I keep several different versions of my App under development. After upgrade MacOS to 13.4, I no log can load project with SDK errors. Example, If my project folder(where I keep my project files) name was ABC v2.12, I change the name to ABC v2.13 it causing error: /Volumes/MicroSDXC256/Programming/ABC v2.13/ABC.xcodeproj Missing package product 'FirebaseDatabaseSwift'
missing package product
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I tried to install Mac OS Monterey beta 1 in my Mac using the utility give in the beta page. But I couldn't install the update.... the settings app says the package %@ is missing or invalid. please help....
The new version of Xcode 15.3 broke the behavior of incrementing build numbers with agvtool which I used to automate to update the build number after each build. The observation is that after running this in my project directory: agvtool bump Xcode removed the section Package Dependencies in the project navigation pane which results in failing a subsequent build with this error message: Missing package product 'mypackage' To solve this I have to reset package caches under File>Packages. This will restore the Package Dependencies section in the navigation pane of Xcode. It seems to be a bug of the new Xcode version 15.3 as this was working without any issues in the previous versions. Any idea?
I'm not sure if this is because of my firewall or because I am currently in China but The package “%@” is missing or invalid. pops up when I finish downloading the update.
How can I add a new Package Product to a Package that has already been added? For example: I have been using Firebase itself, but I want to add FirebaseCrashlytics to it. Do I have to delete the Package and then add it again?
I have Downloaded update thrice time But during installation is showing that error ( the package %@is missing or invalid ) kindly solve this problem as soon as possible
Hi,I'm looking to integrate apples passbook app with another app but I require the product ID or package name for the passbook app? I've tried looking for it in configurator and I have read the developers documentation but I'm still unable to locate this. Would anyone be able to help? Thank you for your assistance.
I am trying to create an installer package to upload as Hosted Content. One of the files is an sqlite3 database. It is not included in the installer package and I can't determine why not.Here is what I do:1. In Xcode, Product->Archive2. Window->Organizer3. Select the IAP archive4. Click Export...5. Select Export as an Installer Package6. Click Next7. Choose location to save file8. Click ExportWhen I check the size of the exported Installer Package it is only 9k. The sqlite3 database is 5MB. I have a couple of other files that are also part of the content: one plist and one html file.In Xcode the files for the IAP are:data.sqliteCopyright.htmlmanifest.plistContentInfo.plistI used Application Loader to upload the Installer Package to iTunes Connect. The IAP transitioned to Ready to Submit. I used a sandbox account to test the IAP and I discovered that the database was missing from the Installer Package, but both Copyright.html and manifest.pli
I am trying to convert my Tensorflow 2.0 model to a CoreML model so I can deploy it to a mobile app. However, I continually get the error: ValueError: Converter was called with source=tensorflow, but missing tensorflow package I am working in a virtual environment with Python 3.7, Tensorflow 2.11, and Coremltools 5.3.1. I had saved the Tensorflow model by using tensorflow.saved_model.save and was attempting to convert the model with the following: import coremltools as ct image_input = ct.ImageType(shape=(1, 250, 250, 3,), bias=[-1,-1,-1], scale=1/255) classifier_config = ct.ClassifierConfig(['Billy','Not_Billy']) core_model = ct.convert( , convert_to='mlprogram', inputs=[image_input], classifier_config=classifier_config, source='tensorflow' ) I keep receiving this error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /var/folders/7n/vj_bf6q122bg43h_xm957hp80000gn/T/ipykernel_11024/1565729572.py in 6 inputs=[image_inpu
>> … /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged. …If I understand correctly, that particular message does not necessarily indicate a problem with OSInstall.mpkgGitHub – munki – createOSXinstallPkg – README.md:> … If there are additional packages that the OS X installer does not like, …In my case – producing an .iso to install 17A264c to a VirtualBox guest – I used ditto(8) in lieu of a cp command within the production. The end product did not report that OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged.
Hi everyone,I was wondering if anyone had any pointers as to why we're running into this error on our build machine. 2019-02-01T00:02:44.6181670Z fatal error: virtual filesystem overlay file '[WorkspaceBuildPath]/all-product-headers.yaml' not found I have a github repository that includes an xcode workspace. Building the workspace on my mac machine doesn't generate errors. Building that same workspace on the build machine results in that error. I've seen cases where that file needs to be edited, but for it be completely missing is something new to me. Any tips as to what the common causes/solutions are for this?Thanks
I'm using Xcode 15 and installing Firebase for the first time. I'm now installing the Firebase dependency but when I get to the option to pick what packages I want, there's NO CHECKBOX to pick what package I want specifically (Theres normally a checkbox to the left of each package). I see in videos that its normally there, is there a way to still pick separate packages?
I have a very weird bug where very often Xcode can't find products in local packages and my build fails. Is there a way to at least somehow stabilize the search? I have a very long list (>50) of remote packages added to the workspace and reset a cache takes a very long time and doesn't always help.
None of my iOS projects build any more on Xcode 14 as it complains about missing bit-code for local swift packages. The solution is to create .lproj project files for the swift packages and create xcframeworks with ENABLE_BITCODE enabled but that's no solution at all. Project builds fine on Xcode 13 / 12./ XXXXXXX.framework/XXXXXXX' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target.
Hi all, Currently, we are trying to integrate StoreKit 2 in our app to get the list of products. we already follow what documentation do to implement it here: let products = try await Product.products(for: identifiers) return await products.map { ... // mapping to our type } But somehow, one of the SKU is missing and being filtered by the SDK. When we tried using StoreKit 1, the problematic SKU is being returned correctly. Does anyone knows about this issue and how to fix it?