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Reply to Cannot confirm my trader info - apps removed soon in the EU?
All they ask is trader contact information. And your status is In review, waiting for this information. You must provide trader's address, phone number, and email address that you provide for the purpose of posting on your App Store product page. What have you submitted exactly ? Is it exactly the same than the one you provide on AppStore ? Effectively, without this compliance, Apple will be forced legally (under DMA obligation) to remove your apps in EU.
Reply to Apple Pencil 2nd generation
These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are NOT where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks. If you get no luck there, take it to an Apple Store.
Reply to Can the Open and Save Panel Service be monitored by Endpoint Security
[quote='759745021, Ere0n, /thread/759745, /profile/Ere0n'] is there an Endpoint Security event that I can use to monitor when the Open and Save Panel Service is launched? [/quote] Not specifically. You might try to work this out indirectly, but that’s likely to be problematic. If your product needs this, I recommend that you file an enhancement request explaining what you need to do and why. Please post your bug number, just for the record. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
xcrun altool --upload-app is not working
I am trying to upload ipa to App Store Connect using altool but it is always giving this 401 error. There is no issue with the Api key as it works for other commands with altool such as --list-apps etc 2024-07-17 11:26:38.411 *** Error: ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] REQUEST CREATE CONTAINER (ASSET_UPLOAD): failed to authenticate. The server response was: { errors = ( { code = NOT_AUTHORIZED; detail = Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=api-generating-tokens; status = 401; title = Authentication credentials are missing or invalid.; } ); } 2024-07-17 11:26:38.412 *** Error: ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] REQUEST CREATE CONTAINER (ASSET_UPLOAD): received status code 401, auth issue. 2024-07-17 11:26:38.413 *** Error: Error uploading '/.ipa'. 2024-07-17 11:26:38.414 *** Error: Unable to authenticate. (-19209)
Reply to Third-party screensavers not quitting on Sonoma - any workarounds?
[quote='784580022, XMI, /thread/738547?answerId=784580022#784580022, /profile/XMI'] There are many bugs with third-party screensavers under Sonoma. [/quote] Yep )-: If you care about screen savers then my advice is that you file an enhancement request for Apple to ship a new screen saver API based on app extensions. The legacy screen saver API relies on a complicated compatibility shim, and that’s a source of ongoing problems. And hey, if we did an appex we could support Apple TV (-: [1] Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com [1] No, that’s not a product announcement, it’s just my personal wish for a better future.
Getting "User interaction is not allowed." error while fetching data from the keychain
Hi, We are getting error while fetching data from the keychain. Error code : -25308 Error message : User interaction is not allowed. This is happening in our Production app and many users are facing this issue. This issue is coming randomly for random users. Its working fine but suddenly we are getting this error randomly. We have tried to add delay when keychain is giving error randomly to minimise the issue but it is not fixing our issue and What could be the reason of this issue Can we have dedicated support for this? Thank You.
appStoreReceiptURL length
Hello, I have a question to consult. My app includes app purchase, and I will receive the receipt after the purchase. During the testing process, it was found that with the increase of orders without Finish (simulating the situation of a user's order loss), the length of receipt would also increase. At present, our test account contains a maximum of 10 orders that are not finished, and the length of receipt is increased from the first voucher length: [12812 characters] [9609 bytes] to the tenth voucher length: [17220 characters] [12913 bytes], currently we are testing in a sandbox environment. My question is whether there is a maximum length limit for the field receipt in a formal environment, and if so, what is the maximum length?
Collaboration Preview Image and Title for CKShare When Collaborating With CloudKit
I recently updated our CloudKit collaboration invite codebase to use the new UIActivityController and NSItemProvider invitation as described in Apple's documentation. We previously used UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:), which is since deprecated. We have all of the previous functionality in place: we successfully create a CKShare, send the invite out, engage the share, and collaborate. However, we cannot get the Messages CKShare preview to use our custom image and title (henceforth referred to as “collaboration metadata”). Previously, while using UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:) to commence the share invite, the collaboration metadata successfully displayed in the Messages conversation. Now, we have a generic icon of our app and “Shared with App-Name title, leading to a loss of contextual integrity for the invite flow. My question: How do we make the collaboration metadata appear in the Messages conversation? Here is our code for creating the UIActivityControll
Reply to OSLog output in Xcode console ignoring OSLogIntegerFormatting?!
