missing package product

42,933 results found






Please MR cook , Save the Apple Vision PRO
Dear Mr. Cook, I am writing to you today to urge you to take action to save the Apple Vision PRO and turn it into a revolutionary flight simulator. I believe that the Vision PRO has the potential to completely transform the world of flight simulation, but it needs your support to reach its full potential. Unleashing the Vision PRO's Potential: A Game-Changer in Flight Simulation The Vision PRO is a unique and powerful device that holds immense promise for delivering an unparalleled level of immersion and realism in flight simulation. However, current sales figures indicate that it is not yet reaching its full potential. I believe this can be attributed to several factors, including: Limited Marketing and Promotion: The Vision PRO has not been effectively marketed to its target audience, comprising pilots, flight schools, aviation enthusiasts, and gamers. Lack of Dedicated Flight Simulation Software: Currently, there is a scarcity of high-quality flight simulation software specifically designed for the Vision
Cannot create new release page on "Apple Developer Program License Agreement" has been updated
Hi, When trying to create a new release for my app on App Store Connect, I am getting the error: -- Agreement Update The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated and needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement by signing in to their account on the Apple Developer website. -- However, when looking under Agreements in the Account page, it shows that the latest agreement was accepted on July 1, 2024: -- Agreements Apple Developer Program License Agreement Issued June 10, 2024. Accepted July 1, 2024. Apple Developer Agreement Issued June 7, 2015. Accepted March 25, 2020. -- What am I missing?
ModelActors not persisting relationships in iOS 18 beta
I've already submitted this as a bug report to Apple, but I am posting here so others can save themselves some troubleshooting. This is submitted as FB14337982 with an attached complete Xcode project to replicate. In iOS 17 we use a ModelActor to download data which is saved as an Event, and then save it to SwiftData with a relationship to a Location. In iOS 18 22A5307d we are seeing that this code no longer persists the relationship to the Location, but still saves the Event. If we put a breakpoint in that ModelActor we see that the object graph is correct within the ModelActor stack trace at the time we call modelContext.save(). However, after saving, the relationship is missing from the default.store SQLite file, and of course from the app UI. Here is a toy example showing how inserting an Employee into a Company using a ModelActor gives unexpected results in iOS 18 22A5307d but works as expected in iOS 17. It appears that no relationships data survives being saved in a ModelActor.ModelContext. Al
XSLT 2.0 transformation with Swift or WKWebView
I am re-writing with Xcode and Swift two applications (DDB Access, SmartHanzi) initially written with Xamarin and C#. Both apps are with separate macOS and iOS versions (storyboard). In the original version, XSLT 2.0 transformations were applied with C#. With Swift and WKWebView, after carefully reviewing the documentation, I just found: XSLT 1.0 transformation for macOS (Swift). Nothing at all for iOS. Some years ago, there seemed to be a possibility with an external C library, but it was also mentioned that at a moment it was no more accepted by the App Store. Did I miss something in the documentation and how can I apply these XSLT 2.0 transformations (preferrably from an XML string but temporary files would be acceptable)?
Reply to iOS 18 SwiftData ModelContext reset
I'm running into the same problem in my app. The proposed solution of using a @State variable isn't easily possible for me, as while I am using SwiftUI for the front-end of the app, I've isolated the SwiftData utility into an external package. I'm getting a crash only in the iOS 18 betas, on device and in the simulator. This model instance was destroyed by calling ModelContext.reset and is no longer usable. PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://F5001085-8312-4E76-9730-25A81E049FB0/SentPostcard/p1), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation)
Carrier File MCC MNC
We are Telecom company and we are already registered in GSMA We have started testing our product environment and everything has been working smoothly with Android handsets. However, we are facing some challenges with iPhone handsets. We only use IPV6 for UE addresses allocation and we are seeking your support and guidance on how to register our MVNO MCC and MNC in the iPhone carrier file. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reply to SwiftData error on IOS18, Never access a full future backing data
It's a different error but in a same sense that Bindings try to access deleted SwiftData entities rather than switching to default values. Thread 1: Fatal error: Context is missing for Optional(SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://A6A3F87C-9EA0-43F7-BD6D-A31364117257/Profile/p5), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation))
Reply to Users report that opening the app will disconnect cellular data.
