




Apple ID username or password is "incorrect" while trying to install OS X 10.11
After trying to install OS X El Capitan onto my hard drive, I've come across a problem. When it asks me to sign into my Apple ID I do with the correct information. It then says that my username or password is incorrect. I know this is not the case because I have reset my password and tested it by signing into the App Store on my phone. Anyone else have this problem? Any fixes? Thanks.
Jun ’15
CNContact identifiers
Hi,I saw the WWDC talk on the new Contacts framework, and I had a couple of questions about the identifier property:When users upgrade from iOS8 to iOS9, will their old AddressBook recordIDs still work if we are using the AddressBook framework in the app (i.e. haven't upgraded to using Contacts framework)?Are the new CNContact identifiers consistent across iOS and Mac devices? i.e. if we have the identifier on one device, we can lookup the contact on another device with the same identifier?Can these identifiers change in the lifetime of that contact? This was a problem with AddressBook recordIDs ... if you removed the account and then synced it back again, all the contacts would get a different identifier. Same with restoring the device. Will the CNGroup and CNContainer identifiers also be consistent across devices?Hope someone in the Apple Contacts frameworks team can answer. Thanks.
Jun ’15
Anyone else finding Beta 2 really sluggish?
Hey all,Thought I would pose a question/debate opener,Has anyone found beta 2 of 10.11 really sluggishly slow in comparision to beta 1, I found on my mid-2010 15" (8GB Ram) even the most simple of tasks it finds reason to truggle and beachball me.Even for dev work on it, it struggles so think might be a wipe & time machine back to 10.10.4 as at least that was workable for devving in comparision to this.Was just thinking whats everyone else think??
Jun ’15
Safari is taking too much memory
Hello Guys;I'm trying to use the new geat features with Safari with El Capitan in my Macbook Retina 12", 1.3Ghz. Everything starts fine, but there must be a memory leak somewhere. Just after a few minutes, even with no activity in the browser I can see the safari's memory usage grows to 4 then 5 then 6Gb of RAM.Do you have the same behaviour?Thanks;
Jul ’15
Notes: New Note disabled
Hello,I have Notes 4.0 (512) running on OS X 10.11 (15A226f). I cannot create a new note. Using the shortcut cmd+N. And the menu item File > New Note is disabled (grayed). I can only create folders.All my notes are stored on iCloud. I have space available on my iCloud storage plan. Notes sync with iCloud is activated. I restarted my Mac; it did not help.Did anyone encouter that? Is this a feature or a bug? I Google for this and found nothing. I can't remember if it happened right after updating to 15A226f or a while after.Also to note, I had an issue with no free storage available on iCloud. I fixed it by deleting an iOS backup to reclaim 4GB.Thank you!
Jul ’15
Smart mailbox problem - added mailboxes disappear and deleted mailboxes reappear after quitting
I've been using 10.11 beta (15A225f) on a late 2011 MacBook Pro. One issue I've run into is that although I can create and delete smart mailboxes, the changes don't stick if I quit and restart I've tried a number of things -- most recently deletingBackupTOC.plistDefaultCountsEnvelope%20IndexEnvelope%20Index-shmEnvelope%20Index-walExternalUpdates.storedataExternalUpdates.storedata-shmExternalUpdates.storedata-walLSMMap2SmartMailboxesLocalProperties.plistfrom ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData and letting rebuild everything, but the problem persists. I can see entires being created in SmartMailboxesLocalProperties.plist when I add something, but that file gets reset when is restarted. Any ideas?Thanks!!
Jul ’15
iCloud container Mac App Question About Moving Files: Is a File Coordinator Necessary?
In NSFileManager there is this method to move files to and from iCloud:- (BOOL)setUbiquitous:(BOOL)flag itemAtURL:(NSURL *)url destinationURL:(NSURL *)destinationURL error:(NSError **)errorOutAll the samples and information I'm able to find seem to be related to using NSDocument, which my app isn't using. I have a little view in my app that allows users to move an image out from the iCloud container and into a local directory. It seems that simply using NSFileManager moveItemAtURL:toURL:error: works fine both to move a file in and out of the iCloud container on OS X without wrapping everything in a file coordinator block. Is it still necessary to use a file coordinator to move files out of iCloud on the Mac. When I put a file in the iCloud container, the system automatically starts uploading it..even though I'm not using a file coordinator...and my related file presenter still is detecting a change.Both methods seem to be working the same, I'm just wondering if I should be using a coordinator because it's a good amount of code I can get rid of if it's not necessary.Thanks.
