missing package product

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Reply to Using bundled applications(.app file) as daemon/Agent
Approach 1 is deeply unsupported. Don’t do that. Approach 2 is the one I recommend. Indeed, as things currently stand it’s the only way to ship a daemon that uses restricted entitlements. See Signing a daemon with a restricted entitlement. IMPORTANT Apps and daemons are different things. In some situations it makes sense to bundle a daemon in an app-like wrapper, but that doesn’t make it an app. You cannot, for example, call AppKit from a daemon, regardless of how it’s packaged. An variant of approach 2 is to install your daemon using SMAppService. You still have to do that MyDaemon/Content/MacOS/MyDaemon dance, but you can use BundleProgram and do it relative to the root of the containing app’s bundle. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Unable to Renew Developer Membership - Urgent Help Needed
Hello, I'm facing a critical issue with renewing my Apple Developer membership, and I'm seeking urgent assistance. Here's a summary of my situation: As an iOS developer, I've found that the renew button is nowhere to be found in the Developer apps or on the website. Despite having correct payment methods and sufficient funds, I can't renew my account. I've tried multiple approaches, including: Using both iPhone and Mac Developer App / App Store Trying different browsers Reaching out to support via chat and phone Contacting the US support team directly After nearly 10 days of waiting, the response I received was simply a link to the renewal page, which I had already checked countless times. This response indicates that my situation was not thoroughly reviewed. Meanwhile, my apps have been removed from the store, causing daily financial losses. Waiting indefinitely for a resolution without any clear timeframe is extremely frustrating. Has anyone else faced similar challenges? If you have found a soluti
Asset validation failed due to unsupported Xcode or SDK type
Hi! First timer here. I am having trouble uploading to App Store Connect. I uploaded an earlier version a ~week ago, but am now getting an error saying that the asset validation failed because of an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. Not sure how to proceed or what specifically is causing the error. I speculated it was the Spotify iOS SDK, but have every time I got into Project > Package Dependencies > — button for the Spotify SDK, Xcode crashes. System: MacOS Sequoia Beta 2 Xcode: 16 Beta 3 (All fully up to date)
Folder-level search option in Notes app
Hello Apple team, I would like to request a feature to include a search option within each folder in the Notes app, both on MacBook and iPhone. Currently, the global search function searches all notes, which can be overwhelming when dealing with a large number of notes (I have over 700+ notes). A folder-level search option would allow users to quickly find specific notes within a designated folder, making organization and retrieval more efficient. This feature would be a valuable addition to the Notes app, and I believe it would benefit many users who rely on the app for note-taking and organization. Thank you for considering my request! Additionally, you can also mention the benefits of this feature, such as: Improved note organization and management Enhanced productivity and time-saving Better user experience and satisfaction By providing clear and concise feedback, you can help Apple understand the value of this feature and consider implementing it in future updates.
Reply to Document and data size in ios
We want to give the user the ability to clear document and data. We first try to calculate the size by summing the size of all the files in that directory FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first. First off, I have two strong recommendations when it comes to calculating/displaying file/directory sizes to the user: Whenever possible, try to avoid doing so. If you must show sizes to the users, design you interface such that direct comparisons between the systems size and your size are difficult/impossible. For example, showing an approximate value (~500 MB) instead of a specific one (531.25 MB) or presenting the sizes of specific files without providing a total size. The issues here are that, in practice: -Calculating the size of a directory is much trickier than it sounds. For example, simply summing all file sizes will double count symbolic links and clone files, both of which are difficult to properly account for. -File summations don't account for metadata overhead, which m
Multiple pending APNS notifications delivered at once when the app enters foreground
I am working on a VoIP based PTT app. Uses 'voip' apns notification type to get to know about new incoming PTT call. When the app is in foreground, the app gets to know about incoming VoIP PTT call through incoming push notification. After receiving notification, the app receives audio from the server. This works properly, as expected. The app faces issues in receiving apns notifications only when the app is in background. Issue: My app is in background and iPhone locked, the server sends apns notification to the target iPhone about a new incoming VoIP call. Server received 200 success response code from APNS. But the app in background did not receive the notification. Second time, the server sends notification about second VoIP call. App did not receive notification. Third time, server sends notification about 3rd incoming call. This list goes on. Everytime server sends a notification to the target phone, success response is received from APNS. 
