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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Enrollment Program issues
Hi, I am trying to enroll in the Developer Program with my startup email account. However I keep getting the same message over and over: Your enrollment could not be completed. I have enabled 2 factor authentication Tried from the web Tried directly from the Apple Developer App (button shows disabled) Also, Phone Support is currently unavailable. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Apr ’24
Problems transferring the account holder role
I would like to transfer the account holder to myself and have already proceeded as described here: I have verified my identity. However, on the website I only have the option of rejecting the request or reading more information. Does anyone know the problem or how I can solve it?
Apr ’24
MacOS Reset Passcode not working- Urgent
I have tried to deploy passwordpolicy script using pwpolicy pwpolicy -n /Local/Default -setglobalpolicy "usingHistory=5 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=129600 requiresAlpha=1 requiresNumeric=1 minChars=8 passwordCannotBeName=1 requiresMixedCase=1 requiresSymbol=1" sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ PasswordExpirationDays 14 errcode=$? if [ "$errcode" -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Failed to apply with errorcode $errcode" 1>&2 echo "" exit 1 fi echo "Password Policy applied successfully" 1>&2 After deploying, on next login, It prompted for login, On entering password, It shows wrong password. When I tried to reset the password, It is not accepting the password. Instead It prompts again and again. Like this , I have got 300 mac machines struck in login page. I tried to run these two commands via a app running in root pwpolicy -u "$user" -clearaccountpolicies pwpolicy -clearaccountpolicies After Running this, I can able to loggin for first time. When tried to login second or successive times, It is failing with wrong password or sometimes no error instead of a jumping prompt in password page. When tried to change password after a login after clearpolicy command, It is not accepting the admin's password (Which was used to login the current session). Please help on this issue. As it does have a serious impact.
Apr ’24
Apple developer enrollment - stuck, no progress for weeks
I have enrolled and paid, in the response mail it was suggested it will take 2 business days. it was on 25 March 2024 - I was not sure it was accepted, so I paid again on 30 March, I also opened few emails to support requesting to let me know about the status of the request. no response so far from Apple, What can I do? how can I know if someone is processing my request to enroll to apple developer? how much more time it will take? will I will get an answer? Dear ***, Thank you for your order. Here's a summary of your order request, which will be processed within 2 business days. We'll notify you when your items are ready. Order Details: Apple Developer Program US$ 99 Best regards, Apple Developer Relations
Apr ’24
89 / 5.000 Kết quả dịch Kết quả bản dịch Apple locks company accounts for no reason, affecting the company's business strategy
We are the company with around 1500 staff from Vietnam. A stranger used our company DUNS number to register for an Apple account. After a period of fighting and proving with Apple, we got our account back. However, after that Apple notified us as shown below and locked the account. I received no explanation from Apple. I don't understand why Apple allowed our company's DUNS number to register an invalid account. And now affects the company's digital transformation plan and business strategy. Obviously this is Apple's fault but we as customers have to bear it. I don't know what to do next. Please provide us the advice Email from Apple: We're contacting you regarding your request to reinstate your Apple Developer Program membership, which was terminated on 2024-02-09. After a thorough evaluation, we aren’t granting your appeal to reinstate the Apple Developer Program. Please note that this decision is final. We won’t process subsequent appeals. Sincerely, Apple Developer Program Support
Apr ’24
Apple won't activate the developer account
Hi everyone, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I paid for a developer account, and I got an email from Apple confirming the payment. It's been over two weeks now (with the three days they said it would take to process), and I still haven't heard back from them. I sent them a support request about a week ago and still no response. Is this how Apple is always with deadlines? Anyone else run into this problem before, and how did you solve it?
Apr ’24
Urgent Assistance Needed: Developer Account disabled
Hello Apple Developer Community, I am writing to request urgent support to re-enable our developer account which seems to have been disabled as a result of a credit card issue. We have attempted to reach out via email since phone support is not available in my region but received no response for the past 8 days. This issue is hampering our ability to deploy new updates to appstore for critical updates. Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to your support.
