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Let users play Apple Music and their local music library from your app using MusicKit.

Posts under MusicKit tag

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MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 6
I have a user who is reporting an error and has been kind enough to share screen recordings to help diagnose. I am not experiencing this error, nor am I able to replicate on other devices I've tried, so I'm stuck trying to fix. His & other devices tested were all running iOS 17.5.1. Any details on the cause of this error or potential workarounds I could use to resolve would be greatly appreciated. try await throws: The operation couldn't be completed (MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 6.) MusicAuthorization.currentStatus is .authorized ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.isPreparedToPlay is false ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue.currentEntry is nil (I've noticed this to be the case even when I am able to successfully play as well) Queue was loaded using ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = [album] but I also tried ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(album:startingAt:) and it made no difference. album.playParameters are correct. He experiences the error when attempting to play any album. Any and all help is truly appreciated. Feedback Assistant filed has gone unanswered.
MusicKit iOS17.5 and iOS18
Good morning, I'm trying to use MusicKit functionalities in order to get last played songs and put them into a local DB, to be played later. Following the guide on, I created the required AppServices integration: Below is a minimal working version of what I'm doing: func requestMusicAuthorization() async { let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() switch status { case .authorized: isAuthorizedForMusicKit = true error = nil case .restricted: error = NSError(domain: "Music access is restricted", code: -10) case .notDetermined: break case .denied: error = NSError(domain: "Music access is denied", code: -10) @unknown default: break } } on the SwiftUI ContentView there's something like that: .onAppear { Task { await requestMusicAuthorization() if MusicManager.shared.isAuthorizedForMusicKit { let response = try await fetchLastSongs() do { let request = MusicRecentlyPlayedRequest<Song>() let response = try await request.response() var songs: [Song] = { $0 } // do some CloudKit handling with songs... print("Recent songs: \(songs)") } catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) } } } } Everything seems to works fine, but my console log is full of garbage like that: MSVEntitlementUtilities - Process MyMusicApp PID[33633] - Group: (null) - Entitlement: - Entitled: NO - Error: (null) Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {( "" )} is there something I'm missing on? Should I ignore that and go forward with my implementation? Any help is really appreciated.
Issue setting a queue with library and non-library items at the same time (plus a couple more MusicKit issues)
As the summer continues, I have been diving deeper and deeper into MusicKit, largely with great results. A few issues have arisen that I've outlined here, feedbacks already filed and numbers included here. All of this happens on the lasted developer beta and latest Xcode beta. Thanks! FB10967343 - Setting the queue with library and non-library items at the same time doesn't work correctly In my app, I am working on a feature that lets a user shuffle songs from a collection of albums that may or may not be in their library. However, I’ve discovered an issue where the queue does not seem to work correctly when mixing these types. I’ve attempted to load ApplicationMusicPlayer by creating a Queue and to load applicationQueuePlayer using a MPMusicPlayerPlayParametersQueueDescriptor, but the same issue occurs each time. The queue is able to play songs from the same source, but if it’s been playing a library song and tries to move to a non-library song, the queue stops.  The first thing I do is pick random songs from each album, using a MusicLibraryRequest or a MusicCatalogResourceRequest as appropriate, then taking a randomElement() from the ensuing MusicItemCollection for the album.  I append each track to an array, which I then cast to MusicItemCollection so I’ve now got a MusicItemCollection consisting of the tracks I want. If I’m in MusicKit land, I simply set the queue as follows:  player.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: tracks) It takes a bit more doing in MediaPlayer, but in theory this should also work, right?    