missing package product

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What could be a rational architecture of a "proprietary SDK with DExt" ?
The situation 1a) I am developing an SDK for few proprietary medical X-ray imaging gadgets and MACOS, iPAD; 1b) The SDK would be used in near/middle future by 2..5 End-User-App-developers (ether by oldschool-teams and by young-startuplike-teams of different geography and mother-languages). 1c) The SDK necessarily incapsulates a DExt, respective installer-helpers also API-to-decide, sample-acquisition-app -to-decide. I am deciding the architecture to be convenient for expecting scope of End-User-App-developers 2a) I would like to make this SDK (with necessary proprietary DExt) convenient (in general) as ~ option 2a1) as a scanner within ImageCapture-Application-framework for older MAC-desktop ~ option 2a2) as an *.AAR in Android 2b) I would like to minimize my future communications with End-User-App-deveopment-teams and simplify further activities about code-signing and provisioning-profiles By my glance, Swift-packages are nearest approach to AAR. But AAR in Android never needs proprietary drivers li
Electron failed to setup iap sandbox environment
Hi there, I'm implementing in app purchase in Electron following docs here: https://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/tutorial/in-app-purchases But : getProducts returns [] calls to purchaseProduct, nothing happend(no dialog, no login) calls to restoreCompletedTransactions , a login dialog appears, and I can login my sandbox tester account. The account even appears int the Apple Store. More info list as follow. Packaging using electron builder, configuration is : masDev: { type:development, identity: York Chan, hardenedRuntime: false, gatekeeperAssess: false, entitlements: ./build/entitlements.mas.plist, entitlementsInherit: ./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist, provisioningProfile: './build/provisionloginsight.provisionprofile', //development的描述文件,确保系统描述文件里已经安装好 }, mas: { type: distribution, identity: York Chan, hardenedRuntime: false, entitlements: ./build/entitlements.mas.plist, entitlementsInherit: ./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist, entitlementsLoginHelper: ./build/entitlements.mas.loginhe
FactoryInstall Unable to query results, error: 5
I am developing an iPhone application. When I start testing in a simulator or on an actual device, I get the following message depending on the model. I don't see any problem with the actual operation of the app, but I don't know how to resolve this error. #FactoryInstall Unable to query results, error: 5 Unable to list voice folder Unable to list voice folder Unable to list voice folder Unable to list voice folder Unable to list voice folder I have tried to resolve the problem by following the steps below, but it hasn’t had any affect on the error. Is it OK to leave this error as it is? If you know how to resolve it, please let me know. Clear the Xcode cache: Go to the path of the DerivedData folder and delete all of its contents. Clean Build folder: Select Product -> Clean Build Folder from the Xcode menu. Restart: Restart Xcode and the simulator. Software update: Make sure you are using the latest version of Xcode and macOS. Reinstallation: Uninstall Xcode once and reinstall it. Reset the simul
SwiftUI, numeric keypad, and missing keyboard toolbar
Have a SwiftUI TextField with .numberPad keypad. Want to allow the user to make their changes, then hit 'Done' or 'Cancel' to dismiss the keyboard (there are other choices on the page) before hitting 'Submit'. The view containing the field is brought up as a modal, using .FullScreenCover. Here's the code snippet: @State var currentBid: Float = 0 @FocusState var isInputActive: Bool ... TextField(Enter Amount, text: Binding( get: { String(Int(currentBid)) }, set: { currentBid = Float(Int($0) ?? 0) }) ).keyboardType(.numberPad) .focused($isInputActive) .toolbar(content: { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard, content: { Button(Cancel) { print(CANCELLED) isInputActive = false } Spacer() Button(Done) { print(DONE) isInputActive = false } }) }) When you tap the text field, the numeric keyboard comes up, but the button bar does not show. This is on iOS 17.6. tested on-device. The alternative is to use a regular alphanumeric keyboard with an ENTER button. But the field is to enter a number and I have to either filte
App not visible in search results but able to access app through link
My App Digital Showroom has been live on App store for ~4 years. Suddenly it stopped showing on search results but i am still able to access and download the app through google search results and link. I've followed all App Store guidelines and have raised the issue with your Support team multiple times. The support team has accepted the issue but no resolution has been provided. Is there any workaround I can try at my end as this is hurting our visibility & causing business loss.
