missing package product

42,924 results found






Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
Well, blat! Xcode seems to be doing the wrong thing here. In my defence, I’ve done this many times for iOS and Xcode does do the right thing for iOS apps )-: Pasted in below is a detailed explanation of the issue, taken from the bug I just filed about this (r. 132479265). There are two ways around it: If you only want to look at the app, rather than run it, you can ignoer the whole thing: % lldb Test760029.app … (lldb) disas -n '$s10Test76002914ViewControllerC11viewDidLoadyyFTo' Test760029`@objc ViewController.viewDidLoad(): Test760029[0x100002814] <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 Test760029[0x100002818] <+4>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x10] Test760029[0x10000281c] <+8>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] Test760029[0x100002820] <+12>: add x29, sp, #0x20 Test760029[0x100002824] <+16>: mov x19, x0 Test760029[0x100002828] <+20>: bl 0x100002c04 ; type metadata accessor for Test760029.ViewController at … LLDB’s static inspection doesn’t care about the get-task-allow limitation. If want to run the app
Cannot remove App Privacy after removing AdMob and tracking
I wanted to remove AdMob from my iOS app, so I remove all traces of AdMob, and make sure that info.plist does not have NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, no external framework used, and no traces of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in my codes (global search in Xcode not found). However, previous version has setup App Privacy in AppStore Connect. Uploading a new build I can remove all entries in App Privacy except for one (?): Data Types - 1 data type collected from this app: Product Interaction And I cannot remove this one: when selecting not collecting info, I got this error message: Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. You must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect. What shall I do? And what is this Product Interaction tracking? (The rest can all be reset to not tracking except this one.)
May ’21
App crashes in device
Hi Everyone, Our app crashes in real device with the following error but works in simulator. Please suggest. We are using iOS 17 in device and xcode 15.4 Date/Time: 2024-06-21 11:41:41.4618 -0500 Launch Time: 2024-06-21 11:41:41.1161 -0500 Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: DYLD 4 Symbol missing Symbol not found: _$s8SAPFiori27FUISegmentedControlFormCellC15reuseIdentifierSSvgZTj Referenced from: <05282F21-2C2D-3AE6-B45B-251164285297> /Volumes/VOLUME//AssetManagerVDP.app/Frameworks/MapFramework.framework/MapFramework Expected in: /Volumes/VOLUME//AssetManagerVDP.app/Frameworks/SAPFiori.framework/SAPFiori (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace) Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld 0x1b8275e90 __abort_with_payload + 8 1 dyld 0x1b827e0e4 abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 104 2 dyld 0x1b827e118 abort_with_payload + 16 3 dyld 0x1b823c70c dyld4::halt(char const*, dyld4::S
WiFi network setting won’t accept http proxy in iOS 18 beta 4
I am attempting to enter proxy settings under the settings for a WiFi network. I have triple checked the credentials and for whatever reason the settings wont save. I have attempted forgetting the wifi network and reconnecting, resetting all network settings, and even wiping the phone and starting over from scratch. The phone simply will not accept the setting. I have tried it on my MacStudio and an iPad and the settings saved the first time. What am I missing here? I am union iOS 18 beta 4
Hello, I show image url on live activity not working on Device, but it show on simulator. Help me, i miss two weeks. Thanks
struct NetworkImage: View { let url: URL? var body: some View { Group { if let url = url, let imageData = try? Data(contentsOf: url), let uiImage = UIImage(data: imageData) { Image(uiImage: uiImage) .resizable() } else { Image(league) } } } } NetworkImage(url: URL(string: context.attributes.imageGame)) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill) .frame(width: 35, height: 35) .clipShape(Circle())
Nov ’23
Does SubscriptionStoreView .storeButton(for:.policies) work?
