missing package product

42,939 results found






Reply to Error when trying to check the daemon registration of our application
Hello, Thanks for the suggestions and sorry for the code format and crash report. I paste the text of my post below: Our product registers a daemon in the system through SMAppService (API available from Ventura) and also checks its status in case it has to tell the user to allow the daemon process as a background process. To check the status we call a script written in applescript that returns the status of the service. Script excerpt: @use framework ServiceManagementn @use scripting additionsn @on startCommand()n @tryn @local this, service, SMAppServiceInstance, retn @set this to a reference to current applicationn @set SMAppServiceInstance to a reference to SMAppService of thisn @set service to SMAppServiceInstance's daemonServiceWithPlistName: % @n @set str to service's status as stringn @set success to str as numbern @return successn @on error errorMessage number errorNumbern @log (errorMessage: & errorMessage & , errorNumber: & errorNumber)n @end tryn @return -1n @end startCommandn
Reply to IOS sim preview on MBP with XCode 16beta
We believe this should be fixed in current seeds. Could you try again with Seed 3, and if you are still having issues then file a feedback with diagnostics so we can take a look? Steps to generate helpful diagnostics: Download and install the logging profile on all devices involved. Instructions and profiles are available here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift Reproduce the issue Click the Diagnostics button in the error banner in Previews' Canvas area (or if the banner is missing you can use the menu: Editor > Canvas > Diagnostics) In the sheet that appears, click Generate Report in the bottom left of the sheet Attach (or make from the folder) the resulting zip file to the bug report (will be named something like previews-diagnostics-0123456789.zip) Generate the sysdiagnose(s) and attach those too
Reply to Xcode iPhone simulator not working
Hi, Sorry to hear you are having problems getting previews working. This error can often indicate a crash in your application when it launches, or a problem with the simulator. If you look into the folder ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports, do you see any crash reports for your app? If not, the best next step will be to file a feedback with diagnostics so we can take a look. Steps to generate helpful diagnostics: Download and install the logging profile on all devices involved. Instructions and profiles are available here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift Reproduce the issue Click the Diagnostics button in the error banner in Previews' Canvas area (or if the banner is missing you can use the menu: Editor > Canvas > Diagnostics) In the sheet that appears, click Generate Report in the bottom left of the sheet Attach (or make from the folder) the resulting zip file to the bug report (will be named something like previews-diagnostics-0123456789.zip) Generate the
.chartXScale not scaling domain of Chart as expected
Hi, I'm currently wrestling with the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier in order to get my Chart to display correctly. The basics of the Chart look like this. Chart(measurements, id: .timestamp) { measurement in if let total = measurement.production?.total { BarMark( x: .value( Timestamp, measurement.timestamp, unit: .weekOfYear, calendar: .current ), y: .value( Solar production, total ) ) } } As anyone familiar with Charts can see, I sort data into columns based on what week of the year the measurements belong to. Some of them can be null, and when they are, I still want space in the Chart where a BarMark would've been to be taken up, like week number 4 in this example chart (in which I've defaulted all measurements that are null in week 4 to 0, for demonstration purposes): To achieve that, as I understand, I'm meant to use the .chartXScale(domain:) modifier, but when I apply the following modifier... .chartXScale(domain: firstDayOfMonth...firstDayOfNextMonth) ... (where the domain is from the first day
Reply to Sequoia Group Container for Mac Catalyst Apps
There is a bunch of stuff to unpack here. First up, I’m gonna assume that you’re familiar with the backstory in App Groups: macOS vs iOS: Fight!. If not, read it now. In that I wrote: In Mac Catalyst things behave as they do on iOS. and I wasn’t kidding. A Mac Catalyst app should use iOS-style app group names (group.*), where those app group entitlement claims are authorised by its provisioning profile. Here’s an example of that: % vtool -show-build Test758358.app/Contents/MacOS/Test758358 … platform MACCATALYST … % codesign -d --entitlements - Test758358.app … [Key] application-identifier [Value] [String] SKMME9E2Y8.com.example.apple-samplecode.Test758358 [Key] com.apple.application-identifier [Value] [String] SKMME9E2Y8.com.example.apple-samplecode.Test758358 … [Key] com.apple.security.application-groups [Value] [Array] [String] group.eskimo1.test … % security cms -D -i Test758358.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile | plutil -p - { … Entitlements => { application-identifier => SKMME9E2Y8.com.exampl
Reply to Sign with self-signed leaf certificate?
