I'm writing an EntityAction that animates a material base tint between two different colours. However, the colour that is being actually set differs in RGB values from that requested.
For example, trying to set an end target of R0.5, G0.5, B0.5, results in a value of R0.735357, G0.735357, B0.735357. I can also see during the animation cycle that intermediate actual tint values are also incorrect, versus those being set.
My understanding is the the values of material base colour are passed as a SIMD4. Therefore I have a couple of helper extensions to convert a UIColor into this format and mix between two colours. Note however, I don't think the issue is with this functions - even if their outputs are wrong, the final value of the base tint doesn't match the value being set.
I wondered if this was a colour space issue?
import simd
import RealityKit
import UIKit
typealias Float4 = SIMD4<Float>
extension Float4 {
func mixedWith(_ value: Float4, by mix: Float) -> Float4 {
simd_mix(x, value.x, mix),
simd_mix(y, value.y, mix),
simd_mix(z, value.z, mix),
simd_mix(w, value.w, mix)
extension UIColor {
var float4: Float4 {
var r: CGFloat = 0.0
var g: CGFloat = 0.0
var b: CGFloat = 0.0
var a: CGFloat = 0.0
getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
return Float4(Float(r), Float(g), Float(b), Float(a))
struct ColourAction: EntityAction {
let startColour: SIMD4<Float>
let targetColour: SIMD4<Float>
var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { SIMD4<Float>.self }
init(startColour: UIColor, targetColour: UIColor) {
self.startColour = startColour.float4
self.targetColour = targetColour.float4
static func registerEntityAction() {
ColourAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in
guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return }
let interpolatedColour = event.action.startColour.mixedWith(event.action.targetColour, by: Float(animationState.normalizedTime))
extension Entity {
func updateColour(from currentColour: UIColor, to targetColour: UIColor, duration: Double, endAction: @escaping (Entity) -> Void = { _ in }) {
let colourAction = ColourAction(startColour: currentColour, targetColour: targetColour, endedAction: endAction)
if let colourAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: colourAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).baseColorTint) {
The EntityAction can only be applied to an entity with a ModelComponent (because of the material), so it can be called like so:
let modelComponent = entity.components[ModelComponent.self],
let material = modelComponent.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial else
let currentColour = material.baseColor.tint
let targetColour = UIColor(_colorLiteralRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
entity.updateColour(from:currentColour, to: targetColour, duration: 2)
RSS for tagDiscuss developing for spatial computing and Apple Vision Pro.
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Is it possible to create a button in my app that will turn on the spatial personas for the user? Currently the only way I know of turning on spatial personas is by selecting the cube icon in the FaceTime window which is quite clunky for people unfamiliar with the Vision Pro's UI. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi, we would like to create something where you can open multiple volumetric windows and place them in a room, our biggest issue is that we want these windows to be persistent, so when I close and reopen the app, the windows to be in the same position. We can't use immersive spaces because we also want to have the possibility to access the shared space.
Is it possible with the current features and capabilities to do that? If yes do you have some advices how can we achieve this?
The alternative is if is it possible to open the virtual display in immersive spaces or if we have the possibility to implement our own virtual display.
Dear Apple App Review Team,
I’m reaching out here as a last resort, as my previous attempts to get a response through the developer support portal have been met with only automated replies.
My app has been stuck in the "In Review" state for 10 days, and unfortunately, this is not the first time. Every time a new feature is added, the review process takes weeks, causing major disruptions to my development and release schedule. Based on backend logs, it appears that while the app is technically "In Review," no one has actually opened it, meaning it's sitting in a queue without active review.
I have submitted daily support tickets and expedited review requests, but I have yet to receive a response from a real person—only the standard copy-paste replies. This lack of transparency and responsiveness makes it extremely difficult to plan and operate efficiently.
Given that this is one of the most profitable indie apps on the visionOS App Store, I believe it deserves a more predictable and efficient review process. These extended delays are not just frustrating but actively harming the app’s growth and user experience.
I urgently request immediate action on this matter. Please do not reply with a generic link directing me to support—I’ve already exhausted that route without success. I need a real response and a clear resolution.
App ID: 6737148404
Is there a suitable
UTType type to satisfy the need to pick up only SpatialVideo in UIDocumentPickerViewController?
I already know that PHPickerFilter in PHPickerViewController can do this, but not in UIDocumentPickerViewController.
Our app needs to adapt both of these ways to pick spatial videos
So is there anything that I can try in UIDocumentPickerViewController to fulfill such picker functionality?
If I place the .usdz file in the project directory alongside other .swift files, ModelEntity loads it perfectly. However, if I try to load the same file from Reality Composer Pro under RealityKitContent.rkassets, I get the error: resourceNotFound("heart").
