missing package product

42,924 results found






Problem integrating In-app Purchase using revenue cat
After setting up the code and panel as per the documentation of app store connect and revenue cat, when I try to fetch the product from my app, it shows following error: PlatformException(2, There was a problem with the App Store., {readable_error_code: STORE_PROBLEM, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: An unknown error occurred, code: 2, message: There was a problem with the App Store., readableErrorCode: STORE_PROBLEM}, null)
Reply to iOS 18 beta 4 loss of network connection
It is not an issue with my SIM card. I think it was fine with ios 18 beta and also with my android device. The connection loss happens every few minutes. It loses signal gradually until it is totally disconnected. Then, all of a sudden, it gets a full signal. The situation I mentioned occurs within 10-60 seconds. I live in Seoul and I am not in a basement or somewhere that causes connection loss. It is totally a software issue.
Reply to Weird crashes when accessing Swift Array
The most likely cause of this problem is that your app isn’t signed with the get-task-allow entitlement. This is one of the many places where using Xcode’s Product > Archive is a huge benefit. If you have an Xcode archive of the app that you shipped, you can use the Xcode organiser to export a development-signed version of your app. That’ll have the same code as the original app — including the same LC_UUID values — but with the code signing set up for development. You’ll then be able to attach to that from LLDB. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = eskimo + 1 + @ + apple.com
Reply to [iOS 18] Screen Time Passcode is still NOT compatible with screen time permissions for 3rd party-apps
We need Apple engineers to address this issue as soon as possible, we as customers and as engineers, deserve apps that work and help us to detach ourselves from using these devices to have a better quality of life. parental control and screen time must be a priority. and as I remember Apple has a reputation for providing quality products and this is no exception. This issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
Error 21002 - Validating Receipts Server-Side
Hi! I am creating a plugin that implements the In App Purchases and Subscriptions. I have done everything already and the only error I am debugging right now is with the validation of receipts. I always get status 21002 even the format is base64 already. I prefer to use the verifyReceipt as it is intended for my plugin. I have tried everything but still the response I get is status 21002 which is I know the data in receipt-data is malformed or missing. What can I do about this? Thank you so much in advance! This is my code too: (Objective-C) NSString *receiptString = [receiptData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:2]; if (!receiptString) { [self post_receipt_validation_result:@{@status: @error, @message: @Failed to encode receipt data}]; return; } NSLog(@Requesting to Sandbox: %@, receiptString); NSURL *storeURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@https://api.storekit-sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt]; NSMutableURLRequest *storeRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:storeURL]; [storeRequest setHTTPMetho
WiFi network setting won’t accept http proxy in iOS 18 beta 4
I am attempting to enter proxy settings under the settings for a WiFi network. I have triple checked the credentials and for whatever reason the settings wont save. I have attempted forgetting the wifi network and reconnecting, resetting all network settings, and even wiping the phone and starting over from scratch. The phone simply will not accept the setting. I have tried it on my MacStudio and an iPad and the settings saved the first time. What am I missing here? I am union iOS 18 beta 4
Xcode test coverage data missing for external swift source package library dependency
In writing swift packages, I'd like to put demos, tests, docs into a separate package from my library package (to simplify how the library is consumed). But in Xcode (15.4 or 16 beta 4) after opening the package, I don't see any test code coverage information for the external package - only for package targets. When using the scheme editor I didn't see anything on point in panels for Run/Diagnostics, or Profile. Same result when targeting local packages (using path: ../{package}). When configuring a workspace with both packages, I could not run or configure tests. Is it possible to get coverage for an external library module used by the test (assuming they are sources locally built)? Is there a (online) recipe? Many thanks!
Simulate hardware keyboard button press in Xcode UI test for iPad
XCUIElement has two methods named typeKey(_:modifierFlags:): the first one takes a String as an argument, the second one a XCUIKeyboardKey, which has constants like .downArrow. Now, even if the documentation says that both methods are Available in macOS and in iPadOS 15 and later, when compiling the UI tests for iOS, the following line app.typeKey(.downArrow, modifierFlags: []) produces a compiler error Type 'String' has no member 'downArrow' Am I missing something or is there a workaround?
Reply to What is the recommended way to count files recursively in a specific folder
Following up on your later messages, as I was working on my response through most of today. And for my ~100,000 files Documents folder, it took about 6 seconds to run. Here's how long my enumeratorAtURL code took: enumeratorAtURL (empty)-> File Count: 100000, Time: 1.344492s And this one - although lengthy - took about 0.45 sec to do the same job (even a little better). Yes. What you're doing here is replacing a single serial run through the directory hiearchy with a series of parallel interation with inside the secondary hiearchy. Particularly on APFS, this can speed things up as there isn't very much I/O contention (the catalog data is all in memory) or lock contention (APFS is better than at this than many file systems). FYI, contentsOfDirectoryAtURL is a wrapper around enumeratorAtURL, iterating the directory hiearchy and accumulating into a target array. In your particular case, you inadvertendly ended up jumping from the slowest enumerator (enumeratorAtPath) to the fastest (enumeratorAtURL + a proper
Reply to Skipping music
These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.
iOS 18 beta 4 loss of network connection
Hello, I installed iOS 18 beta 4 today and since then my phone loses network connection all the time. Im unable to use my phone, make phone calls, use 5g etc. Please help! I restored my phone to 17.5.1 via itunes but I was unable to restore my iCloud backup without installing iOS 18 beta 4 again. How can I restore my backup without installing 18 beta 4 ? Now my phone is useless.... Chris
How to debug missing environment values
I have a custom environment key defined: struct MyCustomKey: EnvironmentKey { static let defaultValue = MyCustom.dummy } extension EnvironmentValues { var myCustom: MyCustom { get { self[MyCustomKey.self] } set { self[MyCustomKey.self] = newValue } } } and pass it on the top level: let myCustomInstance = MyCustom() @main struct ThygeApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { MainWindow() .environment(.myCustom, myCustomInstance) } } } I really do not want it to use the default instance ever, I want it to be specified explicitly. Is there a way to have it fail on use if it is not specified in the environment? I have made it so that the .dummy instance does a fatalError() and that works so far as it halt the app. But there are no hints in the stack track as to where the offending code is - where do I use the environment value without passing it like I do here .environment(.myCustom, myCustomInstance) The only solution to find the offending use is to add an assert() to all func defined in MyCustom. That see
Getting main camera frame using CameraFrameProvider
Hello, I am trying to use the new Enterprise API to capture main camera frames using the CameraFrameProvider. Until now, I could not make it work. I followed the sample code provided in this thread (literally copy past it): https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/758364. When I run the application on the Vision Pro, no frame is captured. I get a message in the XCode's console that no entitlement is found. However, the entitlement is created and the license file is also in the project. Besides, all authorization keys are added in the plist file. What I am missing? How to know if the license file is wrong? Thank you.