App Clips

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Provide a way to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that lets users start and finish an experience in seconds, even before downloading your app.

Posts under App Clips tag

63 Posts
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AppClipCodeGenerator - unable to create with parameters
Using this command line incantation: AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg everything works as expected. However, using this one: AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg ie, just trying to pass in 1 parameter via "?p=1", it fails with no matches found: In my case, clip is a Servlet which expects the parameter named p. Any ideas?
Aug ’23
Adding a new Advanced App Clip Experience to a published app.
From what I understand, the default app clip can't be changed without a new review / release, but what about the Advanced App Clip Experiences?.. I have 3 that went out with a particular release.. I am able to add an additional one, but that does not trigger. Is it the case that when adding a new AACE, it also entails a new app release? This wouldn't seem to make sense if the core app or appclip code hasn't changed, and it is just a new 'variant' of an app clip card that we want to invoke. Some clarity on this from someone in the know would be much appreciated. Thanks
Aug ’23
Relationship between App Store Version, App Clip Default Experiences and App Clip Advanced Experiences in App Store Connect API
According to the App Store Connect API documentation we can get the Default App Clip Experience for an App Store Version, and since on the App Store Connect website we have a single App Clip section for an iOS App, it seems that an App Store Version can have 0 or 1 Default App Clip Experience. But there is no direct way of getting the Advanced App Clip Experiences. The only way I can see is by getting the App Clip object first for the App, then listing all Default and Advanced App Clip Experiences for that App Clip. This makes me wonder: are Advanced App Clip Experiences not directly linkes to an App Store Version like the Default App Clip Experience? Does the list of Default App Clip Experiences returned from an App Clip object always contain a single object, or can it be more than one (perhaps older versions linked to old App Store Versions)? What is the relationship between App Store Version, App Clip Default Experiences and App Clip Advanced Experiences?
Aug ’23
The app clip does not open
Hi! Faced with the problem of opening the app clip of the application (qr code, nfc, etc.). In the main target, two entries have been added in associated domains The same entries are also in the app clip's target. An apple-application-site-association file has been added to our website (in the root and in the folder .well-known) - In the appstoreconnect, we have added an advanced experience for the appclip, which should handle opening by url (for example id)) After making a diagnosis (in the phone settings) I see that by url - there is no registered advanced experience for the app clip, but a smart banner has been added to our site and this is displayed in the diagnostics. I am sure that our AASA file is correct, because our application can handle universal links. Can you tell me what I'm missing?
Sep ’23
How to preview AppClip via Message without recipient adding sender as contact
Hi there! We're working on building an AppClip, and would like to promote it by sending it via SMS message to our users. We'll be sending these SMS messages via Twillio, using an approved Toll Free phone number. We have just found out here ( that the recipients of AppClip URL have to have the sender saved in contact in order to see the preview of AppClip on iMessage (a photo with "open" button) and open AppClip directly from iMessage (as opposed to be led to our website where they can click another button to open the AppClip). That pretty much defeats the purpose of this AppClip, since most users, who wouldn't have saved our marketing number as contact, would receive a text message with an URL string and no image - suspicious looking. Would anyone know: Is there any way we could promote AppClip via marketing SMS messages, that would lead to a smoother user experience? Would a 10DLC number (instead of Toll Free phone number) help? Would Apple Messages for Business ( be able send AppClip previews and direct open, without recipients having to save the sender as a contact? Thank you! Liz
Aug ’23
Advanced App Clip failing to invoke
Hey, We have released v1.2 of our App to the App Store and registered an advanced app clip experience. This has been marked as received (pic 1), and our Associated Domain as been marked as valid on App Store Connect (pic 2). When scanning a QR code with the associated url, no invocation occurs. Checking the url locally on my iphone in Developer > App Clips Testing > Diagnostics I see that the App Clip is not registered as an Advanced Experience, hasn't been published, and has no associated domains (pic 3). Why is this? On App Store Connect these are all marked as valid, and we have checked all the documentation to verify we have set this up correctly. On v1 of our app we had an advanced app clip and had no trouble. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this some caching issue on apples side or are we missing a step. Thanks
Jul ’23
App Clip Not Showing Up in
Hi, I have an iOS app with an app clip experience that maps to specific physical locations / stores. This app clip is perfect for customers to use when they look up the location in the It performs the ideal functions (viewing a menu, booking a reservation, etc) and gives additional information like store hours. The problem is that the doesn't display a button the app clip experience despite having set it up as the official experience for the location in the Advanced app clip experience in App Store Connect. Do you guys have any suggestions to get the app clip button to show up on the for our locations? Panera Bread, Uber Eats have their button show up on a lot of locations, but not so lucky here. I've looked into Apple Business Connect but that doesn't let you control the app clip button.
Sep ’23
App Site Association (AASA) not recognised for App Clip