Could someone help me with this? Thank you so much
// TestttttttApp.swift
// Testtttttt
// Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25.
import SwiftUI
struct TestttttttApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// ContentView.swift
// Testtttttt
// Created by Zhendong Chen on 2/17/25.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var enlarge = false
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
do {
// MARK: Work
let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart")
// MARK: Doesn't work
// let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "heart", in: realityKitContentBundle)
// content.add(scene)
} catch {
#Preview(windowStyle: .volumetric) {
I’m trying to implement my Examples view in my DocumentGroup app on visionOS. I am stuck on what on the surface seems very basic: programmatically opening a document.
Is there an analog to NSDocumentController.shared.openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay on visionOS?
Here’s what I’ve tried so far.
Ideally, this would a be collection of document templates in a DocumentGroupLaunchScene. However, I’ve been unable to get DocumentGroupLaunchScene to work on visionOS.
I’ve tried UIApplication.shared.open(url) with a url to a document in my app bundle. UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) returns true, but open(url) has no effect.
In the macOS build, I use NSDocumentController.shared.openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay, but do not see any iOS or visionOS analog.
@Environment(\.newDocument) private var newDocument would be ideal, but that is not available on visionOS.
UIApplication.shared.activateSceneSession(for: .init()) brings up the document browser in a new window, at which point clicking the “+” button does what I want. Can I invoke that directly somehow?
It would be sufficient if I could programmatically open a new untitled document. On macOS, I do that and sneak the template contents to the Document constructor in a global variable.
I presume I am just overlooking something simple, but I’ve come up blank so far.
I am currently working on a Unity project for the Apple Vision Pro. I would like to have people passing in front of the virtual objects occlude the virtual objects that are behind. Something similar to this: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/occluding-virtual-content-with-people
I could unfortunately not find any documentation about this. Is it possible to implement body segmentation or occlusion on the Apple Vision Pro? If it's not currently supported, are there plans to add it? Any ideas on how to achieve this with existing tools?
VisionOS developers want to modify the color of the button when they detect the eyes focusing on it. May I ask if there are any relevant methods that can be implemented? At present, there is a default highlight color when the eyes focus on the button, but this color is too dim. Not obvious enough, how can I modify it?
thank you!
How do you call the effect where the edges around the central image gradually become transparent? This effect is also seen when viewing immersive mode of spatial photos in Vision Pro. How can I achieve this effect using SwiftUI or ShaderGraph? I want to use this effect when displaying images in my app.
Hey I wanted to make an app that tracks changes in the room and room lightning and I was wondering if its possible to use VirtualEnvironmentProbeComponent to obtain the EnvironmentResource image and store it?
If so are there any example of similar operation I could use?
Thank you!
I'm unable to activate a timeline in my application through an OnTap, OnAddedToScene or OnNotification.
In RCP I can test and play the timelines easily.
When running in the simulator or on device the timelines simply do not run, regardless of the method through which I try to call the API.
I have two questions:
How can I check that my timelines are in my RCP project that's loaded into the scene? I don't see timelines in the entity hierarchy when I debug in RealityKit Debugger
Is Behaviors a component I can manually set at runtime? I can very clearly see the behaviors component attached to my entity in RCP, but when running this code:
.onEnded { value in
if value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() {
} else {
It prints "Failure." every time indicating to me that the entity does not have a Behavior attached to it (whether that's a component or however else the Behavior is associated with the entity)
I also have not had success using the Notification system or even the OnAddedToScene behavior trigger which should theoretically work if a behavior is attached to the entity which the tap experiment indicates it's not.
For context this is my notification trigger code:
private let notificationTrigger = NotificationCenter.default
.publisher(for: Notification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger"))
@Environment(\.realityKitScene) var scene
Attachment(id: "home") {
Button {
name: NSNotification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger"),
object: nil,
userInfo: [
"RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Scene": scene,
"RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Identifier": "test"
} label: {
.onReceive(notificationTrigger) { _ in
print("test notification received")
I am receiving "test notification received" print statements as well.
I'm using Xcode 16.0 with VisionOS 2.0 on MacOS 15.3.1
I have a scenario where a hover effect is being shown for a button that is disabled. Usually this doesn't happen but when you wrap the button in a Menu it doesn't work properly.
Here is some example code:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) {
Menu("Menu") {
Button("Disabled Button") {}
.hoverEffectDisabled() // This doesn't work.
Button("Enabled Button") {}
And here is what it looks like:
This looks like a SwiftUI bug. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
Hi, I've encountered a thread where an Apple engineer points out that there are 2 possible ways to anchor scenePhase, either App or View implementation: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/757429
This thread also links to documentation which states
If you read the phase from within a custom Scene instance, the value similarly reflects an aggregation of all the scenes that make up the custom scene:
This doesn't seem to be the case on visionOS 2, I tried the following code starting from an empty app template:
import SwiftUI
struct SceneTestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup(id: "extra") {
Text("Extra window")
struct MyScene: Scene {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase
@Environment(\.openWindow) private var openWindow
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.onAppear {
openWindow(id: "extra")
.onChange(of: scenePhase) { oldValue, newValue in
print("scenePhase changed")
The result was that I didn't get onChange callback if I only closed the extra window, the callback only came after I closed both windows and the whole app was suspended. Is this expected behavior?