Aug ’15
CNContactViewController highlightPropertyWithKey produces blank VC
Has anyone tried to display a contact with the CNContactViewController making one of the email addresses highlighted? I tried it, but if I use the highlightPropertyWithKey method, the resulting controller is blank and the following message is logged:[CNUI ERROR] error calling service - Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.I also tried using the deprecated API (ABPersonViewController), and the result is exactly the same. It works fine on iOS8 though.Here's a sample code: func openAppleSeed(highlight:Bool) { let store = CNContactStore() let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [CNContactEmailAddressesKey]); do { try store.enumerateContactsWithFetchRequest(request, usingBlock: { (contact:CNContact, stop:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in for address in contact.emailAddresses { if address.value as! String == "" { do { let fullContact = try store.unifiedContactWithIdentifier(contact.identifier, keysToFetch: [CNContactViewController.descriptorForRequiredKeys()]) let vc = CNContactViewController(forContact: fullContact) vc.contactStore = store if highlight { vc.highlightPropertyWithKey(CNContactEmailAddressesKey, identifier: address.identifier) } self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) return } catch { print("CATCHING (B)") } return; } } }) } catch { print("CATCHING (A)") } }Calling this function openAppleseed(highlight:false) works fine, but openAppleseed(highlight:true) generates the blank view controller and the log message mentioned aboved.I tested it with the latest beta (5), and both simulator and device. Same result. I am submitting a bug report now, but I was curious if anyone had the same issue. Any workarounds?Cheers.
Aug ’15
Moving to Fewer, Larger Transfers
Note Much of this content has been rolled into URL Loading System documentation, but I’m leaving this doc here for my own reference. URLSession background sessions are optimised for transferring a small number of large resources. Moreover, it’s best if the transfer is resumable. This design makes the best use of client device resources and the available network bandwidth. If your app runs a lot of tasks in a background session, you should rethink its design. Below you’ll find a number of options you might consider. Most of these options require server-side support. If your server does not have this support, and you can’t add it — perhaps you’re writing a client app for a server you don’t control — you won’t be able to implement these options directly. In that case consider creating your own server that sits between your app and the final server and implements the necessary smarts required to optimise your app’s network usage. If that’s not possible, a final option is to not use a background session but instead take advantage of the BackgroundTasks framework. See BackgroundTasks Framework, below. Basics The basic strategy here is to have the sender (the server for a download, your app for an upload) pack the data into some sort of archive, transfer that archive over the network, and then have the receiver unpack it. There are, however, a number of complications, as described in the subsequent sections. Archive Format The obvious choices for the archive format are zip and tar. macOS has lots of options for handling these formats but none of that support is present on iOS (r. 22151959). OTOH, it’s easy to find third-party libraries to fill in this gap. Incremental Transfers It’s common to have a corpus of data at one end of the connection that you need to replicate at the other. If the data is large, you don’t want to transfer the whole thing every time there’s an update. Consider using the following strategies to deal with this: Catalogue diff — In this approach the receiver first downloads a catalogue from the sender, then diffs its current state against that catalogue, then requests all the things that are missing. Alternatively, the receiver passes a catalogue of what it has to the sender, at which point the sender does the diff and returns the things that are missing. The critical part is that, once the diff has been done, all of the missing resources are transferred in a single archive. The biggest drawback here is resume. If the sender is working with lots of different receivers, each of which has their own unique needs, the sender must keep a lot of unique archives around so it can resume a failed transfer. This can be a serious headache. Versions — In this approach you manage changes to the data as separate versions. The receiver passes the version number it has to the sender, at which point the sender knows exactly what data the receiver needs. This approach requires a bit more structure but it does avoid the above-mentioned problem with resume. The sender only needs to maintain a limited number of version diffs. In fact, you can balance the number of diffs against your desire to reduce network usage: Maintaining a lot of diffs means that you only have to transfer exactly what the receiver needs, while maintaining fewer diffs makes for a simpler server at the cost of a less efficient use of the network. Download versus Upload The discussion so far has applied equally to both downloads and uploads. Historically, however, there was one key difference: URLSession did not support resumable uploads. IMPORTANT Starting with iOS 17, URLSession supports resumable uploads. See WWDC 2023 Session 10006 Build robust and resumable file transfers for the details. The rest of this section assumes that you don’t have access to that support, either because you’re working on an older system or because the server you’re uploading to doesn’t support this feature. When doing a non-resumable upload you have to balance the number of tasks