




On Demand Resources Not Working in Release Build for Real Device
I have implemented On Demand Resources (ODR) in my iOS app using Swift. The ODR feature works correctly when running the app directly from Xcode 15.3. However, when I archive the app and install the release build on a real device, the ODR feature fails to function as expected. I followed up this doc. I have read that adding specific entitlements for ODR might be necessary, but I'm unsure how to properly configure this.
CoreBluetooth Advertising and Scanning Issue in iOS 18/iPadOS 18 Beta 3
Hello, Has anyone encountered issues with CoreBluetooth advertising and scanning between iOS 18/iPadOS 18 Beta 3 ? I'm want to know this is a bug or an intended change in behavior. Issue Summary: Central device on iOS 18/iPadOS 18 Beta 3 (foreground) and Peripheral device on iOS 17.5.1 (background) fail to communicate via BLE advertising. The reverse setup or using non-iOS 18 devices works as expected. Detailed Description: I am developing an iOS/iPadOS application using CoreBluetooth for advertising and scanning. Here are the specifics of my setup: The application uses a fixed BLE service UUID, and scanning is performed with the specified service UUID. Background Modes Uses Bluetooth LE accessories and Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory are enabled to allow advertising and scanning even when the app is in the background. When the Central device is running iOS 18/iPadOS 18 Beta 3 and the app is in the foreground scanning, and the Peripheral device is running iOS 17.5.1 with the app in the background advertising, the Central device cannot receive the advertisements from the Peripheral device. ( CBCentralManagerDelegate.centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:) don't work.) In the reverse scenario (Central on iOS 17.5.1 in the foreground scanning, and Peripheral on iOS 18/iPadOS 18 Beta 3 in the background advertising), the advertisements are received correctly. Additionally, advertisements are received correctly in cases where both devices are not on iOS 18/iPadOS 18. I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue or if there is any information available regarding whether this is a bug or an intended behavior change in iOS 18/iPadOS 18. Thank you.
Connect a Mac and a Watch via Core Bluetooth
Hello! I currently have a pair of apps that can connect a Mac and an iPhone and communicate to each other. I've been trying to do the same between a Mac and a Watch. In my current implementation, the Mac is the central and the iPhone is a peripheral. But according to some internet search, it seems that Watch can only be the central. Is this true, and still the case now, please? If so, can I use the Watch as the central and the Mac as a peripheral? Thank you!
Version 15.4 (15F31d) Xcode NSAppleScript of Safari broken
All attempts to script Safari in Xcode using NSAppleScript returns the following message. error: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = Safari; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Application isn\U2019t running."; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Safari got an error: Application isn\U2019t running."; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-600"; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {32, 3}"; } Latest script attempt: func getHTML() -> String { let source = """ tell application "Safari" get URL of tab 1 of window 1 end tell """ //print(source) var a = "hello" var error: NSDictionary? if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: source) { if let scriptResult = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError(&error).stringValue { a = scriptResult print(scriptResult) } else if (error != nil) { print("error: ",error!) } } return a }
RFID connection between iPhones
Hi, I'm inquiring in regards to the feasibility or possibility of making a connection from iPhone to another, such that one iPhone uses Apple wallet, and another iPhone would detect for the signal within the app. Please let me know if this is feasible or if any more information would be necessary to assist. If this is possible, what documentation would be relevant? Thank you.
Cannot connect to local network devices via TCP when the application is not in the Applications folder
It looks like that, with Sequoia, it is not possible to open an NSURLSession or any other TCP connection to a machine on the local network if the application is not in the "Applications" folder. That is pretty inconvenient when debugging or running via Xcode since the build folder is not within the Applications folder. And, yes, the NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription key and description strings are in the Info.plist file (and it asks for permission). How can we expect to debug applications like that ? Is anybody else experiencing this ?
Request of CarPlay Navigation Entitlement when having the Driving Task one
I have the CarPlay Entitlement "Driving Task" and two of my apps use it. Now, in both apps, I have implemented Navigation. I requested the Navigation CarPlay Entitlement when the feature was mature and builds were available in Test Flight, since I wanted to release the new versions of the apps with navigation available both on the iPhone and in CarPlay. I got no answer to my request, so I decided to release the apps with only navigation in the iPhone and the Driving Task functionality in CarPlay, thinking that maybe being live with navigation in the App Store was a requirement. I have asked permission again, and so far, the request is being ignored again. What are the requirements to get the Navigation CarPlay Entitlement? If the app is approved for navigation, is there something else the app must do to get the entitlement? Requirements for CarPlay Entitlements seem quite obscure, are they listed anywhere? Is there a technical problem to move from an existing CarPlay Entitlement to another? Can that be the reason the entitlement has not been granted? Some of my competitors have the CarPlay Navigation entitlement. My use case is the same (in a better app in my opinion, of course). But I am only getting bad reviews because "the app does not include the map in CarPlay" after the big investment in implementing navigation in the apps. Any help or insight would be appreciated.
