App Intents

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Extend your app’s custom functionality to support system-level services, like Siri and the Shortcuts app.

Posts under App Intents tag

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Interactive Live Activity in watchOS 11 - not getting AppIntent buttons to work
I have started to work on adding Live Activities to my app in watchOS 11. The app already has interactive Live Activities on the phone that works as expected. I have added a view for the activityFamily: small and it shows up as expected. My problem is that buttons doesn't work. I use the Intent based button, and on the iPhone Lock Screen they work. On the watch, nothing happens. Has anyone got this working? Not sure if I'm missing something or if it's a bug.
Xcode 15.3 AppIntentsSSUTraining warning: missing the definition of locale # variables.1.definitions
Hello! I've noticed that adding localizations for AppShortcuts triggers the following warnings in Xcode 15.3: warning: missing the definition of zh-Hans # variables.1.definitions warning: missing the definition of zh-Hans # variables.2.definitions This occurs with both legacy strings files and String Catalogs. Example project:
Unexpected URLRepresentableIntent behaviour
After watching the What's new in App Intents session I'm attempting to create an intent conforming to URLRepresentableIntent. The video states that so long as my AppEntity conforms to URLRepresentableEntity I should not have to provide a perform method . My application will be launched automatically and passed the appropriate URL. This seems to work in that my application is launched and is passed a URL, but the URL is in the form: FeatureEntity/{id}. Am I missing something, or is there a trick that enables it to pass along the URL specified in the AppEntity itself? struct MyExampleIntent: OpenIntent, URLRepresentableIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Open Feature" static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Open \(\.$target)") } @Parameter(title: "My feature", description: "The feature to open.") var target: FeatureEntity } struct FeatureEntity: AppEntity { // ... } extension FeatureEntity: URLRepresentableEntity { static var urlRepresentation: URLRepresentation { "\(.id)" } }
App Intents in frameworks
In previous years it seems there were limitations about where AppIntent types could live in your code base for them to be surfaced up to the Shortcuts app. Specifically, they needed to be in the top level app or extension target. However, WWDC24's What's new in App Intents talks about "Framework Improvements" and has a slide that implies that AppEntity, AppEnum, AND AppIntent types can live in a framework. Is this actually the case? I can see the Metadata.appintents in the build products of my framework, and my intent is included in the JSON, but these intents never make it into the Shortcuts app when I install an app that consumes the framework. I'm testing this with Xcode 16b1 in a iOS 18 simulator.
App Intent snippet view does't able to fetch color for xcassets.
We have an existing app in which we have implemented AppShortcuts. The snippet view works fine in iOS 17 while in iOS18 beta, it doesn't able to fetch color from xcassets. If we use system colours or UIColor it's working fine. Not working Color("progressColor") Working Color(uiColor: UIColor(named: "progressColor")!) Color(hex: "3881d3") // Note: We created Color extension to generate color from hex string.
Siri only uses first App Shortcut defined
Using App Shortcuts with app intents, Siri only responds to the first shortcut defined in the app shortcut below. struct MementoShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { u/AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: SaveLinkIntent(), phrases: ["Add a link to \(.applicationName)", "Add \(\.$url) to \(.applicationName)", "Make a new link in \(.applicationName)", "Create a new link in \(.applicationName) from \(\.$url)"], shortTitle: "Add Link", systemImageName: "" ) AppShortcut( intent: LinkViewedIntent(), phrases: [ "Mark a link I saved in \(.applicationName) as viewed", "Mark \(\.$link) as viewed in \(.applicationName)", "Set link in \(.applicationName) to viewed", "Change status of \(\.$link) to viewed in \(.applicationName)", ], shortTitle: "Mark Link as Viewed", systemImageName: "book" ) } } I have tried switching the order and she always uses the one that comes first. Both show up in the shortcuts app as an app shortcut, but only one shortcut is recognized by Siri even if I say the other one's phrase.
Integrate with the system provided Workout Live Activity in the Apple Watch Smart Stack
When I start a workout in my app, the system shows a Live Activity in the Smart Stack like in the picture. My app opens if I tap on it, but the pause and resume buttons doesn't do anything. I have implemented the PauseWorkoutIntent and ResumeWorkoutIntent which works with the Action Button. I guessed that these would be used from this Live Activity as well, but it seems like not. Has anyone successfully integrated with this? I haven't seen it documented anywhere, although I think it was already included in watchOS 10. This is also shown when using the built in workout app and for that the buttons work as expected.
Jun ’24
App Intent Cannot Insert SwiftData items
When using App Intents, I can edit already existing SwiftData items, but I cannot insert new ones. Below are the two app intents I've used, both function in their entirety other than the model context insertion at the end of the second one. struct LinkViewedIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Mark Link Viewed" @Parameter(title: "Link") var link: LinkEntity? init(link: Link) { = LinkEntity(link: link) } init() {} func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog { let entities = try await LinkEntityQuery().suggestedEntities().filter({$0.viewed == false}) guard !entities.isEmpty else { return .result(dialog: "There are no unviewed links to mark.") } var enteredLink: LinkEntity if let link = link { enteredLink = link } else { enteredLink = try await $link.requestDisambiguation( among: LinkEntityQuery().suggestedEntities(), dialog: "Which link would you like to mark viewed?" ) } let context = ModelContext(ConfigureModelContainer()) let links = try? context.fetch(FetchDescriptor<Link>()) guard let link = links?.filter({ $ == }).first else { return .result(dialog: "An Error Occured") } if link.viewed == true { return .result(dialog: "Link is already viewed") } link.viewed = true try return .result(dialog: "Okay, \( ?? has been marked as viewed.") } static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Mark \(\.$link) as viewed.") } } struct SaveLinkIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Save Link" @Parameter(title: "URL") var url: URL? func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog { let modelContext = ModelContext(ConfigureModelContainer()) var fullurl: URL if let url = url { fullurl = url } else { fullurl = try await $url.requestValue() } print(fullurl.absoluteString) guard let link = await makeLink(address: fullurl.absoluteString) else { return .result(dialog: "") } modelContext.insert(link) return .result(dialog: "I've added \(link.metadata?.title ?? link.address) to Memento") } }