I was logging a lot of data very fast and found a suggestion, buried in the log, to use “IDELogRedirectionPolicy=oslogToStdio” to avoid potential loss. Using that environment setting restored the desired formatting! [guessing] .. I understand the “IDELogRedirectionPolicy” can influence how logging behaves (the 'privacy' for example) but could it be that very high rates of logging cause the logging system to save time by not doing formatting .. that kind of makes sense; the logged data is still correct, just not formatted? I see IDELogRedirectionPolicy is mentioned in the Xcode 15 release notes.
Tapping once with both hands only works sometimes in visionOS
Hello! I have an iOS app where I am looking into support for visionOS. I have a whole bunch of gestures set up using UIGestureRecognizer and so far most of them work great in visionOS! But I do see something odd that I am not sure can be fixed on my end. I have a UITapGestureRecognizer which is set up with numberOfTouchesRequired = 2 which I am assuming translates in visionOS to when you tap your thumb and index finger on both hands. When I tap with both hands sometimes this tap gesture gets kicked off and other times it doesn't and it says it only received one touch when it should be two. Interestingly, I see this behavior in Apple Maps where tapping once with both hands should zoom out the map, which only works sometimes. Can anyone explain this or am I missing something?
Reply to LowLevelMesh: Triangle Colors
Hi @rthart, You're correct, the missing link required in order to get the triangle to display color is a ShaderGraphMaterial. Start from a project that creates a triangle using the code provided in the documentation for LowLevelMesh, then apply a ShaderGraphMaterial to the triangle that will display its vertex colors using the following steps: First, create a new Shader Graph Material in Reality Composer Pro that applies the Geometry Color node to the color input of the surface. In order to only visualize the vertex colors of the triangle, I would suggest doing this using an Unlit Surface node which ignores lighting. In the Shader Graph editor: Add an Unlit Surface node Add a Geometry Color node Connect the output of the Geometry Color node to the Color input of the Unlit Surface node Connect the output of the Unlit Surface node to the Custom Surface input of the Outputs node Note: If you would like your material to be affected by the lighting in your scene, use a Preview Surface or PBR Surface node
Please MR cook , Save the Apple Vision PRO
Dear Mr. Cook, I am writing to you today to urge you to take action to save the Apple Vision PRO and turn it into a revolutionary flight simulator. I believe that the Vision PRO has the potential to completely transform the world of flight simulation, but it needs your support to reach its full potential. Unleashing the Vision PRO's Potential: A Game-Changer in Flight Simulation The Vision PRO is a unique and powerful device that holds immense promise for delivering an unparalleled level of immersion and realism in flight simulation. However, current sales figures indicate that it is not yet reaching its full potential. I believe this can be attributed to several factors, including: Limited Marketing and Promotion: The Vision PRO has not been effectively marketed to its target audience, comprising pilots, flight schools, aviation enthusiasts, and gamers. Lack of Dedicated Flight Simulation Software: Currently, there is a scarcity of high-quality flight simulation software specifically designed for the Vision
Cannot create new release page on "Apple Developer Program License Agreement" has been updated
Hi, When trying to create a new release for my app on App Store Connect, I am getting the error: -- Agreement Update The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated and needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement by signing in to their account on the Apple Developer website. -- However, when looking under Agreements in the Account page, it shows that the latest agreement was accepted on July 1, 2024: -- Agreements Apple Developer Program License Agreement Issued June 10, 2024. Accepted July 1, 2024. Apple Developer Agreement Issued June 7, 2015. Accepted March 25, 2020. -- What am I missing?