




How can I track origin of a sale?
I work with bloggers who write reviews about my app. I would like to track sales that originate on specific sites so I can pay them commissions, like an affiliate program. For example, if a person discovers our app by reading a review, I would like to give the blogger a URL to the App Store a UTM code so that I can track if the article generates sales of my app. if there is a 3rd party affiliate program management platform or software to do this, I might be open to using it. i’ve tried searching the web and other developers about this. It should be simple but it’s elusive if it’s out there at all.
Mar ’24
Original item can't be found in Mac OS Catalina
I installed Mac OS Catalina 10.15 beta.When I go to Finder and tap on folders in the sidebar, an alert window appears saying the folder "can't be opened because the original item can't be found".I have tried the following...- Force Quit and restart Finder.- Dragging and dropping a folder called "Data" to the desktop. It just disappears from Finder without appearing on the desktop.- Rebook Mac in recovery mode > Disk Utility > Mount Disks > First Aid > Restart. When I do this I see two disks that can be mounted.Macintosh HDMacintosh HD - DataI have tried mounting them together and separately without success.Any suggestions to fix this?
Sep ’23
Affiliate Platforms for iOS apps?
I want pay commissions to partners that promote our apps. So if they write a review on their website and a user clicks on the link to the App Store and buys a subscription, I want to know that it originated so I can pay them the commission. Are there any Affiliate Marketing Platforms that support App Store sales? Is this even possible to track the origin of a sale through the App Store? Is there another way to track sales originating from promotion partners?
Aug ’23
Multiple developer accounts
My primary Apple ID is associated with an Apple developer account. I started a new company new partners and I need to create a new developer account for the new legal entity. However, when I try to create a new Apple ID, I am being asked to use it on my Mac, and thereby lose all of the data and services associated with my primary Mac ID. How do I create a new Apple Developer Account, and associated Apple ID, without having to switch to the new Apple ID on my Mac? Thanks geniuses!
May ’23
Can I submit builds with AppTrackingTransparency?
I developed a version of my app to support AppTrackingTransparency alert, as advised by Google, in preparation for iOS 14. It was rejected by App Store Connect saying I had to build it with last production Xcode which is 11.7 Xcode 11.7 doesn't support AppTrackingTransparency API. Does that mean I need to wait for Xcode production version for iOS 14 to submit my update?
Sep ’20
How can I call my app from a iOS context menu?
I am updating my Translator app. I would like to call my app from other applications. For example, if a user is browsing the web and sees a word they don't know, the could highlight the word and select my Translator app from the Safari context menu. I thought I could do this the App Clip API but it doesn't appear to be the case. Is there a way to do this in iOS?
Sep ’20