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Create, view, and edit calendar and reminder events using EventKit and EventKitUI. Request read-only, write-only, or full-access to Calendar data.

Posts under EventKit tag

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add EKAttendee on EKEvent, but happen crash issue on iOS16.4
on iOS16.4, if try to add EKAttendee on EKEvent, it will cause app crash; this can not reproduce on iOS14.5/iOS15.7 etc low version. Add Main example Attendee code: Class className = NSClassFromString(@"EKAttendee"); NSMutableArray *attendeessystem = [NSMutableArray new]; for(int i=0; I<1;i++){ id attendee = [className new]; [attendee setValue:@"test" forKey:@"firstName"]; [attendee setValue:@"hihi" forKey:@"lastName"]; [attendee setValue:@"test@outlook.com" forKey:@"emailAddress"]; [attendeessystem addObject:attendee]; } if([attendeessystem count]>0) { [calendarEvent setValue:attendeessystem forKey:@"attendees"]; } crash log: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: key cannot be nil' *** First throw call stack:
Aug ’23
Is it possible for EventKit Framework to trigger the Permission Alert of the Contacts?
We use Eventkit Framework to synchronize the meeting calendar to the system calendar, read the System Calendar with -[EKEventStore calendarsForEntityType:], Use - [EKEventStore saveEvent: span: commit: error:] wrote system calendar. This usage currently triggers the Contacts Permission Alert on a user. Through the log, we identified no use - [CNContactStore requestAccessForEntityType: completionHandler:] and Contacts API.
Jan ’24
Cannot modify title of Event in Calendar
Hi, I'm creating a calendar application. I am using the EKeventEditViewController to add events to my application. The problem is that the title of the sheet cannot be modified. When I change a title, the console shows that the title has changed. However, the simulator still displays the previous title; "New Event". How can I fix it? void (^showEventEditingController)(EKEvent *) = ^(EKEvent * event){ EKEventEditViewController *controller = [[EKEventEditViewController alloc] init]; controller.event = event; controller.eventStore = [self getEventStoreInstance]; controller.editViewDelegate = self; NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "New Event" controller.title = @"My Custom title"; NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "My Custom title" [self assignNavbarColorsTo:controller.navigationBar]; [self presentViewController:controller]; NSLog(@"%@", controller.title); // "My Custom title" };
Aug ’23
Request Reminders Access
So I'm looking to add a button to my app that would create and fill a reminder in the user's Reminders app, but I've found that I first need to request access to the user's Reminders app data. I've also found the way to do that has been changed with iOS 17 as explained here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/eventkit/ekeventstore/4162273-requestfullaccesstoreminders How do I use this function so that the prompt requesting for access to the user's Reminders app pops up at the launch of the app every time unless they've previously given permission? Also what would be the function to create the reminder once I do have permissions? This is the code ChatGPT gave me to do so, but I just keep getting "Failed to create Reminder URL". func createReminder() { let reminderTitle = "******** Groceries" var subtaskStrings: [String] = [] for ingredient in shoppingList { subtaskStrings.append(ingredient) } let subtasks = subtaskStrings.map { (ingredient) -> [String: Any] in return [ "title": ingredient, "completed": false ] } let reminderData: [String: Any] = [ "title": reminderTitle, "subtasks": subtasks ] if let reminderURL = createURL(for: "x-apple-reminder://", with: reminderData) { UIApplication.shared.open(reminderURL) } else { print("Failed to create Reminder URL") } } Also I intend on expanding this function to the notes app. But im taking one step at a time. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
Sep ’23
Open Mac Calendar on specific date
I have an app that has lots of booking dates. I need a quick way to open the Mac Calendar on the date of the booking just so the user can cross check the dates for clashes. At this stage, I don't need to build UI into my app that shows the dates. What is already in Calendar is sufficient - don't reinvent the wheel. A long time ago, calshow seemed to be the way to do this. But that seems to have withered away. Opening a URL with ical:// opens calendar, but not at the date required since there seems to be no URL scheme defined. I could query Event Kit, but that means building unnecessary UI at this time. There's possibly a way to do this with Scripting Bridge and probably a way to do this with a call to an AppleScript. Is there no simpler way to do this in 2023 on a Mac?
Sep ’23
default calendar for new event in iOS17
It looks like the delegate function eventEditViewControllerDefaultCalendar(forNewEvents controller: EKEventEditViewController) -> EKCalendar of the EKEventEditViewDelegate protocol is not called in iOS 17 anymore. The app does have the new NSCalendarsFullAccessUsageDescription key set and full access is granted. Is this the intended behaviour for iOS 17? Does anybody else have the same problem?