you submit to the session against the negative effects of a transfer failing. For example, if you do a single large upload then it’s annoying if the transfer fails when it’s 99% complete. On the other hand, if you do lots of tiny uploads, you’re working against the URLSession background session design. It is possible to support resumable uploads with sufficient server-side support. For example, you could implement an algorithm like this: Run an initial request to allocate an upload ID. Start the upload with that upload ID. If it completes successfully, you’re done. If it fails, make a request with the upload ID to find out how much the server received. Start a new upload for the remaining data. Indeed, this is kinda how the built-in resumable upload support works. If you’re going to implement something like this, it’s best to implement that protocol. (r. 22323347) BackgroundTasks Framework If you’re unable to use an URLSession background session effectively, you do have an alternative, namely, combining a standard session with the BackgroundTasks framework, and specifically the BGProcessingTaskRequest. This allows you to request extended processing time from the system. Once you’ve been granted that time, use it to run your many small network requests in a standard session. The main drawback to this approach is latency: The system may not grant your request for many hours. Indeed, it’s common for these requests to run overnight, once the user has connected their device to a power source. Background Assets Framework If you’re using URLSession to download assets for your app or game, check out the Background Assets framework. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2023-09-27 Added information about the new resumable upload support. Added the Background Assets Framework section. Made significant editorial changes. 2022-01-31 Fixed the formatting and tags. Added a link to the official docs. 2018-03-24 Added the BackgroundTasks Framework section. Other editorial changes. 2015-08-18 First written.
Aug ’15
Testing Background Session Code
Debugging code that runs in the background on iOS is tricky because the act of running your app in the debugger affects how it behaves. This is especially true with URLSession background session code. I regularly see folks confused about how to test and debug such code, and this is my attempt to help with that. If you have questions or comments about this, start a new thread and tag it with Foundation and CFNetwork so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Testing Background Session Code Testing an app that uses a URLSession background session is tricky because of the differences between the test environment and the production environment. This post explains those differences and describes how you can effectively test your background session code. Confusing Behaviours When testing background session code you might encounter four common sources of confusion: When you run your app from Xcode, Xcode installs the app in a new container, meaning that the path to your app changes. Background sessions should deal with this path change correctly, but there have been times in the past where that’s not been the case. Note If you encounter a problem with a background session mishandling a container path change, please report that as a bug. Xcode’s debugger prevents the system from suspending your app. If you run your app from Xcode, or you attach to the process after launch, and then move your app into the background, your app will continue executing in situations where the system would otherwise have suspended it. Simulator may not accurately simulate app suspend and resume. Note This is supposed to work but there have been problems with it in the past (r. 16532261). If you see this problem on modern versions of Xcode, please report it as a bug. When you remove an app from the multitasking UI (aka force quit it), the system interprets that as a strong indication that the app should do no more work in the background, and that includes URLSession background tasks. Testing Recommendations Given the above, my recommendation is that you test your app as follows: Test on a real device, not in Simulator. Run your app from the Home screen rather than running it from Xcode. Don’t use force quit to test the ‘relaunch in the background case’. Doing this avoids all of the issues described above, resulting in a run-time environment that’s much closer to what your users will see. Debugging Background Session Code If you encounter problems that you need to debug, you have two options. The first is to use logging. Your app needs good logging support anyway; without that, it’ll be impossible to debug problems that only show up in the field. Once you’ve taken the time to create this logging, use it to debug problems during development. I recommend that you log to the system log. For more on that, see Your Friend the System Log. If you have a specific problem that you must investigate with the debugger, run your app from the Home screen and then attach to the running process by choosing Debug > Attach to Process in Xcode. Alternatively, use “Wait for executable to be launched” in the Info tab of the Xcode’s scheme editor. IMPORTANT As mentioned above, the debugger prevents your app from suspending. If that’s a problem, you can always detach and then reattach later on. About Force Quit The behaviour of background sessions after a force quit has changed over time: In iOS 7 the background session and all its tasks just ‘disappear’. In iOS 8 and later the background session persists but all of the tasks are cancelled. Note You can use the NSURLErrorBackgroundTaskCancelledReasonKey property of the error to find out why a task was cancelled. Test that your app handles the force quit behaviour of the