Send push notifications to Mac, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS devices through your app using the Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).

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Cannot get PushKit to register for Watch app
Here is the code: let pushRegistry = PKPushRegistry(queue: .main) func applicationDidFinishLaunching() { pushRegistry.delegate = self pushRegistry.desiredPushTypes = [.complication] } func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate pushCredentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) { let token = pushCredentials.token.reduce("") { $0 + String(format: "%02x", $1) } print(token) } The watch extension has push notifications capability, and the delegate is never called with the pushCredentials.
Jun ’24
didReceiveRemoteNotification fires on Xcode build but not on .ipa builds.
Hi, We are trying to implement a system that delivers real time data updates to our apps through the Firebase Cloud Messaging system using the REST API with the relevant payload. We set content-available to 1 so that the payload delivery is silent. We use the didReceiveRemoteNotification delegate function to receive the push notification. It works seamlessly when the app is built through Xcode but when we tried it on an .ipa, the delegate function is not called. We have tried setting different parameters in apps-priority and apps-push-type but without much success. Apple documentation points out that there are some restrictions when it comes to receiving silent push notifications in this way. But in our case, it looks like Xcode builds work perfectly while ipa builds are very spotty at best. Is this not the right method to receive real time data updates? It was our impression that this is how chat apps for example are setup to receive real time text updates. If this method cannot be used, does anyone have any other suggestion as to how to go about achieving the same behaviour within our apps? Thank you! Fardin
Jun ’24
Experiencing Duplicate Notifications Issue Recently By Multiple Users
We recently noticed that our app is receiving duplicate notifications, and this is impacting multiple users, and we verified from our server that we are sending the notifications only once This is a sample payload of the notifications we are sending { "aps": { "alert": { "title": "title", "body": "body" }, "category": "test", "mutable-content": 1 }, "navigateTo": "test", "imageUrl": "test" } Also a user with IOS 17.5.1 reported this issue also
Jun ’24
React Native push notifications not working in iOS.
I am trying to set up the push notification for iOS for React Native version 0.71.7. I have done all the setup for this push notification which is mentioned in your git repository. Push notification was working fine for my old version of project 0.67.2. But in this new version, it is not working. Please help me out to solve this problem. Mechine Configaration :- Mac Os Version:- 14.4.1 Xcode Version:- 15.3 Node Version:- v20.12.0 RN Version:- 0.71.7 Git issue link :- Please help me to solve this problem i have been suffering from this problem for a long time after upgrading the React native project version.
Jun ’24
Push notification not working with production environment
Hey Team, We're experiencing an issue where push notifications are failing to deliver to certain devices in the production environment. However, they are working fine in the development build on specific devices. Interestingly, the notifications are working fine for a few devices in the same production environment. In the affected devices we have attempted the following things to resolve the issue Verify the device token (& send the notification through apple push notification console) reinstall the application reboot the device Below are the device details Model - Macbook Pro 15-inch, 2018 processor - 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9 OS Version - macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 I have attached the APSD process console log for the affected device. In which we are getting following error. apsd Peer connection [pid=472] lacks APSConnectionInitiateEntitlement APSD_ConsoleLog.txt Thank you all in advance for any information regarding this issue and we will provide any additional information if needed.
Jun ’24
If you need assistance debugging your push notification issues
Delivery issues with push notifications can usually be determined by examining the responses from APNs. APNs will return useful information both in the HTTP/2 header response, and as a JSON dictionary for unsuccessful requests. You can find the list of responses, and further troubleshooting steps in the article Handling Notification Responses from APNs: If the above document does not help clarify the issue, or issues with receiving notifications persist despite receiving an error status neither in the HTTP/2 headers nor in the response JSON dictionary, we may be able to assist you with diagnosing the issue. If you are using a third-party push notification provider service, we recommend to contact them first to make sure the issue is not between your app and their service, and to obtain information on any errors they might be receiving from Apple servers. To help diagnose the issue, we will need some information about the push requests. Please include the following information in your post, for a failed or delayed notification that has been attempted within the last 48 hours: The following are required to start a diagnosis: Exact time and date (including time zone) of the push request sent Exact time and date (including time zone) of the notification received by the device (if received at all) Your app’s Bundle ID The token the push was sent to The returned (error) status and message from APNs Full contents of the HTTP/2 headers Full contents of the payload The following are helpful for timely and accurate diagnosis of the issue: If using your own server to send: the public IPv4 address of the push provider server used to send the push If using a third-party service to send: the name of the third-party push provider service used The push topic (apns-topic header value) The push type (alert, background, VoIP, other) The apns-id (either set in your request, or received from the HTTP/2 header response) Any logging you have from the server side that shows the interaction with it and APNs If you are using a third-party push provider service, and do not have the above necessary info, or only have the info you are providing to the service, please first contact the service provider for a resolution or to give you the above specific information. When posting about an issue you are having with sending/receiving push notifications, include the above required information and as much of the secondary helpful information you can collect with your post in an organized manner for us to be able to help with diagnosing the issues.