I am trying to configure App Clip Experience URL in App Store Connect and it gives me this error message and does not allow to proceed: This URL is not contained in your app’s associated domains. Update associated domains or use a different URL. I have already investigated different options why it can fail and also validated the file over third-party validators. So this is already checked: AASA file available on my domain Content for app clips and app links is specified (see below) Team ID is correct JSON is properly formatted Content Type JSON is specified AASA file visible over Apple CDN I waited enough hours after last change Target domain entered into Associations List in Xcode in both main app and App Clip target App bundle with updated Associations is uploaded to App Store Connect I have created Apple TSI yet got no answer for a week already. Any other ideas what I can check? AASA file content: "applinks":{ "apps":[ ], "details":[ { "appID":"", "paths":[ "NOT /_/*", "/*" ] } ] }, "appclips":{ "apps":[ "" ] } }
Aug ’23
App Clips: how to gracefully/programmatically close?
Question about App Clips. Is anyone aware of a mechanism whereby an app clip can return the user to the app from which it was invoked when the task is completed? For example, for an app clip invoked via a url in safari, is there a way to programmatically close the app clip after the task is complete and return the user to safari? I imagine this might be technically possible via a deep link if you were to know the custom url scheme for whichever system app invoked the app clip, if system apps do in fact even have custom url schemes that are usable by non-system apps, but that seems like a poor practice. There is lots of documentation and guidance around app clip invocation but none that I can find around the conclusion of the experience. Is the guidance or best practice just to inform the user that they need to manually navigate away from the app clip after the task completes? Surprised to see so little information about this given Apple's emphasis on using app clips to allow the user to complete a discrete task or flow. Thanks in advance for any insights.
Sep ’23
iOS App Clip Prefix Matching Not Working
App clip cards are not being displayed correctly according to the url prefixing documentation which states: "The system then chooses the App Clip experience with the URL that has the most specific matching prefix." This video also outlines the same strategy for invoking different app clip cards with a matching prefix (start video at 12:46).   I have the following two advanced app clip experiences associated with my app: -> opens correctly> opens same card as above Even though the second experience has a more specific url, it's still opening the app clip experience for the shorter url. Both app clips were submitted over a week ago at the same time, so I don't believe it's a propagation issue.
May ’24
App Clip iMessage Sharing Not Working
We have been having problems with our app clip not working when sharing through iMessage. The app and app clip are published and work correctly when scanning a QR code that points to the URL: however if this same URL is shared through the iMessage app, a link to the website displays and not the app clip card. We have confirmed that: AASA file is available and has the type application/json Both devices are above iOS 14 Both devices are in each other's contacts The website has the meta tag for the smart app clip banner The website has a meta tag for the og:image Launch experiences have been configured on AppStoreConnect - as said before, the QR codes work correctly The link leads to a 404 page, I wasn't sure if there needs to be an actual page that the link points to as app clips seem to work fine without when scanning the QR code through the camera app.
Sep ’23
make App Clip work with different main app build configurations
I have two different build configurations (Debug & Release), backed by their respective *.xcconfig file. The app also embeds an App Clip. Both build configs have a different Bundle ID, which are both registered properly in the dev center. Everything worked fine (I could have both configs installed and running on my phone as two separately identified apps) before I added the App Clip. Now since I added the App Clip, I cannot anymore compile my app properly in both configurations. I get different issues in either scenario and it has to do with my App Clip not matching either of the main app's build configurations. I think my problem boils down to my inability of making the App Clip's "Parent Application Identifiers" work both ways. If I set that to my main app's ID $(AppIdentifierPrefix) I can build Release fine - which is what I currently fall back to - I live with the fact I can only debug with the Release config for now. If I set it to my debug app's ID $(AppIdentifierPrefix) I get The entitlement ('[""]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('') of its containing parent app. If I just add both app ids there - since it's an array in the plist file, I get There can only be one parent application identifier associated with an app clip, but multiple parent application identifiers were found in the entitlement plist. I had tried to add different build configurations for the App Clip and setting its "Parent Application Identifiers" dynamically as $(AppIdentifierPrefix)$(BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX) where BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX would be either empty or staging but that also didnt' work for a reason I don't really remember right now. The thing is - I don't even really need the App Clip in Debug, since it won't run anyway. Debug is never pushed to Apple, so the App Clip wouldn't ever work anyway. So maybe my actual question is: How can I just not include the App Clip at all in my Debug build?
Sep ’23
Advanced App Clip: 'This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience'
Here's the scenario: 1) I had an app in App Store Connect. 2) I created an Advanced App Clip Experience for the app, using my website URL. 3) For technical reasons, I removed the app and created a new one. 4) For this new app, I tried to create an Advanced App Clip Experience using my website URL, but I get the error message "This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience.". It seems that the system hasn't released the URL I registered for the first app, despite the app having been removed. Question: How can I register my URL for this new app? Thank you!
Oct ’23