do {         let paramObjects = tracks.compactMap {             $0.playParameters         }         let params = try{try JSONEncoder().encode($0)}) let dicts = try params.compactMap {               try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: $0, options: []) as? [String:Any]           }           let finalParams = dicts.compactMap {                 MPMusicPlayerPlayParameters(dictionary: $0)             } let descriptor = MPMusicPlayerPlayParametersQueueDescriptor(playParametersQueue: finalParams) mediaPlayer.setQueue(with: descriptor) } catch { print(error) } In either case, the following issue occurs: say that I end up with a queue made up of one library song, then one non-library song. The player will play just the first song, then it acts as if the queue has ended. Say that it has two non-library songs, then one library song. Just the two non-library songs play. Indeed, printing queue.entries shows just the number of items that were from the same source type. FB10967076 - Publishing changes from background thread error when inserting queue items When using the .insert method on ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue on the last iOS 16 and Xcode betas, it returns a “Publishing changes from background thread” error even though the function I’m doing in is marked as a @MainActor and the stacktace indicates it was on the main thread. FB10967277 - song.with([.albums], preferredSource: .library) generates thousands of lines of EntityQueries in the console I’ve noticed that when using the preferredSource: .library when requesting additional properties on a library item creates ~6,000 of “EntityQuery” entries in the console, all in the span of a second. This doesn’t seem to be leading to any major performance issues, but it sure seems like something isn't right. let request = MusicLibraryRequest<Song>.init() do { let response = try await request.response() guard let song = response.items.first else { return } let songWithAlbums = try await song.with([.albums], preferredSource: .library) } catch { print(error) } generates the following output (except... 6,000 of them) 2022-07-31 13:02:07.729003-0400 MusicKitFutzing[9405:2192606] [EntityQuery] Finished fetching results in 0s 2022-07-31 13:02:07.729047-0400 MusicKitFutzing[9405:2192605] [EntityQuery] Finished executing query in 0.00100017s 2022-07-31 13:02:07.729202-0400 MusicKitFutzing[9405:2192611] [EntityQuery] Finished executing query in 0s 2022-07-31 13:02:07.729240-0400 MusicKitFutzing[9405:2192605] [EntityQuery] Finished fetching results in 0s
Integrating Apple Music Subscriptions into a React Native App
Hi everyone, I'm currently developing an iOS app using React Native and recently got accepted into the Apple Music Global Affiliate Program. To fully utilize this opportunity, I need to implement the following functionalities: Authorize Apple Music usage Play Apple Music within my app Identify if a user has an Apple Music subscription Initiate and complete Apple Music subscription within my app I've successfully implemented the first three functionalities using the react-native-apple-music module. Now, I need your help to understand how I can directly trigger the Apple Music subscription process from within my app. Thank you for your help!
Detect the end of queue in MPMusicPlayerController
Hello, this is building off of another post in which several other posters and I had already attempted solving the issue in hacky ways. I am using MPMusicPlayerController.applicationQueuePlayer. My end goal here is to dynamically add items to the queue when it has ended based on my application's business logic. There is no way for me to know what these items will be when I am initially setting the queue. I have an updated implementation that seems to cover most edge cases, except for a glaringly obvious one – if there is just one item in the queue, and the user skips the track via MPRemoteCommandCenter (eg. lock screen), then it does not work. Currently, when I receive a MPMusicPlayerControllerPlaybackStateDidChange notification, I run this block: if player.playbackState == .paused,            player.currentPlaybackTime == 0,            player.indexOfNowPlayingItem == 0 {             EndOfQueueManager.handle()         } In the absence of a mechanism to detect the end of the queue from the framework, I would love to add the ability to add a target to MPRemoteCommand, like you can do for AVPlayer. I have tried to do exactly that, but it does not work: MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().nextTrackCommand.addTarget { (event) -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus in         if queue.count == 1 {             EndOfQueueManager.handle() }         return .success } I already have a functioning AVPlayer implementation that achieves my goal without any compromises or edge cases. I would be very disappointed if there is no way to do this with MPMusicPlayerController – being notified about the queue ending feels like a fairly rudimentary API hook.
Audio transition using MPMusicPlayerApplicationController
Hi. I saw that in iOS 18 Beta there is a property "transition" on the Music Kit's ApplicationMusicPlayer. However, in my app I am using MPMusicPlayerApplicationController because I want to play Apple Music songs, local songs and podcasts. But I didn't find an analogue property on MPMusicPlayerApplicationController to specify transitions between songs. Am I missing something? Thanks, Dirk
Jun ’24
Music Kit for web app
Hello there, I am faced with the following situation: We are building a web app that manages playlists for different platforms, including Apple music We have the concept of teams in there, where a user can be part of multiple teams, and teams are managed by team admin A team admin could manage multiple teams The problem here is, that a team admin wouldn't be able to sign in to the Apple music account for multiple teams because if using the same computer we try to let the user sign in once and store the Music User Token, we can't do another login unless we unauthorized the previous one. Is there anything we can do about this? Thanks