Jun ’24
Help Needed: Implementing a Countdown Timer Live Activity with Push Notifications
Notifying the Live Activity When Countdown is Complete: Once the countdown timer reaches zero, how do I notify the live activity? What is the best approach to ensure the live activity updates accurately and promptly? Handling App Suspension in the Background: When my app is in the background, it gets suspended. Should I set up a job queue on the backend to send an update push notification when the timer ends? Is there a more efficient way to handle this? Ensuring Timer Accuracy: Since this feature deals with time, I am concerned about the accuracy of the timer. How can I ensure the countdown timer remains accurate even when the app is not in the foreground? Any answers, insights, or guidance on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Jun ’24
ios push notification not received after getting out of airplane mode
I'm sending a push notification using Noticed Gem during the night when my phone is in airplane mode. When I wake up and disable the airplane mode, I don't get the push notification. These are the settings: ` def ios_format(apn) apn.custom_payload = { universal_link: url } apn.alert = { title: title(recipient), body: message(recipient) } apn.sound = 'default' apn.priority = '10' # Send immediately, bypassing the end ` default expiration is supposed to be 30 days. How can I debug/fix the problem? (with noticed gem) I checked Apple consoleKIT, and I don't see discarded notifications. Thanks
May ’24
Do remote notifications work on macOS when app is closed?
I have a native SwiftUI Mac app which is based off my iOS app and includes Core Data with iCloud sync. As per my understanding, when a user makes a change on one of the devices a remote notification is sent to the others. I have a widget which displays information from Core Data and the remote notification makes the widget update its information on the next timeline refresh without the user having to open the app manually. My question is, if an app is closed on macOS so it's not even running in the Dock, do remote notifications work? This page says "the delegate receives this message when the application is running and a remote notification arrives for it". Does that mean the app won't receive remote CloudKit notifications when closed on macOS?
May ’24
Start live activity with push notification problem
Hey there, i implemented live activity in my app and iam trying to start the live activity from push notification, updates works fine even when the app is in background but starting the activity creating issue mostly on background and kill mode when i check the delivery of live activity on cloudkit console it says stored for device power considerations. anyone having the same issue ?
May ’24
Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator The network connection was lost
I tried many time to download iOS 17.5 Simulator for Xcode 15.4 but I did not succeed I got this error what is the solution Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator (21F79). Domain: NSURLErrorDomain Code: -1005 Recovery Suggestion: The network connection was lost. User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-05-26 00:23:57 +0000"; DVTRecoveryBlockKey = "<NSGlobalBlock: 0x106443bf8>"; NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions = ( Cancel ); NSRecoveryAttempter = "<_DVTErrorRecoveryHandler: 0x600003e1cd70>"; } Could not download iOS 17.5 Simulator (21F79). Domain: NSURLErrorDomain Code: -1005 Recovery Suggestion: The network connection was lost. User Info: { DVTRecoveryBlockKey = "<NSGlobalBlock: 0x106443bf8>"; NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions = ( Cancel ); NSRecoveryAttempter = "<_DVTErrorRecoveryHandler: 0x600003e1cd70>"; } System Information macOS Version 14.5 (Build 23F79) Xcode 15.4 (22622) (Build 15F31d) Timestamp: 2024-05-25T20:23:57-04:00
May ’24
Live Activity Push updates throttling with frequent updates