platforms you support. However, don’t use force quit to test how your app deals with the ‘relaunch in the background case’. The best way to test the ‘relaunch in the background case’ is to have your app terminate itself by calling exit. The system does not interpret this as a force quit, and thus will relaunch your app in the background when your background session needs attention. There two ways to go about this: Simply add a Quit button that calls exit. Add some setting that causes your app to call exit shortly after moving to the background. You’ll need to use a UIApplication background task to prevent your app from being suspended before it gets a chance to quit. IMPORTANT The suggestions above are for testing only. Do not include a Quit button in your final app! This is specifically proscribed by QA1561. Starting From Scratch While bringing up a feature that uses background sessions, it’s often useful to start from a clean slate on launch; this prevents tasks from a previous debugging session confusing the current debugging session. You have a number of options here: If you’re testing in Simulator, Device > Erase All Content and Settings is an excellent way to wipe the slate completely clean. On both Simulator and a real device, you can delete your app. This removes the app, everything in the app’s container, and everything created by the app, including any background sessions. You can also take advantage of the invalidateAndCancel() method, which will cancel any running tasks and then invalidate the session. There are a few ways to use invalidateAndCancel(): During active development it might make sense for your app to call this on launch, guaranteeing that you start with a clean slate every time. Alternatively, you could keep track of your app’s install path and call it on launch if the install path has changed. You might add a ‘hidden’ UI that invalidates the session. This is helpful when you encounter a problem and want to know whether it’s caused by some problem with the background session’s persistent state. Revision History 2023-07-12 Fixed the formatting. Made significant editorial changes. 2018-05-03 Added a discussion of force quit. Also made major editorial changes, restructuring the document to be easy to read. 2015-08-18 First posted. (r. 22323379)
Aug ’15
C compiler lies about c11 support
The C compiler accepts the option '-std=c11' and responds by defining the define token '__STDC_VERSION__' = 201112 which thereby claims C11 support. Additionally, it DOES NOT define '__STDC_NO_THREADS__' and therefore the include headers <threads.h> and <stdatomic.h> should exist but they dont. The compiler is promising C11 threads, condition variables, ... support but does NOT provide it. This is NOT a link time problem, it is a compile time issue.
Aug ’15
Where is service-target documented for launchctl?
I'm struggling to understand how to use launchctl enable/disable instead of launchctl load/unload on 10.11 15A279bThe specific issue is I want to disable mongodb so it no longer starts at boot:manoa:~ mike$ ps -ef|grep [m]ongo manoa:~ mike$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist manoa:~ mike$ ps -ef|grep [m]ongo 501 1722 1 0 9:12AM ?? 0:00.09 /usr/local/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf manoa:~ mike$ launchctl disable ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist Usage: launchctl disable <service-target>The man page for launchctl states:launchctl allows for detailed examination of launchd endpoints. A domain manages the execution policy for a collection of services. A service may be thought of as a virtual process that is always available to be spawned in response to demand. Each service has a collection of endpoints, and sending a message to one of those endpoints will cause the service to launch on demand. Domains advertise these endpoints in a shared namespace and may be thought of as synonymous with Mach bootstrap subsets. Many subcommands in launchctl take a specifier which indicates the target domain or service for the subcommand. This specifier may take one of the following forms:I'm lost without some concrete example/tutorial at this point. Which domain is my plist a part of (or can it sit across several?)Is there a WWDC session that covers how to understand what the difference is between:system/[service-name]user/<uid>/[service-name]login/<asid>/[service-name]gui/<uid>/[service-name]session/<asid>/[service-name]pid/<pid>/[service-name]Is <service-target> from the Usage: help one of the above choices or something else?manoa:~ mike$ launchctl list|grep mongo 1722 0 homebrew.mxcl.mongodbWhat is service-name specifically in this case? manoa:~ mike$ launchctl disable pid/1722/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb Could not disable service: 1: Operation not permitted
Sep ’15
Enabling parts of System Integrity Protection while disabling specific parts?
Is there a way to disable certain parts of SIP while enabling parts of it? If so, then how do I do this?I'd like to enable most of SIP (such as filesystem protections), but disable debugging restrictions so that I can attach a debugger to System Preferences to debug a preference pane, something that is normally not allowed. I'm aware of csrutil, but there's no manual for the tool, and the online help doesn't say whether it can do this or not.
Sep ’15
Universal Deep Linking with redirects
I was wondering if it was possible to get Universal Deep Linking working with redirects that open up Safari first. I've successfully gotten deep linking to work when doing a normal link to the site, but when it is behind a link that is created by a marketing company, that link opens up Safari first, then opens the mobile web browser and not the app itself.Is it possible to go from a redirect in Safari to the app?
Nov ’15