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Help users quickly accomplish tasks related to your app with their voice or with a tap with the Shortcuts API.

Posts under Shortcuts tag

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App Intents "Text" parameters seem broken in iOS 17.6 beta
I'm getting widespread reports from users trialling iOS 17.6 public beta that Siri Shortcuts are failing whenever they enter any text that looks like a URL. It's getting reported to me because my app happens to have an app intent with a string parameter which can contain a URL in some circumstances. However it's easily reproducible outside of my app: just create a 2 line shortcut like the one below. If you change "This is some text" to "" the shortcut below will fail: In iOS 17.5 entering "" works fine. I've raised feedback on this (FB14206088) but can anyone confirm that this is indeed a bug and not some weird new feature of Shortcuts where the contents of a variable can somehow change the type of a variable? It would be very, very bad if this were so.
iOS Shortcuts Error Codes/Status
I’ve two automations set. Send a notification when battery rises above 80% Set Always ON display off on apple watch (via Shortcuts Automation, everyday at 12 a) For these aforementioned shortcuts I get the following errors frequently, on my Lock Screen, Wha is INCExtensionErrorDomain error 1307 and Remote execution timed out error? And how can these errors be mitigated?
Siri only uses first App Shortcut defined
Using App Shortcuts with app intents, Siri only responds to the first shortcut defined in the app shortcut below. struct MementoShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { u/AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: SaveLinkIntent(), phrases: ["Add a link to \(.applicationName)", "Add \(\.$url) to \(.applicationName)", "Make a new link in \(.applicationName)", "Create a new link in \(.applicationName) from \(\.$url)"], shortTitle: "Add Link", systemImageName: "" ) AppShortcut( intent: LinkViewedIntent(), phrases: [ "Mark a link I saved in \(.applicationName) as viewed", "Mark \(\.$link) as viewed in \(.applicationName)", "Set link in \(.applicationName) to viewed", "Change status of \(\.$link) to viewed in \(.applicationName)", ], shortTitle: "Mark Link as Viewed", systemImageName: "book" ) } } I have tried switching the order and she always uses the one that comes first. Both show up in the shortcuts app as an app shortcut, but only one shortcut is recognized by Siri even if I say the other one's phrase.
"Microphone Recording Fails When Launching App from Shortcut (Error Code 561015905)"
I'm experiencing an issue with microphone recording in my app when launched from a Shortcut. The app works correctly when launched directly, but launching it through the Shortcut results in the "Session activation failed" error (code 561015905). Here's what I've done so far: My app has microphone permission granted. The startRecording function sets the audio session category to .playAndRecord. I've implemented error handling within startRecording to catch the error code. The Shortcut workflow includes an action to launch the app (no explicit microphone permission request within the Shortcut). xcode version - 15.2 iphone ios version - 17.4.1
Shortcuts App Intent Only for Active Subscribers
I have a Shortcuts action via an App Intent that I want only for active subscribers to use. I have a shared class that handles all the subcription related things. But for some reason my code only works if the app is active in the background. Once the app is quitted and the user performs the Shortcut, the not subscribed error is thrown – even though the user is subscribed. How can I ensure that my subscription check is done correctly, if the app isn’t open in the background? My Code App Intent excerpt: @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<MeterIntentEntity> { // Validate that the user is subscribed. // Cancels action with error message if not subscribed. if SubscriptionManager.shared.userIsSubscribed == false { throw IntentError.notSubscribed } // More Code … // Finish and pass created value as result. return .result(value: something) } Subscription Manager excerpt: class SubscriptionManager: ObservableObject { // A singleton for our entire app to use static let shared = SubscriptionManager() let productIds = ["my_sub1", "my_sub2"] @Published private(set) var availableSubscriptions: [Product] @Published private(set) var purchasedSubscriptions: [Product] = [] public var userIsSubscribed: Bool { return !self.purchasedSubscriptions.isEmpty } init() { // Initialize empty products, and then do a product request asynchronously to fill them in. availableSubscriptions = [] Task { await updatePurchasedProducts() } } @MainActor func updatePurchasedProducts() async { for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements { do { let transaction = try checkVerified(result) if let subscription = availableSubscriptions.first(where: { $ == transaction.productID }) { purchasedSubscriptions.append(subscription) } } catch { Logger.subscription.error("Error loading users user's purchased products.") } } }
How can I set app shortcut platter background colour on visionOS?
This is a follow up to my previous post, this time using the visionOS 1.2 simulator and Xcode 15.4. I am trying to set the background colour of my app shortcut platter for the visionOS version using NSAppIconComplementingColorNames but it doesn’t take effect when I check the shortcuts app. I see the built in Music Recognition app has a background colour but I am unable to set one for my app. Please note that this feature is working correctly on iOS. But on visionOS it has no effect and returns a plain background. I noticed the documentation doesn't mention it works on visionOS. But if that's the case how was the music recognition app able to set a colour?
May ’24
iOS Automation could not run because an internal error occurred
I am developing a shortcut for an application that is currently in production. The shortcut essentially involves opening the application and launching a notification so that the AppDelegate initiates a process to scan NFC tags. To achieve this, I have an AppIntent that overrides the variable openAppWhenRun = true and an AppShortcutsProvider to implement this intent. The problem arises when a user updates to the latest version of the application and tries to implement this shortcut through an automation. The following error appears: "When 'Reader' is detected" encountered an error: The action 'Scan DMA tags' could not run because an internal error occurred. This does not always happen, only on some devices. However, if we uninstall and reinstall the application, it works perfectly. But this is not a viable solution since the application uses a database and data loss from frequent uninstallations is not acceptable. Any solution? I have tried to replicate the error but have been unable to do so. This issue has occurred on both iOS 16 and iOS 17.
