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Create app extensions that lets users send text, stickers, media files, and interactive messages using Messages.

Posts under Messages tag

87 Posts
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Message filtering extension appears on one phone but not another
I created a message filter extension, then edited only a few lines from the template source code (for example to return something in the capabilities query). However no matter what I do, I just cannot get the app to appear in the Settings app - when I turn on "Filter Unknown Senders" there's nothing that appears to select my app. I've tried rebuilding, deleting/reinstalling the app, restarting the phone, it just won't appear. But then I switched to another phone, and with this phone, when I turn on "Filter Unknown Senders" my app does appear and can be selected and enabled. But I still cannot get this to happen on the first phone. Why does the exact same app, exact same build of the app to be precise, appear on one phone but not the other? The phone it works on has iOS 17.2.1 and the phone it doesn't work on has iOS 17.1.1
Jan ’24
Unable to find In App Purchase capability in Imessage App
I've apple developer account, i already agreed all agreements, tax, and banking in appstore connect. I'm trying to create an imessage app that support in app purchase, but I'm unable to find the In app purchase in the list of capabilities, in both the main target and MessageExtension target. step to reproduce: new project -> imessage app -> choose MessageExtension target, try to add capability.
Jan ’24
Xcode 15.2 fails to display iMessage Apps
iMessage apps built in Xcode 15.2 fail to display on the simulator or real devices. No views are displayed. Steps to reproduce: Create a brand new iMessage app (New Project -> iMessage App) Run the app on simulator or a real device. You should see “Hello World” as displayed in the MainInterface.storyboard default UI. However nothing appears.
Jan ’24
How do I submit an UPDATE for my Sticker Pack in xCode 15??
I have 5 sticker packs in the App Store. I had an older Mac and it finally was too old for more MacOS updates and therefore too old to update xCode, so I haven't done any updates to my packs or looked at xCode in nearly 3 years. I FINALLY got a new Mac. I've got xCode 15 installed and with latest updates - and it looks so foreign! Things I can't find: Where in xCode can I change the version and build #? This used to be so obvious. I decided to start from scratch with my project. Clicked on new Sticker Pack App. Dragged in my icons and stickers and new updates I've created. When I went to archive, it says it can't because it already exists. Oh boy. In addition to this, I'm also lost on how to put in ALT tags for accessibility. This was also super obvious in the version of xCode I was using 3 years ago - I could click on each sticker and in the right pane I could put in the words for voice over for visually impaired. Now that is gone. One of my reviews thanked me for making my sticker pack accessible. I don't want to lose that ability - but I cannot find out where the heck it's hiding. The OnDemand Resource Tags definitely aren't it - since adding info in one puts the same tags on ALL the stickers.
Jan ’24
Scrolling sticker browser on a Messages App sheet causes sheet to move
As someone who learned Swift via SwiftUI, UIKit is completely alien to me, so I apologize if this is actually a very simple issue. I have a Messages extension that includes a sticker browser within it. In this extension, the MSMessagesAppViewController hosts a SwiftUI View, which in turn hosts a UIViewRepresentable version of MSStickerBrowserView. The whole Messages App sheet moves with an upward drag, and can switch to its expanded mode, whenever the browser is scrolled to the top (first sticker is at top left), but it doesn't budge when the browser is scrolled to the other end when it should allow the sheet to move upward with the drag. It seems something is reversed within the gesture priority management that allows a sheet to be moved in the appropriate direction when a contained scrollview is at the appropriate end. Things I've tried while reaching a diagnosis include: Limiting the presentation style to compact (the modal still moves, but never succeeds in changing) Adding competing highPriorityGestures in the SwiftUI view, set at various locations Inserting a rectangle with allowsHitTesting(false) beneath the browser Changing firstResponder statuses for all relevant views Changing GestureResponder priorities (there are no gesture responders in all views examined) Things I've considered but don't have the technical skills to implement: Have the view scroll a little downwards programmatically (like what can be done via ScrollViewReader in SwiftUI), but I have no idea how this can be done via MSStickerBrowserView or UIKit in general. Maybe the MSStickerBrowserView thinks its always in the expanded state (when the sheet is expanded, the end-drags work fine). If this is the case, if there's a way to either fix this misconception (via controller's didTransition) or do away with end drags in general, the problem should go away. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Jan ’24
Message Filtering Extention Not Working (Site/Fmwk Approval: denied)
Hi, there. I hope I can find a solution here. I'm making a sms filtering app which apple provides us in a template. And I'm going to use a the server for filtering. So, as mentioned in the link, I did all those required, but as I tested the app I found that it was not working and found out that there wasn't any request from the app to the server. So I check the sysdiagnose - swutil_show.txt file, and this is what I got, Service: messagefilter App ID: App Version: 1.0 App PI: <LSPersistentIdentifier 0xd5681a0e0> { v = 0, t = 0x8, u = 0x840, db = 91BDA97A-5780-4A70-B971-BC7C7DAA63B8, {length = 8, bytes = 0x4008000000000000} } Domain: User Approval: unspecified Site/Fmwk Approval: denied Flags: developer Last Checked: 2024-01-06 08:06:47 +0000 Next Check: 2024-01-11 07:41:14 +0000 As you can see, I got denied in Site/Fmwk Approval. I think that means, they got the aasa file right, but the content was inappropriate. That's what I guess right now. This is my aasa file { "messagefilter": { "apps": ["(TEAMID).(APP BUNDLE ID)", "(TEAMID).(EXTENSION BUNDLE ID"] } } I think there is nothing wrong. I tried the search and use GPT but, there is no solution left so I posted here. I also tried "sudo swcutil verify" on terminal and the result was "pattern matched". If you have any tips or insights, please help this poor guy. Thanks.
