Media Player

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Find and play songs, audio podcasts, audio books, and more from within your app using Media Player.

Posts under Media Player tag

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How to intercept HLS Playlist chunk request for CDN token implementation
Hello, We are using HLS for our streaming iOS and tvOS applications. We have DRM protection on our applications but we want add another secure layer which is CDN token. We want to add that CDN token data on header or query parameters. Any of two are applicable at our CDN side. There is a problem at client side. We want to send that token knowledge and refresh at given a time. We add token data using at initial state let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: ["AVURLAssetHTTPHeaderFieldsKey": headers]) and add interceptor with asset.resourceLoader.setDelegate. It works seamlessly. We use AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate and we can intercept just master playlist and playlists via func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool and we can refresh CDN token data at only playlists. That token data can be at query params or header. It does not matter. For example, #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk1?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk2?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk3?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 assume that it is our .m3u8 file for given live video playlist. It has three chunks with cdn token data in query params. If we give that chunks to AVPlayer. It is going to play chunks in order. When we change new cdn token at query params, it effects our chunk Urls and our player stalls. It is because our cdn adds new cdn token knowledge to chunk's Url. It means that our new .m3u8 is going to be like that for next playlist; #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk4?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk5?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk6?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 Cdn token data is converted to B from A at cdn side and it sends new playlist like that. That's why, our player is going to stall. Is there any way not to player stall with edited chunk url? When we change new cdn token at header. It does not change chunks url like at the first question but AVPlayer does not allow to intercept chunk Urls which means that before callin https://chunk1?cdntoken=A.ts url, i want to intercept and add new cdn token data to header. Is there any way to intercept chunk Urls like intercepting playlist? Thanks for answers in advance
Aug ’23
HLS video has noise play on safari
Problem Description This HLS video starts with noise at 22 seconds play directly on MacOS 12.6.6 Safari,and it also appears on iOS (16.5.1) safari. But there is no noise when playing with MSE on Mac by the third-party open source web playe such as hls.js on Safari. Test tool hls.js test demo:
Aug ’23
Using Bluetooth microphone while controlling audio with A2DP profile.
Hi I'm developing a full-duplex iPhone voice chat application and I'd like to intercept bluetooth headset button events to perform certain actions in my app while maintaining a full-duplex audio. I'm using the MediaPlay to intercept remote bluetooth AVRCP MPRemoteCommandEvent play/pause events as well setting AVAudioSession to use the BluetoothA2DP category, however, when I do this, I can't seem to use the bluetooth microphone as an audio input. Specifically, when I query AVAudioSession for available inputs, bluetooth is not returned. I'm guessing this is because A2DP is a half-duplex protocol, but my understanding is that AVRCP events are only available with A2DP. The other bluetooth profile choice is HSP (AVAudioSession category Bluetooth), which works for full-duplex audio, but does not appear to provide a way to intercept the various AT commands from this profile unless I'm in an actual telephone call. For example, when I use HSP and press a button on my headset, I see in the logs the AT+CHUP command being sent from the headset to the phone. Two questions: Is there a way to use a bluetooth microphone while using A2DP for output at the same time? If the above can't be done, is there a way to intercept the HSP AT control commands from a headset without being in a telephone call? Thanks.
Jul ’23
Cannot load underlying module for 'MediaPlayer'
I'm getting the following error in Xcode and I can't figure out how to fix it. Cannot load underlying module for 'MediaPlayer' I've searched Google and have come across lots of other people with similar issues whereby they're importing something and it's producing this error alongside it. The error is being shown inline with this bit of code: import SwiftUI import MusicKit import MediaPlayer <-- this line here I can build and run the project without issue and it disappears. But will quickly reappear again a short while later and it's very annoying. How can I resolve this please?
Jul ’23
MPMediaQuery not returning updated results
I have noticed changes Apple Music made to my library, take in particular a changed album edition that is reflected in how the title is listed. I can see the new title in the Music app in two different devices. On one device MPMediaQuery returns the album with the new title. The other device (an iPad with less memory, in case that matters) is still returning the old edition. Is there anything I can do to make sure the data returned is up to date and matches what is seen in the Music app?
Jul ’23