How to open Calendar app event's detail by its ID
Hey there, I'd like to ask for guidance on how to open the Apple Calendar app's event programmatically. I can already list events, but I'm struggling to open the calendar detail view (upon user interaction). I've tried many variants, such as using the x-apple-calevent URL scheme or calshow:\, etc., but none of them worked. Here's the code I'm using: if let eventIdentifier = event.eventIdentifier as String?, let calendarId = event.calendarId as String? { if let url = URL(string: "x-apple-calevent://\(calendarId)/\(eventIdentifier)") { } } Once the action is triggered, it tells me that: There is no application set to open the URL x-apple-calevent:// Thanks a bunch! Tom
Vision Pro OS file location
I would like to know what is the global path of the Vision Pro file system. For instance, if I put a file called example.pdf inside "On My Apple Vision Pro" what would be the global path for that file? "On My Apple Vision Pro/user_name/example.pdf" or "/example.pdf" or "/username/example.pdf" and so on. I tried to search about it but I didn't found no official source about it. Thanks in advance!
GPS problem with non moving iphone. Does Apple consider us users as totally infantile?
I had a problem that when traveling by boat the GPS dropped working for the boating app after a few seconds. Then I discovered that when picking up the iphone, the GPS information, that was read by the boating app, returned. At first I had the idea that the GPS signals were weak and my body fluids worked as a kind of extra antenna. But then by accident I noticed that the GPS signal returned when there were some waves that caused the boat to move extra. And so it turns out that Apple has apparently built in a security risk feature that when the iphone is not moving (apart from the very slow movement of the boat) it switches GPS off. Probably is this to protect us from being tracked in some way. An adult approach would leave it to the user to decide if this is a risk the user wants to take (so introduce a setting to turn off this security measure). But not so at Apple. I am getting very tired of trying to find ways to get around the unspecified safety measures that are not under control by me, the user. This is NOT a small minor problem. The app that I use is the most used boating app at least in the Netherlands. The developers got thousands of complaints from apple users and in spite of specifying that location services can be used always as specified by the developers the user should do,all these users couldn’t use the app and basically had to buy an Android phone! Actually the developpers were totally in the dark because it had worked properly before. So Is there a work around?? (I am building now a little device to keep my iphone mechanically moving now as a solution but I prefer as software solution!!!!)
App store server notifications
I am reaching out regarding an issue I have encountered with the notification data I received. Here are the relevant details: Notification Details: Notification Type: DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS Subtype: AUTO_RENEW_DISABLED Concern: I noticed an inconsistency within the provided data: The data.signedrenewalinfo.autorenewstatus is indicated as "1," suggesting that auto-renewal is enabled. Contrarily, the subtype field asserts that AUTO_RENEW is disabled. I am puzzled by this contradiction. How is it possible that the autorenewstatus field indicates that auto-renew is enabled when the type specifically states the opposite? Any insights or guidance on resolving this discrepancy would be greatly appreciated. P.S base on following api ->
Broadcast push being throttled with very little traffic
Hi, We've implemented the new Live Activity Broadcast push notifications ( and are testing this out in sandbox/development. Looking at our logs I can see that we tried to send 54 broadcast notifications the last hour. 16 of these failed with "429 Too Many Requests". We probably have no devices registered on any of the channels at the moment. These are all channels from the "Development" environment. Any pointers to what could be wrong? Regards, -Tommy
MDM auto-approve NETransparentProxyManager configuration
Hi Team, We are trying to set MDM with NETransparentProxyManager to auto-approve the proxy, but it did not work. We have tried the below Apple document for NETransparentProxyManager. Attached is the config file. ApplicationProxy.VPN.mobileconfg.txt could you please suggest how to configure NETransparentProxyManager via MDM?
Different TransactionId But the same appAccountToken returned
Hello, Apple Developer Team, Recently, we have encountered some rather tricky issues regarding different transactionIds but the same appAccountToken appearing in the JSON data returned when calling the Apple API /inApps/v1/transactions/. The situation is as follows: We obtained the order numbers from the payment receipts provided by the customer. The customer gave us two different order numbers. The payment date is July 9, 2024. By checking our server, we can see two different transactionIds. However, when calling /inApps/v1/transactions/, the JSON data we receive contains the same appAccountToken. The purchase dates for these two orders are very close to each other: transactionId1: July 9, 2024, 21:37:06 transactionId2: July 9, 2024, 21:37:00 Additional Information: 1)The server is using App Store Server API V2. 2)The client is using StoreKit V1. 3)Environment: Production. 4)type: Consumable This issue is not an isolated case. It occurs almost every month. We kindly request assistance from the Apple Developer Team to help us identify and resolve this issue. Thank you.
