App Clips

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Provide a way to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that lets users start and finish an experience in seconds, even before downloading your app.

Posts under App Clips tag

66 Posts
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How to preview AppClip via Message without recipient adding sender as contact
Hi there! We're working on building an AppClip, and would like to promote it by sending it via SMS message to our users. We'll be sending these SMS messages via Twillio, using an approved Toll Free phone number. We have just found out here ( that the recipients of AppClip URL have to have the sender saved in contact in order to see the preview of AppClip on iMessage (a photo with "open" button) and open AppClip directly from iMessage (as opposed to be led to our website where they can click another button to open the AppClip). That pretty much defeats the purpose of this AppClip, since most users, who wouldn't have saved our marketing number as contact, would receive a text message with an URL string and no image - suspicious looking. Would anyone know: Is there any way we could promote AppClip via marketing SMS messages, that would lead to a smoother user experience? Would a 10DLC number (instead of Toll Free phone number) help? Would Apple Messages for Business ( be able send AppClip previews and direct open, without recipients having to save the sender as a contact? Thank you! Liz
Aug ’23
The app clip does not open
Hi! Faced with the problem of opening the app clip of the application (qr code, nfc, etc.). In the main target, two entries have been added in associated domains The same entries are also in the app clip's target. An apple-application-site-association file has been added to our website (in the root and in the folder .well-known) - In the appstoreconnect, we have added an advanced experience for the appclip, which should handle opening by url (for example id)) After making a diagnosis (in the phone settings) I see that by url - there is no registered advanced experience for the app clip, but a smart banner has been added to our site and this is displayed in the diagnostics. I am sure that our AASA file is correct, because our application can handle universal links. Can you tell me what I'm missing?
Sep ’23
Relationship between App Store Version, App Clip Default Experiences and App Clip Advanced Experiences in App Store Connect API
According to the App Store Connect API documentation we can get the Default App Clip Experience for an App Store Version, and since on the App Store Connect website we have a single App Clip section for an iOS App, it seems that an App Store Version can have 0 or 1 Default App Clip Experience. But there is no direct way of getting the Advanced App Clip Experiences. The only way I can see is by getting the App Clip object first for the App, then listing all Default and Advanced App Clip Experiences for that App Clip. This makes me wonder: are Advanced App Clip Experiences not directly linkes to an App Store Version like the Default App Clip Experience? Does the list of Default App Clip Experiences returned from an App Clip object always contain a single object, or can it be more than one (perhaps older versions linked to old App Store Versions)? What is the relationship between App Store Version, App Clip Default Experiences and App Clip Advanced Experiences?
Aug ’23
Adding a new Advanced App Clip Experience to a published app.
From what I understand, the default app clip can't be changed without a new review / release, but what about the Advanced App Clip Experiences?.. I have 3 that went out with a particular release.. I am able to add an additional one, but that does not trigger. Is it the case that when adding a new AACE, it also entails a new app release? This wouldn't seem to make sense if the core app or appclip code hasn't changed, and it is just a new 'variant' of an app clip card that we want to invoke. Some clarity on this from someone in the know would be much appreciated. Thanks
Aug ’23
AppClipCodeGenerator - unable to create with parameters
Using this command line incantation: AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg everything works as expected. However, using this one: AppClipCodeGenerator generate -u -i 9 -o ~/Desktop/appClip.svg ie, just trying to pass in 1 parameter via "?p=1", it fails with no matches found: In my case, clip is a Servlet which expects the parameter named p. Any ideas?
Aug ’23
WWDC 23 Default link to open clip card in 3rd app sometimes fails.
It seems that when configuring an App Clip default link in H5, it does not always work consistently. Often, the first or second click does not activate the clip card, but the third time does. This issue occurs regularly, and it appears that the aasa file has already been uploaded because universal links are functioning correctly. Since the button is specifically designed to launch the clip card, if it does not work, there will be no effect for users, which can be confusing. This is unlike universal links that can redirect to the H5 page if the app fails to open. Any suggestion?
Nov ’23
App Clip over 15 MB says Invalid Build
Hi, with the release of iOS 17 App Clips are supposed to support sizes of 50 MB if you're targeting iOS 16.4 or later. However, when I submit such a build to the App Store I receive an "Invalid Build" email, saying that my app "exceeds the maximum allowable size of 15 MB after app thinning." My app is 32 MB and targets iOS 16.4, yet App Store Connect appears to still be hewing to the old 15 MB limit. Any ideas on how to solve this? Is there a setting I'm missing? Thanks!
Jan ’24
Problems submitting an App Clip with size above 15mb (for digital invocations)
We're trying to submit an App Clip with around 17mb, aiming to fit in the new size limit for digital invocations. The mention for the rules can be found in this article.. The relevant part is: If you make your App Clip available on devices running iOS 16.4 and later, your App Clip can be up to 50 MB in size if it meets the following conditions: The App Clip only supports digital invocations — for example, from your website or Spotlight search — and not from physical invocations but like App Clip Codes, QR codes, or NFC tags People use your App Clip in situations where a reliable internet connection is likely, for example, at home Your App Clip doesn’t support iOS versions prior to iOS 16.4 We have updated our App Clip target to have a minimum supported version to iOS 16.4 but when we push it to TestFlight we get an error like below: We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, (...) Please correct the following issues, then upload again. ITMS-90865: Thinned app clip size is too large - The main bundle of the (...) App Clip is 17 MB, which exceeds the maximum allowable size of 15 MB after app thinning. Please ensure the main bundle of any App Clip variant is less than 15 MB. For details, view: We haven't found any way to specifically specify the App Clip to exclusively support digital invocations. The parent app still has a minimum supported version of iOS 15.0. What are we missing?
