Network Extension

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Customize and extend the core networking features of iOS, iPad OS, and macOS using Network Extension.

Posts under Network Extension tag

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tunnel_server from SimpleTunnel doesn't work
Hi. I'm trying to run tunnel_server from sample on macOS Sonoma. Delegate's method netServiceWillPublish is called, but neither netServiceDidPublish nor netService(didNotPublish) are not. Firewall is enabled, incoming connections to the tunnel_server app are allowed. The app is not sandboxed and signed to run locally. When running the app, Allow Connections prompt pops up which is allowed.
Instruments of Xcode not showing correct memory allocation on the latest version of iOS for PacketTunnelProvider Process
We have observed for a few months that the Instruments tool in Xcode does not show correct memory allocation for the PacketTunnelProvider process on iOS 17. The memory allocation does not exceed 6-7 MB, which is not the case with iOS 16 or 15. Additionally, Instruments crashes the PacketTunnelProvider process after profiling for a few minutes. Please note that I am not running Xcode in debugger mode for the PacketTunnelProvider process along with instruments, as this is a known issue that causes the PacketTunnelProvider to be killed when both Instruments and the Xcode debugger are running. Is anyone else facing this issue and have a workaround?
Content Filter Reporting
I created a content filter app in iOS (swift). The app lets me toggle the content filter ON or OFF. When the content filter is on, it restricts access to one particular url. This works as intended; however, I would like to generate a log that shows the url from each inspected flow (I'm using NEFilterFlow to inspect the url from each webkit flow). Ideally, I'd like the url, the verdict, and the verdict timestamp appended to the log each time a flow passes through the content filter for a decision. I cannot figure out how to capture any data from the flow. I'm even trying to use the NEFilterReport class, but I can't seem to capture any of the data in the report. Can the url even be extracted from a NEFilterReport? I assume it can, since it's part of the flow. I understand that FilterDataProvider can only communicate with FilterControlProvider (on a very limited basis). However, it is my understanding that FilterControlProvider can communicate with the main target. So how can I send the url from FilterDataProvider over to FilterControlProvider, and then onward to the main target to print to the console? I'm starting to read about IPCConnection. Hopefully that is the answer to my question and I will get there in the coming days. If not, please help. There is very limited information out there on the network extension framework and content filtering.
iOS VPN: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device post Packet Tunnel Crashes
Title: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device When Packet Tunnel Crashes Feedback ticket: Product: iPhone 12 Version: iOS - 17.5.1 Configuration: NETunnelProviderManager Configuration Description: We are developing an iOS VPN client and have configured our packet tunnel provider according to Apple's guidelines. The configuration is as follows: includeAllNetworks = YES excludeLocalNetworks = NO enforceRoutes = NO This setup works as expected when the VPN successfully connects. However, we encounter a blocker issue where the device loses internet connectivity if the packet tunnel crashes. Steps to Reproduce: Configure the NETunnelProviderManager with the above settings. Connect the VPN, which successfully establishes a connection. Verify that resources are accessible and internet connectivity is functional. Packet tunnel to crash unexpectedly.Observe that the NE process (Packet Tunnel) restarts automatically, as expected and attempts to reconnect the VPN; however, the device now lacks internet connectivity, preventing VPN reconnection. Try accessing resources using Safari or any other internet-dependent app, resulting in an error indicating the device is not connected to the internet. Actual Results: The device loses internet connectivity after the packet tunnel crashes and fails to regain it automatically, preventing the VPN from reconnecting. Expected Results: The device should maintain internet connectivity or recover connectivity to allow the VPN to reconnect successfully after the packet tunnel process restarts. Workaround - iPhone device needs a restart to regain internet connectivity .
Store Rejection with NEVPNManager APIs non-approved uses
Hello, Apple community and support team. We would like to get your input on a recent rejection we got in our latest app submission. The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app utilizes the NEVPNManager APIs for non-approved uses. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. We are currently uncertain about the specific ways in which the NEVPNManager APIs are being misused in our app, as we have diligently followed the instructions documented on Apple’s website. Our app uses a Packet Tunnel Provider and configures it to use a local proxy server for reducing network traffic, especially for video streaming services. We initially don't send any of the received traffic to a VPN server and instead, traffic is only handled by the Proxy Server. We are committed to ensuring our app complies with all guidelines and appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. Your guidance will be invaluable in helping us make the necessary adjustments. Thank you for your support.
IOS 18 Beta 2 bug fix
After a week of testing iOS 18. iPhone XS keeps randomly up and down cellular network which shows low signal /no service/ hig signal after I use it for a few minutes. second bugs is keyboard switching , sometimes don’t work auto predictive and auto capitalisation in keyboard. Reported this issue through feedback assistant. Please fix this bug in next iOS 18 beta.
