Apple Pay

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Provide a fast, easy, and secure way for users to buy goods and services in your app or on your website using Apple Pay.

Posts under Apple Pay tag

166 Posts
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What exactly is in-app-provisioning?
I am a little confused. Is in-app-provisioning where you: Start adding your card to wallet from the wallet app Start adding your card to wallet from bank issuer app Just the process of adding your card to wallet without having to enter the card number manually? I am reading a lot of documentation about in-app-provisioning and verification and just can't figure it out
Jan ’24
Confirm acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Tap and Pay
i am implementing the Tap and Pay for stripe terminal during this i want to check whether the merchant accepted the terms and conditions or not using the isAccountLinked(using:) but this method requires the parameter - "The token from your payment service provider. This token contains the merchant identifier." i cannot find any other reference for the merchant identifier how to retrieve or how to get it as per stripe support they said you need to contact the apple support.
Jan ’24
Apple Pay - merchant identity certificate is it required to be on site?
Hi, I have a question about the merchant ID domain verification file. Do we need to store that file on our site permanently, or can we delete it after domain verification? I searched for this information in the documentation, but found nothing specific.
Dec ’23
apple pay for classes
Hey everyone, we are trying to create a service for online classes and meetings with experts, but it is like that expert can add their free time on the app and users can see them and book an online meet. And also it is possible to be an online class for everyone. can we use Apple pay or it is not possible with it and we should go through IAP?
Dec ’23
free app with donate button via stripe
Hi, We have an app that is free to download and use (provides local info such as defibs, hospitals, tourist hotspots, etc) for a local tourism charity. I have been asked to update the app and provide a donate button in the app so they can take a donation via stripe. My initial thought were Apple would want their 30% of any payments via the app is this still the case for donations and using a 3rd party payment provider like stripe. Could we avoid this by using the button to open a web page on their website to do the payments. thanks
Dec ’23
Apple Pay as an Entry/Exit system
We have a parking garage system that works with RFID-tags or Credit Cards. The user use the tag/card when he enters and exits. Charging is via invoice for tags or via the Credit Card. Now we (our customers) want to use Apple Pay to Enter/Exit. Here we got a problem. Apple Pay generates a unique ID for each use. So we can not match an entry with an exit. Is there a (simple) way around this or for this? (I am not the developer of this system)
Dec ’23
Disable Prepaid cards in ApplePay
I want to allow only credit cards and debit cards while user selects card from payment method screen. I do not want to allow user to make payment with prepaid cards. I have found PKMerchantCapabilityCredit and PKMerchantCapabilityDebit only in merchant capability of PKPaymentRequest. There is no capability related to prepaid, Does any one know how to disable prepaid cards on Payment Method screen?
Dec ’23
Apple pay "Payment not completed" yet amount captured
Our apple pay integration with the gateway "" is succeeding from Checkout side & the amount is captured (withdrawn from bank account) and confirmed yet on the apple pay popup it fails with a "Payment not completed" error message. Any idea how to resolve this? This is on multiple devices (iPhones, MacBooks) -The request in the headers is a success (200)
Nov ’23
Apple Pay - Deferred Token Usage
I know Apple Pay recently added some new token types for unscheduled card on file use cases. In my app, I attain the token from Apple Pay, and then I submit that token to my gateway for full payment anywhere from 1-12 hours later-- after the user had used up the service. The final payment is based on a usage of the service. Do I need to use the ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest token type for this kind of use case?
Nov ’23
Apple Pay multimerchant setup
Situation: I have an ecommerce app that is an online marketplace where sellers can list items. We accept credit card information and pass the information along to a third party payment processor that takes payment and then routes to the seller. I want to add apple pay support for sellers that wish to accept it. Due to the nature of our relationship with the 3rd party payment processor and sellers, I'm planning to have any seller interested in accepting apple pay register their own apple developer account and create their own apple pay merchant id. However I am struggling to verify an implementation that will work via sandbox. Two potential approaches I've identified - both of these successfully create a payment token in the sandbox environment: Set up a PKPaymentRequest and pass the seller merchant id instead of our own. paymentRequest.merchantIdentifier However, I don't think that this will work in production due to the verbiage in the merchanIdentifier docs. The merchant identifier you provide when you make an Apple Pay payment request. If you request a payment token for another merchant, use their merchant identifier, if available. Otherwise, use your own merchant identifier. use the multiTokenContexts field to pass the seller merchantId and amount to be charged by that seller paymentRequest.multiTokenContexts = [ PKPaymentTokenContext(merchantIdentifier: "merchant.example.seller", externalIdentifier: "merchant.example.seller", merchantName: "Seller", merchantDomain: "", amount: 135.00), based on the presentation in this WWDC22 video, I think that this will work - but I haven't found a way to verify without sending an actual transaction. My questions: will the multiTokenContexts approach work for this use case? is there any way to validate that a payment token has been successfully created in sandbox without purchasing multiple apple developer accounts and sending a real transaction?
