Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

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Transition from "Designed for iPad" to "Mac Catalyst"
Our apps can currently be installed on Apple Silicon Macs via the iPad app on Mac feature (“Designed for iPad”). Now we are working on “proper” (universal) Catalyst-based Mac apps that will be available on the Mac App Store. How does the transition work for users that currently have the iPad version installed? Will they automatically update to the Mac Catalyst app once it’s available, or do they need to re-install the app from the Mac App Store?
5.2.1 Legal: Intellectual Property - General
Our client is no longer able to access their AppStore / Apple Developer account due to staff turn over. They have tried to create a new account but Apple will not allow them to do so using the same company name and DUNS numbers. While they are working through this with Apple they have asked that we distribute their app on their behalf. The app is a MindBody Whitelabled app and was rejected by Apple based on 5.2.1 Legal: Intellectual Property - General. Has anyone come across this before? we have released a number of app for our clients through our account (i did one yesterday) with no issue what so ever. I am seeking some assistance on how best to navigate this?
App versioning
I made an app that I plan to launch. Confused about its version number. Should I start with 0.0.0 ? Or 1.0.0 Please note some features which I planned are still in development and I intend to work on them after release. I am feeling the correct version would be 0.1.0 ? Please suggest Thanks
Limited Distribution to Discoverable (few months later)
Hello, I have an app that will be available to the parents of children in schools for a specific region. Schools will gradually activate the service, so we would like to send a link to the parents to download the app (limited distribution). Eventually, the majority of schools will have made the transition and I would like to know if it would be possible to make it public (discoverable)? I know it is possible one way, but it is possible the other way? Also, will Apple accept this limited distribution you think or they will think it is kind of a "pre-release"?
Unable to update primary language
Hi, I am trying to update the primary language for my app, however when I save, I am getting 29 repeat messages with the following error message: 'Primary Locale couldn’t be saved because you must first provide all the required screenshots for each version in this language.' and also get this message: 'Primary Language couldn't be saved because another field is invalid.' The language that I want to make primary was already added in a previous version of the app. I have also tried removing and re-adding all images, but have the same error messages. Any help would be great. Thanks
App Not Available in Your Country
I'm trying to distribute my app as unlisted through App Store Connect. However, I'm encountering a 'Cannot Sell' warning in the App Availability section. When I click on the link, it shows that the app is not available in my own country. I've already tried setting a price as suggested by other developers, but the issue persists. My app is intended to be unlisted and available in my country. How can I resolve this availability issue and ensure my app is properly distributed as an unlisted app My country is Malawi and the app is called Standard Bank AGM Voting App
Electron failed to setup iap sandbox environment
Hi there, I'm implementing in app purchase in Electron following docs here: But : getProducts returns [] calls to purchaseProduct, nothing happend(no dialog, no login) calls to restoreCompletedTransactions , a login dialog appears, and I can login my sandbox tester account. The account even appears int the Apple Store. More info list as follow. Packaging using electron builder, configuration is : "masDev": { "type":"development", "identity": "York Chan", "hardenedRuntime": false, "gatekeeperAssess": false, "entitlements": "./build/entitlements.mas.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist", "provisioningProfile": './build/provisionloginsight.provisionprofile', //development的描述文件,确保系统描述文件里已经安装好 }, "mas": { "type": "distribution", "identity": "York Chan", "hardenedRuntime": false, "entitlements": "./build/entitlements.mas.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist", "entitlementsLoginHelper": "./build/entitlements.mas.loginhelper.plist", //如果需要testflight则该项必须 "provisioningProfile": './build/provisionloginsightappstore.provisionprofile', //distribution描述文件 }, "mac": { "artifactName": "${productName}_${version}.${ext}", "identity":null, "type": "development", //mas - distribution; mas-dev - development, "icon": "./icons/icon512.icns", "target": [ { "target": "mas-dev",//mas "arch": [ "universal" ], } ], "extendInfo":{ } }, I wrap StoreKit API into 'Platform' class, and call from render process to main process using ipcRender.invoke If I create a Xcode project, and set bundler identifier to the same one, configure the storekit in schema, I can successfully 'purchase', and seeing [Enviroment: Xcode]. Someone can help me please ?