Webkit generated flow management using DNSProxy
Hi! I have been working on one idea for a while but can't figure out the proper way to do that. My app includes Content Filter and DNSProxy providers for filtering logic. And for the NEFilterSocketFlow everything works well, because the connection is first handled from DNSProxy and if it's blocked, NEFilterDataProvider returns datagrams that I wrote from DNSProxy (I return nxdomain). However, for NEFilterBrowserFlow it doesn't work, because webkit generated flows are for some reason intercepted by Content Filter first and at the time when the flow is checked for rules, there're none yet as DNSProxy didn't handle connection yet. So the app returns the following behaviour: In case the requested domain is not filtered by DNSProxy, the user is able to visit requested page, but if it's filtered, the flow just freezes and the page will never load for user. But I wanted to add proper handling and display block page. In case I am using some third-party apps for testing like ICS Dig, filtered domains return nxdomain properly. Not sure if there's a way to achieve desired result, but would be very grateful for any suggestions
Transparent Proxy Providers and DNS
We have found a VPN that does not work while our TPP is running, and I have a hypothesis why, and it does not make any sense. It only fails when our TPP asks for UDP flows. Their VPN claims to fail at a DNS query, but it's getting EPIPE (this is Twingate for the curious). Looking at all the logs I can on the system, including dtruss and dtrace, I see that it does a sendto, and gets that errno. I can't, of course, determine more. By adding more logging, I can see that their VPN tunnel provider tries to open up a UDP flow to port 53. First red flag: I did not think we were supposed to get DNS queries -- my guess is that only means for apps that use the system DNS libraries, implying (to me) that this VPN has their own DNS code. We look at the app name, and decide we don't care for it -- handleNewUDPFlow(_:initialEndpoint:) returns false/NO. I see this in the system logs: 2024-06-26 11:06:56.342680+0100 0x300c839 Default 0x0 40823 0 ${us}.Redirector: (NetworkExtension) [] [Extension ${us}]: provider rejected new flow UDP ${them}.macos.tunnelprovider[{length = 20, bytes = 0xca1b405e014154c2e38e20159d033f9b2d3eea18}] local port 0 interface en0(bound) which is all correct. But then the very next log entry is 2024-06-26 11:06:56.342717+0100 0x300cc14 Info 0x0 0 0 kernel: (399482302): received connect result 61 which, there you go, ECONNREFUSED which will be turned into EPIPE by sendto. (ETA: No, that's not what happens at all. I see other port 53 queries in my logs, and they follow the same, er, flow -- TPP refuses them, next log entry for the flow by the system is result 61.) There is no traffic to over any of the interfaces. I have tried using a NENetworkRule that _excludes` port 53, but it does not allow that at all. I am very deeply confused by all of this, to the point I'm not quite sure how to begin to articulate a request for help. If anyone has any thoughts, comments, questions, commiserative howls of agony, I'd appreciate it.
Parental Content Filtering MDM Payload causes internet issues on Mac Silicon devices with OS 14 and above
Since the release of macOS 14.0, we have encountered issues with the Content Filtering MDM Payload. This problem is unusual but can be resolved by restarting the system. Prerequisites: macOS 14 or higher Any Mac with a Silicon (ARM) processor Restrictions Payload and Parental Content Filtering Payload must be installed on the device, either manually or through any MDM service Issue Details: When the Parental Content Filtering Payload is removed after installation, it causes internet issues, and browsers display "The site can't be reached". This affects applications as well, with Safari being the only application that continues to work. The issue can be resolved by either re-adding the Content Filtering Payload or restarting the Mac. Links: Restriction Payload: Content Filtering Payload: System Logs: Screen Recording:
(Certificate Transparency
I saw this sentence in the documentation at 'Don’t use this key. The current system enforces this behavior, and new certificates can’t meet the requirement on older systems.' I understand that new systems will enable CT (Certificate Transparency) verification by default. However, I created a new demo to verify this on an iOS 13 device, and CT verification was not actually enabled.
Split tunnel using Personal VPN
Our app uses NEVPNManager with IPsec to create VPN. Full tunnel is working fine both with NEVPNManager API and profile created using Apple Configurator. Now, we are trying to create split tunnel using the same. Apple Configurator created profile is working when DNS Supplemental Match domains is set to empty string. But we couldn't find the equivalent to the DNS Supplemental Match domains in the NEVPNManager API. In NEVPNManager config, all DNS is routing to the default route instead of VPN. Can you please help us on this?