 Now, bring the app to foreground, the app receives all the pen
PHPickerViewController in Limited Access photos mode
Dear Experts, In limited access photos mode, I present a PHPickerViewController. It shows the entire photo library, with a note at the top saying that the app can only access the items that I select. I select a photo. In the delegate method, I get a PHPickerResult containing a plausible-looking string for the assetIdentifier. It's the same string that I get for that photo in full access mode. Should this photo now be accessible, or do I need to do something else at this point? When I call fetchAssetsWithLocalIdentifiers using this assetIdentifier, I get no results. When I call cloudIdentifierMappingsForLocalIdentifiers, I get error PHPhotosErrorIdentifierNotFound. In full access mode, both work OK. What am I missing? Thanks.
Reply to ViewDidLoad in SwiftUI
@darkpaw the question is when is it called, but how many times it is called. both task and onAppear are called every time the view appears, like for example when the user navigated to another tab of the app and then comes back to it. viewDidLoad on the other hand was called only once. It can be achieved with a modifier holding a boolean to flag if the action ran already. But I am sure that the fact viewDidLoad is missing in SwiftUI is by design. And I would love to understand why is that.
Intermittent App Package Installation failure.
I work on a macOS application that functions as a daemon. To test it, I: Compile executables. Use pkgbuild and productbuild to build an application bundle. Use codesign and notarytool to sign and notarize the app. Install the app with /usr/sbin/installer -target LocalSystem -pkg .... This often overwrites the previous version of the app. Sometimes, the installation fails at the postinstall stage, when it can not find the application's install directory. We explicitly check for this error in our script: if ! [ -d $APP_INSTALL_DIR/Contents ]; then echo directory ${APP_INSTALL_DIR}/Contents is missing exit 1 fi This is unexpected! Even worse, some of our customers have occasionally seen the same issue! We use a postinstall script in order to install files into the /Library/LaunchDaemons and /Library/ LaunchAgents directories, and start the agent with launchctl bootstrap. Our preinstall script makes sure that the previous version of our application is fully uninstalled (so there is no confusion)
Reply to How to archive an app with NotificationServiceExtension?
If the app is built correctly, including the NSE in the build, archiving the main app should also properly archive the extension. So, what you would want to check first would be that your build settings are such that, the release builds are also including the NSE in the built app. You can check the app's Build Settings and Build Phases, and also the build logs to make sure that something is not failing while compiling and embedding the extension. That said, failing to modify the notification does not automatically mean that the extension has not been archived. There could be a number of reasons, like: the notification payload for the production build is missing the mutable-content entry the NSE is crashing at launch, or failing while processing the notification the code path in the NSE is failing to call the completion handler the NSE is taking more than the allowed memory or time limits (24MB and 30 seconds, as of this writing) and eventually being terminated before it can finish So, if you
Unable to resolve CodeSign failure
Been using Xcode for a while with C++ set to sign locally (and objC before that). All worked ok. Looking to learn swift. Created a new, blank MacOS project, which starts compiling the template project (no code added yet by me) and fails with error Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code. It's set to automatically manage signing. I have valid development certificates. I've read lots of forum articles etc but unable to resolve. Error description resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed but it's exclusively apple code at this stage so would not expect any non-compliant files to be involved. Any suggestions as currently I've fallen at the first hurdle on my Swift journey? Full codesign command line below: Signing Identity: Apple Development: Steve Proctor (XXXXXXX) /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign xxxxxx -o runtime --entitlements /Users/steve/Documents/dev/t1/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/t1/Intermediates.noindex/t1.build/Debug/t1.build/t1.app.xcent --timestamp=none