Nov ’23
Apple Pay provisioning error
Hi, I can't complete provisioning flow on Sandbox Environment. You can find error response and PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration below. How can I find the issue? guard let addPaymentPassRequestConfiguration = PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration( encryptionScheme: .ECC_V2 ) else { return } = .payment addPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.cardholderName = debitCard.cardholder addPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.primaryAccountSuffix = String(debitCard.cardNumber.suffix(4)) addPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.localizedDescription = debitCard.cardType.cardDisplayName addPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.paymentNetwork = .girocard 500 Time profile: 0.207283 seconds { x-conversation-id = "9affa45be1a1499381c2136dd3971443" Vary = "accept-language" Content-Type = "application/json" x-pod = "crt-pod1" x-keystone-correlationid = "A43237AA-DF0F-4B53-8A3D-4729CFC6C03E" Date = "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:17:12 GMT" x-apay-service-response-details = "via_upstream" Content-Length = "81" x-envoy-upstream-service-time = "36" x-pod-region = "" } { statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; }
Nov ’23
How to
Hi! In Apple Pay for iMessage, users can initiate an Apple Pay payment on iMessage. Once the user authorizes the payment, my endpoint receives the Apple Pay Token from Apple- this has the user's encrypted payment details. This is where i would need to integrate with a payment processor to accept the payment. Well, I am having trouble figuring out how to process this token payment. According to this link, Stripe and other authorized payment processors are supposed to fully handle this token on their own? From my understanding I would simply be forwarding the apple pay token to Stripe. Unfortunately, stripe isn't accepting the payment token as valid and i am not sure why as i couldn't find documentation from apple nor stripe on how to process this (If anyone can point me to them, please let me know). I tried using the Stripe python package and passing in the token as the 'source' for ".charge" but it doesn't work as stripe doesn't understand. Anyways, where am I going wrong here nothing else is working and I am not sure what I should do? Do i need to do something to de-encrypt the apple pay token, I am not even sure if I'd have the regulatory approval to do this. If anyone can point me to the correct Apple docs on integration instructions, I would appreciate it! P.S This is not for apple pay web or js integration.
Nov ’23
Unable to Print after create Apple Pay Cert
I have create a certificate to use in apple pay button, an Apple Pay Payment Processing cert and an Apple Pay Merchant Identity cert. After i have create this cert, all new mas files and all applications in production on the apple store no longer allow the printing function. Is there some wrong step or should I enable some function on this certificate to allow printing? thanks in advanced
Nov ’23
PKPassKitErrorDomain error 2, App Clip? Bundle Identifier?
My provisioning code works in my main app, but when I try to use it in my app clip it fails with this: The operation couldn’t be completed. (PKPassKitErrorDomain error 2.) I'm having an issue due to how vague this particular error is and how little documentation exists to explain it? I've been looking around the PassKit and Apple Pay documentation for more specific information. But I'm not certain what to do just yet. After provisioning and receiving the digital wallet token, adding the request to the wallet produces the unsupportedVersionError. My initial thought is because the appClip bundle identifier does not match the identifier that the issuer expects, but I'm not entirely sure. I have the entitlement necessary to provision passes on apples end.
Nov ’23
Assistance Required with Apple Pay Integration on Website
I am currently in the process of integrating Apple Pay into my website using the JavaScript SDK and have encountered a specific issue that I am unable to resolve. I have successfully implemented the merchant validation part of the process; the merchant is being validated without any issues. However, I am facing a challenge with the onpaymentauthorized event, which is not being triggered. Instead, the session is getting canceled after the successful merchant validation. Here are the details of the implementation: SDK Used: Apple Pay JS SDK Current Behavior: The merchant validation process completes successfully. However, the onpaymentauthorized event handler is not invoked, and the session is canceled. Expected Behavior: After merchant validation, the onpaymentauthorized event should be triggered to complete the payment process. I have checked the following: The paymentRequest object configuration. Browser compatibility (testing on supported browsers). Network stability and configurations. User interaction with the Apple Pay payment sheet. Despite these checks, the issue persists. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could provide on what might be causing this issue and how to resolve it. If there are any logs, code snippets, or additional information you require, please let me know, and I will provide them promptly. Thanks
Nov ’23
Problems Testing Apple Pay for the Web
Hello! I am working on developing a POC for Apple Pay on the Web for my website. When I go to request an Apple Pay Payment Session, I am getting the following error in my logs: apple pay PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target I know it has something to do with the certificates, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am not seeing a great deal of documentation on Apple's developer site. I am using a sandbox account to test with test cards, and using the test endpoint url. Is there a way to get a test Payment Session locally without verifying my websites domain? I can provide more info if needed. Thanks!
Nov ’23