Sep ’23
Linking StartView with ContentView
Hello everyone, I'm attempting to incorporate a button in my StartView that will lead directly to ContentView without the intermediate step of using a navigation view. I want StartView to seamlessly transition into ContentView. Thank you very much in advance! import SwiftUI struct StartView: View { @State private var isQuizStarted = false @Environment(.presentationMode) var presentationMode var body: some View { VStack { Text("Radiology Core Prep Q&amp;A") .font(.headline) .padding() Image("cxr") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(height: 325) } } } struct StartView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { StartView() } }
Sep ’23
-[UINSUIKitBackgroundingController _updateAppWideBackgroundStateSlammingNotifyingDelegate:]: Called off the main thread. CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess
iPad Pro 12.9 、iOS15.4 (21E230) #700003 NSInternalInconsistencyException -[UINSUIKitBackgroundingController _updateAppWideBackgroundStateSlammingNotifyingDelegate:]: Called off the main thread. CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess + 220 2 Foundation -[NSCalendarDate initWithCoder:] + 0 3 UIKitMacHelper -[UINSUIKitBackgroundingController _updateAppWideBackgroundStateSlammingNotifyingDelegate:] + 504 4 UIKitMacHelper -[UINSUIKitBackgroundingController transitionUIAppThroughBackgroundStateIfNecessary] + 144 5 UIKitMacHelper -[UINSApplicationLifecycleController transitionAppThroughBackgroundState] + 308 6 UIKitMacHelper -[UINSApplicationDelegate _toggleAppForegroundStateIfAppStoreURL:] + 276 7 UIKitMacHelper __54-[UINSApplicationDelegate openURL:options:completion:]_block_invoke_2 + 196 8 AppKit _NSWorkspaceHandleLSOpenResult + 164 9 LaunchServices _LSFireCompletionHandler(void (__LSASN const*, unsigned char, __CFError*) block_pointer, NSURL*, NSURL*, NSDictionary&lt;NSString*, objc_object*&gt;, objc_object, bool, NSError*) + 200 10 LaunchServices _LSOpenAsyncCommonDispatched(objc_object*, NSArray&lt;NSURL*&gt;, NSURL, objc_object*, NSDictionary&lt;NSString*, objc_object*&gt;, NSObject&lt;OS_dispatch_semaphore&gt;, void (__LSASN const*, unsigned char, __CFError*) block_pointer) + 5732 11 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib start_wqthread + 8 #0 Thread 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib mach_msg_trap + 8 4 CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600 5 HIToolbox RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 6 HIToolbox ReceiveNextEventCommon + 564 7 HIToolbox _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72 8 AppKit _DPSNextEvent + 860 9 AppKit -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1328 10 AppKit -[NSApplication run] + 596 11 AppKit NSApplicationMain + 1132 12 AppKit +[NSWindow _savedFrameFromString:] + 0 13 UIKitMacHelper UINSApplicationMain + 1276
Sep ’23
`requestFullAccessToEvents(completion:)` does not work
Hi, I am facing a problem related to the API in the title. When the API is executed with EKAuthorizationStatus notDetermined, the dialog is not displayed and (false, nil) is passed to completion. // Create an event store let store = EKEventStore() store.requestWriteOnlyAccessToEvents { granted, error in if let error { print("error occurred") } else if granted { print("allowed") } else { print("denied") } } // "denied" That is why I am not sure what is causing the dialog not to appear. Is this a bug in the API? note This is not a problem in the simulator. It is a problem **only on the actual device. development environment Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) iPhone SE(3rd) iOS 17.0.2 (21A351)
Dec ’23
Query: Creating a virtual conference event from the main target of the iOS app.
Hello, I've implemented my Virtual conference extension and my app shows up without issues in the Calendar app and displays our app with a Join button and it all works great!. However, when creating an event from the main target of the app using EventKitUI with the help of EKEventEditViewController and an EKEvent instance, the event does not display as if it were a virtual conference. I see a few other apps like Zoom have implemented this and I'm having trouble finding the related documents on how to link a programtically created event with a virtual conference. Any help or pointers on how to achieve this is highly appreciated. Thanks!
Oct ’23
Calendar authorizationStatus changed to Denied without user's interaction. Calendar Full Access Permission
I have experienced a strange issue on my iphone test device. (iPhone Xr running iOS 17.0.3) In my app I ask a user for calendar full access. Once I gave the access permission, the app works as expected. Then somehow the status changed from .fullAccess to .denied. This happens without my interaction in iPhone's Settings. I have doubled checked in Settings app and the permission is still granted. But somehow the status is denied when calling EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .reminder) Regardless of how bad my code is, the app should not be able to change status from .fullAccess to .denied. Correct? I have never had this problem until lately. But it happens to both my iOS app and my mac Catalyst app. Which is really strange. (iOS 17.0.3 and Sonoma 14.0) This problem doesn't happen all the time though. Most of the time my app works fine. But it can happen few times per day. And even more strange, it tends to happen at the same time for iOS and macOS. I don't know if this problem happens to me because of the fact that I install/uninstall the app many times but currently it just causes me a headache. I have attached 2 images. These 2 images happen at the same time. The only fix is that I have to turn off then turn on the Full Access again in Settings app. Something for Reminder. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
Jan ’24
Can't retrieve URL field for reminders via API
Hello, I try to read reminders in my app using Swift and the EventKit API. This works great with one exception: the url field. It is clearly set for a reminder and the official reminders app displays the link correctly . In my Swift code I get the reminder object and title, notes, etc are correctly set. The attribute URL is always nil and I couldn't find any other matching attribute. Has anybody solved this? I use fetchReminder on the EKEventStore to retrieve the reminders. This should result in EKCalendarItem objects. I use the snippet below to access the reminders and it works for all attributes except the url attribute. let jsonElements = reminders.enumerated().map({JsonReminder(id: $1.calendarItemIdentifier, title: $1.title, notes: $1.notes, completed: $1.isCompleted, dateString: createDateString(date: $1.dueDateComponents), url: createUrlString(url: $1.url))}) Kind regards Dominik
Oct ’23