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Crash when accessing Core Data because file couldn't be opened
We have a crash regarding to Core Data access that was not reproducible in our side but the crash count keeps increasing with the last stack trace is assertionFailure from Apple internal SDK. The last stack trace before the assertionFailure by system is our code initializing CoreData in DataContainer.init(name:bundle:inMemory:) where we will try to access CoreData and the error message we found from our 3rd party crash reporter is something like this DataStore/DataContainer.swift:30: Fatal error: Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file “Content.sqlite” couldn’t be opened. UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9DBF262C-851A-486B-90CC-4397A8896525/Library/Application Support/Content.sqlite, NSSQLiteErrorDomain=13}, ["NSSQLiteErrorDomain": 13, "NSFilePath": /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9DBF262C-851A-486B-90CC-4397A8896525/Library/Application Support/Content.sqlite] That sqlite file is supposed to be file used by Core Data (since we have no other code that access it) and we are quite confused on why sometimes the CoreData cannot be accessed with that kind of error message. So far, we still have no idea to reproduce it and what do to resolve it. I have submitted the report with bug number: FB14433998 I attached an example of the crash report here too. Please gave us insight on why it happened and how we can prevent it from happening again. crash log 1.crash
L4 Per-App VPN is not working with iOS 18 Beta
We are not seeing any traffic from iOS to App-Proxy extension. We have a Safari domains specified in the per App App Proxy VPN configuration which is pushed to our device. When we tap on the safari and start loading one of these domains, safari will not load any websites with these domains. But if we load any other websites with any other domain, the websites are loaded properly. But the same behavior works fine and app receives traffic on iOS 17.5.1 and older iOS versions. The issue is observed only on iOS 18 Beta versions.
Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]
Hi, the 'Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]' error is repeatedly occurring. Previous preparation error: Developer Mode disabled. To use[DEVICE NAME] for development, enable Developer Mode in Settings → Privacy & Security. Of course, the developer mode is already turned on and I've used the connection between my devices via XCode until yesterday. But it suddenly happened. I have several devices(iOS/iPadOS) so I've tried them all, but they are all having the same situations. What I've tried: Re-install XCode Rebooting mac and iPhone Safe boot my mac Disable and enable developer mode
No TCP connections to IPs in the local network
I am developing an app which heavily relies on TCP device to device connections in the local network. The devices (multiple iPhones 13) are connected through a common consumer wifi router and act as server and client simultaneously. My problem is that 2 out of 3 iPhones can't establish outgoing TCP connections. However, they can act as server and accept incoming connections. All devices have the same iOS version (17.5.1) and access to Local Network is granted in the Privacy & Security settings. All devices have IPs in the range 192.168.x.x and the correct subnet is set. Safari can connect to IPs in the local network but not my app. The wifi network does not provide access to internet. Mobile data is turned off on all devices. As the error is happening out in the field, I cannot reproduce it under controlled conditions. What settings (beside not granting access to Local Network) may block outgoing connections to local IPs? What configurations of the app (e.g. entries in Info.plist) may result in or fix this behaviour?
IOS18 Beta - Public (is it just me?)
From downloading Beta 18 (public) I have the following sever issues: Cellar Network dips and has weakened (wife & kids on same network with no issues.) Wi-Fi stability has become horrendous AirDrop is a nightmare zooming in on emails or other document documents cuts the page off and it becomes unmovable battery drains significantly quicker than ever before please tell me I’m not alone! @Apple - would be great if uninstalling beta was easier with out the risk and time the current process is annotated!