It seems you are on the right track but are encountering a specific issue with Xcode's handling of self-signed certificates. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem: Ensure Certificate Trust Settings: Verify that both the root CA Dev Authority and the leaf certificate Testing 123 are trusted for code signing in Keychain Access. Open Keychain Access. Find Dev Authority, right-click, and select Get Info. Go to the Trust section and set Code Signing to Always Trust. Do the same for the Testing 123 certificate. Verify Key Usage Extensions: Ensure that the leaf certificate has the appropriate key usage extensions for code signing. Open Keychain Access. Find Testing 123, right-click, and select Get Info. Check under the Details tab to see if it includes Digital Signature under Key Usage and Code Signing under Extended Key Usage. Check Certificate Validity Period: Ensure that the certificate is valid for the current date and has not expired. This can be checked in the Details tab of t
Reply to Can't figure out why Toolbar is not conforming to view
Welcome to the forum. I tested your code (after completing missing parts and removing reference to unknown structure) and it works OK, both with Xcode 16.0ß2 and Xcode 15.0.1. Are you sure you have declared var as State vars ? Have you declared dismiss ? Aren't you missing a closing curly bracket somewhere ? Where exactly do you get the error ? Please show the exact and complete code, as well as your configuration (Xcode version, system version…) Here is the complete code I tested: struct ContentView: View { @State var companyName: String = @State var role: String = @State var location: String = @State var yearlySalary: Double = 0 @Environment(.dismiss) var dismiss var body: some View { NavigationStack { Form { TextField(Company Name, text: $companyName) TextField(Role, text: $role) TextField(Location, text: $location) TextField(Yearly Salary, value: $yearlySalary, format: .currency(code: USD)) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) } .navigationTitle(Add Application) .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.
How to depend on a non-macOS external package in macros
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a macro that depends on an external package to abstract some of the packages logic. The point is that the dependency does not support macOS which results in a build failure when trying to build the macro. Since macOS 10.15 is required for creating macros, any thing can be done to get it to work? Here is a sample to what I'm trying to do import PackageDescription import CompilerPluginSupport let package = Package( name: Stringify, platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_15), .iOS(.v13), .tvOS(.v13), .watchOS(.v6), .macCatalyst(.v13) ], products: [ .library( name: Stringify, targets: [Stringify] ), .executable( name: StringifyClient, targets: [StringifyClient] ), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax.git, from: 509.0.0), .package(url: https://github.com/MyDependency, from: 1.0.0), ], targets: [ .target( name: Stringify, dependencies: [StringifyMacros] ), .executableTarget( name: StringifyClient
How to parse the PingFangUI.ttc on iOS 18?
