Tap to Pay on iPhone

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Accept contactless payments right on iPhone in your payment apps without any extra terminals or hardware.

Posts under Tap to Pay on iPhone tag

39 Posts
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Provision profile doesn't include com.apple.developer.proximity-reader.payment.acceptance entitlement
Hi, I'm trying to integrate with Tap to Pay feature under Stripe. For this reason i need to add com.apple.developer.proximity-reader.payment.acceptance entitlement to my Identifier. I can see it under Provisioning Profile -> Enabled Capabilities. But after downloading this profile in Xcode I don't see this entitlement. What could be the reason for this discrapency?
Nov ’23
Your payments from Apple are on hold.
Hey everybody, today I received an email (seemingly automated) stating that my payment is on hold due to irregular activity. However, I haven't violated any rules, and I've seen that many other people have received the same message. As soon as I saw the email, I contacted support via phone, and the representative who assisted me confirmed that my account status is correct and in good standing. She requested that I forward the email to her for further investigation. Email received: "We noticed some irregular activity associated with your vendor number XXXXXXXX and have paused your earnings payments while we investigate. Once our review is complete, we'll determine if we can resume your payments." Questions: Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, what was the process to resolve it? How long does it typically take to have the payments resumed? Wishing you all a great day, Thank you.
Aug ’23
sorta Multi-merchant Apple Pay transactions with multiTokenContexts
Hello, all. Development environment: xcode14.3 + iOS16.4 + iphone12 mini When I use multiTokenContexts to complete the multi-merchant payment function, it prompts "Try Different Payment Method". But if I just perform the payment function of a single order, the payment process can be completed normally. So I would like to ask, is there any limitation to use multiTokenContexts? Thank you, looking forward to your reply.
Aug ’23
Access to third party payment for in-app purchase
We're going to add subscription module to our app, which is already published and used for free. The problem is: nearly all of our users don't have Visa Cards, Apple cards (or any other ways that Apple require for in app purchase). Our users will use local cards to payments (for subscription as well). Is there any way to have subcription module in app which supports paying with local cards? as far as i know Apple doesn't allow to add 3rd party payments, we're having trouble to find solution. Thank you for your reply!
Sep ’23
Tap to Pay
Hi I am trying to enable Tap to Pay for our App in the UK, it has been announced that it is released now. I have requested the Capabilities are available to us as I have filled in the form. Our PSP - Stripe - has allowed us to do this but nothing is moving forward. Can anyone tell me the process?
Sep ’23
Can I use stripe if apple IAP doesn't support my business rule?
We are currently working on a APP where every user can create multiple institutions and every institution has a monthly or yearly price, but this mean that every user can have multiple subscriptions within the same group! We didn't find a way to do it using renewable IAP subscriptions, in this case, does Apple allow us to use third parties as Stripe?
Sep ’23
Integrating TAP TO PAY shows error while uploading the app to app store.
I have created a mechanism for TAP TO PAY in my app and it seems to be working fine while testing locally. I have added the additional capabilities in appstoreconnect for the app as development profile. However, when I try to submit the app to the appstore for testflight I am getting an error which seems to be beacause of the development profile for TAP TO PAY CAPABILITY. I am not sure how to convert the capability to distribution and need help.
Oct ’23
Data transfer using NFC
I am trying to transfer data from one device to another using NFC. I'm trying to figure out if this is possible, I downloaded apple's sample project about CoreNFC, I was able to read NFC Tags (it wasn't a real NFC Tag, rather it was an NFC Tag emulated with an android device). Can I use my iPhone to emulate an NFC Tag to transfer data to another iPhone or Android device?
Nov ’23
Payment error:
We are integration with apple pay using amazon_flutter package, and we are receiving the following error: [General] Failed to present in-app payment interface: Error Domain=PKPassKitErrorDomain Code=4 “No entitlement for merchant identifier: XXXXXX” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No entitlement for merchant identifier: XXXXXX} 2023-11-05 08:27:32.081341+0800 Runner[53987:3815356] [General] Connection to remote alert view service failed Note: XXXXXX is our actual merchant identifier by Amazon payment service for the test environment.
Nov ’23
ProximityReader PaymentCardRaeder.Token help
Use case:  Use Apple Tap to Pay API to capture the card details and send the captured encrypted card details to end PSP by using our backend. We are following Apple document here https://developer.apple.com/documentation/proximityreader/paymentcardreader/token, its mention here that your payment service provider supplies the string you use to create this token. Below is screenshot for your reference:      Please guide us how we are going to get above mentioned string to create the Token. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance
Nov ’23