missing package product

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IPA publication errors to App Store Connect
Hello! Need help! We face errors during the app processing on the last step of app publication to App Store Connect. Our situation: we receive unsigned .xcarchive file from our partners, which should be signed, transformed into ipa and submitted to App Store, but we don`t have code access, therefore the whole process is made using terminal and transporter app. The error we face is connected with SwiftSupport folder. The first error was about the missing SwiftSupport folder. So we added this folder alongside Payload folder inside IPA file. Our SwiftSupport folder includes all the .dylib files of iphoneos, copied from the latest Xcode version. Later we receive error which says that the .dylib files should be located in /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. i moved all the .dylib files into /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks. Another error says that SwiftSupport folder shouldn't be empty. I located the .dylib files in both /Payload/Totalvideo.app/Frameworks and SwiftSupport/iphoneos folders, but the error
Reply to Notarization: The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)
Thanks for those results. So, yeah, clearly our notary code is having a hard time contacting the S3 bucket where its uploads your product. Usually this means some sort of network issue at your end. Can you try from a different network? So, if you’re at work, try from home, or vice versa. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Can I use the photokit sample on Vision OS?
I am a student developer We are trying to implement an application that allows you to take photos in visionOS mr mode and access the photos you took. Can the contents of the link below be used on visionOS? https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/sample-apps/capturingphotos-captureandsave/ I would really appreciate your reply. For reference, we plan to package the methods in swift and import the framework into Unity to use them.
Reply to How can I grant full disk access to a Node-RED instance?
[quote='797242022, DTS Engineer, /thread/760291?answerId=797242022#797242022'] Savoring those rare moments when I get to disagree with Quinn [/quote] Hey hey, you should hear our lunchtime conversations! [quote='797242022, DTS Engineer, /thread/760291?answerId=797242022#797242022'] I think you could do exactly the same thing here [/quote] That might work. The algorithm used by TCC to track from a process to its responsible code is both undocumented and complex. Tracing up the parent process chain seems like something it should do, but I’ve had such expectations dashed many times in the past. Still, you could try it and see what happens. The nice thing here is that you’re building code just for yourself. If something breaks, you’re the only one inconvenienced. Thus, it’s fine to rely on implementation details. If you were building a product that you shipped to a wide range of users, you wouldn’t have that leeway. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail =
Reply to Not getting notifications from some apps on iOS 17.5.1
@Engineer This issue is happening to applications which are on Production environment downloaded from app store. The token is also valid(Checked in Device Token Validator of CloudKit). APNS is giving a success for the API, but it is not delivered to the app. We have even tried resetting the location and privacy settings along with off loading the app. But still the issue persists. Please help.
Crash in CAMediaTimingCopyRenderTiming
Hi Team, We are facing crash in CAMediaTimingCopyRenderTiming for production users. And we are unable to trace the crash. Below is the crash stack trace - Crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0 QuartzCore 0x14b9c CAMediaTimingCopyRenderTiming + 660 1 QuartzCore 0xfa9c -[CAAnimation _setCARenderAnimation:layer:] + 64 2 QuartzCore 0x146e4 -[CAAnimationGroup _copyRenderAnimationForLayer:] + 356 3 QuartzCore 0x12f3c CA::Layer::commit_animations(CA::Transaction*, double ()(CA::Layer, double, void*), void ()(CA::Layer, CA::Render::Animation*, void*), void ()(CA::Layer, __CFString const*, void*), CA::Render::TimingList* ()(CA::Layer, void*), void*) + 688 4 QuartzCore 0x277c invocation function for block in CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 176 5 QuartzCore 0x482bc CA::Layer::commit_if_needed(CA::Transaction*, void (CA::Layer*, unsigned int, unsigned int) block_pointer) + 384 6 QuartzCore 0x48244 CA::Layer::commit_if_needed(CA::Transaction*, void (CA::Layer*, unsigned int, unsign
Will app still be able to access object saved by [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] after app is Transferring to another account
Our game is a offline game and some game information is save locally by code like NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [defaults setObject:@John Doe forKey:@username]; [defaults setInteger:25 forKey:@age]; [defaults synchronize]; I wonder if app can still be able to reach those information after it is Transferring to another development account. Since the team id is changed and information in key chain can not be reached. If those saved by [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] also blocked. Players will feel bad to lose Game Progress。 And anyone how to simulate test in two different team id with same bundle id, since one account only one team id and the bundle id belong to that one.
