watchOS is the operating system for Apple Watch.

Posts under watchOS tag

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unable to pair with apple watch without signing in using apple id but cant sign in with apple id because watch is not updated but watch cannot update because it is too old (series 3)
I am unable to get past pairing with apple watch without signing in using apple id to connect messages to the watch but cant sign in with apple id because the watch is not updated but the watch cannot update because it is too old (series 3). And it did do an update when I first paired it. And now it's not attempting to update anymore. And there is no way to access settings on the watch. And there seems to be no way around the messages apple Id screen.
Oct ’23
watchOS 10.1
Upgraded to watchOS 10.1 (series 7 watch) and now I can't send receive iMessages from watch. I see the notifications but when I go to that persons feed, there is no message. Messages I try to send from my watch get the error message "message not delivered" . iPhone 17.1 on phone. I have restarted both but that didn't help. Suggestions?
Oct ’23
WatchOS CoreBluetooth maximum peripheral connections
I have an app running on WatchOS. How many BLE peripherals can my app connect to at the same time? If the number of peripheral objects is limited in some way, is the limit imposed on each instance of CBCentralManager? Or is the limit imposed on each app? I have a use case that would require four BLE peripheral connections. Is tis possible? I have another use case that would require 6 BLE peripheral connections. Is this possible?
Oct ’23
OS and settings screenshots
I think this question might be confusing and a long shot, but I need screenshots from the settings app (not the app settings) in different languages for the latest iOS version. Has Apple (or some other site) provided this resources? I have been Googling the entire morning, and I have no idea how to find this resource (if exists)
Oct ’23
CloudKit stopped syncing on WatchOS
Hey, I have an iOS/watchOS application that has been in the App Store since the beginning of last year (for reference: Part of the functionality includes: Create a Fixture on the Phone Create Fixture on iOs Fixture is saved to Core Data Core Data syncs with CloudKit WatchOs pulls down the record, updating a table of the same name I can show the Fixtures on the Watch. Track a game on the Watch and then save it. Create a Game on WatchOS Game is saved to Core Data Core Data syncs with CloudKit iOS pulls down the record, updating a table of the same name I can show the games on the phone. For reasons I am unable to work out syncing of core data tables between the phone and the watch has stopped working. I know that the iOS coredata/cloudkit functionality is working as I can create a record on my physical phone, then run a simulator and log in with the same iCloud account and see the record. But the functionality has stopped working for watchOS. I have added a new table to the Watch side that is not syncing to the Phone, but an existing table (Fixture) that has been working has also stopped syncing between the phone and the watch. None of my Persistence/Core Data code has changed. My new table is associated with a Cloud Store, the same as my old table is. What options are they available to me to try and debug this. The watchOs simulator doesn't seem to work with CloudKit, telling me it is not signed in. I've tried looking at the CloudKit database logs, but obviously for security I can't see the data, but I can't see any errors from the watch. I've uninstalled and re-installed the application (on the phone and the watch) numerous times, but that isn't working. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Oct ’23
Failed to install a watchOS app on the device running watchOS 10
I'm trying to install a watchOS app using Xcode 15 / watchOS 10 that was previously running fine under watchOS 9 / Xcode 14. I’m not able to install the app on my series 8 watch running watchOS 10 (see error message below). The app, however, is running fine on Xcode 15 in the series 8 simulator. The error message reads: Failure Reason: Try again later. Recovery Suggestion: This app has the ITSWatchOnlyContainer key set in its Info.plist, which identifies it as a shell app surrounding a Watch-only app; these are not installable. This app has the ITSWatchOnlyContainer key set in its Info.plist, which identifies it as a shell app surrounding a Watch-only app; these are not installable. Domain: MIInstallerErrorDomain Code: 137 User Info: { FunctionName = "-[MIBundle validateAppMetadataWithError:]"; LegacyErrorString = WatchOnlyAppContainerNotInstallable; SourceFileLine = 1733; } So far I tried to: set ITSWatchOnlyContainer (App is only available as a standalone watchOS app) = NO enabled all developer mode setting on the Apple Watch unpair and repair the watch restarting Xcode restarting the watch cleaning build folder Any hints or information if this is an Xcode bug?
