missing package product

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Walking an entity around an immersive space in visionOS like the window drag bar
I'm trying to understand how Apple handles dragging windows around in an immersive space. 3d Gestures seem to be only half of the solution in that they are great if you're standing still and want to move the window an exaggerated amount around the environment, but if you then start walking while dragging, the amplified gesture sends the entity flying off into the distance. It seems they quickly transition from one coordinate system to another depending on if the user is physically moving. If you drag a window and start walking the movement suddenly matches your speed. When you stop moving, you can push and pull the windows around again like a super hero. Am I missing something obvious in how to copy this behavior? Hello world, which uses the 3d gesture has the same problem. You can move the world around but if you walk with it, it flies off. Are they tracking the head movement and if it's moved more than a certain amount it uses that offset instead? Is there anything out of the box that can do this b
May ’24
Reply to CLLocationUpdate with the automotiveNavigation configuration spams any location changes
Per here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationupdate/liveconfiguration/automotivenavigation CLLocationUpdate.LiveConfiguration.automotiveNavigation The value that configures positioning for an automobile following a road network. It is about accuracy and distance filter requirements for the location module? Also about glueing you to the automotive roads or not. Do you believe this should also discriminate for the .automotive activity only? I watched this WWDC session a long time ago though. From the experience with how the current location/motion works, I'd say my apps would miss a lot of driving distance if they rely on discriminating automotive activity solely by Apple's categorisation.
Swift Syntax Comment Trivia - Expected prefixes
Hello! I am working on a project that does some automatic code generation using SwiftSyntax and SwiftSyntaxBuilder. As part of this project, I want to put in a comment at the top of the file warning users to not modify the file and make it obvious that the code was automatically generated. I was trying to use the .lineComment(String) static member of the Trivia (or TriviaPiece) types and I expected that the comment would automatically be prefixed with the expected // and space for use in code. (For example, Trivia.lineComment(No comment) would be written as // No Comment when sent through a BasicFormat Object or similar SyntaxRewriter). I was surprised to find that this is not the case and was wondering before I write an issue on GitHub whether this behavior is intentional or a bug. If it is intentional, I'm not entirely sure if I'm missing something regarding this to more easily generate these comments. At the moment my comment generation consists of constructing the comment in the leadingTrivia of
Jun ’24
Reply to dyld[11387]: Library not loaded: @loader_path/../../../../opt/icu4c/lib/libicuio.73.dylib
[quote='758108021, Dhananjaya08Fdo, /thread/758108, /profile/Dhananjaya08Fdo'] When I Run Php Artisan Command in PhpStorm Laravel Project … [/quote] Is this a product you’re building? Or are you trying to use a product created by someone else? Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Provide certificate chain during TLS
We are using the Network framework to open TLS listener on the network and set options this way: configure_tls = ^(nw_protocol_options_t tls_options) { sec_protocol_options_t sec_options = nw_tls_copy_sec_protocol_options(tls_options); sec_identity_t sec_identity=sec_identity_create(identity); sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(sec_options, sec_identity); sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version(sec_options, tls_protocol_version_TLSv12); sec_options=nil; }; This works fine; however, the listener's TLS negotiation only returns the certificate, not the trust chain. We have a requirement from a government agency to return the trust chain: In addition to the certificate itself, you should provide a “chain” of intermediate certificates that give the connecting browser or client enough information to connect the certificate to a trusted root certificate. Failing to provide intermediates could prevent various browsers and clients from successfully connecting to your service, especially mobile browsers
Jun ’24
Rendering EntityEquipment in TabletopKit
Hi, I've been implementing a tabletop game over the last couple of weeks. One thing that I'm struggling with it getting an EntityEquipment to render. I've followed the instructions in the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/tabletopkit/entityequipment But still no luck. Any insights what I might be missing are highly appreciated. Note: I've also watched the WWDC24 talk https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10091/ several times and downloaded the example but while the pawns render in the example perfectly. In my own implementation of a pawn nothing renders.