App Store Connect API: Modifying Phased Release
I'm trying to automate the process of resuming, or completing a phased release using the "PATCH /v1/appStoreVersionPhasedReleases/{id}" endpoint. When sending a request to update the PhasedReleaseState, I am seeing a 409 error that states: An attribute value is not acceptable for the current resource state. You cannot change the state of a phased release in the current version state. Source: {'pointer': '/data/attributes/pendingDeveloperRelease'} Apparently PENDING_DEVELOPER_RELEASE is an invalid state. Based on the "App and submission statuses" document, the PENDING_DEVELOPER_RELEASE state means: Your app was approved, but you still need to release it for distribution on the App Store. I'm a bit surprised that it would fail, when releasing the app for distribution is exactly what I'm trying to do by modifying the PhasedReleaseState to ACTIVE, or COMPLETE. In addition, the "Release a version update in phases" document lists it as a valid state: When you release a version update of your iOS, macOS, tvOS, or universal app, you can choose to release it to the App Store in stages. This option is available if you're submitting a version update and your app has one of the following app statuses; Prepare for Submission Waiting for Review In Review Waiting for Export Compliance Pending Developer Release Developer Rejected Rejected Metadata Rejected Notably, some of the other states seem like they shouldn't be valid states to rollout an app (e.g. Rejected, Waiting for Review, etc.). So this makes me think that this document doesn't necessarily cover the list of valid states; more so, they tell you that you have the capability to perform a phased rollout for your app. So, my question is, what are the valid app version states required for me to be able to successfully modify a phased rollout? Any help, or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! API Endpoint URL: App and submission statuses document: Release a version update in phases document:
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase We found in our review that your app or its metadata provides access to mechanisms other than in-app purchase for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which does not comply with the App Review Guidelines. Specifically: Your app includes an account registration feature for businesses and organizations, which is considered access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please remove features, account registration links, and any other links to your site that could indirectly provide access to external purchase mechanisms.
App not visible in search results but able to access app through link
My App "Digital Showroom" has been live on App store for ~4 years. Suddenly it stopped showing on search results but i am still able to access and download the app through google search results and link. I've followed all App Store guidelines and have raised the issue with your Support team multiple times. The support team has accepted the issue but no resolution has been provided. Is there any workaround I can try at my end as this is hurting our visibility & causing business loss.
App name approval query
Hey everyone, I’m developing an app can’t say the name at the moment but here is a similar scenario not very good, its the best I could come up with, say its a meditation app called ‘Fl0wr’. I’ve noticed there’s an existing app named ‘Flower’ in a different category, local news. Say for my app I add the following to the name Fl0wr - mindful and meditation. ’Will adding that to the name get it approved under Apple’s naming guidelines, considering the different spelling and the specific industry focus? Do I need to remove the dash make apart of the name. Hope that example makes sense. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
App Store Downloaded Apps Deletion
Hello! I would think it would be useful for the App Store to have an feature that deletes the history of downloaded apps, I know that this could be useful for a lot of people that produce art or have an business that you mainly run on your iPad or iPhone for example and require downloading plenty of useless apps that you delete, You can make it more organized than just hiding them and they keeping space in the hidden section, I just think that it would be an amazing feature for everyone replacing the usual ”hiding”
Spam rejection for pushing our app which is identical to our other app made by third party supplier
We have built an app for our chain of Pilates studios that was rejected (for spam) and I understand and even agree with the reason it was rejected. It is an exact copy of an existing app. We were using an all-in-one gym management platform for almost 2 years and now we are moving off it. We have built our own solution. As part of their solution, they created an app developer account on our behalf (that I do not have access to) in our name and push apps there. This is the app store link of our existing app They have agreed to take down this app when we migrate on July 23rd. The problem is that I need our app to be approved now (so that I can test it and get our product and launch ready). People only install the app when we email them a link so it's ok from a user perspective to have both live. And it's not possible to take the existing app down now as the members are using it until that date. So my question is "how best to handle this?" I think if Apple understood the context - maybe they would ask me to prove we are legit or provide some documents or otherwise validate that we are who we say we are, but would be ok with it? Is that true? Has anyone been in this situation before? Anyone got a strategy that works? Can anyone help me directly? I am in a business critical moment - and I understand Apple reviewers are making a logical decision and protecting all of us from piracy here - yet the thing we are doing is legit and I don't know how to approach this... thanks, Patrick