We are updating a Live Activity via push notifications quite frequently. As the documentation suggests, we are using NSSupportsLiveActivitiesFrequentUpdates for this case. We are sending all updates with apns-priority: 10. Is it still possible that iOS throttles push-updates with this setting enabled? For example we sent updates to APNS in this frequence: 2023-06-09T09:21:22.492224Z 2023-06-09T09:22:03.415876Z 2023-06-09T09:22:05.643268Z 2023-06-09T09:22:08.567353Z 2023-06-09T09:22:11.988442Z 2023-06-09T09:22:17.983494Z 2023-06-09T09:22:28.400757Z 2023-06-09T09:22:44.185622Z 2023-06-09T09:23:06.633058Z 2023-06-09T09:23:23.560052Z 2023-06-09T09:23:31.863625Z 2023-06-09T09:23:37.18351Z 2023-06-09T09:23:44.086319Z 2023-06-09T09:23:49.40655Z 2023-06-09T09:24:08.034848Z 2023-06-09T09:24:18.614194Z 2023-06-09T09:24:20.176428Z 2023-06-09T09:24:25.384654Z 2023-06-09T09:25:03.103147Z 2023-06-09T09:25:15.433726Z 2023-06-09T09:25:21.171693Z 2023-06-09T09:25:23.262028Z 2023-06-09T09:25:28.241116Z 2023-06-09T09:25:30.19816Z 2023-06-09T09:25:32.440543Z 2023-06-09T09:25:42.381815Z 2023-06-09T09:25:50.581656Z 2023-06-09T09:25:55.659846Z 2023-06-09T09:26:15.042667Z 2023-06-09T09:26:26.924626Z 2023-06-09T09:26:28.608762Z 2023-06-09T09:26:32.012874Z 2023-06-09T09:26:39.111211Z 2023-06-09T09:26:40.415326Z 2023-06-09T09:26:51.142985Z 2023-06-09T09:26:54.364073Z 2023-06-09T09:27:04.225692Z 2023-06-09T09:27:30.80347Z 2023-06-09T09:27:33.560981Z 2023-06-09T09:27:42.334313Z 2023-06-09T09:27:43.834646Z All of those were sent successfully, but at some point the activity stopped updating. The activity continued for several hours after, but was never updated again. What I checked so far: From device logs we can see that there was no updated push-token The sent content-state is correct From these observations and considering the high-frequent updates, I suspect that there is still some throttling happening here. Can anyone elaborate on this? Thanks in advance.
May ’24
How to handle Push To Start Live Activity background run time
In iOS 17.2 we can start a live activity by push, and the document says: When the system receives the ActivityKit push notification on a device, it starts a new Live Activity, wakes up your app, and grants it background run time to allow you to download assets that the Live Activity needs. My problem is, in which callback can I be notified a live activity will be start by a push, so I can download some web contents such as images before the live activity be rendered.
May ’24
MDM Failure
Im using server V5.8 in Mojave that has worked so well until last week that I cannot entoll new devices or push apps to pupils iPads. I have tried everything even reenrolling devices but still no communication from the mobile device management server to the iPads. Please help as I have 50 new iPads for a new class that I need to enrol.
May ’24
Provisional Notifications missing buttons
We are attempting to enable provisional notifications in our app, but some internal users on iOS 17 are reporting that they are not receiving the "Keep" and "Turn off" buttons that provisional notifications are supposed to have - in other words they just come in as regular quiet notifications. I have confirmed that these users are doing a fresh install of our app, and at no point are they ever receiving a permission prompt to turn on notifications. Their UNAuthorizationStatus is correctly being set to provisional. Their notification settings are being set to the following, which seems correct: I have not been able to reproduce this issue on any of my own devices, but these users can do so consistently. What could possibly cause this? Some misconfiguration on our end, our some hidden iOS setting somewhere?
May ’24
How to open app and show persistent notification upon receiving push notification on iOS
Hello everyone, I am developing a feature in my app where, upon receiving a push notification, the app should open automatically if it is closed and the screen is locked. If the device is unlocked, a persistent notification should appear and only be removed with user interaction. We managed to implement this functionality on Android using some configurations and additional rules. With this, upon receiving a push notification, the app opens automatically or a permanent notification appears. I would like to know how I can implement this functionality on iOS using Swift. Is there any specific configuration or API that allows the app to open automatically upon receiving a push notification or to display a persistent notification on the unlocked screen? Thanks in advance for your help!
May ’24