SwiftUI, numeric keypad, and missing keyboard toolbar
Have a SwiftUI TextField with .numberPad keypad. Want to allow the user to make their changes, then hit 'Done' or 'Cancel' to dismiss the keyboard (there are other choices on the page) before hitting 'Submit'. The view containing the field is brought up as a modal, using .FullScreenCover. Here's the code snippet: @State var currentBid: Float = 0 @FocusState var isInputActive: Bool ... TextField(Enter Amount, text: Binding( get: { String(Int(currentBid)) }, set: { currentBid = Float(Int($0) ?? 0) }) ).keyboardType(.numberPad) .focused($isInputActive) .toolbar(content: { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard, content: { Button(Cancel) { print(CANCELLED) isInputActive = false } Spacer() Button(Done) { print(DONE) isInputActive = false } }) }) When you tap the text field, the numeric keyboard comes up, but the button bar does not show. This is on iOS 17.6. tested on-device. The alternative is to use a regular alphanumeric keyboard with an ENTER button. But the field is to enter a number and I have to either filte
QUIC Connection Group Server Sending Pace
We have an implementation in which we use QUIC via a connection group, server are client are on Swift using the Network framework. Our use case is, the server should send data buffers to the client as fast and as much as possible, now the pace to call the send method from the server should be carefully done, because if we send too much data of course the client is not gonna be able to receive it. The question would be, is there a way to query the congestion window so we know on the server side, how much data we should be able to send at some point? Asking because we are not getting all the data we are sending from the server on our client side... We are using these settings: let options = NWProtocolQUIC.Options(alpn: [h3]) options.direction = .bidirectional // options.idleTimeout = 86_400_000 options.maxUDPPayloadSize = Int.max options.initialMaxData = Int.max options.initialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal = Int.max options.initialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote = Int.max options.initialMaxStreamDataUnidirec
Jun ’24
Reply to Can't Get OrbitAnimation() to work on my project
I've added some of my sample test app code below. From what I understand, I already have the OrbitAnimation startTransform parameter for my starshipEntity setup correctly based on my Reality Composer Pro (RCP) package that includes the transform component definition for my starship entity (see attached screenshot below for the transform component from RCP). Since I already have my starship and Earth entity defined in my RCP package that I import (i.e. import Starship), I don't believe I need to define the sphere or yAxis property, and my startTransform parameter can just be starshipEntity.transform. I took this code approach based on the WWDC23 session Build Spatial Experiences with RealityKit (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/10080). In your example code, you show a translation parameter to the Transform struct. Are you saying there is a translation that needs to be set that is beyond what I already have in the RCP Transform component for my starship entity? If so, I don't understand why
Reply to pkg 签名
Did you notarise your installer package? That’s the most common cause of this specific error. If you’re building Mac software outside of Xcode, it’s important to read the following docs: Creating distribution-signed code for macOS Packaging Mac software for distribution The latter explains how to sign an installer package for distribution and has pointers to the notarisation docs. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles duplicatedcertificate
Developer ID certificates are precious, so you can’t revoke them yourself. I talk about this in detail in The Care and Feeding of Developer ID. In general, having two Developer ID certificates is fine. You’ll often see this if one is managed and the other is not, or when you’re coming up to the expiry date. If they start to accumulate beyond that, you need to examine your workflows to see why that’s the case. [quote='758126021, Alain_B, /thread/758126, /profile/Alain_B'] Xcode complaint Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code [/quote] That error is unlikely to have anything to do with these duplicate certificates. You mentioned that they are Developer ID Installer certificates, and those aren’t using to sign code, only installer packages. [quote='758126021, Alain_B, /thread/758126, /profile/Alain_B'] Previouly I put right this error with the command: xattr -cr path_to_application but this no longer work. [/quote] Yeah, that’s not the right path forward here. Rather, look in the Xcode Reports
Geometry recognition and measurement from MeshAnchor
FYI. The source code of the FindSurface demo app for Apple Vision Pro (visionOS) is available now. The Swift package of FindSurface™ library is required to build the source code into the demo app. https://github.com/CurvSurf/FindSurface-visionOS After starting the app, the floating panels (below) will appear on your right side, and you will see wireframe meshes that approximately describe your environments. Performing a spatial tap (pinching with your thumb and index finger) with staring at a location on the meshes will invoke FindSurface, with an indicator (blue disk) appearing on the surface you've gazed. Voice commands: “Tap” – Spatial tap (gazing & pinching). Invoke FindSurface. “Tap plane” – Plane selection. “Tap sphere” or “Tap ball” – Sphere selection. “Tap cylinder” – Cylinder selection. “Tap cone” – Cone selection. “Tap torus” or “Tap donut” – Torus selection. “Tap accuracy” or “Tap measurement accuracy” – Accuracy selection. “Tap mean distance”, “Tap average distance”, or “Tap distance”
Golang binary self-update - killed 9
Hi, I'm shipping a GUI app based on Golang outside App Store distribution, for the distribution, I have already sign and notarize the .App and the .Pkg installer, now there is a feature called self-update on my app which basically app check if there is any update the same program request a sudo access to rewrite current binary file content the program will restart after the update completed Now, I have already sign the updated binary via signing and notarization process, and I take the compiled Golang binary inside Content/MacOS to be used for self-update proses but it doesn't work as expected, the updated binary are fail to run with error Can't open the app or if we try to call it on CLI, it will show Killed 9 what did I'm missing? thankyou
Jun ’24