Oct ’23
SSL connection broken inside the local network - working fine from outside
Dear friends, asking for help on my Apple Watch App The App creates SSL connections to an internal server. For a long time everything was working fine - regardless whether it's running inside or outside the local network. Since some weeks an SSL error occurs when using the App inside the LAN/WLAN. From outside - using the mobil connection - it still works fine. What has changed during last weeks? IOS updates, Xcode updates, Fritz!Box-router updates. My App wasn't changed. Looking forward on feedback. Thanks, Juergen The output when running the App in the Xcode simulator: Optional some : Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1200 "An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Would you like to connect to the server anyway?, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=3, NSErrorPeerCertificateChainKey=( "<cert(0x11403ac00) s: i:>" ), NSErrorClientCertificateStateKey=0, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c786f0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1200 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamPropertySSLClientCertificateState=0, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust=<SecTrustRef: 0x60000330d4a0>, _kCFNetworkCFStreamSSLErrorOriginalValue=-9802, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=3, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9802, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates=( "<cert(0x11403ac00) s: i:>" )}}, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask .<1>" ), _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9802, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask .<1>, NSURLErrorFailingURLPeerTrustErrorKey=<SecTrustRef: 0x60000330d4a0>, NSLocalizedDescription=An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.}
Oct ’23
Multi Watches paired to same iPhone
I'm currently developing an app for watchOS and I need to programmatically check the status of the paired Apple Watch within my app. Specifically, I want to determine if an Apple Watch is currently paired with the user's iPhone, or which watch is actively paired with user's iPhone if they switch to different watch. What is the recommended approach or API in watchOS to achieve this? Going through both DeviceInformation queries and DDM status channel, but I don't see anything helpful.
Oct ’23
How to create our own Watch face to our app?
Are we able to create our own watch face to our application. We have ios app and watch app, need to create watch face with few app data's like heart rate, steps count, etc on the watch face. But I fount some answers like it is not possible to create a watch face. Possible to create watch face for Apple Watch? Are developers allowed to publish watch faces? I have found a website Facer( where they are offering customizing options and generating .watchface from their website. What approach they are following?
Oct ’23
Getting geo-locationn on Safari embedded in Watch OS
Wondering if anyone has had any luck with getting the geo-location while viewing a web page in mobile Safari on Watch OS? I've updated my phone and watch to the latest versions. The code I'm using is standard Javascript for geolocation such as navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, showPositionError); Works fine when I run it in Safari on my laptop, but when I try to run the same thing on apple watch in embedded web browser, get an "Access Denied" error, which would imply that I have some permission set wrong either on the watch or the paired iPhone. I've messed with many of those settings and nothing seems to be working. Wondering if it's stated somewhere that it simply won't work so I don't continue chasing my tail on something that was designed not to work.
Oct ’23
PassKit Presentation Suppression on Apple Watch
Automatically presenting PassKit when approaching an NFC reader has been around for a while on iOS. Apple is already providing support to inhibit this behavior when using an app that has an approval-gated capability with the identifier The automatic presentation feature has been added in watchOS 10 without the offering of a similar inhibiting method. This is degrading the experience for watchOS 10 users in use cases where the Apple Watch is expected to be close to an NFC-enabled device. I've noticed that the API is present in watchOS as well, although it's marked as unavailable. Calling requestAutomaticPassPresentationSuppressionWithResponseHandler: is always returning 0 (notSupported), and that might be due to the fact that including the capability breaks code signing. I've opened a FB, was wondering what is the best way to better communicate this need to Apple engineering and product teams. (FB13234179)
Oct ’23
Action Button on Apple Watch Ultra 2 calls shortcut twice