Apr ’24
User roles
I'm trying to appoint another developer as admin + account owner. However, the screen and menus in the instructions do not appear for me. My developer license expired a few days ago. Could the problem be related to this?
Apr ’24
Texting a Contact who's blocked my number but not Apple ID email
So, a bit of a complex situation. My device is an iPhone 15 Pro. Basically, this person is a contact on my phone, and she has blocked my phone number. However, my Apple ID email is not blocked. When I text this number on my iPad from the Apple ID, the message delivers and is Read. All normal so far. My question here is: On my iPhone 15, when I select "START NEW CONVERSATION FROM" and enable my Apple ID .. Will iMessage merge the prior text conversation initiated using my phone number (which is now blocked), or how will it handle these 2 threads (one from my phone number, the other the Apple ID)? She won't unblock, but she responds to my Apple ID email on iMessages. My goal here is to be able to receive and respond using my Apple ID on my phone, but I have a prior text conversation with this Contact on my Phone. Thanks!
Apr ’24
No option to enroll?
Hi all. I really dont know if this is the place for this question. Shortly, when i go to and click "Enroll today" - nothing happens. There's no error in the console, just a 302 redirect to Is this like a bug or is there something else i need to do?
May ’24
Apple locked my developer account - please help
Dear Apple Support Community I am the Chief Operating Officer of Centrom Games, a well-respected gaming studio that has been creating high-quality apps for the iOS platform for several years. We are committed to providing engaging and innovative gaming experiences to our users while adhering to Apple's App Store Guidelines. Recently, we were shocked to discover that our Apple Developer Account had been blocked and our popular app, "Bloxe," had been removed from the App Store without any prior notice or communication from Apple. This sudden action has not only caused severe damage to our company but has also left our dedicated iOS users confused and disappointed. We have reached out to the Apple Legal Department, requesting the immediate reinstatement of our developer account and the relisting of our "Bloxe" app on the App Store. However, we have yet to receive a response or any information regarding the specific issues that led to this action. As the COO of Centrom Games, I am reaching out to the Apple Support Community in the hopes of gaining some insight and assistance in resolving this matter. If anyone from Apple or the developer community could provide guidance on the following, we would be immensely grateful: The specific reasons behind the blocking of our developer account and the removal of our app. The steps we need to take to address any concerns Apple may have and ensure our app meets all necessary guidelines. The process for expediting the reinstatement of our account and the relisting of our app on the App Store. We value our partnership with Apple and are committed to working collaboratively to resolve any issues promptly. Our goal is to minimize the impact on our users and continue providing them with the high-quality gaming experience they have come to expect from Centrom Games. Thank you in advance for your assistance and support in this matter. We eagerly await your response and look forward to a swift resolution. Best regards, Omri Uzrad COO Centrom games
May ’24
Your enrollment review problem for individual account
I have a problem like this. I am a developer who has been developing iOS applications for many years. I experience this situation when I open an individual account. Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program is under review. Please contact us. When I want to open a ticket, I am asked to choose an organization for the ticket, but my individual account has nothing to do with my organizations.
May ’24
Seller Name Change
Hello! I've encountered an issue with the seller name on the App Store. It seems you can only change it once, during the initial app submission, and unfortunately, we missed that chance. Now, we're stuck with a long, non-English name for life. Here’s the problem: In my country, when choosing a company name, selecting a "field of activity" is mandatory. Let’s say our company is called "X". You can’t just name it "X Inc."; it has to be "X + Field of Activity + Entity Type." Since our language is not English, and aiming for a global market, our name ended up as "X + Foreign words nobody understands + Inc." When I reached out to support, after 7-8 tickets, they only removed the"Inc." but left our field of activity in the name: "X + Game Technologies (Not in english)." It seems Apple can make exceptions and change names, but in this frustrating situation, support is not helping. We want to use just the name "X". We were told to change our company name legally, and only then would they consider changing it on the App Store. The issue is that it’s not just a company name; it's including a descriptor of our field of activity, which legally cannot be omitted. Why is changing the seller name a one-time opportunity? If you miss it or make a mistake, you are forced to stick with something so critical for your company forever. Does anyone here have advice or solutions for this situation?"
May ’24