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App review 4.3 Design Spam Reject
Hello, I just uploaded my games to apple , and apple is still give me the reason 4.3 design spam for the rejection. I want to mention that my games have unique features from other car simulator games , I have a taxi simulator that have a communication with client feature and a company manager feature. Also I want to mention that I’ve tried to send a lot of review replys and apple contact appeals trying to tell they that my games is different than the others but nothing it gives me the same reasons. So , do you have any ideas that I can do to finally make my games available on apple App Store ? thank you!
Failed to parse the media type: application/json;
Few days ago app store connect api response is incorrect, returns the Content-type "application/json;" It is wrong cause there is a semicolon at the end of mime type. Many http clients fail with 'Failed to parse the media type: application/json;' i tested on After a few retries the response is correct Please help
App is getting Rejected Many Times
ITMS-91055: Invalid API reason declaration - The PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy for the “Frameworks/MoEngageSDK.framework/MoEngageSDK” file contains “C617.1” as the value for a NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons key instead of a valid reason code for using an API in the NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults category. Values for NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons keys in any privacy manifest must be valid reason codes for the corresponding API category. For more details about this policy, including a list of required reason APIs and approved reasons for usage, visit: ITMS-91055: Invalid API reason declaration - The PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy for the “Frameworks/MoEngageInbox.framework/MoEngageInbox” file contains “1C8F.1 1C8F.1 1C8F.1 1C8F.1 1C8F.1 1C8F.1 1C8F.1” as the value for a NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons key instead of a valid reason code for using an API in the NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults category. Values for NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons keys in any privacy manifest must be valid reason codes for the corresponding API category. For more details about this policy, including a list of required reason APIs and approved reasons for usage, visit:
TestFlight not reflecting updated App name
We had send an app to Appstore. It was live. We removed it. After a year we decided to change the name, the name is updating in Appstore web, Invitation email received from Testflight is also new name. But when we tap on [View in TestFlight] in the email or the app name in TestFlight iOS app still shows the old name. We update the app info and all the other places. Different name in Appstore and Testflight app for the updated name.
In-App Purchases
I’ve developed my app and included in-app purchase features. I’ve written the code and added the buttons, but when clicked, I get a “package not found” error. From what I understand, Apple needs to approve the in-app purchases and review my app during the initial release. Following Apple’s documentation, I created new subscription systems, added screenshots and necessary texts, and marked the in-app purchases when submitting my app for review. However, my app keeps getting rejected multiple times. They encounter a “package not found” error when trying to make a purchase. In the review feedback for subscriptions and in-app purchases, they also mention that they cannot approve the in-app purchase products because the associated app has been rejected. I’ve contacted Apple Support, and they explained that in-app purchases and the app are reviewed separately. However, I can’t publish my app without including in-app purchases, and I can’t get the in-app purchases approved without my app being accepted. What should I do in this situation? I even tried removing the in-app purchase features completely and submitting the app without them, but then I received a review result saying, “we couldn’t find the in-app purchase section.” I’ve been struggling with this for days. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Use personal Reduction Code in apple ios application ?
Good morning, I am in the process of setting up a new release of my application, in fact I recently submitted a release using stripe as a means of payment for subscriptions which was refused by telling me that it must go through Apple IAP. Currently everything has been migrated to IAP, my subscriptions are offered by period (1 month, 6 months, etc.), and with discount vouchers that I manage until now with my server (managarial/marketing choice). The approach used to manage this is to offer two subscriptions on Apple Connect for each period: for example 1 month => there is one subscription with $3 and one with $2. With respect to my server verifications (has the user validated their discount voucher or not), I display the appropriate subscription to them. Could you please tell me that this approach will not impact me on my next review? while knowing that currently all subscriptions now go through IAP Apple and my work on the server side only manages the display of the appropriate products and whether or not the user has validated their reduction voucher. Tank you.
Guideline 5.4 - VPN rejection based on data collection
Hi We currently have an app being rejected due to Guideline 5.4 (VPN apps). The answer from App Review was a vague reference to the app not providing enough information to the user about data collection. About 6 months ago we added a modal sheet that requires agreement from the user before the app will attempt to create a VPN profile via NEVPNManager APIs. This was in response to a prior rejection, and our app was subsequently approved. Following our latest rejected update we tried to clarify if our modal was being observed and after some back and forth, the latest rejection from Apple Review states that: we still found that your app does not sufficiently explain how the app or VPN service is using data collected from users in the purpose string of VPN Configurations prompt. I have scoured the documentation and gone through all the Plist options within Xcode and can find no reference to a custom purpose/privacy string on the VPN configurations prompt. My understanding is that the content of that alert is fully controlled by the system. Has anyone else encountered this, or aware of any changes to the way VPN apps should create new connection profiles? Many thanks
5.5" Display Images wont submit
Hello everyone! Any tips would be helpful. I am trying to submit my App for review in the app store, and when I try to subimit screenshots of my app to the App Store 5.5" Display, I get a dimension error. I even tried getting screenshots of all types of iPhones that fit those dimensions from my Simulator on XCode. These would be iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 6s Plus. When I take screenshots on the simulator move them to the site, they won't accept them. Any suggestions?
App reviewer lied about review
Over the course of one hour, the reviewer logged into the application and generated approximately 20 different notifications, such as liking and sharing posts. At the end of the hour, the reviewer rejected the application, claiming they couldn't log in. However, we observed the reviewer in real-time creating notifications throughout the hour using the user credentials we created for the review team. Based on these facts, we can confidently say the reviewer lied about the reason for the rejection. We tried to respond to the reviewer, but they did not reply. We have submitted a formal review to look into the situation and provided documentation showing the user creating notifications. Has anyone dealt with this before?
Can I change the availability of the auto-renewal subscription item using the API?
In my application, I have to create and remove many auto-renewal subscription items programmatically using an API. Like the YouTube app, when a user creates a channel, I will create a subscription item with their name, and when they shut down the channel, I will cancel the whole subscription and remove the item. I found that I can create subscription items using the following API: In the following document, I found that I can stop selling and cancel subscriptions at by changing the availability of item from "Cleared for Sale" to "Remove from Sale": My question is can I stop selling and cancel subscriptions using an API? The App Store Connect API offers modifying subscription availability, but it only offers changing sales countries: They also offer a subscription deletion API, but I'm not sure if it'll work as I need: How do you manage auto-renewal subscription items when you stop selling them? Is there any API or do you do it manually? Thank you.