Disabled button in SwiftUI .alert not working
I found an issue when implementing an alert with a TextField to input a name. I want the action button to be disabled until a name has been entered, but the action block is never executed when the button has become enabled and pressed. The problem seems to appear only when name is initially an empty string. Tested with iOS 17.0. struct MyView: View { @State private var name = "" var body: some View { SomeView() .alert(...) { TextField("Name", text: $name) Button("Action") { // Action }.disabled(name.isEmpty) Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} } } }
SwiftUI : NavigationStack in new iOS 18 TabView pushes twice when path in parameter
Hello, With iOS 18, when NavigationStack is in new TabView, with path parameter containing current navigation state is set, the navigation destination view is pushed twice. See below with example that pushes twice on iOS 18 but is correct on iOS 17 @MainActor class NavigationModel: ObservableObject { static let shared = NavigationModel() @Published var selectedTab: String @Published var homePath: [Route] @Published var testPath: [Route] } struct ContentView: View { @StateObject private var navigationModel: NavigationModel = NavigationModel.shared var body: some View { TabView(selection: $navigationModel.selectedTab){ HomeView() .tabItem { Label("Home", systemImage: "house") } .tag("home") TestView() .tabItem { Label("Test", systemImage: "circle") } .tag("test") } } } struct HomeView: View { @StateObject private var navigationModel: NavigationModel = NavigationModel.shared var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $navigationModel.homePath){ VStack{ Text("home") NavigationLink(value: Route.test1("test1")){ Text("Go to test1") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self){ route in NavigationModelBuilder.findFinalDestination(route:route) } } } } I don't what causes the issue because it works well on iOS 16 and iOS 17. I think the path is somehow reset but I don't why (maybe by the TabView ?) Note that the bug only occurs with TabView. Don't really know if it is a TabView bug or if it is on my side. I filed a feedback with sample project FB14312064
Xcode not recognizing GoogleMaps theme colors with Swift
I have an Xcode project written in Objc where Xcode recognizes GoogleMaps code (GMS SDK 9) and applies appropriate theme colors. I'm porting the app into Swift and Xcode does not seem recognize GMS code for theme colors. The theme otherwise works and the Swift/GMS code works (ie the app works). I've tried 'Clean All Targets', deleting the DerivedData folder, cleaning the Xcode cache, re-installing the GMS SDK (both CocoaPod & manual methods) etc. When the Swift project is re-opened, Xcode shows the project is being re-indexed. After indexing, the rest of the code is 'colorized' - but not the GMS code. Both StackOverflow & StackExchange rejected this question. And Apple Developer Support has not been able to help (Case ID: 102334926141). Any advice will be greatly appreciated. TIA
Invert VoiceOver swipe direction in a `UICollectionView`
Hello! I am working on an application with a chat feature. The chat is implemented using a UICollectionView. The content in our chat grows from the bottom and upwards, as is standard (like for instance the Messages app), with the most recent item being shown at the bottom. We have implemented this using a "hack", flipping the collection view upside-down by using a transform, and flipping the content views of the cells upside down again. This works nicely; the only remaining problem is ensuring that elements are read in the correct order for users with VoiceOver enabled. Standard behaviour with VoiceOver enabled for collection views is that swiping right moves focus to the next element, while swiping left moves focus to the previous element. Despite the collectionView being inverted (upside-down) swiping right with VoiceOver enabled moves focus to the element above, while swiping left moves focus to the element below. Is there any way to invert this behaviour? I have looked at subclassing the collection view and overriding accessibilityIncrement and accessibilityDecrement, but it did not have any effect. It seems the standard collection view accessibility container implementation does not call these methods.
Issue with UserDefaults Data Loss after App Transfer and TestFlight Installation
Hello, I recently encountered an issue following the transfer of my app between Apple Developer accounts and would appreciate any insights or solutions. Here's a summary of the situation: App Transfer: I transferred an app from one Apple Developer account to another. The app's bundle ID remained unchanged during this process. App Update: After the transfer, I integrated a new feature into the app and pushed the updated version to TestFlight under the new account. Installation Issue: When I installed the TestFlight version of the app from the new account on my device, which already had the app installed from the old account, the app logged out the user. It appears that the UserDefaults data was not retained, resulting in the loss of stored user data. My hypothesis is that the transfer between accounts caused the user defaults to reset, leading to the data loss. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, are there any recommended solutions or best practices to prevent UserDefaults from resetting during such transfers? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
iOS 18 open settings URLs
A lot of apps use undocumented App-prefs URLs to help users get to the iOS Settings screen needed to set up the app. In iOS 18, it seems like these all stopped working. Here are the ones I currently use: App-prefs:MESSAGES - broken in iOS 18 Used for SMS Protection. App-prefs:Phone - broken in iOS 18 Used for Live Voicemail, Silence Unknown Callers, and SMS Reporting. Some but not most paths have specific documented replacements. E.g. for Call Blocking & Identification you can use CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.openSettings() and this still works in iOS 18. But I don't see any other direct replacements. Apple probably doesn't consider this a bug but I filed FB14378568 anyway. I consider this an accessibility issue because many older, inexperienced, or users with disabilities have trouble finding the right Settings screen based on a textual description alone.