Has anyone else seen this issue? When the Action Button on an Apple Watch Ultra 2 is connected to a Shortcut, it seems to run the shortcut twice. I'm on watchOS 10.0.2. A user of an app I built reported the issue, which is how I knew about it in the first place. I'm wondering if it's an issue on my watch specifically, or if many other people are seeing the same thing. I replicated the issue using a fresh project, and it only seems to happen when the shortcut responds with dialog. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? The shortcut with a dialog response works fine everywhere else, and only exhibits this behavior when run with the Action Button. Here is the full code with instructions to replicate the issue, so I'm curious if other people see the same thing: // When running a shortcut that returns dialog // with the Apple Watch Ultra Action Button, // the shortcut runs twice. // Create a new iOS project and add this: import AppIntents // AppIntent struct LogEventNow: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Log an Event" @MainActor func perform() async throws // -> some IntentResult // When just returning a successful result with .result(), // the shortcut only runs once as expected // Add ProvidesDialog to be able to return .result(dialog:) -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog { let loggedDate = Date() let formattedLoggedDate = loggedDate.formatted(date: .omitted, time: .complete) // Print the time of the event that was logged print(formattedLoggedDate) // This gives the expected result // Shortcut runs once, and prints one time to the console // return .result() // This gives unexpected result // Shortcut seems to run twice // and prints two date a 1–2 seconds apart return .result(dialog: "Successfully logged.") } } // AppShortcut // This makes it show up in the Shortcuts app struct EventShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: LogEventNow(), phrases: ["Log in \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "Log Event Now", systemImageName: "calendar" ) } } // Steps to reproduce the issue: // - Long press the AppShortcut in Shortcuts app // - Tap "Add to Shortcut" // - Tap the "i" at the bottom // - Turn on "Show on Apple Watch" toggle // - Open the Watch app on iPhone // - Tap "Action Button" // - Under "Action" choose "Shortcut" // - Select the Shortcut that was created in the Shortcuts app // - Push the Action Button and observe two dates printed to the console // Sometimes I'm also seeing "Remote execution timed out" on Apple Watch a minute or so after the shortcut has run, but only when leaving the Shortcuts app open after it runs from the Action button.
Oct ’23
App structure for iOS app, widgets, watchOS app & complications?
I've had to rewrite my app to get widgets working properly, and I've got this project structure: Main iOS app: Bundle identifier = Contains: Widget Extension: Bundle identifier = Targets iOS 17 Provides widgets to iOS Watch app: Bundle identifier = Contains: Complications Extension (a Widget Extension): Bundle identifier = Targets watchOS 10 Provides widgets to watchOS On the Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode 15, all four targets have: Provisioning Profile: Xcode Managed Profile Signing Certificate: Apple Development: My team App Groups: all use the same one: I can build and deploy to a physical iPhone and Apple Watch, but the Watch app doesn't seem to be able to access the shared Core Data, which should be in the shared app group container. When running the main iOS app, the store location is: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/189E5907-E6E4-4790-833F-06944E4FF5FF/data-model/TheDataModel When running the widget extension, the store location is: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/189E5907-E6E4-4790-833F-06944E4FF5FF/data-model/TheDataModel When I run the Watch app, the store location is different: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/55381E6D-410E-4322-93BA-64BD1933909E/data-model/TheDataModel How do I get the Watch app to see the Core Data store from the main app? Do I have to replicate the store to that location every time something changes in the main app? Or do I have to go back to sending massive data sets as dictionaries/data via WatchConnectivity?
Oct ’23
Xcode 15 Previews not working for watchOS apps
I'm using Xcode 15 15A240d Similarly to when I try to run the Xcode previews for watchOS views in a watchOS target I get compilation errors from UIKit code. This is only valid for Xcode Previews. Building the code normally / Run it on simulator or device works. I don't understand why Xcode attempts to build iOS code. my scheme does include the host app for the watch I made a duplicate of that scheme by unchecking the host app and that makes previews work again. I'm not sure this is the intended behavior. I double checked and this was not the case with Xcode 14.3.1 I could run the initial target without issues on Xcode previews. Do you experience the same issue? is this a problem with my scheme settings or an Xcode bug?
Oct ’23
Watch Simulators always shows error "This watch face is not available on this watchOS"
I have created multiple faces, i want to test those on different watch series and watch OS. However i am not able to use simulators for that (iOS and WatchOS). To understand the case please do below steps. From simulator Open Apple watch app and share any face (create your own or share existing) Share via email or airdrop Drag this face into simulator again Error will be shown that face is not available for this device. If try to apply using below code, same error occur CLKWatchFaceLibrary().addWatchFace(at: url) I want to know how can i test my watch faces on different versions using simulators.
Oct ’23