I've noticed that the font file PingFang.ttc is no longer in /System/Library/Fonts/LanguageSupport/ on iOS 18. And I use CoreText APIs get the new font file, which is int the FontServices.framework and named PingFangUI.ttc. But it doesn't seem to be a regular TrueType font collection. It can't be parsed correctly by stb_truetype. I copied this file to my mac, and it can't be opened by Font.app either, which says it doesn't contain installable fonts. It also can’t pass font validation (Font.app → File → Verify File), saying “System validation failed”, I don't know what that means. So I tried to read the binary of that file. I've noticed that the ‘CFF ‘ table is missing in the new font file, and there is a new table 'hvgl'. But I can't find any documentation for this table. Maybe this is a new format. And what confuses me is that the TTC header of the new font file has not changed, same as the old PingFang.ttc file, with a ‘ttcf’ tag, and majorVersion is 2 minorVersion is 0. Please tell me how to parse
Different TransactionId But the same appAccountToken returned
Hello, Apple Developer Team, Recently, we have encountered some rather tricky issues regarding different transactionIds but the same appAccountToken appearing in the JSON data returned when calling the Apple API /inApps/v1/transactions/. The situation is as follows: We obtained the order numbers from the payment receipts provided by the customer. The customer gave us two different order numbers. The payment date is July 9, 2024. By checking our server, we can see two different transactionIds. However, when calling /inApps/v1/transactions/, the JSON data we receive contains the same appAccountToken. The purchase dates for these two orders are very close to each other: transactionId1: July 9, 2024, 21:37:06 transactionId2: July 9, 2024, 21:37:00 Additional Information: 1)The server is using App Store Server API V2. 2)The client is using StoreKit V1. 3)Environment: Production. 4)type: Consumable This issue is not an isolated case. It occurs almost every month. We kindly request assistance from the Apple
Reply to Unable to resolve CodeSign failure
[quote='794608022, swp336, /thread/759022?answerId=794608022#794608022, /profile/swp336'] I'm assuming there's something about the setup on my machine that's causing the newly minted template files created by Xcode to trigger the one of the error conditions. [/quote] Right. I’m hoping that, once you track down the identity of this ‘detritus’, it’ll be clear where it’s coming from. For example, I vaguely recall seeing a problem like this where the developer had their build products on iCloud Drive, and iCloud Drive’s extended attributes were causing this issue. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Password prompt for CardDAV policy on re-installing the same profile
Enrol Supervised iOS device. Push an CardDAV policy for the above device, the contacts gets synced in the native Contacts app as expected. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/carddav) When the above same profile is re-installed in the above device, the synced contacts are lost and password prompt is shown to enter the password - even though the installed profile contains password for the CardDAV policy. Password prompt from the device Re-Installed configuration PayloadVersion 1 PayloadUUID 35ee541b-fec0-46b0-bd48-bcc0702ab60b PayloadType Configuration PayloadOrganization MDM PayloadIdentifier com.mdm.ec89620f-2905-4c14-b09d-7e9f17944468.CardDAV PayloadDisplayName CardDAV PayloadRemovalDisallowed PayloadContent PayloadVersion 1 PayloadUUID 07c423b5-8ae2-4e6e-9336-aa9ca850d6c9 PayloadType com.apple.carddav.account PayloadOrganization MDM PayloadIdentifier 07cV423b5-8ae2-4e6e-9336-aa9ca850d6c9 PayloadDisplayName CardDAV Policy CardDAVAccountDescription **** CardDAVHostName
FilterDataProvider network extension binary not updating
I've followed all the advice on these forums regarding developing network extensions. I'm working on a FilterDataProvider using the SimpleFirewall example project as a starting point. The issue I run into is that the copy of the extension binary that the system manages does not get updated by the system when I copy a new application into the /Applications directory. Here's my workflow: Build and run the application from Xcode. I've added a pre-run action that copies the extension into a /Applications/SysExtDev folder so I don't have to disable SIP. Test & make changes to code Disable & remove the extension in Settings > Network > Filters & Proxies Build and run the application from Xcode. New app binary loads, but the old extension binary loads. I also notice that the app will report that the extension is already registered even when it's not present in the UI in System Settings. And when I enable the extension in the newly launched app, I don't see the full flow of confirmation dialogs, onl
In-App-Payment required for Business Listing App?
Hello guys! I would appreciate your help. I am developing an app (next to my webapp). In this app users can register as either owners of moving company or as the customers. Moving company owners can list their company like a directory/business listing. The app is free to use for customers and also for company owners except if you want to list your moving company to be able to get clients and sell your physical service. Now i have a subscription plan in mind so the moving company can list itself, which will also be listen on my webapp as the databank is shared. According to someone this doesnt require IAP, because at the end the company is paying for the listing, to help him sell his physical service. next to it, i also want to get provision for each time the moving company gets a client through our app and pays through our app. thirdly, i was planning to offer sponsored Listing, which will aswell work for my webapp. Meaning if someone pays for sponsored listing on my app he gets sponsored on my webapp aswell