After re-launching the immersive space in my app 5-10 times, the WorldTrackingProvider stops working. Only restarting the app will allow it to start working again.
Only on device, not the simulator.
I get these errors when it happens:
The device_anchor can only be queried when the world tracking provider is running.
ARPredictorRemoteService <0x107cbb5e0>: Service configured with error: Error Domain=com.apple.arkit.error Code=501 "(null)"
Remote Service was invalidated: <ARPredictorRemoteService: 0x107cbb5e0>, will stop all data_providers.
ARRemoteService: remote object proxy failed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service with pid 81 named com.apple.arkit.service.session was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service with pid 81 named com.apple.arkit.service.session was invalidated from this process.}
ARRemoteService: weak self released before invalidation
@Observable class VisionPro {
let session = ARKitSession()
let worldTracking = WorldTrackingProvider()
func transformMatrix() async -> simd_float4x4 {
guard let deviceAnchor = worldTracking.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: CACurrentMediaTime())
else { return .init() }
return deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform
func runArkitSession() async {
Task {
try? await session.run([worldTracking])
which I call from my RealityView:
.task {
await visionPro.runArkitSession()
Hello Community,
I am currently developing an experimental VisionOS app, to investigate the social effects of the new Spatial Persona feature, for my bachelor thesis. My setup includes a simple board game for the participants, in which they can engage with their persona avatars.
I tried to use the TabletopKit for this setup, but ran into issues when starting the SharePlay session. When I testes my app, I couldn't see the other spatial persona anymore, despite the green SharePlay button indicating the session started. The other person can see my actions in their version of the app on the board, but can not interact with anything. Also, we are both seat on the default side of the seat.
I tried to remove the environment I added, because it doesn't seem to synch with the other player. When I tried the FaceTime feature in the simulator without the environment, I could then see the test robot avatar, but at a totally wrong place. It's seems like it isn't just my environment occluding the seats, but a flaw in the seating process as well.
When I tried the FaceTime feature in the simulator on the official test scene (TabletopKit Sample), I got the same incorrect placement and the warning "role(for:inSeatNumber:): The provided role identifier does not match a role in the current template."
So my questions are:
What needs to be changed so the TabletopKit can handle seating correctly?
How can I correctly use immersive scenes in combination with the TabletopKit?
I tried to keep the implementation of the TabletopKit example as close as possible, so I think it will enough to look into this codebase for now.
I debugged the position of seats and they are placed correctly in front of their equipment. The personas are just not placed on them.
I have been experimenting with the Hello World sample app from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos/world and I came across behavior that appears inconsistent with user-facing documentation describing the device controls at https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/apple-vision-pro/tan1e2a29e00/visionos
I tried pressing simulator's "Home" button while "Objects in Orbit" immersive space was presented alongside with the main application window. According to user documentation, pressing Digital Crown should take the user directly to Home View. In my test a single press only dismissed the immersive space, I needed another press to "exit" the app and go to Home View.
Is this behavior expected? I am assuming that "Home" button in the simulator behaves as if the user pressed Digital Crown on the device, I don't have access to the actual hardware.
I am encountering an issue while using the multiview video demo provided at this link "https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avkit/creating-a-multiview-video-playback-experience-in-visionos/". Specifically, when running on versions of visionOS prior to 2.2, navigating back results in a blank screen. Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution? Any advice or workaround would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to use the subdivision mesh rendering option.
I can see it working in RealityComposerPro:
But not when loading asset and displaying in Simulator:
Using this code:
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
struct AirspaceView: View {
var body: some View {
RealityView { content in
if let a = try? await Entity(named: "Models/Test/Test.usdc", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
Any ideas why?
I'm currently experimenting to add 3d stereo images in HEIC format to my daily Mars Rover Images website https://areo.info/mars20 which can be opened on a Vision Pro. Only a few images are yet converted into that mode, those on the sol 1411 page.
As I'm currently only working in the Vision Pro Simulator from Xcode, no real 3d effect if of course visible and I'm curious if anyone using the real hardware can confirm that the images are working.
Especially the eye distance correction is important to know about as the Mars Rover camera has a much wider pupil distance than humans and while I entered that distance in the conversion tool, I'm not sure if it worked well. So feedback is welcome!
For those who like to try to create stereo images themselves: I used https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ImageIO/writing-spatial-photos to create a HEIC file from two JPEGs.