missing package product

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Unable to resolve CodeSign failure
Been using Xcode for a while with C++ set to sign locally (and objC before that). All worked ok. Looking to learn swift. Created a new, blank MacOS project, which starts compiling the template project (no code added yet by me) and fails with error Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code. It's set to automatically manage signing. I have valid development certificates. I've read lots of forum articles etc but unable to resolve. Error description resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed but it's exclusively apple code at this stage so would not expect any non-compliant files to be involved. Any suggestions as currently I've fallen at the first hurdle on my Swift journey? Full codesign command line below: Signing Identity: Apple Development: Steve Proctor (XXXXXXX) /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign xxxxxx -o runtime --entitlements /Users/steve/Documents/dev/t1/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/t1/Intermediates.noindex/t1.build/Debug/t1.build/t1.app.xcent --timestamp=none
installer doesn't put on disk embedded application
Hello! I have an applications which contains another application in Contents/EmbeddedApps/ pkgbuild --root $rootdir/$APPNAME --scripts installscripts --install-location /Applications/$APPNAME --identifier com.my.id --sign 'Developer ID Installer: *** (YYY)' --version $VERSION $PACKAGE.pkg Notarised then. Now when I install the package I don't see embedded application inside Contents/EmbeddedApps/ macOS Version 14.6 Beta (23G5061b) A month ago I was able to install my packges successfully. But now all my old packages are affected. Also I made simple project with just two Hello World applications and embed one into another. I create .pkg notarised package and try to install it. Still EmbeddedApps is empty. But the files of embedded application in build/ directory becomes crowned root:wheel. Looks like installer uses my working directory for embedded application instead of /Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/EmbeddedApps/Emb.app
Apple Pay SDK Payload Decryption Sometimes Fails on Occation
Good day, A few months ago, we started noticing that we are getting occasional ApplePay SDK Data decryption errors when we attempt to decrypt the SDK Data payload that comes back from the ApplePay SDK. We are using the C# BouncyCastle Dotnet package to handle the EllipticCurve decryption. We find on average that about 2% of all our deposits are failing because the library fails to decrypt the ApplePay SDK Data payload with the error: Mac check in GCM failed. It appears like ApplePay is maybe sending faulty payloads to us on occasion? Unless there is an issue with the BouncyCastle library? This is causing only a few transactions to fail per day, but we still need a solution for this. Is anyone having the same issue or is there a contact from Apple I can get in touch with directly to share examples to assist with troubleshooting this? Kind regards, Reon Fourie
Issues Supporting All Accessibility Features with a Custom Font
I am in the process of adding my company's brand font to our SwiftUI app. I am able to implement the font using the provided public APIs so that text styles / dynamic type and the font weight modifier in SwiftUI work correctly. However we are unable to implement custom font in such a way that text styles / dynamic type, the font weight modifier, and the bold text accessibility setting all work at the same time. Am I missing an implementation detail so that all these features work correctly? Font Setup The font files were modified to better support SwiftUI: The font style name metadata was modified to match the name the .fontWeight(...) modifier expects. This was done with Typelight. The font weight value (100/200/300) was modified so that the underlying weight value matches the value the .fontWeight(...) modifier expects. See Using custom fonts with SwiftUI by Matthew Flint. The font files were imported via the Info.plist. Examples Font Weight Comparison San Fransisco: Text(#100) .font(.largeTitle) .
AVPlayer "Server Not Properly Configured" Error in Production
Issue found in Native App or Hybrid App:Native OS Version:Any Device:Any 4.Description: We are using AVPlayer for streaming videos in our iOS application. The streaming works fine in lower sandbox environment, but we are encountering a server not properly configured error in the production environment. 5.Steps to Reproduce: Configure AVPlayer with a video URL from the production server. Attempt to play the video. 6.Expected Behavior: The video should stream successfully as it does in the sandbox environment. 7.Actual Behavior: AVPlayer fails to stream the video and reports a server not properly configured error.
Can you limit the area for AR Body Tracking to avoid the mesh from jumping across multiple bodies?
Hello there, I am currently experimenting with the body tracking sample from the AR Foundation Example Project. It works fine, but when there are multiple persons in front of the camera, the mesh jumps randomly from tracked skeleton to tracked skeleton. So I am looking for a way to define a specific area in front of the camera or to implement some other marker (maybe a body pose) to start and stop tracking. I am guessing Pose-Tracking could work. Whenever a body stands in a T-Pose, the Mesh gets applied to that body and then the script stops looking for new skeletons until the original skeleton is lost. Does somebody know which code to look at to achieve this?
Connectivity lost after sleep with cellular networks
Hi, I'm using network extension on my VPN app. I'm override the sleep method and send some data to my server when the method call. I noticed that the server requests are succeeded when I'm connecting with a WiFi networks and failed when I'm connecting with cellular networks. Does the OS blocks immediately the connectivity when I'm on the cellular networks and the device enter to sleep?
Reply to NEMachServiceName failure to access after network extension upgrade
Ah yes, this one looks fairly familiar thanks for pointing me to it. If I follow it correctly it seems the current workaround available is to unload and reload the system extension? Our app (and a few other things) are distributed by .pkg rather than a dmg drag-n-drop install. Installing system extensions is done by our host app's main binary. We install a LaunchAgent that detects that installation needs to take place and triggers an app launch via NSWorkspace in a user's session. Most customers perform the pkg installation via Fleet Management (like Jamf), I suppose it's possible they are doing this outside a user session which could cause some problems? Is there anything we can provide that would let Apple do further diagnostics on this? Most of our customers probably wouldn't notice since they manage system extension permissions via MDM, but for those few working without this, the user experience is pretty sub-optimal.