I’d like to clarify what “disconnect cellular data” means: Is it just that your app can’t access WWAN? Or that running your app causes some other app to lose access to WWAN? Or that running your app causes all other apps to lose access to WWAN? It sounds like the last case, but I want to be sure. And if it is the last case, does that include system apps? That is, does running your app cause Safari to lose access to WWAN? Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to Drag&Drop DMG Installer to System folder ?!
The ideal solution would be for you to not have to install stuff in weird places. That’s the model we use for modern system plug-ins, aka app extensions and system extensions. If you agree, I encourage you to file an enhancement request explaining what you currently have to do, why it’s problematic, and what sort of user experience you’d like to see. In the meantime, however, I think an installer package is the best option for this sort of thing. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to sysdiagnose PLBatteryAgent_EventBackward_Battery timestamp
WARNING A sysdiagnose log is one giant ball of implementation details. It’s fine to go rummaging in the log to investigate issues, but do not ship products that rely on these implementation details. Testing this on a sysdiagnose log I have lying around on my hard disk, these look like a time interval (a floating point count of seconds) since the Unix epoch: % sqlite3 ./logs/powerlogs/powerlog_2023-06-29_14-58_8ED20CBC.PLSQL SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 13:08:14 Enter .help for usage hints. sqlite> select timestamp from PLBatteryAgent_EventBackward_Battery; 1660575268.39297 … import Foundation print(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1660575268.39297)) // prints: 2022-08-15 14:54:28 +0000 Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
After 20 Years in the Industry, My Innovative App Was Rejected by Apple's Ever-Changing Review Standards – A Developer's Disappointment
I have been in the industry for 20 years, previously working as an internet product manager. In 2023, due to the global economic downturn, I was laid off and found it difficult to secure a satisfactory job. To support my family, I decided to leverage my skills. I designed my own app, and with a technical background, I taught myself popular programming technologies such as uni-app (a front-end framework) and Python. I wrote 100% of the front-end and back-end code myself and used AI tools to design the visual assets of the product. In March 2024, I successfully released an application called Mia (com.jacky.her) on the App Store. Mia connects to a large language model to chat with users and provide emotional support. I noticed there were already many similar applications on the market, but most of them were just simple chat boxes. I believe that future product competition will focus on more detailed features based on large models. Therefore, I designed a character prototype, added char
3DS - Apple Pay
Hello! I have a question regarding the Apple Pay payment method. We're adding this payment method to our app and noticed that during the initiation of a transaction, i.e., when invoking Apple Pay to reserve a product in our app, the 3DS verification doesn't occur. Our assumption was that 3DS happens when a card is added to the Apple Pay wallet, which is before the user purchases a product. But is that correct? Shouldn't 3DS be processed each time a transaction is initiated? If the case where a transaction happened for a card where the 3DS authentication is completed when it was added, will the liability shift for this transaction from us as merchant to the bank as well, like regular 3DS auth on a transaction basis would do?
Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 for Certificate Assistant
Product Name : Apple Developer Support Support Category : Development and Technical Support Topic : Certificates, Identifiers, and Provisioning Profiles Hello there, we are facing an issue in generating Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority with error code Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 This has blocked us in generating production build. Please provide assistance.
Reply to Generating a signature for promotional offers in Objective-c
Thanks for the quick and detailed response. I'm still going through your explanation, but due to time constraints, I would like to know a more straightforward solution. After downloading the .p8 file from Apple Developer, how can I proceed in Objective-C code to generate a signature? I am requesting Apple to make subscription offers presentation easier. For example, by creating a method with the main subscription product ID and the offer ID, the offer can be presented to the user without signature generation. Have a great day.