Local push for wake up an app
Hello, We a company that deals with alarm systems in hospitals and we would need to manage, for one of our apps, that the application, even if in the background, can be reactivated and brought to the foreground showing the type of alarm received. We learned of a Dutch company who, they say, thanks to a special agreement with Apple, managed to achieve this using Local Push. We have already done something similar with Android through Foreground services and we would like to do something similar for iOS too but at the moment we have not succeeded because it seems the OS of mobile devices does not allow it. Apart from the normal documentation on local push I can't find much other information about it. Is there anyone at apple who could help me? Thanks
I have an Electron app on macOS Sonoma (arm64 arch). It has a native addon (app.node) using node-addon-api. Recently it crashed, with the stack trace (given below). What is the AXSerializeCFType function inside the AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue function, and why did it crash there? AXUIElementRef systemWideElement = AXUIElementCreateSystemWide(); AXUIElementRef focusedApp = NULL; AXError error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(systemWideElement, kAXFocusedApplicationAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&focusedApp); The crash appears to be occurring in the last line of the code, where I am retrieving the focused app AXUIElementRef using AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue. I have already attempted to manually set systemWideElement to NULL, but AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue is not crashing; it is just returning an error kAXErrorIllegalArgument. OS Version: macOS 14.5 (23F79) Report Version: 104 Crashed Thread: 344454 Application Specific Information: Fatal Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS / 0x102674000 Thread 344454 Crashed: 0 HIServices 0x18cb5d970 AXSerializeCFType 1 HIServices 0x18cb7ca24 serializeWrapper 2 HIServices 0x18cb7cd40 _AXXMIGCopyAttributeValue 3 HIServices 0x18cb74884 _AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue 4 HIServices 0x18cb74a04 AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue 5 HIServices 0x18cb747fc _AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue 6 HIServices 0x18cb74a04 AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue 7 app.node 0x1027a56f4 getFocusedApplication
Build DriverKit in projects with a test plan
I'm trying to build an XCode project that contains an app and another target for the DriverKit, and run into the following linker issue: ld: file cannot be open()ed, errno=2 path=/Applications/ in '/Applications/' clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) My project has Code Coverage enabled. I noticed that if I disabled Code Coverage for all targets, I would be able to build successfully, and the driverKit would work as expected. I wonder if it would be possible to build DriverKit without disabling code coverage. Thanks
Set up-to-date badge count when using UNNotificationRequest with trigger
hi, I am trying to schedule a UNNotificationRequest at a certain date using UNCalendarNotificationTrigger, and I also want to update the badge count accordingly. However the badge property in UNNotificationContent can only be set when adding UNNotificationRequest, not when the trigger is fired or notification is actually delivered. How can I set up-to-date badge count if notification is scheduled in the future? For example, if I scheduled notification A to 3 hours later with badge count 1, and in between I got notification B, badge count should be 2 when A is delivered but it will be 1. I am aware of didPresent delegate which can be used when app is in foreground when notification is delivered, but is there any delegate that is called when UNNotificationRequest is delivered and app is backgrounded or we are using NSE? Thanks.
FilterDataProvider network extension binary not updating
I've followed all the advice on these forums regarding developing network extensions. I'm working on a FilterDataProvider using the SimpleFirewall example project as a starting point. The issue I run into is that the copy of the extension binary that the system manages does not get updated by the system when I copy a new application into the /Applications directory. Here's my workflow: Build and run the application from Xcode. I've added a pre-run action that copies the extension into a /Applications/SysExtDev folder so I don't have to disable SIP. Test & make changes to code Disable & remove the extension in Settings > Network > Filters & Proxies Build and run the application from Xcode. New app binary loads, but the old extension binary loads. I also notice that the app will report that the extension is already registered even when it's not present in the UI in System Settings. And when I enable the extension in the newly launched app, I don't see the full flow of confirmation dialogs, only one indicating that the app wants to filter network content. If I run: ❯ diff /Applications/SysExtDev/ /Library/SystemExtensions/44022C0D-8BBA-4783-8314-83195A516DB5/ Binary files ... and ... differ it indicates that the binaries are not the same. In order to resolve this issue I usually have to wait around for awhile and/or reboot the machine. I can't find any rhyme or reason to it. I've tried removing the old app from /Applications before building the new copy but that doesn't seem to help either. The way I know things are going to work is, if when I launch and enable the extension, I see the full onboarding flow asking me to open settings and allow under privacy and security. I have tried running $ systemextensionsctl uninstall 2U6G6353D3 but that requires SIP to be disabled. I'm really close to just throwing in the towel and developing with SIP disabled. However, I feel like I must be missing something. Do I need to bump the version every time? Do I need to kill the extension process with launchctl so it can be cleaned up? Do I have to tickle the launch services or sfl db? What am I missing?