Jan ’24
Navigating between sticker browsers and messages extensions and the main app
Happy new year! My app has the ability to generate stickers so I'm trying to connect two separate Messages extensions: The sticker browser and the app extension. The former is a repository and the latter is where stickers are made. It would be easy to create these two extensions and have them stand separately, like Apple's Memoji, but I'm trying to find a way to better streamline the user experience, such that they can navigate from the browser to the extension and back seamlessly. As far as I can tell, there's no indication that this is possible, but also nothing to indicate that it isn't. Similarly, are there ways to navigate from the main app to a messages extension, or go the other way? From what I've read, there's no known way to do the former but there was a way to do the latter that no longer works. tl;dr - Is it possible for users to press a button to go from a MSStickerBrowserViewController to a MSMessagesAppViewController (both belonging to the same app group) or back? Or go from the main app to either or back?
Jan ’24
React Native - iOS - open iMessages Share Extension
I am creating an app where i am opening the direct share extension in app for different apps like instagram, snapchat and whatsapp. It is working fine i know there share extension bundle id and it open perfectly. I also need to open the iMessages share extension in app i have found the bundle id of iMessage share extension it is but when i try to open it got error extension not found. Any one have any idea how i can find the right bundle if for iMessage share extension ? I am using an iOS SPM package LNExtensionExecutor and create a bridge between React Native and this native package.
Jan ’24
Confusion between whether to use iOS message APIs, messages for business APIs, or APIs from 3rd party like Telnyx/Twilio/LoopMessage etc
I am trying to build a project. The service it provides is that it allows businesses to create configurable messages to send to users over iMessages, and receive their response and businesses can also set what response to send to each type of user response, receive payments and so on. It basically removes the headache of coding an automated chat based service for businesses by giving them a configurable platform where they can create such a service using simple UI.I'm not sure which APIs (iMessages APIs, Messages for Business APIs, or 3rd Party APIs) I have to use for my case. Now I looked up how something like this is possible. One thing I found was apple message for businesses APIs, as per my understanding of it, businesses can communicate using MSPs. But what I don't get is, are the businesses creating their own automated chat experience and MSP is just something that provides IT support as a security? Something like [Ntiva] has me guessing that line of thinking, but the documentation says MSP is supposed to provide messaging APIs, I don't see that on Ntiva. So if the MSP is supposed to provide APIs, then would my project be an MSP? I also checked out apple's iMessages APIs to send iMesssages, but as per my understanding, it can only be used if an extension is created by the developer and then downloaded by the user to add the specific chat automation, that is obviously not how businesses do it. Then I also found these 3rd party APIs that can send blue iMessages, like [loop message], [send blue] or [Telnyx]. So is my understanding that my project architecture should be an application that takes configuration from businesses, generates the respective messsage and then use Telnyx APIs to send those messages, receive their responses, make a response to it and use Telnyx APIs again and so on, correct? If so, what is the whole deal with messages for business thing? Is using third party APIs like loop message or telnyx a way to bypass those MSPs and stuff, or are these 3rd party party APIs taking care of the whole message for business and MSP stuff on their end and just provide us with the end APIs? I would really love to understand how this works, thank you so much
Dec ’23
MFMessageComposeViewController not generating link preview if message body is not edited
I am using MFMessageComposeViewController with pre-filled recipients and message. This message ends with a unique URL, e.g.: I made a card for you! The user can edit this message, of course, but if the message is not modified then the link preview is not generated. (Subsequent messages with the same link are generated.) When sending same message (each time with a new unique url) in iMessage the link previews are generated properly. This appears to be an edge case when pre-populating the message body. Because the body is never edited in the MFMessageComposeViewController itself, it never generates the link preview before sending.
