function error(err) { alert(`ERROR(): `+err.message); }; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options); </script>
Oct ’23
Deleting evidence of an app in Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> On -> List of apps
Is there a way of deleting an app from the Location Services in the Privacy Setting? Despite deleting the particular app evidence of it remains. Also with a particular app there are several of the same in the list. I do understand there may be one for the Playgrounds version and one for the actual downloaded version but I have more. Is there a way of starting with a clean slate?
Oct ’23
The “” value for the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key isn’t allowed
Hello. I've submitted a small update for my app and i received an email that said: "The “” value for the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key isn’t allowed " I have values for the above key in English and Greek in InfoPlist files and they are appearing correctly when the app is asking for location permissions. It has been like this for years and i didn't change anything related to this function. Can someone please explain to me why i received this email although i've set everything correctly?
Nov ’23
CLLocationManager onClientEventSignificantLocationVisit
In our placation there are instances of crashes that are happening in production. That we cannot quite reproduce. Looking at the crash report doesn't reveal much as the crashed thread doesn't give too much information of where to look for the root cause of the problem. In our app we are also using third-party libraries but I didn't see that they might be the cause for the crash. Crash report If someone can point me in the right direction to look for or how to investigate it. It would much appreciated.
Nov ’23
How can obtain Public Transportation Information with MapKit
Can Mapkit show me details about bus stops, train stations, underground and overground stops, or other public transportation locations based on a specific latitude and longitude? If you check the Google Maps picture I shared, I marked all the public transportation spots near Elephant & Castle in London. This includes bus stops, the Elephant & Castle Underground station, and the Elephant & Castle Rail station. Additionally, tapping on these spots brings up an alert with more info, like which buses are coming or details about train lines.
Nov ’23