Reply to Migrate from the verifyReceipt API to the new
The best practice when sending transactions from your app to your server is to send the full jwsRepresentation. This signed data can be verified as coming from Apple locally on your server, without requiring a call to the App Store Server API. The easiest way to verify signed transactions on your server is to use the App Store Server Library, which has this function built in. See the following links: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/verificationresult/3868429-jwsrepresentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/simplifying_your_implementation_by_using_the_app_store_server_library The decoded transaction payload also contains an environment field, so you know whether to call the Production or Sandbox endpoints of the App Store Server API for that transaction: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/jwstransactiondecodedpayload If in some rare edge case you have only a transactionId on hand and don't know its associated environment, call th
Reply to QUIC Connection Group Server Sending Pace
What I'm doing right now is, since we are working with 2.5MB size buffers I send the entire buffer using only one call to the send method and when I get the completion for that I send the next buffer and I repeat that again and again. The reason I do that is because, if I just call send sequentially for let's say 10 or 20 buffers WITHOUT waiting for the completion of each to get triggered, it doesn't seem to send data to the client and the CPU goes to 300-400%. Are we missing something?
Localization for multiple targets
I have one project where I have XYZ scheme and target. I have Localizable.string under XYZ target for localization. I want to create a ABC target (duplicate of XYZ) and set custom language support for it. Let's say I have english, french and german for XYZ, I want hindi, japanese and chinese for ABC. I did the below steps I went to Manage scheme and duplicated the XYZ (duplicate scheme = ABC). I added new localization file only for ABC (LocalizationForABC.string) and made sure those reflect in File Inspector -> Target (only ABC selected) and also checked in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources (LocalizationABC exists). When I run the ABC target under let's say french, it works fine but when I build the project ABC, and remove french from XYZ, ABC is broken and it only runs in english. Am I missing something here ?
XC Test - Xamarin- Mobile Automation - Tiles missing on list view
Unable to see the first element in a Xamarin forms List view while running the automated UI iOS tests using xctest Element with property in Xamarin forms ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement , the first element is missing from the list view while running the tests in iOS . Inbetween the tests if we remove the WDA and tried the same scenario, it works as expected. The first element was displayed when working with xamarin forms (v4.7.0.1351) and it is observed with only the current version. Manually trying the same scenario does not have any issues , Elements are displayed as expected, issue is observed only through automation
Reply to Xcode 15: Multiple Commands Produce Duplicate Info.plist Error
Thank you for the timely! Let me clarify. I didn't manually put 'Info.plist' into the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. It went there when I added the 'Info.plist' file to the project. So there are 4 items in CBR: 'Info.plist', 'Restaurants.json (this is a json file with some points of interest that I want the app to display on a map and it also is automatically placed into Copy Bundle Resources when I add the file to the project (both 'Info.plist' and 'Restaurants.json' are in a group: 'Supporting Files'), 'Preview Assets.xcassets', and 'Assets.xcassets'. When I create the Info.plist file I enter into the path for Info.plist file into the Build Settings pane (under packaging), then I fill out the key for Info.plist (Privacy: Location When In Use Usage Description), and then I clean project and build and the build fails with another error: Multiple commands produce... target has copy command.. target has process command... warning: duplicate output file '/Users/josephnicholas/Library/Developer/Xcode
Spam rejection for pushing our app which is identical to our other app made by third party supplier
We have built an app for our chain of Pilates studios that was rejected (for spam) and I understand and even agree with the reason it was rejected. It is an exact copy of an existing app. We were using an all-in-one gym management platform for almost 2 years and now we are moving off it. We have built our own solution. As part of their solution, they created an app developer account on our behalf (that I do not have access to) in our name and push apps there. This is the app store link of our existing app They have agreed to take down this app when we migrate on July 23rd. The problem is that I need our app to be approved now (so that I can test it and get our product and launch ready). People only install the app when we email them a link so it's ok from a user perspective to have both live. And it's not possible to take the existing app down now as the members are using it until that date. So my question is how best to handle this? I think if Apple understood the context - maybe they would ask me t