Dec ’23
MFMessageComposeViewController cannot send special characters via iOS 17
I have a text in the application that comes with special characters (the text is written in French) that I want to send using MFMessageComposeViewController. I define the text in the body field: messageComposeVC.body = body and call to present the message compose like that : UIApplication.topViewController()?.present(messageComposeVC, animated: true, completion: nil) The message/imessage open and display the preview with the text i defined. But, since the upgrade of the iPhone to ios 17 it stopped working, when i send the message the message was not send and I received a message that the message failed. I also tested on ios 16 - it works great. Any idea how i can fix it?
Dec ’23
OpenGraph iMessage Recommended Image Dimensions Change (iOS 16 & 17)
Has anyone else noticed that as of iOS 16, the prevailing image size minimum recommendation of 1200 x 628 (1.91:1) no longer outputs an image in iMessage? Since iOS 16, we've found we need to at least double that to 2400 x 1256 for an image to display correctly horizontally. As of iOS 17, this appears to still be the case, however, we are seeing it cropped to more of a square preview. Is this expected, or could this be indicative of something wrong with the Open Graph properties in place?
Nov ’23
messages-auth:// schema is not working
We are following the step listed in the documentation below to redirect the authentication request to messages-auth://?status=success However on both iOS and macOS (latest versions) messages-auth:// is not a recognised endpoint to open the messages app again. For example messages:// is working to open the messages app.
Nov ’23
[iOS 17.1.1 issue] MSMessageLiveLayout not rendering after MSMessagesAppViewController.willBecomeActive in iOS 17.1.1
Hello dear community, I have an iMessage extension running perfectly on iOS 16.4, but on 17.0.1 and 17.1.1 it's having real issues. Messaging in iMessage on the iOS 17.0.1 simulator isn't working at all. MSMessageLiveLayout works perfectly on iOS 16.4, but on iOS 17.1.1 (physical iPhone 15, 14, 13, 12, SE 2020) the MSMessagesAppViewController won't render after didStartSending and subsequent willBecomeActive. The iPhones will just show "Loading...". I debugged through it, couldn't find any issues and works perfectly fine on iOS 16.4 both in the simulator and on a physical device. I'm debugging through the physical devices with XCode, but couldn't find any root cause on why. Has anyone experienced similar issues with MSMessagesAppViewController in iOS 17.1.1? Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks, Jan
Nov ’23
iMessage syncing paused on MacOS
I have multiple Apple devices: an iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPad mini, iPad Pro, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro all of which are running iOS 17 public beta software 3 for iOS/iPad OS, and the Macs too are running public beta software 3 of macOS Sonoma. For some reason, all of my devices but 1 (the MacBook Pro) isn't syncing my messages. I've tried signing out of iMessages of my MBP. I then tried to disable iMessage syncing just on my MBP, which didn't work, and I was brave enough to just disable the syncing on ALL my devices, for the sake of losing them, and yet it still says "syncing paused." I don't know if I have to sign out of my AppleID all together on my MBP? That's my last resort. I don't know what else to do. At first I thought maybe it's because I'm running beta software, but why is my MacBook Air fine?
Nov ’23
Trigger push messages
Hey everyone, I'm currently programming a chat app with SwiftUI, Firestore & optionally OneSignal. But I'm currently having the problem that I don't receive push notifications when I'm not in the app. External push messages that are triggered, for example, via the OneSignal website are also displayed in the backround. I just can't get it triggered in the app, does anyone have a code or a suggestion for me? Best regards Max
Nov ’23
iMessages syncing paused
iPhone 15 Pro Max. On iOS Beta 17.2. After i updated to this version, iMessages has a message at the bottom saying Syncing paused. I turned on and off iMessage syncing, rebooted the phone, turned on and off wifi and I have plenty of storage on my iCloud. Used 30 gig out of 200 gig of storage. I can't get the message to go away. Attached is a screenshot of the message. Thank you for any help!
Nov ’23
Sending MSMessage in iOS 17 Simulator Fails
Using iOS 17 I notice when I compose an MSMessage and insert it into the active conversation and send it in the simulator the message does not appear in the the message thread. The didStartSending(_ message: MSMessage, conversation: MSConversation) function is called when the message is sent, but there are no errors. I'm expecting there is an error with iOS 17 Simulator and sending messages. Also, being able to debug sending a message and going to the receiver to open the message still crashes. I hope this gets solved as well as it makes it very hard to test iMessage apps.
Nov ’23