May ’24
Test Finder right-click feature in a desktop app using Swift
I'd like to know how to test behavior in Swift on Desktop that needs to interact with external elements, in my case the Finder. My goal is simple: add an option in the right-click menu of the Finder that will open my application with the selected entry or entries (file or folder) from the Finder. I have thus set the elements NSMenuItem, NSMessage, NSPortName, NSRequiredContext (NSApplicationIdentifier: etc. I also created a class FinderService with a function performService having this declaration: func performService(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, userData: String, error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer&lt;NSString&gt;) { NSLog("performService called!") } And I instantiated my class like this: NSApplication.shared.servicesProvider = FinderService(). However, when I build and launch the application nothing happens, well my application runs fine and the instantiation of the class seems to be correctly called. But when I open my Finder, my action is not displayed in the right-click context menu. And in the logs of my application, no error appears. How can I test this?
May ’24
Apple Shortcuts API URL Dynamic Reaction
I have recently started using apple shortcuts to connect to a server to control a remote device. This remote device replies using JSON and depending on the request, it replies with a different status message. I would like to be able to read the reply in the shortcut and change the icon and/or the colour of the shortcut on the home screen depending on the reply. This could be used for locking a door where the reply indicates if the door is locked/unlocked by way of a closed/open padlock or by changing the background colour of the shortcut.
May ’24
Shortcut doesn't open deep link to the app it belongs to, but widget does
I've created widget that opens app on specific view: .widgetUrl(URL(string: "myapp://Dashboard/SpecialView")) It works alright so i know deep links are working. So after that i created Shortcuts.swift file in my main app and added this: import AppIntents import UIKit @available(iOS 16, *) struct StartRecordingIntent : AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Special" func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { let url = URL(string: "myapp://Dashboard/SpecialView") DispatchQueue.main.async {!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil) } return .result() } } This intent created shortcut "Special" in shortcut list, and when run, should open exactly the same view as the widget. But all im getting is error: Failed to open URL myapp://Dashboard/SpecialView: Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "The request to open "com.myapp" failed." UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000dd7960 {Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain Code=3 "Application com.myapp is neither visible nor entitled, so may not perform un-trusted user actions." I don't understand what i'm doing wrong and why can't i open app from shortcut exactly like widget does
May ’24
Appintent and swiftdata
Hi, I'm new to Swift development and encountering an issue that I believe may be due to an error on my part. I have two questions regarding the following code: import AppIntents import SwiftUI import SwiftData @available(iOS 17.0, *) struct CopiarEventoIntent: AppIntent { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var context @Parameter(title: "Nome do Evento") var name: String @Parameter(title: "Data Inicial") var datai: Date @Parameter(title: "Data Final") var dataf: Date @Parameter(title: "Tipo de Evento") var tipo: String @Parameter(title: "Endereço") var endereco: String @Parameter(title: "Lembrete") var reminder: Bool static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Adicionar Eventos" static var description = IntentDescription("Copiar Eventos e alterar datas", resultValueName: "Resultado") @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog { let calData = CalData(title: name, datei: datai, datef: dataf, tipo: tipo, endereco: endereco,reminder: reminder) context.insert(calData) return .result(dialog: "Evento copiado com sucesso!") } } @available(iOS 15.0, *) struct AppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: CopiarEventoIntent(), phrases: [ "Copiar Evento" ], shortTitle: "Copiar Evento", systemImageName: "square.and.arrow.down" ) } } @available(iOS 15.0, *) struct ShortcutSelectionView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var context @Query(sort: \CalData.title) private var caldatas: [CalData] @State private var selectedEvent: CalData? var body: some View { List(caldatas, id: \.self) { eventData in Button(action: { selectedEvent = eventData handleEventSelection() }) { Text(eventData.title) } } } private func handleEventSelection() { guard selectedEvent != nil else { return } } } When I run the shortcut, gives me the following error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Cannot insert 'CalData' in this managed object context because it is not found in the associated managed object model. I attempted to save this using SwiftData with the following model: import SwiftData @Model class CalData { var title : String var datei : Date var datef : Date var tipo : String var endereco : String @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var caldataval = [CalDataVal]() var reminder: Bool = false init(title:String, datei:Date, datef:Date, tipo:String, endereco:String, reminder:Bool){ self.title = title self.datei = datei self.datef = datef self.tipo = tipo self.endereco = endereco self.reminder = reminder } } As for the second question, how can I add a parameter that can have multiple values to save them to EventDataVal, resembling a one-to-many relationship: import SwiftData @Model class CalDataVal { var name : String var value : Double init(name:String, value:Double){ = name self.value = value } } Thanks in advanced
Apr ’24
Seeking assistance with shortcut "Run Shell Script"
Hello IOS Dev Community, I'm very new to Apple shortcuts and am on a journey to build up a series of shortcuts to make my life easier on Mac. I have Google Drive linked to Finder, then I made a program like the one below which allows me to select a destination folder in the said Drive folder and move the most recent downloaded file over. I usually start the program by typing in the spotlight search bar, but it would show this error: "ls: .: Operation not permitted" but, when I actually open the Shortcuts app and click run, it works perfectly fine, what could be the reason behind this? Thank you guys
Apr ’24