Problems integrating Hypervisor.framework APIC and IOAPIC
Introduction I'm trying to integrate support for the APIC implementation added to Hypervisor.framework back in macOS 12 into the open source Qemu VMM. Qemu contains a VMM-side software implementation of the APIC, but it shows up as a major performance constraint in profiling, so it'd be nice to use the in-kernel implementation. I've previously submitted DTS TSIs (case 3345863) for this and received some high level pointers, but I'm told the forums are now the focus for DTS. I've got things working to what feels like 95%, but I'm still tripping up on a few things. FreeBSD and macOS guests are successfully booting and running most of the time, but there are sporadic stalls which point towards undelivered interrupts. Linux fails early on. A number of key test cases are failing in the 'apic' and 'ioapic' test suites that are part of the open source 'kvm-unit-tests' project, and I've run out of ideas for workarounds. Broadly, I'm doing this: When calling hv_vm_create, I pass the HV_VM_ACCEL_APIC flag. The VM uses
Reply to How to change the background color of the status bar in SwiftUI when creating a custom NavigationController View
When I am using a UIKit based app lifecycle with app and scene delegates with the following code func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) { // Use this method to optionally configure and attach the UIWindow `window` to the provided UIWindowScene `scene`. // If using a storyboard, the `window` property will automatically be initialized and attached to the scene. // This delegate does not imply the connecting scene or session are new (see `application:configurationForConnectingSceneSession` instead). guard let windowScene = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return } window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene) let navigationController = NavigationController() let initialView = ContentView() .environment(navigationController) .viewController navigationController.viewControllers = [initialView] window?.rootViewController = navigationController window?.makeKeyAndVisible() } It appears to be working well. struct ContentView: View { var b
start live activity via push notification pushToStartTokenUpdates
I have success with starting live activity from the server but I have some questions and problem first I get pushToStartTokenUpdates only once what if my user missed it? so I could not start from the server pushToStartTokenUpdates how long I can use? will it refresh the new token? for start live activity via push notification? does token I get from pushToStartTokenUpdates use for only start live activity event from server and can't use for update ? so if token get from pushToStartTokenUpdates for only start live activity via remote so how can I obtain the token for update ?
Reply to AppIntents don't show up in Shortcuts app when in SPM package
When defining your types for App Intents in a different module, take care to make sure that you have a type conforming to AppIntentsPackage in both the module containing the types, as well as the module referring to those types. This is one of the most overlooked elements when setting this up. Only framework types are supported for the module, and I suggest sticking to Xcode targets for that. Swift packages, in their default configuration, can link as either a static library or a dynamic library, depending on the surrounding build context to make an optimal choice, and that is our general recommendation for packages, but in this scenario for App Intents, means you might link as a static library, rather than as a dynamic library. Further, if you compare the build log for an Xcode framework target and for a Swift package target congigfued to be dynamic using Xcode 16 beta 4, you'll also notice that the Xcode framework target has a build step for extracting app intent metadata that the
Linker changes in Xcode 16 / macOS 15?
I have existing code in production that links against the mach-o library, and uses the following code: NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes: getsectiondata(&_mh_execute_header, __TEXT, __somePlist_plist, &len) length:len]; In order for this to compile with Sequoia Beta 4 and Xcode 16 beta 4, I have to replace _mh_execute_header with _mh_dylib_header. If I don't, the compiler raises the following error: ld: Undefined symbols: __mh_execute_header, referenced from: -[MyClass init] in MyClass.o clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Any idea why the linking behavior might have changed? Should I file a bug? (I realize this is a C issue, not Objective-C - but didn't find a tag for that) Thanks!