Jun ’24
Thoughts on MusicLibraryRequest as a replacement for MPMediaQuery
I'm very excited about the new MusicLibrary API, but after a couple of days of playing around with it, I have to say that I find the implementation of filtering MusicLibraryRequests a little confusing. MPMediaQuery has a fairly extensive list of predicates that can be applied, including string and persistentID comparisons for artist, album artist genre, and more. It also lets you filter on an item’s title. MusicLibraryRequests let you filter on the item’s ID, or on its MusicKit Artist and Genre relationships. To me, this seems like it adds an extra step.  With an MPMediaQuery, if I wanted to fetch every album by a given artist, I’d apply an MPMediaPropertyPredicate looking at MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumArtist and compare the string. It was also easy to change the MPMediaPredicateComparison to .contains to match more widely. If I wanted to surface albums by “Aesop Rock” or “Aesop Rock & Blockhead,” I could use that. In the MusicLibraryRequest implementation, it looks like I need to perform a MusicLibraryRequest<Artist> first in order to get the Artist objects. There’s no filter for the name property, so if I don’t have their IDs, I’ve got to use filter(text:). From there, I can take the results of that request and apply them to my MusicLibraryRequest<Album> using the filter(matching:memberOf) function.  I could use filter(text:) on the MusicLibraryRequest<Album>, but that filters across multiple properties (title and artistName?) and is less precise than defining the actual property I want to match against. I think my ideal version of the MusicLibraryRequest API would offer something like filter(matching:equalTo:) or filter(matching:contains:) that worked off of KeyPaths rather than relationships. That seems more intuitive to me. I’m not saying we need every property from every filterable MPMediaItemProperty key, but I’d love to be able to do it on title, artistName, and other common metadata. That might look something like: filter(matching: \.title, contains: “Abbey Road”) filter(matching: \.artistName, equalTo: “Between The Buried And Me”) I noticed that filter(text:) is case insensitive, which is awesome, and something I’ve wanted for a long time in MPMediaPropertyPredicate. As a bonus, it would be great if a KeyPath based filter API supported a case sensitivity flag. This is less of a problem when dealing with Apple Music catalog content, but users’ libraries are a harsh environment, and you might have an artist “Between The Buried And Me” and one called “Between the Buried and Me.” It would be great to get albums from both with something like: filter(matching: \.artistName, equalTo: “Between The Buried And Me”, caseSensitive: false)  I've submitted the above as FB10185685. I also submitted another feedback this morning regarding filter(text:) and repeating text as FB10184823. My last wishlist item for this API (for the time being!) is exposing the MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumPersistentID as an available filter attribute. I know, I know… hear me out. If you take a look at the other thread I made today, you’ll see that due to missing metadata in MusicKit, I still have some use cases where I need to be able to reference an MPMediaItem and might need to fetch its containing MPMediaItemCollection to get at other tracks on the album. It would be nice to seamlessly be able to fetch the MPMediaItemCollection or the library Album using a shared identifier, especially when it comes to being able to play the album in MusicKit’s player rather than Media Player’s.  I've submitted that list bit as FB10185789 Thanks for bearing with my walls of text today. Keep up the great work!
Jun ’24
Cannot read playbackStoreID property from MPMediaItem in Mac target
Running in a Mac (Catalyst) target or Apple Silicon (designed for iPad). Just accessing the playbackStoreID from the MPMediaItem shows this error in the console: -[ITMediaItem valueForMPMediaEntityProperty:]: Unhandled MPMediaEntityProperty subscriptionStoreItemAdamID. The value returned is always “”. This works as expected on iOS and iPadOS, returning a valid playbackStoreID. import SwiftUI import MediaPlayer @main struct PSIDDemoApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { Text("playbackStoreID demo") .task { let authResult = await MPMediaLibrary.requestAuthorization() if authResult == .authorized { if let item = MPMediaQuery.songs().items?.first { let persistentID = item.persistentID let playbackStoreID = item.playbackStoreID // <--- Here print("Item \(persistentID), \(playbackStoreID)") } } } } } } Xcode 15.1, also tested with Xcode 15.3 beta 2. MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1 FB13607631
Jun ’24
MusicLibraryRequest on macOS doesn't return non-Apple Music tracks
I filed FB13689023 for this since it is clearly unexpected. Non Apple Music library tracks are not returned on macOS using MusicLibraryRequest. I tried querying by artist where I only get Apple Music tracks, and by id where I don't get the track. On iPhone and iPad I was able to get both AM and non-AM tracks, that's how I got a valid id to try on macOS. Sync Library is on. The build targets My Mac (Designed for iPad). I'm using Xcode 15.3 and I'm on Sonoma (14.4). Any help is appreciated...