Jun ’24
"Microphone Recording Fails When Launching App from Shortcut (Error Code 561015905)"
I'm experiencing an issue with microphone recording in my app when launched from a Shortcut. The app works correctly when launched directly, but launching it through the Shortcut results in the "Session activation failed" error (code 561015905). Here's what I've done so far: My app has microphone permission granted. The startRecording function sets the audio session category to .playAndRecord. I've implemented error handling within startRecording to catch the error code. The Shortcut workflow includes an action to launch the app (no explicit microphone permission request within the Shortcut). xcode version - 15.2 iphone ios version - 17.4.1
Jun ’24
Handling App Intents Behind Authentication/Paywall
My App has several resources that I'd like to spring open through App Intents. For example a series of Dictionaries. These resources however in the app are behind a log in (for security) and are entitlements that are purchased. They may own 4 of 7 dictionaries. If I want to have an intent that says, "Open Dictionary: (Dict Name)" how do I best handle situations where the user may no longer be logged in or have the entitlement for that specific dictionary? Thanks
Jun ’24
Shortcuts App Intent Only for Active Subscribers
I have a Shortcuts action via an App Intent that I want only for active subscribers to use. I have a shared class that handles all the subcription related things. But for some reason my code only works if the app is active in the background. Once the app is quitted and the user performs the Shortcut, the not subscribed error is thrown – even though the user is subscribed. How can I ensure that my subscription check is done correctly, if the app isn’t open in the background? My Code App Intent excerpt: @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<MeterIntentEntity> { // Validate that the user is subscribed. // Cancels action with error message if not subscribed. if SubscriptionManager.shared.userIsSubscribed == false { throw IntentError.notSubscribed } // More Code … // Finish and pass created value as result. return .result(value: something) } Subscription Manager excerpt: class SubscriptionManager: ObservableObject { // A singleton for our entire app to use static let shared = SubscriptionManager() let productIds = ["my_sub1", "my_sub2"] @Published private(set) var availableSubscriptions: [Product] @Published private(set) var purchasedSubscriptions: [Product] = [] public var userIsSubscribed: Bool { return !self.purchasedSubscriptions.isEmpty } init() { // Initialize empty products, and then do a product request asynchronously to fill them in. availableSubscriptions = [] Task { await updatePurchasedProducts() } } @MainActor func updatePurchasedProducts() async { for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements { do { let transaction = try checkVerified(result) if let subscription = availableSubscriptions.first(where: { $ == transaction.productID }) { purchasedSubscriptions.append(subscription) } } catch { Logger.subscription.error("Error loading users user's purchased products.") } } }
Jun ’24
How can I include app intents only for newer OS versions?
I have an app that currently supports as low as iOS 16. I'd like to add some app intents to it that allow customization using the WidgetConfigurationIntent API that's only available on iOS 17 and later. Is there a way to build an intent (or other kind of app extension) that requires a higher OS version than my main app's deployment target, and only surface it for those OS versions?
Jun ’24
How to add support for Siri / Apple Intelligence to my existing AppEntity?
iOS 18 adds a specific macro for exposing your search app intent, app entities, etc, to siri but how are you meant to add it to your existing objects without removing it entirely from < iOS 18 users? For example, i get the following error: AssistantIntent(schema:) is only available in iOS 18 or newer. Add @available attribute to enclosing struct. I don't want to do that since i still want to support iOS 17 users with my existing shortcuts. Do i need to duplicate my entire shortcuts model to add the new macro?
Jun ’24
Siri enters loop of requesting parameter when running AppIntent
I want to add shortcut and Siri support using the new AppIntents framework. Running my intent using shortcuts or from spotlight works fine, as the touch based UI for the disambiguation is shown. However, when I ask Siri to perform this action, she gets into a loop of asking me the question to set the parameter. My AppIntent is implemented as following: struct StartSessionIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "start_recording" @Parameter(title: "activity", requestValueDialog: IntentDialog("which_activity")) var activity: ActivityEntity @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog { let activityToSelect: ActivityEntity = self.activity guard let selectedActivity = Activity[] else { return .result(dialog: "activity_not_found") } ... return .result(dialog: "recording_started \(") } } The ActivityEntity is implemented like this: struct ActivityEntity: AppEntity { static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "activity") typealias DefaultQuery = MobilityActivityQuery static var defaultQuery: MobilityActivityQuery = MobilityActivityQuery() var id: String var name: String var icon: String var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(", image: .init(systemName: self.icon)) } } struct MobilityActivityQuery: EntityQuery { func entities(for identifiers: [String]) async throws -> [ActivityEntity] { Activity.all()?.compactMap({ activity in identifiers.contains(where: { $0 == }) ? ActivityEntity(id:, name:, icon: activity.icon) : nil }) ?? [] } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [ActivityEntity] { Activity.all()?.compactMap({ activity in ActivityEntity(id:, name:, icon: activity.icon) }) ?? [] } } Has anyone an idea what might be causing this and how I can fix this behavior? Thanks in advance
Jun ’24