Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

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Can we change the app-store id of an app after it has been transferred to other orgnization?
I published an app with the app ID id83928992 under an X organization account. Recently, I transferred this app to a Y organization account, resulting in a new app ID id57838939339. The app uses a static URL for updates. Due to the change in the app ID, the update mechanism is no longer working for users who have the app with the old ID. The bundle ID of the app remains unchanged. Question: Can the app ID be reverted to the original ID (id83928992) after transferring the app to a new account? If not, what are the recommended steps to ensure that existing users with the old app ID can continue to receive updates seamlessly?
Uploading an Archive to App Store Connect with XCode 16 Beta 3 and visionOS SDK 2 beta 3.
Hello, I am trying to upload a build using XCode 16 beta 3 and visionOS 2 SDK beta 3, which are the latest available betas. But the build isn't accepted by App Store Connect. This message is shown: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version. Your app was built with an SDK or version of Xcode that isn’t supported. Although you can use beta versions of SDKs and Xcode to build and upload apps to App Store Connect, you need to use the latest Release Candidates (RC) for SDKs and Xcode to submit the app. For details on currently supported SDKs and versions of Xcode, visit: What can I do to upload to App Store just for Test Flight Internal Only build? Do I need to downgrade to a non-beta XCode and use non-beta visionOS SDK?
App Store Notification
Hello, I am developing App Store Server to Server Notifications. (The app has already been deployed and is in operation.) Test notifications in both the Sandbox and Production environments have been working correctly. Additionally, I tested in-app purchases using a Sandbox account and confirmed that the server notifications are received. However, when an actual purchase is made in the live app, the server notifications are not received. Please provide the possible causes and solutions for this issue.
Incorrect 400 response when downloading subscriber report
I am attempting to download subscriber reports for my app. I'm using the following URL with vendorNumber redacted:[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportSubType]=DETAILED&filter[reportType]=SUBSCRIBER&filter[reportDate]=2024-04-04&filter[vendorNumber]=xxxxxxxx&filter[version]=1_3 I am getting the following response: "id": "92183ac5-7881-436c-ac66-5d89673c5070", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "Invalid vendor number specified. Try again.", "source": { "parameter": "filter[vendorNumber]" } However when I use the same vendor number for the sales summary report:[frequency]=MONTHLY&filter[reportDate]=2023-09&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[reportType]=SALES&filter[vendorNumber]=xxxxxxxx&filter[version]=1_0 I get a proper response. I believe I should be getting a 404 on this response, but am not. This issue can be tracked back to 2019, can we please get some detail about this response?
App Store Connect API - Daily App Analytics
Hello, I am trying for a few days to get daily reports for a specific app_id but it seems the process is not working. I manage to get a list of my apps, then of my current reports, but when I try to request a{id} from the report list I am returning above I get a 404. I was wondering if you have any actual guide on how to get daily reports updated from the api for a specific type (downloads or installs for example)?
Publish Whitelabel Apps from Client's Accounts
Hi, I want to publish White Label apps for my clients. Recently I have submitted multiple white label apps from my clients' developer accounts but I got rejection for all the app with the following reason: Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by other developers, with only minor differences. Submitting similar or repackaged apps is a form of spam that creates clutter and makes it difficult for users to discover new apps. Currently the apps have only a different like Logo, name and some internal conditions. Please suggest me what should I do for this issue. I will thankful to you. Kind Regards.
How Can I create a new App from API
Hi all, I am developing new things on my existing .Net core application. I want to create a new page and with this page, the users will create a new app and write important informations. But I cant create a new app with sending post request with connect API. Here is my Postman requests and body. Sending request to : Body : { "data": { "type": "apps", "attributes": { "bundleId": "com.test.testtest", "name": "Test Test", "primaryLocale": "en-US", "sku": "test2024", "platform": "IOS" } } } Also I am using a bearer token, and this token has a admin role. When I send a post request, I am getting below error. { "errors": [ { "id": "35f9631f-b8d8-408c-8dfd-adaef043d062", "status": "403", "code": "FORBIDDEN_ERROR", "title": "The given operation is not allowed", "detail": "The resource 'apps' does not allow 'CREATE'. Allowed operations are: GET_COLLECTION, GET_INSTANCE, UPDATE" } ] } How can I fix this. Pls help. Thanks.