Custom proxying with NEDNSProxyProvider
On the [documentation page](Implement a completely custom DNS proxying protocol) it says For example, a DNS proxy provider might: Implement a completely custom DNS proxying protocol I would like to add some filtering logic to the NEDNSProxyProvider (for example, return nxdomain if the flow is not passing the filtering process). Is it possible to implement with NEDNSProxyProvider? It also says that func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyFlow) -> Bool from NEDNSProxyProvider returns a Boolean value set to true if the proxy implementation decides to handle the flow, or false if it instead decides to terminate the flow link. Does it mean that the filtering logic could be added here by just returning false for the flows that are not matching the rules? Because I first tried to handle UDP flows like this in handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyUDPFlow) function and form my own packets in connection.transferData, by first passing empty Data object and then by setting RCODE to 3, which is supposedly a nxdomain response code. However, both implementations didn't work: even though I was getting logs about handling failure, the flow was still able to go through. try await flow.localEndpoint as? NWHostEndpoint) let datagrams = try await flow.readDatagrams() let results = try await datagrams.parallelMap { let connection = try DatagramConnection($0) return try await connection.transferData() } try await flow.writeDatagrams(results) flow.closeReadWithError(nil) flow.closeWriteWithError(nil) I am new to NEDNSProxyProvider and my networking knowledge is on a pretty basic level, so I would be very grateful to hear any suggestions. Thank you!
Jun ’24
NEHotspotConfigurationManager removeConfiguration not working consistent
Hey, I'm currently developing an app that uses NEHotspotConfigurationManager to connect to and disconnect from a WiFi network based on user actions. I'm using the following code to connect and disconnect: Connect let configuration = NEHotspotConfiguration(ssid: ssid, passphrase: password, isWEP: false) configuration.joinOnce = true NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.apply(configuration) { (error) in if let error = error { print("Error connecting to WiFi network: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { self.lastSSID = ssid } } Disconnect NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.removeConfiguration(forSSID: self.lastSSID) The issue I'm encountering is that the app successfully connects to the WiFi network and disconnects properly the first time. However, after connecting again, the second disconnect attempt fails to disconnect from the WiFi network. I found a similar bug report from 2020 that mentioned this issue. The suggested workaround involved setting joinOnce = false, which is not suitable for my app's requirements.
Jun ’24
Hardened Runtime relaxation entitlements disallowed on System Extensions
I was developing an electron based app, and I want to embed a system extension in it, everything works fine with SIP disabled. But for normal cases, I found out: Notarization require hardened runtime enabled. The container is an electron based app, which has JIT related feature, so it requires hardened runtime relaxation entitlements (some exception) But System extension disallow these entitlements, this error message is captured from the log system: Hardened Runtime relaxation entitlements disallowed on System Extensions So does this mean we can't embed a system extension in an Electron-based app?
Jun ’24
Jumbo packet are not accepted by utun interface
OS: MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I have PacketTunnelProvider VPN running with MTU on utun interface as 1300. % ifconfig utun4 utun4: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1300 options=6460<TSO4,TSO6,CHANNEL_IO,PARTIAL_CSUM,ZEROINVERT_CSUM> inet --> netmask 0xffffff00 nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> When I am sending Jumbo size packets using ICMP and it is working fine till 4068 bytes packet size, after that ICMP responses are not accepted by the utun interface. Working till 4068 packets: % ping -s 4068 PING ( 4068 data bytes 4076 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=56 time=46.040 ms 4076 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=25.353 ms Not Working after sending 4069 packets: % ping -s 4069 PING ( 4069 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 In System logs I could see below errors: % log stream | grep utun4 2024-06-19 17:22:34.666286+0530 0x7ee9e2 Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: utun_netif_sync_rx utun4: legacy packet length 4097 > 4096 2024-06-19 17:22:35.637723+0530 0x7ee9e2 Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: utun_netif_sync_rx utun4: legacy packet length 4097 > 4096 Note: Same works fine on en0 interface when packet is not routed via utun interface. Working till 8184 packets on en0 interface: % ping -s 8184 PING ( 8184 data bytes 8192 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=51 time=198.928 ms 8192 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=46.139 ms % ping -s 8185 PING ( 8185 data bytes ping: sendto: Message too long ping: sendto: Message too long Does this mean, on utun interface we do not support packet inception of more than 4096 size?
Jun ’24
Testing a Proxy Provider?
I'm mostly thinking of a Transparent Proxy Provider, as usual, but... how does one test it? I can't see how one would do it with unit tests (although you could break out code and test some of that code). Since it requires MDM or user approval, that makes automated tests a bit difficult. I have this monstrous vision of writing a program that loads the extension and invokes the appropriate methods on it but that just leads to other questions about subclasses. I'm sure other people have thought about this and am curious what the thoughts are. 😄
Jun ’24