missing package product

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Multiple async lets crash the app
Usage of multiple async lets crashes the app in a nondeterministic fashion. We are experiencing this crash in production, but it is rare. 0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b89b4 swift_task_create_commonImpl(unsigned long, swift::TaskOptionRecord*, swift::TargetMetadata const*, void (swift::AsyncContext* swift_async_context) swiftasynccall*, void*, unsigned long) + 384 1 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b6970 swift_asyncLet_begin + 36 We managed to isolate the issue, and we submitted a technical incident (Case-ID: 8007727). However, we were completely ignored, and referred to the developer forums. To reproduce the bug you need to run the code on a physical device and under instruments (we used swift concurrency). This bug is present on iOS 17 and 18, Xcode 15.1, 15.4 and 16 beta, swift 5 and 6, including strict concurrency. Here's the code for Swift 6 / Xcode 16 / strict concurrency: (I wanted to attach the project but for some reason I am unable to) typealias VoidHandler = () -> Void enum Fetchin
StoreKit 2 - AppTransaction.originalAppVersion confusion
I've watched some of the WWDC session videos about this topic and read the documentation and header files, but it is still confusing... Because I change the pricing model of my iOS App (it was a paid App and now it will be a free App with an In-App purchase), I want to check if a user of my App purchased the App in the past. So user who have already paid in the past will get the full access without the need to pay the IAP, while new users would have to do this. In one of the WWDC videos exactly this topic was covered and the solution would be to check out AppTransaction.originalAppVersion. This would be a simple and easy solution... ...Unless I read the information from the header file and documentation for this API. Here it says: The string value contains the original value of the CFBundleShortVersionString for apps running in macOS, and the original value of the CFBundleVersion for apps running on all other platforms. The problem here is that when I check the Info.plist of iOS Apps, the CFBundleShortVersion
Nov ’23
Reply to Using bundled applications(.app file) as daemon/Agent
Approach 1 is deeply unsupported. Don’t do that. Approach 2 is the one I recommend. Indeed, as things currently stand it’s the only way to ship a daemon that uses restricted entitlements. See Signing a daemon with a restricted entitlement. IMPORTANT Apps and daemons are different things. In some situations it makes sense to bundle a daemon in an app-like wrapper, but that doesn’t make it an app. You cannot, for example, call AppKit from a daemon, regardless of how it’s packaged. An variant of approach 2 is to install your daemon using SMAppService. You still have to do that MyDaemon/Content/MacOS/MyDaemon dance, but you can use BundleProgram and do it relative to the root of the containing app’s bundle. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Can you limit the area for AR Body Tracking to avoid the mesh from jumping across multiple bodies?
Hello there, I am currently experimenting with the body tracking sample from the AR Foundation Example Project. It works fine, but when there are multiple persons in front of the camera, the mesh jumps randomly from tracked skeleton to tracked skeleton. So I am looking for a way to define a specific area in front of the camera or to implement some other marker (maybe a body pose) to start and stop tracking. I am guessing Pose-Tracking could work. Whenever a body stands in a T-Pose, the Mesh gets applied to that body and then the script stops looking for new skeletons until the original skeleton is lost. Does somebody know which code to look at to achieve this?
Connectivity lost after sleep with cellular networks
Hi, I'm using network extension on my VPN app. I'm override the sleep method and send some data to my server when the method call. I noticed that the server requests are succeeded when I'm connecting with a WiFi networks and failed when I'm connecting with cellular networks. Does the OS blocks immediately the connectivity when I'm on the cellular networks and the device enter to sleep?
Migrate from the verifyReceipt API to the new
Apple has deprecated the https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt API and encourages users to migrate to the new https://api.storekit.itunes.apple.com/inApps/v1/transactions/{transactionId} API. However, during the migration, a problem was discovered. Previously, with the verifyReceipt API, the 21007 status code could be used to distinguish between the sandbox and production environments. Now, with the new API, if the {transactionId} is from the sandbox environment, it will directly return {errorCode:4040010,errorMessage:Transaction id not found.}. How can I distinguish whether a {transactionId} is generated in the sandbox environment or the production environment?
Reply to Document and data size in ios
We want to give the user the ability to clear document and data. We first try to calculate the size by summing the size of all the files in that directory FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first. First off, I have two strong recommendations when it comes to calculating/displaying file/directory sizes to the user: Whenever possible, try to avoid doing so. If you must show sizes to the users, design you interface such that direct comparisons between the systems size and your size are difficult/impossible. For example, showing an approximate value (~500 MB) instead of a specific one (531.25 MB) or presenting the sizes of specific files without providing a total size. The issues here are that, in practice: -Calculating the size of a directory is much trickier than it sounds. For example, simply summing all file sizes will double count symbolic links and clone files, both of which are difficult to properly account for. -File summations don't account for metadata overhead, which m
WidgetKit complications won't update
We are migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit in our watch app (watchOS 9+). The migration went smoothly, UI part works just fine. However, we've hit the wall with widgets not updating when requested by the watch app. I believe we are missing something very simple and fundamental, but couldn't find what exactly so far. Advice and tips would be very welcome! 🙇‍♂️ Our implementation details: Whenever data is changed in the main app, the updated data is submitted to the watch app via WatchConnectivity framework using WCSession.default.transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:). According to documentation, this method should be used to transfer complication-related data, since it will wake the watch app even if it is in the background or not opened at all. Watch app receives updated data and stores it in UserDefaults shared with Watch Widget Extension hosting WidgetKit complications via App Group. Watch app then request widget timeline reload via WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines(). According t
Aug ’23
Multiple Legal Binding Authorities?
Our company has multiple developers, but when Apple issues a new user agreement, only one person in the company can agree. Is there a way to have multiple legal binding authorities in a company? I don't want just one person to have the authority and I don't want to lose the ability to update our apps if that one person hasn't submitted all of the formal paperwork.
Jun ’24
Interactive Live Activity in watchOS 11 - not getting AppIntent buttons to work
I have started to work on adding Live Activities to my app in watchOS 11. The app already has interactive Live Activities on the phone that works as expected. I have added a view for the activityFamily: small and it shows up as expected. My problem is that buttons doesn't work. I use the Intent based button, and on the iPhone Lock Screen they work. On the watch, nothing happens. Has anyone got this working? Not sure if I'm missing something or if it's a bug.
Jun ’24
Reply to ViewDidLoad in SwiftUI
@darkpaw the question is when is it called, but how many times it is called. both task and onAppear are called every time the view appears, like for example when the user navigated to another tab of the app and then comes back to it. viewDidLoad on the other hand was called only once. It can be achieved with a modifier holding a boolean to flag if the action ran already. But I am sure that the fact viewDidLoad is missing in SwiftUI is by design. And I would love to understand why is that.
CLLocationUpdate with the automotiveNavigation configuration spams any location changes
I am working with an app for tracking driving activity. Currently, I have code that combines CLLocationManager location updates with motion data from CMMotionActivityManager. My codebase is not straightforward and requires manual starts/stops, etc. After watching the WWDC session about CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10180) with the specific LiveConfiguration.automotiveNavigation, I thought it was exactly what I needed. Moreover, the presenter mentioned that it could simplify code and remove the dependency on CMMotionActivityManager. I downloaded the demo project from here https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/adopting-live-updates-in-core-location, adapted it for iOS 17, and changed CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() to CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates(.automotiveNavigation). However, the result was not what I expected. I received location updates after waking from a stationary state by lightly touching the device, which is not automotive. Additionally, the changes t