Oct ’23
Problems submitting an App Clip
We're trying to submit an App Clip , and the process is the same as before. but when we push it to TestFlight we get an error like below: Asset validation failed Invalid bundle identifier. The bundle identifier 'com.xxxxx.xxxx.clip' of the app clip '***.app/AppClips/' conflicts with the bundle identifier of an existing app that you have submitted. Create a unique bundle identifier for your app clip. (ID: 2a59d2c9-f0d4-44c3-830d-34b5847bf44d) (90846) We haven't made any changes to the appclip and the parent app in the latest version, include code or config . so what should we do ?
Oct ’23
iOS App Clip Not Launching with Universal Link in SwiftUI
Description: I am developing an iOS App Clip using SwiftUI and am encountering an issue where the App Clip does not launch when clicking a Universal Link. Below are the key details of my setup and what I have tried: Main App Context: The main application is built with Flutter, but the App Clip is being developed natively in SwiftUI. Current Objective: I am aiming to demo the App Clip launch when a Universal Link is clicked. For now, it doesn't need to interact with the main app or process any parameters - the goal is simply to get it to launch. Development Environment: I am building the App Clip through Xcode and testing it by running the App Clip then clicking the link. Configuration: Associated domains have been added to both the App Clip target and the main "Runner" app target in Xcode, with updated provisioning profiles. The AASA file has passed validation using yURL’s Universal Links / AASA File Validator tool. AASA File Configuration: { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "<TeamId>.<BundleId of main app>", "paths": ["/redeem"] } ] }, "appclips": { "apps": ["<TeamId>.<BundleId of app clip>"] } } Testing: Conducted on a real iOS device. Link Handling: The URL ( does not lead to a 404 error, and long-pressing the link in an SMS does not show any App Clip related options. Code Implementation: import SwiftUI import FirebaseCore import FirebaseAuth @main struct AppName_ClipApp: App { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var delegate init() { FirebaseApp.configure() } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .onOpenURL(perform: { url in print("Opened URL: \(url)") }) } } } class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { print("Your code here") return true } func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool { if userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb, let url = userActivity.webpageURL { print("Opened URL from Universal Link: \(url)") // Handle the URL appropriately within your app } return true } } I am looking for guidance on whether there's something missing in my setup or if there are any issues with my implementation. Any suggestions or insights into why the App Clip is not launching with the Universal Link would be greatly appreciated.
Dec ’23
Associating App Clips to Apple Map Location
Question: Does anyone have experience or documentation on how to get an App Clip to show on Apple Maps for a location? What I've tried: I have tried to associate my App Clip with an Apple Maps location. We are working with a physical restaurant that has an Apple Maps location, our full app is listed there but not the App Clip. I've gone through the steps of setting up the Advanced App Clip Experience and giving it the location we want it associated with, and have gone through Apple Business Connect and done all the setup there to get the full app to show with the location, but the app clip still does not show. I've contacted Apple Support and they gave me the criteria of "The App Clip is hosted within the app" and "The app is associated to the same physical location". When asking for clarification with the first criteria they said they could help and closed the chat.
Dec ’23
AppClip is Unavailable
I published my app clip last year in the App Store. I can successfully open my app clip in iMessage or via link URL. but scanning the QR code of the very same URL leads to the "app clip is unavailable" error, in this case, I can see my application name and banner correctly. Any Idea why?
Jan ’24
Custom App Clip Card registrations take a long time to "process"
Hi Apple Devs, I'm seeing additional custom app clip card registrations made manually via the AppStoreConnect website that are "received" successfully (so all the registration parts entered fine online) can take anywhere between 24-48 hours to "process" and the finally start showing up on on device for the given registration URL. Am I doing something wrong that causes this delay? Is there some cache somewhere I need to clear somehow to see registrations faster? Why is there such a delay and why is this process and it's finish time so opaque to the developer? We never know after completing the registration flow for a new App Clip Card when we can expect the App Clip Card to start showing up/working. We just shrug and wait a few days and it suddenly starts working. TIA
Jan ’24
App Clip Card in Messages
My App Clip has been active for a few years with no problems and the App Clip or the full app opens and behaves as expected when opened from a custom url with a query via the Smart Banner in Safari. However, the App Clip card is also now displayed when the url is sent via Messages (not sure if this new - I used to just see a small link icon?). The problem is that users get different results depending on whether they tap on the card itself or instead tap the Open button. For example, if a simple text message is sent with the text url: the AppClip card is displayed for the recipient in messages. When the recipient taps the card's image, SceneWillContinue receives the full url with its query and the app behaves as expected. But if the card's Open button is tapped SceneWillContinue instead receives the url without the query component (ie. just and the App Clip action is consequently not activated. is this normal behaviour or is it a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
Jan ’24
AppClip+TipKit: Tips status stuck at .pending and don't display
Hi - I use TipKit in my App and AppClip. TipKit is configured with the app group's datastore. The tips show in the App, but on the AppClip, with the same rules/state, the tips do not display. Is this expected? TipKit is not listed as one of the frameworks unavailable to AppClips. try? Tips.configure([ Tips.ConfigurationOption.displayFrequency(.hourly), Tips.ConfigurationOption.datastoreLocation(.groupContainer(identifier: BuildConfiguration.shared.userDefaultsSuite)) ])
Jan ’24