Jun ’24
MusicKit Content Rights, Age Rating and App Encryption
I built an app that makes playing audio plays easier using MusicKit. Now I am about to release the app to the app store. Following questions occured while doing so: Am I accessing/showing third party content in my app when I am music (in this case radio plays) from MusicKit? I am getting all of that data directly from Apple. Is Apple a third party in this case? The publisher has an app that can playback all of the content that can be accessed in my app. This app has an age rating of 4+ years. Can I just copy that? I've heard that referring to other apps doesn't convince the App Review Team if they disagree. None of the titles are marked explicit in Apple Music. Under the hood MusicKit is using HTTPS to get the data from Apple's servers. I have no code that has anything to do with encryption or HTTPS. Does my app still uses Non Exempt Encryption because MusicKit does so? Can I access music through MusicKit that is otherwise not available in this region or does MusicKit take care of this for me? In other words do I have to restrict the availability of my app to certain regions so I don't bypass any geo blockings by accident? Thank you
May ’24
iOS 16 Music Kit MusicLibrary methods have stopped working
Hi there, I have a related forum thread here and a Feedback Assistant ticket open, but this issue seems different. Sometime within the last 2-3 weeks, code related to MusicLibrary has stopped working. None of my code has changed. For example, the below two snippets used to work fine:  for track in newTracks {    try await MusicLibrary.shared.add(track, to: targetPlaylist)  } try await MusicLibrary.shared.edit(targetPlaylist, items: items) newTracks and items are both fetched using: try await targetPlaylist.with(.tracks, preferredSource: .catalog).tracks Using preferredSource: .catalog was a workaround used to address the issue in the aforementioned post above. All iOS 16 capable functions are decorated with: @available(iOS 16, *) or in an if block: if #available(iOS 16, *) {... What's happening is that the following is showing up in the console: 2022-11-28 23:31:11.279648+0700 MyApp[38653:6736450] [core] Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {(     "" )} 2022-11-28 23:31:11.279718+0700 MyApp[38653:6736450] [Default] <ICUserIdentityStoreACAccountBackend: 0x282adb520> Failed to register for account monitoring. err=Error Code=7 "(null)" 2022-11-28 23:31:11.279758+0700 MyApp[38653:6736450] [Default] ICUserIdentity - Unable to retrieve DSID for userIdentity=<ICUserIdentity 0x2806eb120: [Active Account: <unresolved>]> - error=Error Code=7 "(null)" These errors are not caught by a do/catch block, but I assume they are related to the issue, and I believe they have to do with MyApp trying to access things that Music Kit thinks it's not supposed to. For example, if MyApp attempts to work with a playlist that it did not create, errors would be expected, thrown errors. The thing is that I know I'm working with resources that are created by MyApp. In fact, in trying to test this, I just tried to create a playlist with the below, and the same behavior is occurring: @available(iOS 16, *) func createPlaylist2(name: String, description: String) async -> MusicKit.Playlist? {     do {         Logger.log(.info, "Creating Playlist: \(name)")         Logger.log(.shrug, "Does this work?")         let newPlaylist = try await MusicLibrary.shared.createPlaylist(name: name, description: description) // <= Things stop here!         Logger.log(.success, "New playlist created: \(newPlaylist)") // <= this isn't logged.         return newPlaylist // <= nothing is returned     } catch {         Logger.log(.error, "Could not create new playlist: \(error)") // <= no error logged.     }     return nil } The result is: 2022-11-29 00:15:01.875064+0700 MyApp[38794:6760471] [core] Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {(     "" )} 2022-11-29 00:15:01.875372+0700 MyApp[38794:6760471] [Default] <ICUserIdentityStoreACAccountBackend: 0x283005720> Failed to register for account monitoring. err=Error Code=7 "(null)" 2022-11-29 00:15:01.876677+0700 MyApp[38794:6760323] [EntityQuery] Finished executing query in 0.000999928s 2022-11-29 00:15:01.889055+0700 MyApp[38794:6760323] [EntityQuery] Finished fetching results in 0.0120001s 2022-11-29 00:15:01.891235+0700 MyApp[38794:6760329] [core] Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {(     "" )} 2022-11-29 00:15:01.891684+0700 MyApp[38794:6760329] [Default] <ICUserIdentityStoreACAccountBackend: 0x283005720> Failed to register for account monitoring. err=Error Code=7 "(null)" 📘 Creating Playlist: TEST PLAYLIST 🤷🏻‍♀️ Does this work? 2022-11-29 00:15:06.697374+0700 MyApp[38794:6760329] [] nw_path_necp_check_for_updates Failed to copy updated result (22) What's really nasty is that errors are not thrown, so they can't be caught and handled in a catch block. I know that iOS 16.1 got released around the end of October, but I really don't know what's going on here. The behavior is showing up in both prod and when testing locally. Any help would be most appreciated. @JoeKhun: Did I miss the memo?
May ’24
MPMusicPlayerController queue information
Is there a way to get the current queue items from an MPMusicPlayerController? I need to know when the items I've set to the queue finish playing completely but cannot find any way to do this. I am not using MusicKit but setting the queue via play parameters. From what I can tell so far, after the queue finishes playing, it pauses and resets to the first item in the queue. So even after playback is done, there is no way to know that it finished on its own.
May ’24