I've added .storeButton(.visible, for:.policies) to my SubscriptionStoreView, and the buttons do appear, but when I tap on them I get a sheet that just says Terms of Service Unavailable / Somethng went wrong. Try Again.. (similar for Privacy Policy). Is this expected in development? Will these start working correctly in production? (and, more importantly, in App Review?) The docs say that these use the values (i.e. URLs) set in App Store Connect, but that I can override those. This is a new app. Is that wrong, do I need to set the URLs explicitly? Edited to add: the console reports: Failed to fetch terms of service and privacy policy: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 (null)
Jun ’24
App freezes on purchase: StoreKit and fullScreenCover
My SwiftUI app freezes when completing a purchase in StoreKit if I have .fullScreenCover modifier applied anywhere in the View hierarchy. It doesn't matter where I put the .fullScreenCover modifier in the view hierarchy. Even if I place it somewhere else in the hierarchy and don't trigger it, the app will still freeze on completed purchase. As soon as I remove .fullScreenCover modifier everything works great. Anyone else had this issue? Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for this? struct ShopView: View { @EnvironmentObject var store: Store @State var isFullScreenCoverPresented: Bool = false @State var purchasedTip: Tip? = nil var body: some View { VStack { VStack { ForEach(store.products.sorted(by: { $0.price < $1.price })) { product in ProductView(product) { Image(productImage) } } } } .onInAppPurchaseCompletion { product, result in if case .success(.success(.verified(let transaction))) = result { await store.process(transaction) // make sure there's a Tip corresponding to th
APP Store Server Notifications Unrelated transactions info for auto-renewable subscription
Greetings for App Store Server Notifications especially sandbox (I have not tried production) it seems that that is no way to associate two transactions to their orignal subscription instance the docs indicate webLineItemOrderId id but they are different from each subscription the originalTransactionId is the same among all subscription instances and customers, theres originalPurchaseDate but that is not reliable becuase 2 transactions can occur on the same date what can be done here. I even tried to use it but its like the sandbox is broken with the originalPurchaseDate of one instance being the same as another. is it a bug or will things get in line once I go to production?
Inconsistency in the DeviceActivityEvent callbacks
We are using the Apple ScreenTime API for monitoring the usage of device. As mentioned in the documentation (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/familycontrols), we are getting the family controls authorisation from the user. We also have added the ‘DeviceActivityMonitor’ app extension (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/deviceactivity/deviceactivitymonitor) to receive the schedule and event callbacks. We have a requirement in which we have to notify the user for every 15 minutes usage of the device in the specified interval. He can optionally select individual categories or applications for the 15 minutes notification. For monitoring the usage for individual categories or applications, we obtain the token by presenting the FamilyActivityPicker as discussed in this documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/familycontrols/familyactivitypicker. For simplicity in testing during the development phase, we reduced the 15 minutes to 2 minutes. The events callbacks are expected to be delive
Jun ’24
Reply to iOS 18 beta 4 loss of network connection
It is not an issue with my SIM card. I think it was fine with ios 18 beta and also with my android device. The connection loss happens every few minutes. It loses signal gradually until it is totally disconnected. Then, all of a sudden, it gets a full signal. The situation I mentioned occurs within 10-60 seconds. I live in Seoul and I am not in a basement or somewhere that causes connection loss. It is totally a software issue.
Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
The most likely cause of this problem is that your app isn’t signed with the get-task-allow entitlement. This is one of the many places where using Xcode’s Product > Archive is a huge benefit. If you have an Xcode archive of the app that you shipped, you can use the Xcode organiser to export a development-signed version of your app. That’ll have the same code as the original app — including the same LC_UUID values — but with the code signing set up for development. You’ll then be able to attach to that from LLDB. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to [iOS 18] Screen Time Passcode is still NOT compatible with screen time permissions for 3rd party-apps
We need Apple engineers to address this issue as soon as possible, we as customers and as engineers, deserve apps that work and help us to detach ourselves from using these devices to have a better quality of life. parental control and screen time must be a priority. and as I remember Apple has a reputation for providing quality products and this is no exception. This issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
4.3 Design Spam (Suggestion for Apple)
Hello, I would like to make an appeal on behalf of small businesses around the world.My name is André, I'm a developer and an entrepreneur.When Apple was created its biggest mission was to bring technology to everyone. I'm in love with this ideology. Technology for all in an easy and usual way.Many development companies work hard to generate jobs, move their country's economy, realize dreams, and bring quality technology to users.Currently I received a call from Simone, from Apple's review team (case: 1769784) - she was very caring, polite and professional.Simone told me that my applications are outside of Apple's guidelines, my case is item 4.3 Design Spam. She suggested that I create a container application to solve the problem.As I accepted being an Apple developer I should suit the guidelines. However, it is a guideline that goes against information democracy. Brands do not want to share spaces with competitors. Example is Apple itself. Apple has concept stores around the world that only sell Apple products
Aug ’17
Upgrading to iPadOS 17 running RoomPlan gets exception on call to Rendering.
Application fails almost immediately after initial entry to rendering code. Could not locate file '.' in bundle. Class for component already registered Registering library () that already exists in shader manager. Library will be overwritten. Resolving material name 'engine:BuiltinRenderGraphResources/AR/suFeatheringCreateMergedOcclusionMask.rematerial' as an asset path -- this usage is deprecated; instead provide a valid bundle What additional packages need updates to run successfully? I have updated the Xcode and other packages available in Beta set
Jun ’23