Reply to Xcode: Missing libSystem.B.dylib file
[quote='758910021, sbm1966, /thread/758910, /profile/sbm1966'] I’ve verified that libSystem.B.dylib is missing from /usr/lib/. [/quote] That’s a red herring. The actual issue is indicated by the other log message you listed: dyld[12498]: dyld cache '(null)' not loaded: syscall to map cache into shared region failed I talk about this in detail in this post, and the follow-up posts on that thread. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Multiple async lets crash the app
Usage of multiple async lets crashes the app in a nondeterministic fashion. We are experiencing this crash in production, but it is rare. 0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b89b4 swift_task_create_commonImpl(unsigned long, swift::TaskOptionRecord*, swift::TargetMetadata const*, void (swift::AsyncContext* swift_async_context) swiftasynccall*, void*, unsigned long) + 384 1 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b6970 swift_asyncLet_begin + 36 We managed to isolate the issue, and we submitted a technical incident (Case-ID: 8007727). However, we were completely ignored, and referred to the developer forums. To reproduce the bug you need to run the code on a physical device and under instruments (we used swift concurrency). This bug is present on iOS 17 and 18, Xcode 15.1, 15.4 and 16 beta, swift 5 and 6, including strict concurrency. Here's the code for Swift 6 / Xcode 16 / strict concurrency: (I wanted to attach the project but for some reason I am unable to) typealias VoidHandler = () -> Void enum Fetchin
Reply to How to set NWProtocolTLS handshake as server or client manually
[quote='794226022, xVan, /thread/758797?answerId=794226022#794226022, /profile/xVan'] I did post a comment in your reply. [/quote] Oh, right. Sorry that I missed that. This is an ongoing DevForums… behaviour, meaning that it’s always best to reply as a reply. See Quinn’s Top Ten DevForums Tips for this and other tips. Anyway, thanks for the clarification. I don’t see any way to make this work easily. While Network framework can be twisted into implementating STARTTLS, you’re correct in your assessment that there’s no TLS option to configure the client / server role. Note I recommend that you file an enhancement request for that. It’s obscure, but I can see being kinda useful in other situations. Please make sure to include a detailed explanation of your requirements. Also, I’d appreciate you posting your bug number, just for the record. As to a workaround, the only one I can think of is so clunky that I’m not sure it’s worth implementing; you’re probably be better off just using a different TLS imple
OTA installation
I'm having an issue on ad-hoc OTA installation. I get my app archive via distribution (being automatically signed) with manifest.plist for OTA and upload it to dropbox account. However itms-service's action=download-manifest does not work for me with the dropbox URLs. I get the download link and add it to the manifest.plist. And then goes the link to download the manifest itself: itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rzzlmbgx0duvd5gjb84uf/ManifestName.plist?rlkey=9j96n42qq8t1vwhcf3e7gxj8c&st=2hbhkidc&dl=1 I put the link on another web-site but it's not working. Nothing happens by pushing an install button with redirection link inside. And if I just copy the link and paste it in new page URL Safari asks me if I want to open it via iTunes and then still goes nothing. I'm not sure this is an issue either on apple and my app or dropbox with their links generation. Like a year ago it worked with the old link-generation. There was not rlkey parameter and the link e
Apple Wallet Push Notifications: Sending in logs but not appearing on phone
I am unable to receive push notifications through my Apple Wallet pass. Based on the documents I have read, I have set up my APN provider and should be sending all the necessary information. Furthermore, my logs show that I am successfully sending my notification to APN, so it is confusing that no notification appears on my phone. Below are my code snippets: apnProvider.js: const path = require('path'); const options = { cert: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/signerCert.pem'), key: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/signerKey.pem'), passphrase: 'test', production: true }; const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(options); module.exports = apnProvider; APN provider using an auth key (currently not being used but was previously and provided the same success message): token: { key: path.resolve(__dirname, '../certificates/AuthKey_627HR2YX2S.p8'), keyId: 627HR2YX2S, teamId: 72J45J9PH3 }, production: true }); API Rout: const { userId } = req.body; console.log(`Received POST request on /
Reply to Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
[quote='794333022, ecnepsnai, /thread/758816?answerId=794333022#794333022, /profile/ecnepsnai'] I'm assuming that I need to define a module map file [/quote] Yeah, that’s definitely true. There are a couple of things that I’d do to investigate this. First, divorce yourself from the many complexities of OpenSSL. Create a trivial C framework using Xcode, wrap that up in an XCFramework using the standard instructions, and then import that into Xcode. Can you get that to work? Next, wrap your working XCFramework into a Swift package and import that. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Confusion about Reality Composer Pro
Hi I am bit confusing about using Reality Composer Pro work pipeline. Searched many thread and got a reply about Reality Composer Pro. the answer was Reality Composer Pro is only can work with Vision Pro. and I found Reality Composer (not pro) which looks support iPhone app building. but cannot found for download way. So my question is What way is existing for building iPhone AR app? Can someone clearly explain this? please let me know what I missed. thanks