Transporter error - connecting to obsolete developer account
Hi All, I have been trying to upload an update to mu IOS app using Transporter. It has always worked fine in the past and I have made no changes. Three years ago I moved from the Netherlands to the UK. I was required to open a new developer account for my UK business. I did so, and also created another personal Apple ID for the UK. Everything has been working fine. I bought my current Mac since moving to the UK and never used the old credentials on it. I updated my IOS app, I only have one, and signed in to Transporter. The old Netherlands business name comes up on the header. I try to validate the app and get a message that the project name does not exist. Somehow Transporter is logging me in to my old developer account, dormant for over two years, and trying to upload my archive to it. Nothing I have tried will stop it from doing so. I tried on another Mac, with a clean install, with the same result. All my certificates are up to date. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rob
Unable to Renew Developer Membership - Urgent Help Needed
Hello, I'm facing a critical issue with renewing my Apple Developer membership, and I'm seeking urgent assistance. Here's a summary of my situation: As an iOS developer, I've found that the renew button is nowhere to be found in the Developer apps or on the website. Despite having correct payment methods and sufficient funds, I can't renew my account. I've tried multiple approaches, including: Using both iPhone and Mac Developer App / App Store Trying different browsers Reaching out to support via chat and phone Contacting the US support team directly After nearly 10 days of waiting, the response I received was simply a link to the renewal page, which I had already checked countless times. This response indicates that my situation was not thoroughly reviewed. Meanwhile, my apps have been removed from the store, causing daily financial losses. Waiting indefinitely for a resolution without any clear timeframe is extremely frustrating. Has anyone else faced similar challenges? If you have found a solution, your insights would be greatly appreciated. Any assistance from the community or from Apple Support is urgently needed. Thank you.
Asset validation failed due to unsupported Xcode or SDK type
Hi! First timer here. I am having trouble uploading to App Store Connect. I uploaded an earlier version a ~week ago, but am now getting an error saying that the asset validation failed because of an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. Not sure how to proceed or what specifically is causing the error. I speculated it was the Spotify iOS SDK, but have every time I got into Project > Package Dependencies > "—" button for the Spotify SDK, Xcode crashes. System: MacOS Sequoia Beta 2 Xcode: 16 Beta 3 (All fully up to date)
Guideline 4.7 vs 3.2.2(i)
Apple is presently rejecting an update of our social media app that includes HTML5 games among several other features (video feed, video creation, club/forum participation and creation, chat, personal profiles, creation/collecting/trading of virtual items). The rejection title references guideline 4.7 which Apple changed in Jan 2024 to allow apps to offer HTML5 apps/games provided they comply with the rules of that guideline. However the body of the rejection does not reference any of the 4.7 rules but rather 3.2.2(i) and claims that "offering HTML5 games appears to be the primary purpose of your app". Just for context - the app opens up onto a video feed akin to TikTok or reels. HTML5 games are in a a tab that doesn't even appear on the tab-bar. You need to actively click through links to get to it. It is a similar degree of prominence to the new HTML5 games in YouTube. Perhaps less (at least for me, YouTube games appear on the main feed). Unless this is an unusual mistake, this unfortunately gives the impression that Apple's big 'pro-developer' announcement of this guideline change in January, in the context of a US antitrust suit where mini-apps are a key theme, no less, was a bit of a 'con'. An entirely separate guideline which they continue to (mis)use to block whatever app with HTML5 features they want to. Developers - anyone else facing this issue? Apple - willing to prove me wrong and fix mistakes in good faith?
Migrate from the verifyReceipt API to the new
Apple has deprecated the API and encourages users to migrate to the new{transactionId} API. However, during the migration, a problem was discovered. Previously, with the verifyReceipt API, the 21007 status code could be used to distinguish between the sandbox and production environments. Now, with the new API, if the {transactionId} is from the sandbox environment, it will directly return {"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}. How can I distinguish whether a {transactionId} is generated in the sandbox environment or the production environment?
App Store Connect not displaying recent OS version (17.5, 18)
We are trying to analyze how many of our users have upgraded from 17.4 (which has a major issue in compatibility with our app) to 17.5 (in which the issue does not happen). When we use the metrics in App Store Connect, the version 17.5 does not appear in the Platform version list at all. When we look at overall sessions, we see there are about 80 today. But when we display By Platform Version, we only see 4. I surmise that we should be seeing many sessions on 17.5 but those are being hidden because of this issue.